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PlatformLicenseASP member
jPDFPreflight for Linux 2021R1
Company: Qoppa Software, LLC
Country: United States of America, Georgia, Atlanta
ASP member: No
Company Web site:
Site of program:
Application info:

Author: Sales Sales

Sales email:
Support email:

License type: Shareware
Class: Development::Components & Libraries
Categories: Programming :: Java
Platform: Linux
OS: Linux, Linux Console, Linux Gnome, Linux GPL, Linux Open Source
System requirements: Basic Windows
Language: English
Limitations: Watermark

Keywords: PDF, Java, PDF Preflight

jPDFPreflight is a Java library to verify PDF compliance with different standards, including PDF/UA, PDF/A and PDF/X and to convert documents to these standards.

jPDFPreflight can check compliance with the following profiles:

PDF/UA Verification
PDF/A-1b Verification
PDF/A-2b Verification
PDF/A-2u Verification
PDF/A-3b Verification
PDF/X-1a:2001 Verification
PDF/X-1a:2003 Verification
PDF/X-3:2002 Verification
PDF/X-3:2003 Verification (including ZUGFeRD)
jPDFPreflight can convert existing PDF documents to make them compliant with the following profiles:

Convert from PDF to PDF/A-1b
Convert from PDF to PDF/A-2b
Convert from PDF to PDF/A-3b
Main Features
Verify compliance of PDF documents with several standards
Convert documents to make them PDF/A compliant
Produced detail report of all non-compliant items
Add annotations to documents to highlight non-compliant items
Works on Windows, Linux, Unix and Mac OS X (100% Java)
Runs on all J2EE compliant servers
Support for latest PDF 2.0
No need to install or configure additional drivers or software when deploying your application.

PDF/UA is the format for PDF for User Accessibility

PDF/UA (ISO 32000-1)
PDF/A is the format for PDF for Long-term Preservation

PDF/A-1b (ISO 19005-1) Use of PDF 1.4, Level B Conformance
PDF/A-2b (ISO 19005-2) Use of PDF 1.7, Level B Conformance
PDF/A-3b (ISO 19005-3) Use of PDF 1.7, Level B Conformance, With Embedded Files

PDF/X is the format for Prepress Graphics File Interchange

PDF/X-1a:2001 (ISO 15930-1:2001) Based on PDF 1.3
PDF/X-1a:2003 (ISO 15930-4:2003 Based on PDF 1.4
PDF/X-3:2002 (ISO 15930-3:2002) Based on PDF 1.3
PDF/X-3:2003 (ISO 15930-6:2003) Based on PDF 1.4

If you require any additional information, dont hesitate to contact us at
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71.96 MB

DateVersionStatusRelease history
29 Jan 20212021R1Major UpdateJPEG2000 image rendering improvements (no more black dots)
Lots of Font Improvements, especially around CJK fonts
01 Aug 20192019R1Major UpdateJPEG2000 image rendering improvements (no more black dots)
Lots of Font Improvements, especially around CJK fonts
Distribution permissions: The trial version of jPDFPreflight may be freely distributed over the internet provided that:

- The distribution files are not modified in any way
- All copyright notices are preserved
- The product is clearly labeled as a product from Qoppa Software and is not misrepresented in any way.


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