+ Step by step design and rating calculations. + Support S.I Units and English (U.S) Units of measurement + Units converter is also included! + Save, Load and generate result in different formats + Generate Results and export it to Shell & Tube Engineering Data sheet that can be also saved as a .pdf document. + Export results to ms excel generated data sheet for editing. Export to .csv file format. Export to .rtf file format for word processing to open in ms word and similar packages. Also options to copy and paste results as well as print preview and printing + Performs thermal analysis calculations and some mechanical calculations, as it is too lengthy to list all the calculations, a summary has been listed below. Please visit our website for more details. + Unknown Flow rate on either shell or tube side + Unknown temperature on shell side or tube side + Unknown exit temperatures on both sides + Duty, Area, Shell/Tube velocities, Pressure Drops + Number of Baffles and Baffle spacing, Number of tubes, Scale resistance, cleanliness factor + Overall heat transfer coefficient for both Clean and Fouled conditions + Select from different correlations to calculate shell or tube heat transfer coefficient or simply enter the coefficients (database of some common coefficients included) + Shell/Tube side Reynolds & Nusselt numbers + Recommended minimum shell thickness, minimum recommended number & diameter of rods. + Calculate Shell/Nozzle/Channel/Head/Tube sheet Thickness. + Number of transfer units, Effectiveness, Thermal capacity ratio + Pumping power / Inlet and Exit Nozzles pressure losses + Ability to import properties to Shell/Tube sides form Ms Excel very useful if you want to import your own physical properties Included Databases: + Estimate Physical properties of pure components and mixtures for more than 1450 components (Separate software included with the full version supports liquids only) + Tube counts, Fouling factors .... and more.
Keywords: la chaleur, échangeur, la conception, de notation, coquille, tube, processus, génie chimique
+ Etape par étape la conception et les calculs de notation. + Support unités SI et en anglais (US) Les unités de mesure + Note et modes de conception + Save, Load et de générer des résultats dans différents formats + Générer des résultats et de l'exporter à Shell & Tube Fiche technique en génie qui peut également être enregistré en tant que document .pdf. + Exporter les résultats vers MS Excel générés fiche de données pour l'édition. Exporter vers le format de fichier .csv. Exporter vers .rtf format de fichier de traitement de texte pour ouvrir dans le mot de ms et paquets similaires. Également des options pour copier et coller des résultats ainsi que l'aperçu avant impression et impression + Effectue des calculs d'analyse thermique et des calculs mécaniques, car il est trop long d'énumérer tous les calculs, un résumé a été indiqué ci-dessous. S'il vous plaît visitez notre site Web pour plus de détails. + Débit inconnu de chaque côté de la coque ou du tube + Température inconnue sur le côté de la coque ou sur le côté du tube + températures de sortie inconnu des deux côtés + Duty, Superficie, vitesses Shell / tube, les chutes de pression + Nombre de chicanes et de l'espacement Baffle, Nombre de tubes, la résistance de l'échelle, le facteur de propreté + Coefficient global de transfert de chaleur pour les deux conditions propres et encrassées + Choisissez parmi différentes corrélations pour calculer shell ou le transfert de chaleur à tube coefficient ou tout simplement entrer les coefficients (base de données de certains coefficients communs inclus) Numéros + Shell / côté Tube Reynolds et de Nusselt + Épaisseur minimale recommandée, le nombre et le diamètre des tiges recommandée minimum. + Calculer Shell / Buse / Canal / Head / Tube épaisseur de la tôle. + Nombre d'unités de transfert, l'efficacité, le rapport de capacité thermique + Puissance de pompage / d'entrée et de sortie Buses pertes de pression.....
+ Passo a passo desenho e cálculos de rating. + Apoio Unidades SI e Inglês (US) Unidades de medida + Avaliação e modos de design + Save, Load e gerar resultado em diferentes formatos + Gerar resultados e exportá-lo para Shell & Tubo folha de Dados de engenharia que também pode ser salvo como um documento .pdf. + Resultados de exportação para MS Excel gerado folha de dados para edição. Exportação para .csv formato de arquivo. Exportar para o formato de arquivo .rtf para processamento de texto para abrir em MS Word e pacotes semelhantes. Também opções para copiar e colar os resultados, bem como a visualização de impressão e impressão + Executa cálculos de análise térmica e alguns cálculos mecânicos, como é demasiado longo para listar todos os cálculos, um resumo foi listado abaixo. Por favor, visite nosso site para mais detalhes. + Caudal Desconhecido no lado ou shell ou tubo + Temperatura Desconhecido no lado shell ou tubo lateral + temperaturas de saída desconhecidas em ambos os lados + direito, Superfície, velocidades de Shell / Tubo, quedas de pressão + Número de defletores e espaçamento defletor, Número de tubos, resistência à Escala, fator de limpeza + Coeficiente de transferência de calor geral para ambas as condições limpas e sujas + Selecione de correlações diferentes para calcular shell ou coeficiente de transferência de calor tubo ou simplesmente introduzir os coeficientes (banco de dados de alguns coeficientes comuns incluídas) Números + Shell / Tubo lado Reynolds & Nusselt + Espessura da casca mínima recomendada, número mínimo recomendado e diâmetro de hastes. + Calcular Shell / Bico / Canal / cabeça / Tubo folha de espessura. , Relação de capacidade térmica Número de unidades de transferência, Eficácia + + De bombeamento de energia / entrada e de saída Bicos perdas de pressão + Habilidade para importar propriedades para Shell / Tubo lados formar Ms Excel muito útil se você quiser importar suas próprias propriedades físicas...
+ Paso a paso el diseño y los cálculos de calificación. + Soporte Unidades SI e Inglés (EE.UU.) Unidades de medida + Rating y Modos de Diseño + Guardar, cargar y generar resultados en diferentes formatos + Generar Resultados y exportarlo a Shell y tubo Ficha técnica de ingeniería que pueden ser también guarda como un documento .pdf. + Resultados de exportación a MS Excel generan la hoja de datos para su edición. Exportar a formato .csv archivo. Exportar a .rtf formato de archivo para el procesamiento de textos para abrir en MS Word y paquetes similares. Opciones también para copiar y pegar los resultados, así como vista previa de impresión y la impresión + Realiza cálculos de análisis térmico y algunos cálculos mecánicos, ya que es demasiado largo enumerar todos los cálculos, un resumen se enumeran a continuación. Por favor visite nuestro sitio web para más detalles. + Caudal Desconocido a cada lado de la carcasa o tubo + Temperatura desconocida en lado de la carcasa o en el lado del tubo + temperaturas de salida desconocida en ambos lados + para servicio, Superficie, velocidades Shell / tubo, caídas de presión + Número de Pantallas y espaciamiento bafle, Número de tubos, resistencia Escala, factor de limpieza + Coeficiente de transferencia de calor global para ambas condiciones limpias y sucias + Seleccione de diferentes correlaciones para el cálculo de la cáscara o la transferencia de calor de tubos coeficiente o simplemente ingresar los coeficientes (base de datos de algunos coeficientes comunes incluido) Números + Shell / lateral del tubo de Reynolds y de Nusselt + Grosor de la cáscara mínima recomendada, el número recomendado mínimo y diámetro de las barras. + Calcular Shell / boquilla / Canal / cabeza / placa de tubos de espesor. Número de unidades de transferencia, Eficacia +, relación de capacidad térmica + Bombeo de energía de entrada y de salida / Boquillas pérdidas de presión....
+ Compare unlimited cases in data grid table + Add your own Nusselt correlation (Design Mode & Rating Mode) + Added calculation for Required Overall heat transfer coefficient (Design Mode) + Added Thermal design advisory notes (Design Mode) + Overall heat transfer coefficients data table update
Distribution permissions: You may include the demo version of SHELL and TUBE HEAT EXCHANGER DESIGN on any CD compilation. You may not sell the evaluation copy. You must disclose that SHELL and TUBE HEAT EXCHANGER DESIGN is DEMO and the product is not free.
Use of SHELL & TUBE HEAT EXCHANGER DESIGN [S&THex] (This Software) is contingent on your agreement to the following terms:
Engineer it for me Ltd trading as Webbusterz Engineering Software, a company incorporated in England and Wales (registration number 12432768) of 71-75 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9JQ, United Kingdom (Webbusterz Engineering Software) or its licensors, own the intellectual property rights in the Software and Documentation (as defined below). It is unlawful to load, install or copy this Software into a computer, or use the Documentation, without accepting this licence. Webbusterz Engineering Software is willing to licence this Product to you only on condition that you accept all the terms and conditions contained in this licence agreement. Licence Acceptance Procedure By clicking on the "I accept" button and/or by downloading, installing and/or using the Product, you indicate acceptance of this licence and the limited warranty and limitation of liability set out in this licence. You are (i) representing that you are not a minor and have full legal capacity and have the authority to bind yourself and if applicable, your employer, to the terms of this Agreement; and (ii) consenting on behalf of yourself and/or as an authorised representative of your employer. If you are not so authorised, nor deemed in law to have such authority, you assume sole personal liability for the obligations set out in this licence. You should therefore read this licence carefully before clicking on the "I accept" button.
Licence Rejection Procedure If you do not accept these terms and conditions, you cannot install or use the Product. You should destroy any unlicensed copies of the Product which might be in your possession and/or control.
Definitions, Software Permissions and Restrictions “Computer” means an electronic programmable device for the storage and processing of information; “Documentation” means the relevant User Manual and User Guide or Help file for the Software; “Order Document” means the order documentation and provisioning record, which may include a Licensee purchase order, in a format acceptable to Webbusterz Engineering Software or its Suppliers (as defined below), under which the Software was ordered; “Software” means the relevant version of the Webbusterz Engineering Software program indicated in this installation for which You have paid the license fees or which You are evaluating in accordance with Section 13 below; “Suppliers” means Webbusterz Engineering Software's authorised reseller, distributor or agent as relevant; “You" or "Your” means the entity licensing the Software as set out in the Order Document; “Use” means the installation of the Software in conformity with this Agreement and the relevant Documentation. This Agreement is between You (either an individual or single entity) ("Licensee") and Webbusterz Engineering Software, and applies to the object code copy of the Software (which may contain client, server and toolkit components) and any update thereof, unless such Software or update is expressly governed by a separate software licence agreement signed by You and Webbusterz Engineering Software.
1. Licence Subject to the terms of this Agreement and payment of all fees, if relevant, Webbusterz Engineering Software grants Licensee a non-sub-licensable, non-transferable, non-exclusive, right to install, load, utilise, store and display the Software in accordance with the Documentation for such Software and as set out in a relevant Order Document, and solely for internal business purposes at the designated location. Licensee may only make one copy of the Product for back up purposes only. Each person that uses or accesses the Software shall be deemed a "User". Licensee may, with the prior written consent of Webbusterz Engineering Software, install and use one further copy only of the Software on the agreed number of Computer Devices in a designated test environment at the designated location, solely for testing or evaluation purposes.
2. Licence Restrictions Licensee will not, and will not instruct or allow any third party to: (i) decompile, disassemble, or otherwise reverse engineer the Software or attempt to reconstruct or discover any source code, underlying ideas, algorithms, file formats or programming interfaces of the Software by any means whatsoever (except and only to the extent that applicable statutory laws prohibit certain reverse engineering restrictions); (ii) distribute, sell, sublicense, rent, lease or use the Software (or any portion thereof) for time sharing, hosting, service provider or other computer services to third parties or otherwise make the functionality of the Software available to third parties; (iii) remove or in any manner alter any product identification, proprietary, trademark (of Webbusterz Engineering Software or its Suppliers), copyright or other notices contained in the Software; (iv) modify any part of the Software, create a derivative work of any part of the Software or incorporate the Software into other software, except to the extent expressly authorised in this Agreement or by Webbusterz Engineering Software in writing; (v) publicly disseminate performance information or analysis (including, without limitation, benchmarks and performance tests) from any source relating to the Software; (vi) use or copy the Software, in whole or in part, except as expressly allowed under the Licence Section.
3. Proprietary Rights As between the parties, Webbusterz Engineering Software and/or its licensors, retain all right, title and interest, including but not limited to all rights of copyright, trademark, trade secret, patent, or other intellectual property right, in the Product and copies thereof. Licensee agrees not to remove, destroy or alter any proprietary notices contained in or on the Product, and to reproduce such notices exactly in or on each copy of the Product generated, including any copyright, trademark or patent notices.
This Software is protected by copyright laws and international copyright treaties, as well as other intellectual property laws and treaties.
4. Fees and Payment Licensee shall pay Webbusterz Engineering Software or its Suppliers the licence fee as set forth in Webbusterz Engineering Software's or its Suppliers price list or as otherwise agreed to by the parties for the number of licensed Users licensed. All payments made to Webbusterz Engineering Software or its Suppliers shall be made in accordance with the relevant Order Document. 5. Term/Termination This Agreement shall be in effect until terminated in accordance with this Section. This Agreement and all licenses may be terminated by Webbusterz Engineering Software: i) immediately upon serving written notice to Licensee for a breach of Section 1, 2 or 3 of this licence; and/or ii) in the event of a material or persistent breach by Licensee, where such breach is capable of being cured, remains uncured for fourteen (14) days from the date of notice of such breach. On payment of all fees, iii) this licence will terminate on the expiry of the relevant term set out in the Order Document.
6. Limited Warranty, Exclusion and Disclaimer Webbusterz Engineering Software warrants to Licensee that for a period of fourteen (14) days from delivery (by download or otherwise) of the Software (the “Warranty Period”) the Software will operate substantially in accordance with the Documentation. Webbusterz Engineering Software does not warrant that the functions of the Software will meet Licensee requirements or that operation of the Software will be uninterrupted or error free. Licensee must inform Webbusterz Engineering Software in writing during the Warranty Period if the Software does not operate as warranted and provide to Webbusterz Engineering Software such information and materials as Webbusterz Engineering Software may reasonably request to document and reproduce such problem and to verify whether any proposed solution corrects such problem. Following the receipt of such information and materials, if Webbusterz Engineering Software determines, in its sole discretion, that the Software does not operate as warranted, then Webbusterz Engineering Software will at its election, either: (a) modify the Software so that it operates as warranted; (b) replace the Software with other software offering substantially similar functionality; or, (c) if neither (a) nor (b) is commercially feasible, refund the licence fee paid to Webbusterz Engineering Software or its Suppliers and any applicable maintenance fees for the Software. Exclusion: Webbusterz Engineering Software shall have no responsibility, warranty or other obligations whatsoever if Licensee (or any third party acting on their behalf) uses the Software: (a) in a manner inconsistent with the Documentation or this Agreement; or (b) modifies the Software; or (c) cause a failure of the Software through accident, abuse or misapplication.
The software is designed for use by trained professional personnel and is not a substitute for sound professional judgment. It is the sole responsibility of the user to validate the data presented by this software and to determine whether the results are accurate and suitable for any specific purpose. No guarantee of accuracy or fitness for any purpose is expressed or implied. WeBBusterZ strongly recommends that the data be checked against other sources and/or methods before use and application.
7. Limitation of Liability Neither Licensee nor Webbusterz Engineering Software (nor any of Webbusterz Engineering Software's licensors, or Suppliers) shall be liable for any loss of use, lost data, failure of security mechanisms, interruption of business or any indirect, special, incidental or consequential damages of any kind (including damages and lost profits), regardless of the form of action, whether in contract, tort (including negligence), strict liability or otherwise, even if informed of the possibility of such damages in advance. This Section shall not apply to Licensee with respect to any claims arising under Section 2 (Restrictions), Section 3 (Proprietary Rights). Notwithstanding any other provision of this Agreement, Licensee's or Webbusterz Engineering Software's (and its licensors, or Suppliers) entire liability to the other in connection with or relating to this Agreement, whether in contract, tort or otherwise, shall not exceed the amounts actually paid or payable by Licensee to Webbusterz Engineering Software under this Agreement. This Section shall not apply to Licensee with respect to any claims arising under Section 2 (Restrictions), Section 3 (Proprietary Rights). Neither party excludes or limits liability to the other party for death or personal injury caused by its negligence. The parties agree that the limitations specified in this Section 7 will survive and apply even if any limited remedy specified in this Agreement is found to have failed of its essential purpose. The parties acknowledge and agree that Webbusterz Engineering Software (such term as used herein to include Webbusterz Engineering Software's Suppliers) has set its prices and entered into this Agreement in reliance upon the limitations of liability specified herein, which allocate the risk between Licensee and Webbusterz Engineering Software or its Suppliers and form a basis of the bargain between the parties.
8. Maintenance Webbusterz Engineering Software are not obligated to provide maintenance or updates for the Software. However, any maintenance or updates provided shall be covered by this Agreement.
9. Evaluation of Products If the Software is being installed for evaluation purposes (“Evaluation Product or Demo Version”), the Software may be installed for a period not exceeding that agreed by Webbusterz Engineering Software or its Suppliers and will terminate on the date specified by Webbusterz Engineering Software or its Suppliers unless terminated earlier in accordance with provisions of this Agreement (the “Evaluation Period” or ”Trial Period”). Licensee acknowledges and agrees that the Evaluation Product is provided for evaluation “AS-IS” and Webbusterz Engineering Software, its licensors and suppliers make no representations or warranties of any kind, express or implied, with respect to the Evaluation Product, including, without limitation, any implied warranties of merchantability, quality, title, fitness for a particular purpose, informational content, system integration, enjoyment, non-infringement or any other warranties arising out of course of dealing, usage or trade and Webbusterz Engineering Software accept no liability with respect to any use of the Evaluation Product.
10. Distribution The Evaluation Product or Demo version of this Software may be freely distributed provided that it is not modified and the original archive remains intact with all accompanying files, and provided that no fee is charged. Should a fee be charged or any of the distribution package need to be modified you must contact Webbusterz Engineering Software for explicit written permission.</EULA>