Internet :: Firewalls, Internet :: Access Control, Internet :: Pop-Up Ad Killers, Internet :: Security, Internet :: Monitoring
Unix, Linux, Linux Console, Linux Gnome, Linux GPL, Linux Open Source
System requirements:
Intel Architecture Hardware with Linux Kernel 2.6 or higher
No limitations
Keywords: internet, proxy, proxy server, firewall, ssl inspection, content filter, web filter, internet filter, antivirus, software, internet security, network security, access control, parental control, block access, cache, blacklist, authentication, internet
SafeSquid SWG Edition 5 is a 5 user Content Filtering secure web gateway. All your standard HTTP / web applications like Internet Browsers, Messaging Clients etc. can be served by SafeSquid based Secure Web Gateway. You can configure proxy-aware web clients to use the SafeSquid as a standard HTTP/1.1 Proxy Service. You can even transparently redirect traffic to the SafeSquid Proxy Service.
SafeSquid based Secure Web Gateways are setup as native services on Linux or Microsoft Windows. Its SMP-aware multi-threaded architecture very efficiently meets the most challenging requirements of a Secure Web Gateway. Each instance of SafeSquid can give reliable service to hundreds of concurrent users.
SafeSquid based Secure Web Gateways can be easily scaled up by increasing hardware resources. You can create LAN / WAN based Web Filtering clusters with SafeSquid. You can give your users a redundant level security by augmenting its in-memory virus scanner, with any number of ICAP based virus scanning services.
SafeSquid’s auto-incrementing categorized URL database can be supplemented by your custom lists of web-sites. SafeSquid has a PCRE based re-programmable protocol and content analysis engine. SafeSquid based Secure Web Gateways are completely re-configurable to create “exact-fit” solutions for complex requirements.
SafeSquid’s unique “download-and-deploy” technology, gives you the freedom to setup your Secure Web Gateway on a dedicated physical host, virtualized guest or a typical cloud instance. It has a highly optimized design, and very tiny resource utilization foot-print. SafeSquid is a 100% software based alternative to any sophisticated hardware based web-filtering appliance.
SafeSquid offers top-of-the-line features, performance and advanced capabilities. SafeSquid’s unique strength however lies in the flexibility it offers, in using these features. SafeSquid’s application control engine is fully re-programmable via SafeSquid’s intuitive WebUI.
SafeSquid SWG Edition 5 ist ein 5 Benutzer Content Filtering sichere Web-Gateway. Alle Ihre Standard-HTTP / Web-Anwendungen wie Internet-Browser, Messaging-Clients etc. können durch SafeSquid basierte Secure Web Gateway bedient werden. Sie können Proxy-fähige Web-Clients, um die SafeSquid als Standard HTTP / 1.1-Proxy-Dienst zu konfigurieren. Sie können sogar transparente Umleitung Besucher auf die SafeSquid Proxy-Dienst. SafeSquid basierte Secure Web Gateways sind Setup als native Dienste unter Linux oder Microsoft Windows. Seine SMP-fähige Multi-Threaded-Architektur sehr effizient erfüllt die anspruchsvollsten Anforderungen eines Secure Web Gateway. Jede Instanz kann SafeSquid zuverlässigen Service, um Hunderte von gleichzeitigen Benutzern zu geben. SafeSquid basierte Secure Web Gateways können einfach durch die Erhöhung Hardware-Ressourcen skaliert werden. Sie können LAN / WAN basierte Web Filtering-Cluster mit SafeSquid erstellen. Sie können die Benutzer durch die Erhöhung seiner In-Memory-Viren-Scanner, mit einer beliebigen Anzahl von ICAP basierten Viren-Scan Services geben eine redundante Sicherheitsstufe. SafeSquid ist mit automatischer Erhöhung kategorisierte URL-Datenbank kann durch Ihre eigene Listen von Web-Seiten ergänzt werden. SafeSquid hat eine PCRE basierend wiederprogrammierbaren Protokoll und Content-Analyse-Engine. SafeSquid basierte Secure Web Gateways werden komplett neu konfiguriert werden, um 'passgenaue' Lösungen für komplexe Anforderungen erstellen. SafeSquid einzigartigen 'download-and-deploy' Technologie, gibt Ihnen die Freiheit, um das Setup Ihren Secure Web Gateway auf einem dedizierten physischen Host, virtualisierten Gast oder einem typischen Cloud-Instanz. Es verfügt über eine hoch optimierte Design und sehr kleine Ressourcennutzung Fußabdruck. SafeSquid ist zu 100% Software-basierte Alternative für jede anspruchsvolle Hardware-basierte Web-Filterung Gerät.
Keywords: Internet, proxy, serveur proxy, pare-feu, l'inspection SSL, filtrage de contenu, filtrage Web, filtre Internet, antivirus, les logiciels, la sécurité sur Internet, la sécurité du réseau, contrôle d'accès, le contrôle parental, de bloquer l'accès, cac
SafeSquid SWG Edition 5 est un 5 Contenu utilisateur Filtrage passerelle Web sécurisée. Toutes vos applications HTTP / Web standard comme les navigateurs Internet, clients de messagerie, etc., peuvent être servis par Secure Web Gateway basée SafeSquid. Vous pouvez configurer les clients web proxy-courant d'utiliser le SafeSquid comme un standard HTTP / 1.1 Service Proxy. Vous pouvez même transparente rediriger le trafic vers le service Proxy SafeSquid SafeSquid sécurisés passerelles Web basés sont configurés comme des services natifs sur Linux ou Microsoft Windows. Son architecture multi-thread SMP-courant répond très efficacement aux exigences les plus difficiles d'une passerelle Web sécurisée. Chaque instance de SafeSquid peut donner un service fiable à des centaines d'utilisateurs simultanés SafeSquid sécurisés passerelles Web basés peuvent être facilement mis à l'échelle par l'augmentation des ressources matérielles. Vous pouvez créer LAN / WAN basés Web Filtering clusters avec SafeSquid. Vous pouvez donner à vos utilisateurs une sécurité au niveau redondante en augmentant son scanner de virus en mémoire, avec un nombre quelconque de services de détection de virus basés ICAP Classé la base de données d'URL de l'auto-incrémentation de SafeSquid peut être complétée par vos listes personnalisées de sites web. SafeSquid possède un reprogrammable protocole basé PCRE et le contenu moteur d'analyse. SafeSquid passerelles Web sécurisées basées sont complètement re-configurable pour créer des solutions 'exact-fit' pour les exigences complexes Uniques 'télécharger et déployer« technologie de SafeSquid, vous donne la liberté de la configuration de votre Secure Web Gateway sur un hôte physique dédié, invité virtualisé ou une instance de nuage typique. Il a une conception hautement optimisée, et très petit utilisation des ressources pied-print. SafeSquid est une alternative à base de logiciels 100% à tout appareil de filtrage web-sophistiqué basé sur le matériel.
Keywords: الإنترنت ، وكيل ، الملقم الوكيل ، وجدار الحماية ، والتفتيش SSL ، والمحتوى التصفية، وتصفية شبكة الإنترنت، و تصفية شبكة الإنترنت ، ومكافحة الفيروسات ، والبرمجيات، أمن الإنترنت ، وأمن الشبكات ، ومراقبة الدخول ، و الرقابة الأبوية، و منع الوصول ، ذاكرة ال
SafeSquid SWG الطبعة 5 على بعد 5 المستخدم المحتوى تصفية بوابة آمن على شبكة الإنترنت. يمكن أن تقدم جميع التطبيقات القياسية HTTP / الويب الخاص بك مثل الإنترنت المتصفحات، والرسائل عملاء الخ من بوابة الويب الآمنة SafeSquid مقرها. يمكنك تكوين عملاء شبكة الإنترنت وكيل علم لاستخدام SafeSquid باعتباره HTTP القياسية / 1.1 خدمة وكيل. يمكنك إعادة توجيه حتى بشفافية حركة المرور إلى خدمة وكيل SafeSquid. SafeSquid بوابات الويب الآمنة تستند هي إعداد مثل الخدمات الأم على لينكس أو مايكروسوفت ويندوز. لها متعددة الخيوط العمارة-SMP علم تلبي متطلبات أصعب من صفحة ويب آمنة بوابة بكفاءة عالية. كل مثيل SafeSquid يمكن أن تعطي خدمة يمكن الاعتماد عليها لمئات المستخدمين المتزامنين. SafeSquid بوابات الويب الآمنة أساس يمكن زيادتها بسهولة عن طريق زيادة موارد الأجهزة. يمكنك إنشاء LAN / WAN مجموعات تصفية الشبكة العالمية القائمة مع SafeSquid. يمكنك إعطاء المستخدمين لديك لتأمين مستوى زائدة عن الحاجة من خلال زيادة الماسح الضوئي للفيروس في الذاكرة، مع أي عدد من ICAP الخدمات القائمة على مكافحة الفيروسات. تصنيف قاعدة بيانات URL-تزايد السيارات SafeSquid يمكن أن تستكمل القوائم المخصصة الخاصة بك من المواقع على شبكة الإنترنت. SafeSquid لديه PCRE المستندة إلى إعادة برمجة البروتوكول ومحتوى المحرك التحليل. SafeSquid مقرها بوابات الويب الآمنة وإعادة شكلي تماما لإيجاد حلول 'بالضبط احتواء' لتلبية الاحتياجات المعقدة. فريدة من نوعها 'تحميل و-نشر' التكنولوجيا SafeSquid، ويمنحك حرية الإعداد تأمين شبكة الويب بوابة على المضيف البدني مخصص، ضيف ظاهرية أو مثيل سحابة نموذجي. انها لديها تصميم الأمثل للغاية، وصغيرة جدا استخدام الموارد القدم الطباعة. SafeSquid هو بديل البرمجيات القائمة على 100٪ على أي أساس الأجهزة-تصفية شبكة الإنترنت متطورة الأجهزة. SafeSquid تقدم من بين أعلى فإن الخط الميزات والأداء وقدرات متقدمة. لكن قوة SafeSquid الفريدة يكمن في المرونة التي تقدمها، في استخدام هذه الميزات. محرك مراقبة التطبيق SafeSquid لهو إعادة برمجة بشكل كامل عبر SafeSquid بديهية WebUI.
Keywords: internet, proxy, proxy server, firewall, ssl inspectie, content filter, web filter, internet filter, antivirus, software, internet, netwerkbeveiliging, toegangscontrole, ouderlijke controle, de toegang te blokkeren, cache, zwarte lijst, authenticatie
SafeSquid SWG Edition 5 is een 5 gebruiker Content Filtering beveiligde web gateway. Al uw standaard HTTP / web applicaties zoals Internet Browsers, messaging clients etc. kunnen worden bediend door SafeSquid gebaseerd Secure Web Gateway. U kunt proxy-aware web clients configureren om de SafeSquid gebruiken als een standaard HTTP / 1.1 Proxy-service. U kunt zelfs transparant verkeer omleiden naar de SafeSquid Proxy service. SafeSquid gebaseerde Secure Web Gateways zijn opstelling als native diensten op Linux of Microsoft Windows. De SMP-aware multi-threaded architectuur zeer efficiënt voldoet aan de meest uitdagende eisen van een Secure Web Gateway. Elk exemplaar van SafeSquid kan betrouwbare service te geven aan honderden gelijktijdige gebruikers. SafeSquid gebaseerde Secure Web Gateways kan eenvoudig worden opgeschaald door het verhogen van de hardware resources. U kunt LAN / WAN-gebaseerde Web Filtering clusters met SafeSquid creëren. U kunt uw gebruikers geven een redundante beveiliging door het verhogen van de in-memory virusscanner, met een willekeurig aantal ICAP gebaseerd virus scanning services. SafeSquid's auto-incrementing gecategoriseerd URL database kan worden aangevuld door de aangepaste lijsten van web-sites. SafeSquid heeft een PCRE gebaseerd re-programmeerbare protocol en inhoudsanalyse motor. SafeSquid gebaseerde Secure Web Gateways zijn geheel opnieuw te configureren voor 'exact-fit' oplossingen voor complexe eisen te creëren. SafeSquid's unieke 'download-en-implementeren' technologie, geeft u de vrijheid om het opzetten van je Secure Web Gateway op een dedicated fysieke host, gevirtualiseerde gast of een typisch cloud bijvoorbeeld. Het heeft een sterk geoptimaliseerde ontwerp, en zeer kleine benutting van resources voet-print. SafeSquid is een 100% software gebaseerd alternatief voor alle geavanceerde hardware gebaseerde web-filtering apparaat. SafeSquid biedt top-of-the-line functies, prestaties en geavanceerde mogelijkheden.
Keywords: internet, proxy, servidor proxy, cortafuegos, inspección SSL, filtrado de contenido, filtro web, filtro de Internet, antivirus, software de seguridad de Internet, seguridad de redes, control de acceso, control parental, bloquear el acceso, caché, lis
SafeSquid SWG Edition 5 es un 5 Contenido de usuario Filtrado de puerta de enlace web segura. Todas las aplicaciones HTTP / Web estándar como Internet Navegadores, clientes de mensajería, etc. pueden ser servidas por Secure Web basado SafeSquid Gateway. Puede configurar los clientes web en proxy consciente de utilizar la SafeSquid como estándar HTTP / 1.1 Service Proxy. Puede redirigir incluso de forma transparente el tráfico al servicio Proxy SafeSquid. Gateways Web Seguros basados SafeSquid están configurados como servicios nativos en Linux o Microsoft Windows. Su arquitectura multi-hilo-SMP conscientes cumple de manera muy eficiente los requerimientos más exigentes de un Secure Web Gateway. Cada instancia de SafeSquid puede dar un servicio confiable a cientos de usuarios concurrentes. Gateways Web Seguros basados SafeSquid pueden ser fácilmente ampliarse aumentando los recursos de hardware. Puede crear Web racimos filtrado basado LAN / WAN con SafeSquid. Usted puede dar a sus usuarios un nivel de seguridad redundantes mediante el aumento de su escáner de virus en memoria, con cualquier número de servicios de escaneo de virus basado ICAP. Base de datos de URL categorizado de incremento automático de SafeSquid puede complementarse con sus listas personalizadas de los sitios web. SafeSquid tiene un protocolo reprogramable basado PCRE y el contenido del motor de análisis. Gateways Secure Web basados SafeSquid son re-configurable por completo para crear soluciones 'de ajuste exacto' para requerimientos complejos. La tecnología única de 'Descarga y despliegue' de SafeSquid, te da la libertad para configurar su Secure Web Gateway en un host físico dedicado, huésped virtualizado o una instancia típica nube. Tiene un diseño altamente optimizado, y muy pequeña utilización de recursos huella. SafeSquid es una alternativa basada en software 100% a cualquier hardware sofisticado basado aparato de filtrado web.
Enhancements and Bug-fixes. To know more please visit -
Distribution permissions: SafeSquid SWG trial edition can be freely distributed over Internet, in an unchanged form
SafeSquid End-User License Agreement.
WHEREAS, Enduser Licensee Agreement desires to receive & OEIPL desires to grant Licensee, a License to use SafeSquid SWG as per the End User License agreement.
NOW THEREFORE in consideration of the promises & premises hereinafter set forth below, the parties hereby agree as follows:
End User Licensee Agreement ( EULA )
1. Definitions
1.1. SafeSquid Labs (SafeSquid or Licensor) for the SafeSquid Software product.
1.2. 'SafeSquid Labs Intellectual Property' means SafeSquid copyrights, trade secrets and patents in the SafeSquid SWG and does not include any other patents or intellectual Property rights.
1.3. End-user. means an individual or entity that purchases Licensee Products for its own purposes limited to internal & private use and not for sale to others.
1.4. SafeSquid or Licensor owns the SafeSquid SWG Software product, which includes the SafeSquid Software program, material and online or electronic documentation. By installing, copying, downloading, accessing or otherwise using the SafeSquid Software you agree to be bound by the terms of this Agreement. If you do not agree to the terms of this agreement you may not download, install or use the SafeSquid . Software product, but return it to your place of purchase.
1.5. Grant of License: Subject to the terms & conditions of this Agreement, SafeSquid grants to the Licensee a nonexclusive, nontransferable, worldwide license under SafeSquid Labs Intellectual Property (as defined in section 1.2).
2. SafeSquid Lab's Ownership:
2.1. Licensee acknowledges that the SafeSquid is Intellectual Property of SafeSquid Labs and that SafeSquid Labs retains all right, title and interest in the SafeSquid SWG, including without limitation all copyrights trademarks and other proprietary rights. Licensee may not use, reproduce, sublicense, distribute or dispose of the SafeSquid SWG, in whole or in part, other than as permitted under this agreement. SafeSquid Labs grants the Licensee a non-exclusive, non-transferable Licensee to use the SafeSquid SWG Software product.
2.2. Licensee may install and use one copy of the SafeSquid SWG Software for one server. Depending on the version of the SafeSquid SWG Software you have subscribed. SafeSquid Labs retain title and ownership of the SafeSquid SWG Software and all portions of it at all times, including, but not limited to the program itself, documentation, data, and other content provided to you, and all other copies that you are authorized by this Agreement to make.
2.3. Licensee.s rights to use the SafeSquid SWG Software are specified in this Agreement and SafeSquid Labs retains all rights not expressly granted to you in this Agreement. Except as otherwise expressly provided in this agreement the Subscriber may not otherwise make copies of the SafeSquid SWG Software product or the material accompanying therewith.
3. Rights and Limitations:
3.1. SafeSquid SWG Software is limited for your personal or professional use only, and not for resale, or otherwise to transfer for value the SafeSquid SWG Software product. SafeSquid SWG Software identified as 'Not For Resale' or 'NFR,' may not be sold or otherwise transferred for value, or used for any purpose other than demonstration, test or evaluation.
3.2. Limitation on Reverse Engineering, Decompilation and Disassembly:
The Subscriber may not reverse engineer, decompile, or disassemble the SafeSquid SWG Software product, except and only to the extent such activity is expressly permitted by applicable law. Subscriber may not rent, lease or lend the SafeSquid SWG Software product. SafeSquid Labs may provide you with support services related to the SafeSquid SWG Software product as deemed necessary. This Agreement entitles you to download updates and enhancements to the SafeSquid SWG Software after you have subscribed the SafeSquid SWG Software. This Agreement entitles you to download upgrades to the SafeSquid SWG Software after you have subscribed the SafeSquid SWG Software. Updates are governed by the SafeSquid Labs subscription policies described in 'online' documentation at To use SafeSquid identified as an upgrade, you must first be subscribed for the SafeSquid identified by SafeSquid Labs as eligible for the upgrade.
4. Termination:
4.1. Without prejudice to any other rights, SafeSquid Labs may terminate this agreement if you fail to comply with the terms & conditions of the agreement. In such event, you must destroy & remove all copies of the SafeSquid SWG Software product & all of its components parts. If any breach of this agreement by Licensee is not continues for subscription. SafeSquid Labs has rights of the parties under this clause in addition to any other rights & remedies provided by law under this agreement.
5. Governing Law:
5.1. The agreement will be governed by & constructed in accordance with the laws of India. Any disputes arising out of the inception, application as interpretation of this agreement shall be settled in accordance with the laws of India & the exclusive jurisdiction of the applicable court in Mumbai, India.
5.2. You may link to third party sites through the use of the SafeSquid SWG software. The third party sites are not under the control of SafeSquid Labs & SafeSquid Labs is not responsible for the contents of any third party sites, any links continued in third party sites or any changes or updates to third part sites. SafeSquid Labs is not responsible for uploading or any other form of transmission received from any third party sites. SafeSquid Labs is providing these links to third party sites to you only as convenience, & the inclusion of any link does not imply an endorsement by SafeSquid Labs of the third party site.
6. Limitation & Warranty Exclusion:
6.1. SafeSquid Labs warrants that the SafeSquid SWG Software will perform substantially in accordance with any specifications provided for the period of time established by applicable law from the date of subscription. The Subscriber understands and agrees that the SafeSquid SWG oftware product is provided 'as is', with all faults that may accompany SafeSquid SWG Software products. SafeSquid Labs warrants that any diskettes provided are free of any physical defects. SafeSquid Labs makes no other express or implied warranties, regarding the performance of the Software included in the SafeSquid SWG Software program, but will use its best efforts to promptly correct any errors in the said SafeSquid Software that are reported by Subscriber during the period of subscription.
6.2. SafeSquid Labs may attempt to correct errors through the means it determines to be most appropriate. Errors caused by hardware malfunctions or failure, or by loss of data or disruption of services over the Internet due to third party, are expressly excluded. SafeSquid Labs shall not be liable for any indirect, consequential, incidental, or punitive damages or attorney fees for any cause of action, in tort or contract, regardless of whether SafeSquid Labs was aware of the possibility of such damages.
7. Complete Understanding:
7.1. This agreement including all Exhibits attached constitutes the entire Agreement between the parties concerning the use of the SafeSquid SWG End User agreement subscribed hereunder. Any waiver or amendment of any provision of this agreement will be effective only if in writing and Signed by authorized representatives of both the parties. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Agreement through their duly authorized representatives starting date mentioned in Exhibit 'A'.