Do you wish you had a fast PC? Have you shown too much tolerance towards your lazy PC?. SLOW-PCfighter offers a free scan and and seeks out all unused entries in your registry from failed software and driver installations, faulty uninstallations and disabled drivers and optimizes Windows start-up. Implemented with the latest technologies, SLOW-PCfighter will diagnose your PC to find and repair the errors. Avaiable in 20 languages. SLOW-PCfighter is fast and easy to use. Avaiable in English, German, French, Spanish, Italian, Dutch, Czech, Thai, Finnish, Portuguese, Greek, Japanese, Bulgarian, Polish, Turkish, Chinese, Japanese and Danish.
Keywords: scannt, prüft, repariert, probieren, Computer, langsam, SLOW-PCfighter, schneller PC, optimieren PC, frei, optimieren Sie Ihren Computer
Ist Ihr Computer in der letzten Zeit langsamer geworden? Hier gibt's Hilfe! Unternehmen Sie etwas dagegen sofort - optimieren Sie Ihren Computer, sodass er Ihnen noch viele Jahre erhalten bleibt! SLOW-PCfighter bedient sich einer hochentwickelten und schnell Technologie. SLOW-PCfighter ist einfach zu bedienen und schnell. Sprachen: Deutsch, Englisch, Spanisch, Französisch, Italienisch, Holländisch, Tschechisch und Dänisch.
Keywords: Optimiser PC, lent PC, SLOW-PCfighter, performance, Optimisez PC
Optimisez votre PC trop lent avec SLOW-PCfighter. SLOW-PCfighter utilise les techniques les plus avancées disponibles pour analyser les erreurs de PC et accélérer un PC trop lent. La réparation des erreurs et l'essai manuel d'accélération de votre PC peuvent prendre beaucoup de votre temps précieux et peuvent être très risqués également! Langues: Francais, Anglais, Allemand, Espagnol, Italien, Néerlandais
Искате бърз компютър? Подсилете вашия компютър, за да достигнете оптимална скорост и по-дълъг живот. SLOW-PCfighter използва най-добрите методи за откриване и анализиране на грешки, за да направи вашия компютър по-бърз. SLOW-PCfighter издирва и премахва от регистъра всички ненужни остатъци от премахнат софтуер, инсталации на драйвери, несполучливо премахнати програми и оптимизира началното стартиране на Windows.
Došla vám již trpělivost s tím, jak je vaše PC pomalé? Existuje několik důvodů, proč je váš počítač pomalý. Časem se zpomalí chod většiny PC. SLOW-PCfighter vám nabízí profesionální pomoc a pomůže vám zvýšit výkon vašeho počítače. SLOW-PCfighter vyhledá všechny nepoužívané vstupy ve vašem registru včetně nezdařených software a driver instalací, chybných instalaci a neaktivních drivers, a optimalizuje spouštění
Keywords: skannet, diagnosticeret, ordnet, prøv, computer, langsom, SLOW-PCfighter, Langsom PC, ydeevne, og forlæng levetiden for din computer, gratis skanning, hurtigere PC
Ønsker du en hurtigere og bedre PC? Hjælp din PC nu og giv din PC et længere liv. SLOW-PCfighter er et avanceret værktøj til at optimere langsomme PC'ere med dårlig ydeevne. Prøv SLOW-PCfighter nu og få en hurtigere PC! Sprog: Dansk og 19 andre sprog.
Wenst u soms dat u een snelle PC had? Bent u te tolerant geweest tegenover uw langzame PC? Er zijn verschillende dingen die uw PC langzamer kunnen maken en die kan ten aller tijde gebeuren. Krijg professionele hulp met SLOW-PCfighter en uw computer zal weer een stuk sneller zijn. Het oplossen van fouten en proberen uw computer handmatig te versnellen, kan veel van uw kostbare tijd nemen en het kan ook zeer riskant zijn! Als u op een of andere manier uw centrale bestanden verwijdert kan dit ook leiden tot een crash van uw systeem. Verleng de levensduur van uw PC.
SLOW-PCfighter käyttää pisimmällä olevia tekniikoita analysoidakseen PC:n virheitä ja nopeuttaakseen hitaan PC:n. SLOW-PCfighter etsii ja poistaa kaikki käyttämättömät merkinnät epäonnistuneen ohjelmiston rekisteristänne, kuljettajan laitteistoista ja viallisista asennuksista ja optimoi Windowsin käynnistyksen yhteydessä.
Keywords: Optimoi, Hidas, PC
SLOW-PCfighter käyttää pisimmällä olevia tekniikoita analysoidakseen PC:n virheitä ja nopeuttaakseen hitaan PC:n. SLOW-PCfighter etsii ja poistaa kaikki käyttämättömät merkinnät epäonnistuneen ohjelmiston rekisteristänne, kuljettajan laitteistoista ja viallisista asennuksista ja optimoi Windowsin käynnistyksen yhteydessä.
Keywords: Lassú PC, Lassú computer, Lassú windows
Mostanában lassabb a PC-je? Volt már valaha bosszús és ideges miközben a lassú PC-je előtt ült, türelmetlenül a képernyőre meredve? Ha ismerős a helyzet, ne essen pánikba! Számtalan ok miatt lehet lassú egy PC és idővel minden PC lelassulhat. Ez mindössze annyit jelent, hogy számítógépének professzionális segítségre van szüksége!
Keywords: lento pc, slow-pcfighter, Ottimizzare, pc, vostro registro
Desiderate avere un PC veloce? Avete tollerato troppo la lentezza del vostro PC? Ci sono molte cose che possono rendere lento il vostro PC che potrebbe perdere velocità in ogni momento. Richiedete un aiuto professionale con SLOW-PCfighter e il vostro PC ritornerà ad essere veloce.
Keywords: treg pc, registry cleaner, slow pc, bedre ytelse, forleng levetid pc
Ønsker du at du hadde en raskere PC? Har du vist for stor toleranse mot din "late" PC? Der er flere grunner til at din PC blir treg og at din PC kan miste hastigheten når som helst. Få profesjonell hjelp med SLOW-PCfighter og din PC vil bli raskere igjen. Få din PC analysert nå
Keywords: komputer, spowalnia, ostatnio, pc, slow-pcfighter, Wolny komputer, komputer pomocy
Czy chciałbyś mieć szybki komputer? Okazywałeś zbyt wiele tolerancji wobec Twojego leniwego PC? Jest kilka rzeczy, które mogą spowodować powolne działanie Twojego komputera, a Twój PC może stracić prędkości w każdej chwili. Skorzystaj z profesjonalnej pomocy SLOW-PCfighter, a komputer stanie się szybki ponownie. W celu wykrycia błędów zeskanuj swój komputer przy użyciu SLOW-PCfighter!
Quer um computador rápido? Fortaleça seu computador com a velocidade ideal e dê ao seu computador uma vida mais longa. SLOW-PCfighter encontra e remove todas as entradas de registro de programas que falharam, configurações de driver mal feitas e desinstalações incompletas.
Keywords: Чувствуешь, что компьютер, медленнее, работает
Вы хотели бы иметь более быстрый компьютер PC? Вы слишком терпеливо относились к медленному и ленивому компьютеру? Есть несколько вещей, которые могут замедлить работу компьютера и заставить потерять его скорость в любой момент. Получите профессиональную помощь от SLOW-PCfighter и ваш компьютер снова станет быстрым. Используя новейшие технологии, SLOW-PCfighter проверит ваш компьютер PC, чтобы найти и устранить ошибки. SLOW-PCfighter находит и удаляет все неиспользуемые записи реестра, связанные со сбоями программного обеспечения, установками драйверов или незавершенными деинсталляциями.
Keywords: pc lento, slow-pcfighter, optimice
¿Le gustaría que su PC fuera más rápido?, ¿Se ha vuelto muy tolerante con su vago PC? Existen varios motivos que provocan que el PC funcio SLOW-PCfighter utiliza las más avanzadas técnicas disponibles para analizar los errores y el funcionamiento lento de su PC. Existen numerosas razones para que un PC vaya más lento y ocurre a todos los PC's. Idiomas Español, Inglés, Alemán, Francés, Italiano, Holandés.
Keywords: långsam dator, slow pc, långsam pc, registry, registreringsdatabank, snabbare dator
Önskar du att du hade en snabb PC? Har du stått ut länge nog med att tolerera din PCs lathet? Det finns flera kända orsaker som kan göra din PC långsam och din PC kan när som helst förlora ännu mer hastighet. Skaffa professionell hjälp med SLOW-PCfighter och din PC blir snabb igen! Analysera din Windows PC nu!
Bilgisayarınız son zamanlarda yavaşladı mı? Yavaş bilgisayarınızın önüne oturduğunuzda sabırsızlıkla ekrana bakarken, kendinizi sinirli ve rahatsız hissetiniz mi ? Eğer bunun farkına varırsanız, paniğe kapılmayın. Bilgisayarların yavaşlamasının sayısız nedenleri vardır ve her bilgisayar zamanla daha da yavaşlayabilir. Bunun anlamı, bilgisayarınızın profesyonel bir yardıma ihtiyacı var demektir! SLOW-PCfighter en ileri teknolojileri kullanarak bilgisayar hatalarını analiz eder ve yavaş bilgisayarı hızlandırır. SLOW-PCfighter Windows başlangıcı optimize eder ve başarısız yazılımlardan dolayı kayıt defterinde oluşan tüm kullanılmayan kayıtları, sürücü yüklemelerini ve hatalı kaldırmaları arayıp bulur ve siler.
* New interface * New defrag tool * New scanning engine
Distribution permissions: The SLOW-PCfighter can be freely distributed through the Internet and on CD's. Just make sure that you distribute the newest version.
SLOW-PCfighter License Agreement
SPAMfighter gives to the user a non-exclusive, non-transferable, non-sub-licensable, revocable and time-limited right to use SLOW-PCFIGHTER. The License gives you the right to install and execute the software, to make one copy of the software for backup purpose only and to use the software in accordance with this License Agreement. Licensed Units When you purchase a license you will be provided with a serial number which you can use to activate the license. You agree to use the software only for the number of licensed units specified on your invoice. Any use of more copies of the software than are licensed is prohibited. Intellectual Property Rights The software is copyrighted according to law. This License Agreement does not give you any intellectual property rights to the software. Any duplication of the code, abuse of the SPAMfighter or SLOW-PCFIGHTER logo or rights can and will be prosecuted in accordance with Danish law. You may not in any way amend or alter the software including but not limited to copying, reproducing, changing, modifying and decompiling the software. It is also not allowed to reverse engineer and/or disassemble code or protocols used by the software. Restrictions on Use You are expressly prohibited from sublicensing, selling, leasing, renting, outsourcing or in any way distributing the software that violates applicable law. Limited Warranty You expressly understand and agree that use of the software is provided to you under this License Agreement on an “as is” basis. The software is not subject to any guarantees. You hereby also accept that SPAMfighter do not represent or warrant that the software will be error and defect free. Limitation of Liablility The use of the product is at the risk of the user only and SPAMfighter cannot in any way or form be held liable for causing any direct or indirect damage, including but not limited to loss of business, loss of data, damage to any program or other software or any hardware. The maximum liability for damages of SLOW-PCFIGHTER towards the user cannot exceed an amount corresponding to the amount actually paid by the user for the use of the software. Term and Termination This agreement commences upon payment of the license fee or upon your first installation. This agreement terminates when the license period ends or if you fail to comply with the terms of this agreement. Governing Law and Jurisdiction This license agreement shall be governed by the laws of Denmark. Change of Terms This license term may be amended at any time and the user shall keep him/her informed of any updates and if necessary update the program to the latest version. Miscellaneous In the period during which you use the product SPAMfighter can choose to forward email messages to you containing information regarding the product and the company SPAMfighter. If you do not wish to receive these mails you will need to uninstall the program. The user is obliged to indemnify SPAMfighter for any claim for damages directed at SPAMfighter owing to actions on the part of the user and the use of SLOW-PCFIGHTER. If you wish to distribute, purchase or resell SLOW-PCFIGHTER or other of SPAMfighter's products, please contact SPAMfighter is a member of the Danish IT-Association. SPAMfighter ApS is a registered trademark.