Win98, WinOther, Win2000, WinXP, Win7 x32, Win7 x64, Windows 8, WinServer, WinVista, WinVista x64, Other
System requirements:
Windows 98 and above
Can't save recoverd files.
Keywords: pdf Repair, pdf Recovery, Repair pdf, Repair pdf file, pdf fixer, pdf fix, fix pdf, Repair pdf files, Recover pdf, pdfRecovery, pdf corrupted, Repair damaged pdf file, damaged pdf, Repair damaged pdf, Recover pdf file, pdf file Repair software
Recovery Toolbox for PDF is an efficient program for dbf recovery that can be applied by any user. Would you like to get rid of unpleasant surprises and keep the source data in safety? You may prepare backup copies of all available files, but it is not a good way out because these copies should be renewed after all significant modifications. Some users do not have enough time for backing up their data, others are not enough qualified for these activities. Anyway, the integrity of pdf documents is in safety with Recovery Toolbox for PDF. Get the latest version of utility from the website of Recovery Toolbox, Inc and double click the setup file of Recovery Toolbox for PDF when ready. That is all, click the shortcut of pdf recovery utility and prepare to parse the source documents of pdf format. It does not take a lot of time, the recovery is much faster than other ways of pdf restore. Of course, you may try to find another copy of affected document, but it usually takes a lot of time and not always possible. In the same time, the success of pdf file recovery is not guaranteed for all cases. You should restore the source documents of pdf format as soon as you can, otherwise it can be too late. Unfortunately, the destruction can progress and you have less chances for the recovery of needed documents in future. Try to restore the documents in question right now, it increases your chances to repair the entire file without lacunes. We think that Recovery Toolbox for PDF should be installed on your PC before you encounter the corruption of pdf files, it increases your chances to avoid losses at all. It does not take any efforts of you, Recovery Toolbox for PDF is compatible with all supported hardware and software configurations, no need to worry about your computer skills. Please preview the data, restored by Recovery Toolbox for PDF and make your choice with regard to pdf recovery tool. The program should be registered to get rid of demo version limitations.
Keywords: pdf wiederherstellen, pdf reparieren, pdf Wiederherstellung, adobe acrobat wiederherstellen, adobe acrobat Wiederherstellung, adobe acrobat reparieren, acrobat wiederherstellen, acrobat Wiederherstellung, acrobat reparieren, acrobat Reparatur
PDF ist heutzutage eines der am meisten verbreiteten Formate zum Dokumentaustausch. Aufgrund seiner starken Verbreitung sowohl im Internet als auch beim lokalen Austausch von Dokumenten wurde dieses Format praktisch zum internationalen Standard erklärt. Nicht selten können aber PDF-Dateien wichtige Informationen enthalten, deren Verlust wegen inkorrekter Benutzeraktionen, Hardware- oder Netzwerkfehler schwerwiegende Folgen nach sich ziehen könnte. Wenn Ihre Daten trotz aller Sicherheitsmaßnahmen doch beschädigt wurden, können Sie sie nur mit Hilfe eines effizienten Wiederherstellungsprogramms wieder retten. Recovery Toolbox for PDF ist ein leistungsstarkes, einfach zu verwendendes und effizientes Tool zur Wiederherstellung von Daten aus beschädigten PDF-Dokumenten. Das Programm kann sowohl den Inhalt als auch die Schriftarten und andere Metadaten wiederherstellen, die eine PDF-Datei enthalten kann. Außerdem ist es möglich, mit Hilfe dieses Programms Tabellen mit Kreuzverweisen sowie Dokumentparameter wiederherzustellen. Der urheberrechtlich geschützte Wiederherstellungsalgorithmus macht die Wiederherstellung von Daten zu einem schnellen und absolut problemlosen Prozess. Das Programm erfordert kein spezielles Wissen und stellt die meisten Daten im völlig automatischen Modus wieder. Sie brauchen nur die Anfangseinstellungen zu konfigurieren und die Wiederherstellung zu starten - den Rest erledigt das Programm. Die Originaldatei wird während der Wiederherstellung dabei keineswegs verändert, alle Prozesse werden im Arbeitsspeicher des Computers mit einem Abbild der Originaldatei durchgeführt. Die assistenten-basierte Schnittstelle des Programms erlaubt dem Benutzer, beschädigte Daten in nur wenigen einfachen Schritten zu extrahieren, selbst aus Dateien, die scheinbar unwiderruflich irreparabel zu sein schienen. Wenn Sie nach einer Möglichkeit gesucht haben, um Ihre Daten vor möglichen Verlusten zu schützen, ist Recovery Toolbox for PDF die richtige Lösung für Sie!
Keywords: récupérer un pdf, réparer un pdf, récupération du pdf, restaurer un pdf, récupérer adobe acrobat, récupération d'adobe acrobat, réparer adobe acrobat, restaurer adobe acrobat, récupérer acrobat, récupération d‘acrobat, réparer acrobat
PDF est aujourd'hui le format d'échange des documents le plus populaire. Utilisé en ligne ainsi que hors ligne par les développeurs du matériel et de logiciels, savants et organisations financières, pouvoirs publics, universités et grandes écoles, ce format est devenu un standard d'échange de données universel. Les fichiers PDF contiennent souvent des informations importantes et le risque de perdre ces infos à cause des actions incorrectes de l'utilisateur, défaillances du matériel et erreurs réseau est important. Si de tels accidents arrivent et que les données sont endommagées, la seule façon de les restaurer est d'utiliser un outil de récupération sûr. Recovery Toolbox for PDF est un outil de récupération des données puissant et efficace servant à restaurer les données depuis les documents PDF endommagés. Le logiciel est capable de restaurer le contenu des fichiers PDF, les polices et d'autres métadonnées qu'ils contiennent, les tables ou les références croisées internes formant leur structure et les paramètres principaux du document. Recovery Toolbox for PDF a à la base un moteur de récupération breveté qui rend le processus de restauration des données rapide et facile. La récupération ne demande aucune connaissance ni compétence spéciale. Vous devez configurer les paramètres de récupération initiales et démarrer le processus - le logiciel fera le reste automatiquement. Le programme ne modifie pas la structure du fichier original et travaille avec l'image du document à récupérer dans la mémoire de votre ordinateur. L'interface sous forme d'assistant de Recovery Toolbox for PDF permet aux utilisateurs de suivre une série de simples étapes pour extraire les données depuis les fichiers qui peuvent paraître complètement irrécupérables pour les autres outils. Si vous recherchez un moyen pour vous protéger contre les surprises désagréables et les pertes de données de valeur, assurez-vous d'avoir Recovery Toolbox for PDF dans votre collection de logiciels!
PDF è un formato molto diffuso per la distribuzione di documentazione elettronica. È utilizzato sia su Internet che offline, da produttori di hardware e software, da organizzazioni scientifiche e finanziarie, da autorità pubbliche, università e scuole, cioè virtualmente da tutte le organizzazioni che possano creare e pubblicare documenti elettronici. In pratica, questo formato è divenuto uno standard a livello mondiale per lo scambio di dati. Essendo un formato molto diffuso, spesso file PDF contengono dati importanti di vario genere. Purtroppo non sono rari i casi in cui tali documenti vengono danneggiati a causa di operazioni non correttamente effettuate dagli utenti, nonché da errori dell'hardware o di rete. Se dovesse succedere un tale inconveniente, l'unico modo per ripristinare i dati danneggiati sarà usare un affidabile tool di recupero. Recovery Toolbox for PDF è un tool potente, affidabile ed efficace per recuperare dati da file PDF danneggiati. Il software permette di ripristinare il contenuto dei file PDF, i tipi di carattere e altri metadati, le tabelle dei riferimenti incrociati e i parametri principali dei documenti pdf. Recovery Toolbox for PDF usa un motore proprietario che permette di effettuare il recupero velocemente e senza sforzi. Il programma non richiede conoscenze e abilità specifiche per recuperare la maggiore parte dei dati. L'utente non dovrà che configurare alcuni parametri iniziali e dare il via al processo, il resto verrà fatto automaticamente. Il programma non modifica e non altera la struttura del file originale e processa i dati estratti dal documento nella memoria del computer. Recovery Toolbox for PDF implementa un'interfaccia guidata che consente di fare una serie di semplici passaggi al fine di estrarre i dati che a tanti programmi sembrano assolutamente irrecuperabili. Per evitare spiacevoli sorprese e proteggere i vostri dati importanti, accertatevi di avere Recovery Toolbox for PDF nella vostra collezione di software!
Keywords: reparar pdf, recuperar pdf, reparação de pdf, recuperação de pdf, reparar adobe acrobat, reparação de adobe acrobat, recuperar adobe acrobat, restaurar adobe acrobat, reparar acrobat, reparação de acrobat, restaurar acrobat, recuperar acrobat
PDF é hoje o mais popular formato de intercâmbio de documentos. Utilizado no Internet e offline, pelos fabricantes de hardware e software, organizações científicas e financeiras, autoridades públicas, colégios e universidades, -- ou seja quase por todas as organizações que criam e publicam os documentos - este formato em todo o mundo ficou o padrão do intercâmbio universal de dados. Por causa da sua popularidade, os ficheiros PDF muitas vezes contêm a informação importante de diferentes tipos, e o risco de perder esta informação devido às ações incorretas dos utilizadores, mal funcionamento do hardware e erros da rede é significante. Se estes acidentes acontecem e os dados resultam danificados, a única maneira para reparar esta informação é utilizar a ferramenta de reparação de dados em que você pode confiar. Recovery Toolbox for PDF é o remédio poderoso, seguro e eficiente para reparar os dados de documentos PDF danificados. É capaz de restaurar o conteúdo de ficheiros PDF, tipos de letra e outros metadados que contêm, hiperligações internas que formam a sua estrutura e os parâmetros principais de documento. Este software é baseado no seu próprio motor de reparação que faz o processo rápido e fácil. Não são necessários conhecimentos ou dotes especiais para reparar todos ou a maior parte de dados danificados. O único que você tem que fazer é configurar as definições iniciais de reparação e iniciar o processo - o software fará o demais automaticamente. O programa não altera a estrutura do ficheiro original e trabalha com a imagem do documento que se está recuperando na memória do seu PC. A interface de Recovery Toolbox for PDF baseada em assistente permite aos utilizadores seguir uma série de passos simples para extrair dados de ficheiros que parecem ser completamente irrecuperáveis. Se você quer evitar as surpresas desagradáveis e perda dos dados valiosos, assegure-se de ter entre o seu software Recovery Toolbox for PDF!
Keywords: acrobat восстановить, acrobat исправить, acrobat вылечить, pdf восстановить, pdf исправить, pdf вылечить, adobe acrobat восстановить, adobe acrobat исправить, adobe acrobat вылечить, adobe reader восстановить, adobe reader исправить
Программа Recovery Toolbox for PDF предназначена для восстановления информации из поврежденных документов формата *.pdf (Portable Document Format) - электронных документов переносимого формата международного стандарта. Программы может восстанавливать: - Параметры файла pdf; - Структуру файла pdf; - Шрифты и другие метаданные; - Содержание файла pdf. В программе PDF Recovery Toolbox для восстановления документов используется собственный высокоэффективный алгоритм обработки, что позволяет восстановить большую часть или всю информацию из поврежденных файлов формата PDF, которые при других обстоятельствах могут оказаться нечитаемыми. Программа имеет дружественный интерфейс, и может работать без значительного вмешательства пользователя, что будет полезно людям, мало знакомым с работой за компьютером. Также работа с программой может проводиться с использованием дополнительных настроек, что увеличивает диапазон документов, которые могут быть восстановлены с ее помощью. В процессе работы программа не меняет исходный файл. Все действия производятся либо в памяти компьютера, либо с файлом, указанным как результирующий для сохранения восстановленной из исходного документа информации. Программа предоставляется в двух версиях - ознакомительной (бесплатной) и полной (платной). В бесплатной ознакомительной версии доступны все возможности по анализу документа, однако при сохранении документа полностью будет восстановлена только первая его страница. На всех остальных страницах будет написано DEMO. Восстановление файлов pdf происходит в несколько этапов: 1. Выбор поврежденного файла 2. Установка настроек программы 3. Анализ параметров, структуры и содержания документа 4. Выбор файла для сохранения восстановленной информации 5. Выбор формата сохраняемого документа 6. Восстановление и сохранение документа 7. Просмотр отчета о восстановлении документа
Keywords: recuperación de pdf, reparación de pdf, restauración de pdf, restablecimiento de pdf, recuperación de adobe acrobat, reparación de adobe acrobat, restauración de adobe acrobat, restablecimiento de adobe acrobat, recuperación de acrobat
PDF es el formato más popular de intercambio de documentos. Utilizado intensivamente en Internet y fuera de línea, por fabricantes de hardware y software, organizaciones científicas y financieras, autoridades públicas, colegios e institutos este formato se convirtió en un estándar universal de intercambio de datos. A causa de su gran popularidad, los archivos PDF a menudo contienen información importante de distintos tipos y el riesgo de su pérdida provocada por acciones incorrectas de usuarios, mal funcionamiento de hardware o errores de la red son significantes. Si pasa tal accidente y los datos están dañados, la única manera de restablecer esta información es utilizar una herramienta de recuperación de datos en que confía. Recovery Toolbox for PDF es una herramienta potente, fiable y eficiente para recuperación de datos de documentos PDF dañados. El programa es capaz de recuperar el contenido de archivos PDF, fuentes y otros sus metadatos, tablas de referencias cruzadas internas, su estructura y parámetros esenciales del documento. Recovery Toolbox for PDF está basado en un procesador registrado de recuperación que recupera los datos rápido y sin complicaciones. No hace falta tener conocimientos o habilidades especiales para recuperar todos o casi todos datos dañados. Lo que tiene que hacer es especificar la configuración inicial de recuperación e iniciar el proceso - lo demás el programa hará automáticamente. El programa no cambia la estructura del archivo original y trabaja con una imagen del documento recuperándolo en la memoria de su ordenador. La interfaz de Recovery Toolbox for PDF basada en un asistente de escaneo permite al usuario realizar una serie de pasos simples para extraer los datos de los archivos que parecen ser completamente irrecuperables por otras herramientas.
Distribution permissions: The Recovery Toolbox for PDF is distributed as try before you buy. This means: 1. All copyrights to Recovery Toolbox for PDF are exclusively owned by the author - Recovery ToolBox. 2. Anyone may use this software in Demo version. For removal of all shareware restrictions you must register. 3. There are 3 basic types of licenses issued for Recovery Toolbox for PDF, these are: a. A Personal usage license. The user purchases one license to use the Recovery Toolbox for PDF on one computer. b. A Business usage license. The user purchases the Business usage license, authorizing the use of Recovery Toolbox for PDF to use the program in a corporate, government or business environment on one computer. c. A SITE usage license. The user purchases a single usage license, authorising the use of Recovery Toolbox for PDF, by the purchaser, the purchaser's employees or accredited agents, on an unlimited number of computers at the same physical site location. This site location would normally be defined as a single building, but could be considered to be a number of buildings within the same, general, geographical location, such as an industrial estate or small town.
The Recovery Toolbox for PDF is distributed as try before you buy. This means: 1. All copyrights to Recovery Toolbox for PDF are exclusively owned by the author - Recovery ToolBox. 2. Anyone may use this software in Demo version. For removal of all shareware restrictions you must register. 3. There are 3 basic types of licenses issued for Recovery Toolbox for PDF, these are: a. A Personal usage license. The user purchases one license to use the Recovery Toolbox for PDF on one computer. b. A Business usage license. The user purchases the Business usage license, authorizing the use of Recovery Toolbox for PDF to use the program in a corporate, government or business environment on one computer. c. A SITE usage license. The user purchases a single usage license, authorising the use of Recovery Toolbox for PDF, by the purchaser, the purchaser's employees or accredited agents, on an unlimited number of computers at the same physical site location. This site location would normally be defined as a single building, but could be considered to be a number of buildings within the same, general, geographical location, such as an industrial estate or small town. Once registered, the user is granted a non-exclusive license to use Recovery Toolbox for PDF on as many computers as defined by the licensing terms above according to the number of licenses purchased, for any legal purpose. The registered Recovery Toolbox for PDF software may not be rented or leased, but may be permanently transferred, in it's entirety, if the person receiving it agrees to the terms of this license. If the software is an update, the transfer must include the update and all previous versions. 4. The Recovery Toolbox for PDF Demo version may be freely distributed, with exceptions noted below, provided the distribution package is not modified in any way. a. No person or company may distribute separate parts of the package with the exception of the Recovery Toolbox for PDF components, without written permission of the copyright owner. b. The Recovery Toolbox for PDF Demo version may not be distributed inside of any other software package without written permission of the copyright owner. c. Hacks/cracks, keys or key generators may not be included on the same distribution. 5. THE Recovery Toolbox for PDF IS DISTRIBUTED "AS IS". NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND IS EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED. YOU USE AT YOUR OWN RISK. NEITHER THE AUTHOR NOR THE AGENTS OF THE AUTHOR WILL BE LIABLE FOR DATA LOSS, DAMAGES, LOSS OF PROFITS OR ANY OTHER KIND OF LOSS WHILE USING OR MISUSING THIS SOFTWARE. 6. You may not use, copy, emulate, clone, rent, lease, sell, modify, decompile, disassemble, otherwise reverse engineer, or transfer the licensed program, or any subset of the licensed program, except as provided for in this agreement. Any such unauthorized use shall result in immediate and automatic termination of this license and may result in criminal and/or civil prosecution. Neither Recovery Toolbox for PDF binary code or Recovery Toolbox for PDF source may be used or reverse engineered to re-create the Recovery Toolbox for PDF algorithm, which is proprietary, without written permission of the author. Recovery Toolbox for PDF keyfiles may not be distributed, except as stated in item 3) above, outside of the area of legal control of the person or persons who purchased the original license, without written permission of the copyright holder. All rights not expressly granted here are reserved by Recovery ToolBox. 7. Installing and using Recovery Toolbox for PDF signifies acceptance of these terms and conditions of the license. 8. If you do not agree with the terms of this license you must remove Recovery Toolbox for PDF files from your storage devices and cease to use the product. Thank you for using the original Recovery Toolbox for PDF.