Win2000, WinXP, Win7 x32, Win7 x64, Windows 8, Windows 10, WinServer, WinOther, WinVista, WinVista x64
System requirements:
Windows 98 or above
Can not allow to save recovered records.
Keywords: onenote Recovery, Recovery for onenote, onenote data Recovery, Recover onenote files, onenote Repair, Recover onenote, onenote file Recovery, Recovery for onenote 2007, Recover onenote files from hard drive, onenote Repair fails
Microsoft OneNote is used by hundreds of thousands of users for taking quick notes, storing small text excerpts and saving intermediate information to be used in other programs later on. Since this information can be quite diverse and important, damage of OneNote data can create all kinds of problems for its owners. Therefore, if you use this software a lot and have already faced the problem of data recovery, you know how hard it is to get your information back after incidents involving data corruption. So if you want to be well-prepared for such incidents in the future and be able to get yourself back on track in minutes, you should get yourself a copy of Recovery Toolbox for OneNote! Recovery Toolbox for OneNote is a compact, easy to use and straightforward tool that enables you to quickly restore data from damaged Microsoft OneNote files (stored in the .one format). The interface of the program is highly intuitive and does not require any previous recovery experience or deep knowledge in the IT field - all the user has to do is follow simple on-screen instructions. The recovery process consists of just three simple steps - selection of the damaged source file, file analysis and image extraction and, finally, saving of the recovered data to the specified output folder. The program enables you to manually select the data elements to be extracted by checking boxes next to them on the list of recoverable elements. The overall duration of the process depends solely on the size of the file being recovered and the speed of the user's computer. The demo version does not recover any data, instead just showing you a list of elements that can be recovered. To remove this limitation, just purchase the full version of the program. Recovery Toolbox for OneNote is a super-compact, fast and always efficient tool with a 1-2-3 approach to restoring damaged data. Even if you are not a data recovery guru, it will help you solve your data corruption problems in no time!
Keywords: one Reparatur, one Wiederherstellung, one wiederherstellen, OneNote Wiederherstellung, OneNote wiederherstellen, OneNote Datei Wiederherstellung, OneNote Datei wiederherstellen, OneNote Daten wiederherstellen, Notizen aus OneNote wiederherstellen
Microsoft OneNote wird heutzutage von Hunderttausenden Benutzern genutzt, um schnell mal Notizen zu machen oder kleine Textauszüge zu speichern, die sie später in anderen Programmen brauchen können. Da diese Informationen meist ziemlich unterschiedlich, zugleich aber sehr wichtig sind, können beschädigte OneNote Daten alle möglichen Probleme verursachen. Wenn Sie MS OneNote öfters benutzen und mit dem Problem der Wiederherstellung von Daten bereits konfrontiert wurden, werden Sie sicherlich wissen, wie schwer es ist, eigene Daten nach einer zufälligen Beschädigung zurückzugewinnen. Um auf solche Situationen künftig gut vorbereitet zu sein, sollen Sie sich jetzt eine Version von Recovery Toolbox for OneNote beschaffen! Recovery Toolbox for OneNote ist ein kompaktes einfaches und leicht verständliches Tool, mit dessen Hilfe Sie Ihre beschädigten Microsoft OneNote Dateien (Dateien im Format .one) schnell wiederherstellen können. Die Schnittstelle des Programms ist äußerst intuitiv und erfordert weder besondere Erfahrung noch ein profundes Wissen im IT-Bereich - der Benutzer braucht nur den Anweisungen auf dem Bildschirm zu folgen. Die Wiederherstellung selbst besteht aus 3 einfachen Schritten - der Auswahl der beschädigten Quelldatei, der Analyse der Datei und Extrahierung des Abbilds und schließlich Speicherung wiederhergestellter Daten im angegebenen Ausgabeordner. Sie können dabei selbst Elemente auswählen, die Sie wiederherstellen möchten, indem Sie entsprechende Kontrollkästchen in der Liste der wiederherzustellenden Elemente aktivieren. Die Dauer der Wiederherstellung hängt einzig und allein von der Größe der wiederherzustellenden Datei und der Leistung Ihres Computers ab. In der Demoversion des Programms können Sie allerdings keine Daten wiederherstellen. Es wird dort lediglich eine Liste mit den Elementen angezeigt, die wiederhergestellt werden könnten. Um diese Einschränkung aufzuheben, müssen Sie die Vollversion des Programms kaufen.
Microsoft OneNote est utilisé par des centaines de milliers d'utilisateurs pour prendre des notes rapides, stocker des extraits de texte et sauver des informations intermédiaires utilisées ensuite dans d'autres programmes. Comme ces informations peuvent être très variées et importantes, les données endommagées OneNote peuvent poser problème. Si vous utilisez ce logiciel et avez déjà été confronté au problème de récupération de données, vous savez qu'il est difficile de récupérer vos informations après une corruption des données. Si vous voulez être préparé à de tels incidents et être en mesure de vous remettre sur les rails rapidement, vous devriez vous procurer une copie de Recovery Toolbox pour OneNote! Recovery Toolbox pour OneNote est un outil compact, facile et simple qui vous permet de vite restaurer les données des fichiers MS OneNote abîmées (au format .one). L'interface du programme est très intuitive et ne requiert ni expérience précédente ni connaissances approfondies en informatique - les utilisateurs doivent juste suivre les instructions simples à l'écran. La récupération se fait en trois étapes simples - sélection du fichier source abîmé, analyse du fichier et extraction de l'image, enregistrement des données récupérées dans le dossier spécifié. Le programme permet de sélectionner manuellement les données à extraire en cochant les cases adjacentes dans la liste des éléments récupérables. La durée globale du processus dépend uniquement de la taille du fichier et de la vitesse de l'ordinateur. La version de démonstration ne récupère pas les données. Elle montre juste la liste des éléments récupérables. Pour supprimer cette limitation, il suffit d'acheter la version complète du programme. Recovery Toolbox pour OneNote est un outil rapide, compact et toujours efficace, de type 1-2-3 pour restaurer des données abîmées. Même si vous n'êtes pas un gourou en récupération de données, cet outil pourra vite résoudre vos problèmes de corruption de données!
Keywords: one 恢复, one 修复, one 还原, one 修理, OneNote 恢复, OneNote 修复, OneNote 还原, OneNote 修理, 恢复 OneNote, OneNote 文件恢复, OneNote 数据修复, 恢复 OneNote 文件, 恢复 OneNote 数据, 恢复 OneNote 记录
Microsoft OneNote 的用户成千上万,他们主要使用该工具进行快速记录、存储小型文本记录和保存中间信息,以便在稍后用于其它程序。由于这些信息多种多样,又非常重要,如果 OneNote 文件受损,可能给用户带来各种各样的问题。因此,如果您经常使用该软件,并且已经遇到过数据恢复问题,您就会知道在数据受损事故发生后想要找回信息有多么困难。如果您想未雨绸缪,在未来做好充分准备,直面这些事故,快速找回信息,那么您应该拥有 Recovery Toolbox for OneNote! Recovery Toolbox for OneNote 是一款紧凑、易用和易懂的工具,可以帮您从受损的 Microsoft OneNote 文件(.one 格式)中快速恢复数据。程序界面非常直观,不需要任何数据恢复经验和 IT 知识,所有用户都只需按照屏幕上的简单提示,即可使用该工具。恢复流程只包含三个简单步骤:选择受损源文件,分析文件并提取图片,最后保存已恢复数据至指定的输出文件夹。您可以勾选可恢复列表旁的复选框,手动选择要提取的数据元素。恢复过程的持续时间完全取决于正在恢复文件的大小以及用户的电脑速度。试用版不能恢复任何数据,只会显示可以恢复的元素列表。要想消除此限制,只需购买此程序的完整版。 Recovery Toolbox for OneNote 是一款超级紧凑、快速和方便的工具,采用 1-2-3 分步式操作,用于恢复受损数据。即使您并非数据恢复专家,也能借助该工具及时解决数据损坏问题!
Keywords: one 恢复, one 修复, one 还原, one 修理, OneNote 恢复, OneNote 修复, OneNote 还原, OneNote 修理, 恢复 OneNote, OneNote 文件恢复, OneNote 数据修复, 恢复 OneNote 文件, 恢复 OneNote 数据, 恢复 OneNote 记录
Microsoft OneNote 的用户成千上万,他们主要使用该工具进行快速记录、存储小型文本记录和保存中间信息,以便在稍后用于其它程序。由于这些信息多种多样,又非常重要,如果 OneNote 文件受损,可能给用户带来各种各样的问题。因此,如果您经常使用该软件,并且已经遇到过数据恢复问题,您就会知道在数据受损事故发生后想要找回信息有多么困难。如果您想未雨绸缪,在未来做好充分准备,直面这些事故,快速找回信息,那么您应该拥有 Recovery Toolbox for OneNote! Recovery Toolbox for OneNote 是一款紧凑、易用和易懂的工具,可以帮您从受损的 Microsoft OneNote 文件(.one 格式)中快速恢复数据。程序界面非常直观,不需要任何数据恢复经验和 IT 知识,所有用户都只需按照屏幕上的简单提示,即可使用该工具。恢复流程只包含三个简单步骤:选择受损源文件,分析文件并提取图片,最后保存已恢复数据至指定的输出文件夹。您可以勾选可恢复列表旁的复选框,手动选择要提取的数据元素。恢复过程的持续时间完全取决于正在恢复文件的大小以及用户的电脑速度。试用版不能恢复任何数据,只会显示可以恢复的元素列表。要想消除此限制,只需购买此程序的完整版。 Recovery Toolbox for OneNote 是一款超级紧凑、快速和方便的工具,采用 1-2-3 分步式操作,用于恢复受损数据。即使您并非数据恢复专家,也能借助该工具及时解决数据损坏问题!
Keywords: one reparatie, one recovery, one herstel, one fix, OneNote reparatie, OneNote recovery, OneNote herstel, OneNote fix, OneNote recovery, OneNote bestandsherstel, OneNote gegevensherstel, herstel OneNote bestand, herstel OneNote gegevens, herstel gegev
Microsoft OneNote wordt door honderdduizenden mensen gebruikt voor het maken van snelle notities, het opslaan van kleine stukken tekst en tussentijds bewaren van gegevens die later in andere programma's gebruikt gaan worden. Deze informatie kan heel divers en belangrijk zijn, en beschadigde OneNote gegevens kunnen een ramp zijn voor de gebruiker. Als u dit programma veel gebruikt en al eens voor dit probleem hebt gestaan, dan weet u hoe moeilijk het kan zijn gegevens te herstellen uit OneNote bestanden. Als u dus goed voorbereid wilt zijn voor eventuele toekomstige incidenten en binnen een aantal minuten uw gegevens weer terug wilt hebben, dan moet u Recovery Toolbox for OneNote gebruiken! Recovery Toolbox for OneNote is een compact, eenvoudig en duidelijk tool waarmee u snel gegevens kunt herstellen uit beschadigde Microsoft OneNote bestanden (.one opmaak). Het programma heeft een gebruiksvriendelijke interface en enige voorkennis van gegevensherstel of software is niet nodig- de gebruiker hoeft alleen maar de stappen op het scherm te volgen. Het herstel proces bestaat uit drie simpele stappen- bestandsselectie, bestand analyse en onttrekking afbeeldingen, en als laatste het opslaan van de herstelde gegevens in de gespecificeerde output map. Met het programma kunt u handmatig aangeven welke elementen hersteld moeten worden door deze aan te vinken in de lijst. De duur van het hele proces hangt af van de grootte van het bestand en de snelheid van de computer. Met de demo versie wordt geen gegevens hersteld, maar een overzicht getoond van wat hersteld kan worden binnen het bestand. Om deze beperking te verwijderen dient u de volledige versie van de software te kopen. Recovery Toolbox for OneNote is een supercompact, snel en efficiënt tool voor het stapsgewijs herstel van gegevens. Zelfs zonder enige ervaring op dit gebied kunt u met dit tool uw beschadigde gegevens vlot herstellen!
Keywords: one riparazione, one recupero, one ripristino, one aggiusta, OneNote riparazione, OneNote recupero, OneNote ripristino, aggiusta OneNote, ripristino OneNote, ripristino file OneNote, OneNote recupero file, recupera file di OneNote, recupera gli appun
Microsoft OneNote è utilizzato da centinaia di migliaia di utenti per prendere appunti, salvare estratti di testi e informazioni da utilizzare con altri programmi. Dal momento che queste informazioni sono importanti e differiscono molto, il danneggiamento dei dati di OneNote crea problemi agli utenti. Quindi, se usate spesso questo software e avete già affrontato il problema del recupero dati, sapete anche quanto sia difficile recuperare informazioni dopo incidenti che ne causano la perdita. Allora se volete essere preparati a questa evenienza ed essere in grado di riprendere il lavoro in pochi minuti, dovreste procuravi una copia di Recovery Toolbox for OneNote! Recovery Toolbox for OneNote è uno strumento compatto e semplice che permette di ripristinare velocemente i dati dai file danneggiati di MS OneNote (in formato .one). L'interfaccia del programma è molto intuitiva e non richiede precedente esperienza nel ripristino dei dati o conoscenze informatiche, tutto quello che si deve fare è seguire le semplici istruzioni sullo schermo. Il processo di ripristino consiste in soli tre passaggi: selezione del file danneggiato, analisi dei file ed estrazione immagine e salvataggio dei dati ripristinati nella cartella di destinazione specificata. Il programma permetterà di selezionare manualmente i dati da estrarre spuntando le caselle nella lista degli elementi recuperabili. La durata complessiva del processo dipende esclusivamente dalle dimensioni del file e dalla velocità del computer. La versione di prova non recupera tutti i dati ma si limita a mostrarvi una lista di elementi che possono essere recuperati. Per rimuovere questa limitazione sarà sufficiente acquistare la versione completa del programma. Recovery Toolbox for OneNote è uno strumento compatto e semplice per il rapido ripristino dei dati dai file danneggiati di MS OneNote. Anche se non sei esperto nel ripristino dati, ti aiuterà a risolvere problemi con i file danneggiati in un attimo!
O Microsoft OneNote é uma ferramenta popular de tirar notas com milhares de utilizadores, que guardam informações para mais tarde usarem noutros programas ou como memorandos. Essa informação pode ser bastante diversificada e importante, pelo que a perda repentina da mesma pode ter consequências muito negativas. Se já lidou com uma situação de perda de dados, sabe o quão complicado pode ser recuperá-los. Por isso, se quer estar preparado para essa eventualidade e voltar ao trabalho em apenas alguns minutos, deve obter uma cópia da Recovery Toolbox for OneNote! A Recovery Toolbox for OneNote é uma ferramenta rápida e compacta, criada para recuperar notas MS OneNote danificadas (armazenadas no formato .one). A interface do programa é muito intuitiva e não exige qualquer experiência prévia de recuperação de dados ou conhecimentos informáticos avançados. Tudo o que o utilizador deve fazer é seguir as instruções que lhe são apresentadas no ecrã. O processo de recuperação acontece em três simples passos: selecção do ficheiro danificado, análise do ficheiro e extracção da imagem e, por ultimo, gravação do ficheiro recuperado na pasta de saída. O programa permite-lhe seleccionar manualmente todos os dados a recuperar, marcando-os na lista de elementos recuperáveis. A duração do processo depende do tamanho do ficheiro a ser recuperado e da velocidade do seu sistema informático. Note que versão DEMO não grava ficheiros recuperados, apenas mostra os elementos que seriam recuperados. Para retirar esta limitação, compre a versão completa do programa.
A Recovery Toolbox for OneNote é uma ferramenta rápida, simples e compacta, que utiliza uma abordagem 1-2-3 para recuperar a informação. Mesmo que nunca tenha ouvido falar de recuperação de dados, esta ferramenta vai ajudá-lo a recuperar os seus dados num instante!
Keywords: OneNote восстановление, восстановление OneNote
Microsoft OneNote используется сотнями тысяч пользователей для сохранения небольших заметок, фрагментов текста и промежуточных данных, которые в дальнейшем будут использованы в других программах. Поскольку эта информация может быть самой разнообразной, а подчас и весьма важной, повреждение файла OneNote может создать целый ряд проблем для его владельца. Если вы постоянно используете эту программу и уже столкнулись с проблемой восстановления данных из её файлов, вы прекрасно знаете, насколько тяжело вернуть информацию после инцидентов, повлекших за собой повреждение данных. Таким образом, если вы хотите быть полностью подготовленным к такого рода проблемам в будущем, вам определённо пригодится Recovery Toolbox for OneNote! Recovery Toolbox for OneNote - это компактный и простой в использовании инструмент, позволяющий вам быстро восстановить данные из повреждённых файлов Microsoft OneNote (хранящихся в формате .one). Интерфейс программы крайне интуитивен и не требует опыта восстановления данных или глубокого знания компьютерной техники. Всё, что нужно делать - это следовать несложным инструкциям на экране. Процесс восстановления состоит из 3 простых шагов - выбора исходного повреждённого файла, анализа его структуры и извлечения изображений, а также сохранения восстановленных данных в указанную папку. Программа позволяет вам вручную выбирать элементы, которые будут сохранены - просто отметьте необходимые изображения в списке восстанавливаемых элементов. Продолжительность процесса восстановления зависит только от размера файла и скорости компьютера, на котором запущена программа. Демонстрационная версия не восстанавливает данные, а лишь показывает список элементов, которые могут быть восстановлены. Чтобы снять это ограничение, необходимо приобрести полную версию программы. Recovery Toolbox for OneNote - это сверхкомпактный, быстрый и эффективный инструмент восстановления данных, которым сможет воспользоваться любой пользователь!
Keywords: una reparación, una recuperación, una restauración, un arreglo, OneNote reparación, OneNote recuperación, OneNote restauración, OneNote arreglo, OneNote recuperación de archivos, OneNote recuperación de datos, recuperación de archivos OneNote, recupe
Microsoft OneNote es usada por cientos de miles de usuarios para tomar notas rápidas, almacenar pequeños textos y guardar información inmediata para ser usada por otros programas más tarde. Ya que esta información puede ser muy variada e importante, los daños a los datos de OneNote pueden crear toda clase de problemas para sus propietarios. Por tanto si utiliza este software con asiduidad y ya se ha enfrentado al problema de recuperación de datos, sabe que es muy difícil recuperar su información tras los incidentes relacionados con la corrupción de datos. Así que si quiere estar bien preparado para dichos incidentes en el futuro y seguir funcionando en minutos, debería obtener una copia de Recovery Toolbox for OneNote. Recovery Toolbox for OneNote es una herramienta compacta y fácil de usar que le permite restaurar rápidamente datos de archivos dañados de Microsoft OneNote (almacenados en formato .one). La interfaz del programa es altamente intuitivo y no requiere experiencia previa - todo lo que el usuario tiene que hacer es seguir las instrucciones de la pantalla. El proceso de recuperación consiste en tres sencillos pasos - selección del archivo de salida dañado, análisis del archivo y extracción de imágenes y, finalmente, guardar los datos recuperados en la carpeta de salida. El programa le permite seleccionar de forma manual los elementos de datos que serán extraídos seleccionando casillas en la lista de elementos recuperables. La duración total del proceso depende únicamente en la velocidad del ordenador del usuario. La versión demo no recupera datos, sólo le muestra la lista de elementos que pueden ser recuperados. Para eliminar esta limitación, adquiera la versión completa del programa. Recovery Toolbox for OneNote es una herramienta muy compacta, rápida y eficaz con un enfoque 1-2-3 para restaurar datos dañados. Incluso si no es un experto, le ayudará a resolver su problema de recuperación de datos en un momento.
Distribution permissions: The Recovery Toolbox for OneNote is distributed as try before you buy. This means: 1. All copyrights to Recovery Toolbox for OneNote are exclusively owned by the author - Recovery ToolBox. 2. Anyone may use this software in Demo version. For removal of all shareware restrictions you must register. 3. There are 3 basic types of licenses issued for Recovery Toolbox for OneNote, these are: a. A Personal usage license. The user purchases one license to use the Recovery Toolbox for OneNote on one computer. b. A Business usage license. The user purchases the Business usage license, authorizing the use of Recovery Toolbox for OneNote to use the program in a corporate, government or business environment on one computer. c. A SITE usage license. The user purchases a single usage license, authorising the use of Recovery Toolbox for OneNote, by the purchaser, the purchaser's employees or accredited agents, on an unlimited number of computers at the same physical site location. This site location would normally be defined as a single building, but could be considered to be a number of buildings within the same, general, geographical location, such as an industrial estate or small town. Once registered, the user is granted a non-exclusive license to use Recovery Toolbox for OneNote on as many computers as defined by the licensing terms above according to the number of licenses purchased, for any legal purpose. The registered Recovery Toolbox for OneNote software may not be rented or leased, but may be permanently transferred, in it's entirety, if the person receiving it agrees to the terms of this license. If the software is an update, the transfer must include the update and all previous versions. 4. The Recovery Toolbox for OneNote Demo version may be freely distributed, with exceptions noted below, provided the distribution package is not modified in any way.
The Recovery Toolbox for OneNote is distributed as try before you buy. This means: 1. All copyrights to Recovery Toolbox for OneNote are exclusively owned by the author - Recovery ToolBox. 2. Anyone may use this software in Demo version. For removal of all shareware restrictions you must register. 3. There are 3 basic types of licenses issued for Recovery Toolbox for OneNote, these are: a. A Personal usage license. The user purchases one license to use the Recovery Toolbox for OneNote on one computer. b. A Business usage license. The user purchases the Business usage license, authorizing the use of Recovery Toolbox for OneNote to use the program in a corporate, government or business environment on one computer. c. A SITE usage license. The user purchases a single usage license, authorising the use of Recovery Toolbox for OneNote, by the purchaser, the purchaser's employees or accredited agents, on an unlimited number of computers at the same physical site location. This site location would normally be defined as a single building, but could be considered to be a number of buildings within the same, general, geographical location, such as an industrial estate or small town. Once registered, the user is granted a non-exclusive license to use Recovery Toolbox for OneNote on as many computers as defined by the licensing terms above according to the number of licenses purchased, for any legal purpose. The registered Recovery Toolbox for OneNote software may not be rented or leased, but may be permanently transferred, in it's entirety, if the person receiving it agrees to the terms of this license. If the software is an update, the transfer must include the update and all previous versions. 4. The Recovery Toolbox for OneNote Demo version may be freely distributed, with exceptions noted below, provided the distribution package is not modified in any way.