Win2000, WinXP, Win7 x32, Win7 x64, Windows 8, Windows 10, WinServer, WinOther, WinVista, WinVista x64
System requirements:
Windows 98 and above. Installed Microsoft Outlook on computer.
Save only first 5 objects from each folder.
Keywords: edb Recovery, exchange Recovery, Recovery for exchange, Recovery exchange, exchange edb Recovery, edb Repair, exchange server disaster, Recovery analyzer tool, exchange server Recovery, Recovery exchange server, exchange Recovery toolbox
Microsoft Exchange Server is an ultimate corporate mail exchange and collaboration suite that boasts an amazingly diverse spectrum of features. Being an integral part of the Server line of Microsoft products, it covers almost any conceivable communication need of a corporate user - from messaging, calendaring and task management to storing contacts and providing secure mobile and web-based access to corporate information. Due to its business-focused profile, Exchange often stores information that is invaluable to users and critical for companies on the whole, which makes its loss or corruption a real disaster. If you have ever faced the problem of recovering lost Exchange data, you know well what an excruciating pain in the neck it can be and how much time you can lose. So if you want to be well-prepared for such accidents in the future, Recovery Toolbox for Exchange Server will be your guardian angel no matter what happens to your Microsoft Exchange data! Recovery Toolbox for Exchange Server is a compact, yet powerful recovery tool for restoring data from damaged or corrupted data files of Exchange Server 2003/2007. If you are using Exchange Server 2003, the program will extract data from associated .edb and .stm files that always come together. In Exchange Server 2007, all the data is stored in .edb files, so you will only need to point the program to a single file that has been damaged. After the initial analysis of the file structure, Exchange Server Recovery Toolbox saves all the objects it detects (such as messages, tasks, appointments, notes, contacts and so forth) into .pst files that can be then opened in Microsoft Outlook. The wizard-based interface of the program enables users to specify which data they want to recover and makes it possible to go back to the previous stage to make the necessary adjustments before the recovery process is started. Recovery Toolbox for Exchange Server is all you need to efficiently restore your Exchange data in no time!
Keywords: Exchange wiederherstellen, Wiederherstellung von Exchange, Microsoft Exchange wiederherstellen, Exchange-Wiederherstellung, Exchange-Daten wiederherstellen, Exchange reparieren
Microsoft Exchange Server ist ein umfassendes Programmpaket für E-Mail-Austausch und effiziente Zusammenarbeit in Firmennetzwerken. Als wesentlicher Bestandteil der Server-Reihe der Microsoft Produkte deckt es fast jeden denkbaren Kommunikationsbedarf eines Firmenbenutzers - vom Nachrichtenaustausch bis zur Speicherung der Kontakte und Bereitstellung sicheren mobilen und web-basierten Zugriffs auf Firmeninformationen. Aufgrund seines geschäftsorientierten Charakters werden in MS Exchange öfters Informationen gespeichert, die geradezu kritisch für Unternehmen sein können, so dass ihr Verlust zu einer wahren Katastrophe wird. Wenn Sie jemals mit dem Problem der Wiederherstellung verlorener Exchange-Daten konfrontiert wurden, müssen Sie genau wissen, welche unerträglichen Kopfschmerzen dieser Prozess bereiten kann und wie viel Zeit er nimmt. Wenn Sie also in Zukunft auf solche Zwischenfälle vorbereitet sein wollen, wählen Sie dann Recovery Toolbox for Exchange Server Recovery Toolbox for Exchange Server ist ein kompaktes und zugleich leistungsstarkes Tool zur Wiederherstellung von Daten aus beschädigten oder fehlerhaften Dateien im Exchange Server 2003/2007 Format. Wenn Sie Exchange Server 2003 benutzen, wird das Programm Daten aus allen verbundenen .edb- und .stm-Dateien, die immer zusammen vorhanden sind, extrahieren. In Exchange Server 2007 werden alle Daten in .edb-Dateien gespeichert, so dass man nur den Pfad zu einer einzelnen beschädigten Datei angeben muss. Nach der anfänglichen Analyse der Dateistruktur speichert Exchange Server Recovery Toolbox alle gefundenen Objekte (wie z.B. Nachrichten, Aufgaben, Termine usw) in pst-Dateien, die später in Microsoft Outlook geöffnet werden können. Dank assistenten-basierter Schnittstelle des Programms braucht der Benutzer nur die wiederherzustellenden Daten anzugeben, wobei er jeden Moment zum vorherigen Schritt zurückkehren kann, um erforderliche Anpassungen vorzunehmen, bevor der Wiederherstellungsprozess gestartet ist
Keywords: Restauration Exchange, restaurer Exchange, restaurer Microsoft Exchange, récupération Exchange, récupérer des données Exchange, récupérer Exchange
Microsoft Exchange Server est une suite de messagerie et de collaboration idéale pour l'entreprise comportant un incroyable éventail de caractéristiques. Partie intégrale de la ligne de serveur de Microsoft, il couvre presque tout besoin en communication d'un utilisateur d'entreprise, de la gestion de messageries, d'agendas, de tâches pour stocker vos contacts et fournit un accès sécurisé basé sur le Web à l'information des entreprises. En raison de son profil axée sur les entreprises, Exchange stocke souvent des informations inestimables pour les utilisateurs et cruciales pour les entreprises, ce qui fait de leur perte ou corruption, une véritable catastrophe et peut vous faire perdre beaucoup de temps. Si vous voulez être bien préparés pour de tels accidents à l'avenir, Exchange Server Recovery Toolbox sera votre ange gardien, peu importe ce qui arrive à vos données de Microsoft Exchange! Exchange Server Recovery Toolbox est un outil puissant de restauration de données de fichiers altérés, corrompus d'Exchange Server 2003/07. Si vous utilisez Exchange Server 2003, le programme extraira des données de fichiers associés .edb et .stm qui vont toujours ensemble. Dans Exchange Server 2007, toutes les données sont sauvegardées dans des fichiers .ebd, et vous n'aurez besoin d'indiquer qu'un chemin au programme vers un seul fichier qui a été altéré. Après l'analyse initiale de la structure de fichiers, Exchange Server Recovery Toolbox sauvegarde tous les objets qu'il détecte (comme les messages, tâches, rendez-vous, notes, contacts, etc.) en fichiers .pst qui peuvent ensuite être ouverts dans Microsoft Outlook. L'interface basée sur l'Assistant du programme permet aux utilisateurs de choisir quelles données récupérer et de revenir à l'étape précédente faire les ajustements nécessaires avant que le processus de récupération soit lancé. Exchange Server Recovery Toolbox est tout ce dont vous avez besoin pour restaurer efficacement vos données Exchange en un rien de temps!
Keywords: ripristinare Exchange, ripristino di Exchange, recupero Exchange, recupero Microsoft Exchange, recuperare Exchange, recuperare dati Exchange, recupero dati in Microsoft Exchange, recupera Exchange
Microsoft Exchange Server è un sistema di messaggistica e collaborazione aziendale che implementa un vasto spettro di funzioni. Fa parte integrante della linea Server di Microsoft e copre praticamente tutti i bisogni relativi alla comunicazione che un utente aziendale possa avere: dalla messaggistica, calendario e gestione delle attività all'archiviazione dei contatti e all'accesso sicuro, sia mobile che basato sul Web, alle informazioni aziendali. Destinato all'uso aziendale, Exchange spesso archivia informazioni che non hanno valore per utenti comuni mentre sono di importanza assoluta per l'azienda in generale. A chi è capitato di affrontare il problema di recupero dei dati danneggiati di Exchange saprà bene quante risorse e quanto tempo si perdono per risolvere il compito. Quindi, se volete essere ben preparati per affrontare ogni situazione che possa presentarsi, affidatevi a Recovery Toolbox for Exchange Server che sarà l'angelo custode dei vostri dati Microsoft Exchange Recovery Toolbox for Exchange Server è un tool compatto e potente per recuperare dati da file corrotti o danneggiati di Exchange Server 2003/07. In caso di Exchange Server 2003, il programma estrae i dati da file .edb e .stm associati che creano insieme un archivio Exchange completo. In Exchange Server 2007, tutti i dati si archiviano in file .edb, perciò basterà specificare un solo file danneggiato. Dopo l'analisi iniziale della struttura del file, Exchange Server Recovery Toolbox salva tutti gli elementi rilevati (messaggi, attività, appuntamenti, note, contatti, eccetera) in file .pst che si possono aprire tramite Microsoft Outlook. L'interfaccia basata su procedura guidata permette di specificare quali dati bisogna recuperare e consente in ogni momento di tornare al passaggio precedente, per apportare le modifiche necessarie prima di dare il via al processo di recupero Recovery Toolbox for Exchange Server è la soluzione giusta per recuperare i dati Exchange con efficacia e in poco tempo
O Microsoft Exchange Server é um conjunto de troca de correio e colaboração empresarial que se orgulha de possuir um diversificado espectro de funcionalidades. Parte integral da linha de Servidores dos produtos Microsoft, cobre a maior parte das necessidades comunicacionais de um usuário empresarial - desde o envio de mensagens, calendarização e gestão de tarefas, até ao armazenamento de contactos e acesso móvel e em rede a informações empresariais. Orientado para os negócios, o Exchange muitas vezes armazena informação de grande valor para os usuários e decisiva para as companhias, o que faz da sua perda um desastre. Se alguma vez se confrontou com o problema de recuperar dados perdidos, sabe bem a maçada que é, e as quantidades de tempo são perdidas. Se no futuro quiser estar bem preparado para tais acidentes, Recovery Toolbox for Exchange Server será o seu anjo da guarda independentemente do que venha a acontecer aos seus dados da Microsoft O Toolbox for Exchange Server é uma ferramenta compacta e poderosa para o restauro de dados de ficheiros danificados do Exchange Server 2003/07. Se estiver a usar o Exchange Server 2003, o programa extrairá dados de ficheiros associados .edb e .stm que andam sempre juntos. No Exchange Server 2007, todos os dados são armazenados em ficheiros .edb, pelo que apenas precisará de indicar ao programa um único ficheiro que se encontre danificado. Após a análise inicial da estrutura do ficheiro, o Exchange Server Recovery Toolbox guarda todos os objectos que detectou (tais como mensagens, tarefas, compromissos, notas, contactos) em ficheiros .pst que podem ser abertos com o Microsoft Outlook. O interface do programa, semelhante a um assistente, permite aos usuários especificarem os dados a recuperar e torna possível o regresso à fase anterior para efectuar os ajustes necesários antes de iniciar o processo de recuperação. Toolbox for Exchange Server é o que precisa para o restauro dos seus dados Exchange num piscar de olhos
Keywords: восстановление, Exchange, восстановить, Exchange, восстановить, Microsoft Exchange, восстановление, Exchange, восстановить, данные, Exchange data, восстановить edb
Microsoft Exchange Server является самым функциональным решением для построения почтовой системы масштаба предприятия, обладающим впечатляющим набором возможностей. Будучи неотъемлемой частью серверной линейки продуктов компании Microsoft, это программное обеспечение покрывает все возможные коммуникационные нужды корпоративных пользователей - от почты, планирования и управления задачами до хранения контактов и предоставления мобильного доступа к корпоративным ресурсам. В связи со своей деловой направленностью Exchange часто используется для хранения важной личной и корпоративной информации, а её потеря грозит самыми серьёзными последствиями. Если вы когда-либо сталкивались с проблемой восстановления данных из повреждённых файлов Exchange, вы прекрасно представляете, как невероятно сложна эта процедура и сколько времени она может занять. Если вы хотите быть всегда готовым к любого рода сбоям, Recovery Toolbox for Exchange Server станет вашим ангелом-хранителем - вне зависимости от того, что случится с вашими данными! Recovery Toolbox for Exchange Server - компактное, но мощное средство для восстановления данных из повреждённых файлов данных Exchange Server 2003/2007. При использовании Exchange Server 2003, программа извлечёт данные из связанных файлов в формате .edb и .stm. В Exchange Server 2007, все данные хранятся только в одном .edb файле, поэтому всё, что вам придётся сделать - это указать программе на этот файл. После первичного анализа структуры файла Exchange Server Recovery Toolbox сохранит все обнаруженные объекты (сообщения, задачи, напоминания, заметки, контакты и т.д.) в файлы .pst, которые могут быть потом открыты в Microsoft Outlook. Основанный на принципе пошагового мастера интерфейс позволит вам выбрать типы данных, которые нужно восстановить, а также вернуться на любой из предыдущих шагов для коррекции настроек восстановления. Recovery Toolbox for Exchange Server- это всё, что вам нужно для эффективного восстановления данных из файлов Exchange!
Keywords: Restablecer Exchange, Exchange restablecer, restablecer Microsoft Exchange, recuperar Exchange, recuperar datos de Exchange, Exchange recuperar
Microsoft Exchange Server es el más completo paquete de intercambio de correo electrónico dentro de una empresa que ofrece un abanico muy amplio de características. Siendo una parte integral de la línea de servidores de productos de Microsoft, el programa cubre apenas todas las necesidades de comunicación de usuarios de una empresa, desde el envío de mensajes, calendario y administración de tareas hasta almacenamiento de contactos y acceso seguro a través del móvil y la Web a la información empresarial. Debido a su orientación a la empresa, Exchange a menudo guarda la información importante para los usuarios y para la compañía en general, la pérdida o corrupción de la cual resulta desastrosa. Si alguna vez se ha chocado con el problema de recuperación de datos, sabe perfectamente lo difícil que es y el tiempo que lleva. Entonces, si quiere estar bien preparado para tales accidentes en el futuro, Recovery Toolbox for Exchange Server será su ángel de la guarda, pase lo que pase con sus datos! Exchange Server Recovery Toolbox es una herramienta compacta pero potente de recuperación de archivos dañados de Exchange Server 2003/07. Si está utilizando Exchange Server 2003, el programa extraerá los datos de los archivos .edb y .stm correspondientes que siempre van juntos. En Exchange Server 2007 todos los datos están guardados en los archivos .edb, de manera que sólo necesita indicar al programa un único archivo que ha sido dañado. Después del análisis inicial de la estructura del archivo, Recovery Toolbox for Exchange Server guarda todos los objetos detectados (como, mensajes, tareas, citas, notas, contactos, etc.) en archivos .pst que posteriormente se pueden abrir en Outlook. El asistente del programa le permite especificar los datos que desea recuperar y volver al paso anterior para hacer los cambios necesarios antes de empezar el proceso de recuperación.
Distribution permissions: The Recovery Toolbox for Exchange Server is distributed as try before you buy. This means: 1. All copyrights to Recovery Toolbox for Exchange Server are exclusively owned by the author - Recovery ToolBox. 2. Anyone may use this software in Demo version. For removal of all shareware restrictions you must register. 3. There are 3 basic types of licenses issued for Recovery Toolbox for Exchange Server, these are: a. A Personal usage license. The user purchases one license to use the Recovery Toolbox for Exchange Server on one computer. b. A Business usage license. The user purchases the Business usage license, authorizing the use of Recovery Toolbox for Exchange Server to use the program in a corporate, government or business environment on one computer. c. A SITE usage license. The user purchases a single usage license, authorising the use of Recovery Toolbox for Exchange Server, by the purchaser, the purchaser's employees or accredited agents, on an unlimited number of computers at the same physical site location. This site location would normally be defined as a single building, but could be considered to be a number of buildings within the same, general, geographical location, such as an industrial estate or small town. Once registered, the user is granted a non-exclusive license to use Recovery Toolbox for Exchange Server on as many computers as defined by the licensing terms above according to the number of licenses purchased, for any legal purpose. The registered Recovery Toolbox for Exchange Server software may not be rented or leased, but may be permanently transferred, in it's entirety, if the person receiving it agrees to the terms of this license. If the software is an update, the transfer must include the update and all previous versions. 4. The Recovery Toolbox for Exchange Server Demo version may be freely distributed, with exceptions noted below, provided the distribution package is not modified in any way. a. No person or company may
The Recovery Toolbox for Exchange Server is distributed as try before you buy. This means: 1. All copyrights to Recovery Toolbox for Exchange Server are exclusively owned by the author - Recovery ToolBox. 2. Anyone may use this software in Demo version. For removal of all shareware restrictions you must register. 3. There are 3 basic types of licenses issued for Recovery Toolbox for Exchange Server, these are: a. A Personal usage license. The user purchases one license to use the Recovery Toolbox for Exchange Server on one computer. b. A Business usage license. The user purchases the Business usage license, authorizing the use of Recovery Toolbox for Exchange Server to use the program in a corporate, government or business environment on one computer. c. A SITE usage license. The user purchases a single usage license, authorising the use of Recovery Toolbox for Exchange Server, by the purchaser, the purchaser's employees or accredited agents, on an unlimited number of computers at the same physical site location. This site location would normally be defined as a single building, but could be considered to be a number of buildings within the same, general, geographical location, such as an industrial estate or small town. Once registered, the user is granted a non-exclusive license to use Recovery Toolbox for Exchange Server on as many computers as defined by the licensing terms above according to the number of licenses purchased, for any legal purpose. The registered Recovery Toolbox for Exchange Server software may not be rented or leased, but may be permanently transferred, in it's entirety, if the person receiving it agrees to the terms of this license. If the software is an update, the transfer must include the update and all previous versions. 4. The Recovery Toolbox for Exchange Server Demo version may be freely distributed, with exceptions noted below, provided the distribution package is not modified in any way. a. No person or company may distribute separate parts of the package with the exception of the Recovery Toolbox for Exchange Server components, without written permission of the copyright owner. b. The Recovery Toolbox for Exchange Server Demo version may not be distributed inside of any other software package without written permission of the copyright owner. c. Hacks/cracks, keys or key generators may not be included on the same distribution. 5. THE Recovery Toolbox for Exchange Server IS DISTRIBUTED "AS IS". NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND IS EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED. YOU USE AT YOUR OWN RISK. NEITHER THE AUTHOR NOR THE AGENTS OF THE AUTHOR WILL BE LIABLE FOR DATA LOSS, DAMAGES, LOSS OF PROFITS OR ANY OTHER KIND OF LOSS WHILE USING OR MISUSING THIS SOFTWARE. 6. You may not use, copy, emulate, clone, rent, lease, sell, modify, decompile, disassemble, otherwise reverse engineer, or transfer the licensed program, or any subset of the licensed program, except as provided for in this agreement. Any such unauthorized use shall result in immediate and automatic termination of this license and may result in criminal and/or civil prosecution. Neither Recovery Toolbox for Exchange Server binary code or Address Book source may be used or reverse engineered to re-create the Recovery Toolbox for Exchange Server algorithm, which is proprietary, without written permission of the author. Recovery Toolbox for Exchange Server keyfiles may not be distributed, except as stated in item 3) above, outside of the area of legal control of the person or persons who purchased the original license, without written permission of the copyright holder. All rights not expressly granted here are reserved by Recovery ToolBox. 7. Installing and using Recovery Toolbox for Exchange Server signifies acceptance of these terms and conditions of the license. 8. If you do not agree with the terms of this license you must remove Recovery Toolbox for Exchange Server files from your storage devices and cease to use the product. Thank you for using the original Recovery Toolbox for Exchange Server.