Keywords: Recovering address book, from Outlook Express, Recovering address book, in Outlook Express, Repair addressbook, Repair Windows contacts, restore address book, Outlook Express, restoring Outlook Express, address book
The Recovery Toolbox for Address Book tool makes it possible to recover contact information from the Windows Address Book where data used by the mail clients Microsoft Outlook and Outlook Express (wab files) is stored. With Recovery Toolbox for Address Book, you can: - quickly recover data deleted from the Address Book by mistake; - view the history of changes in the Address Book; - effectively recover data from the Address Book corrupted by a virus or by an antivirus program while checking and fixing the Windows Address Book file; - recover data from the Address Book if the database is no longer readable due to technical reasons (due to a power failure, invalid session interruption, a software failure, etc.). Contact information stored in *.wab files of the Windows Address Book is used by a lot of programs, including Microsoft Outlook and Microsoft Outlook Express. With Recovery Toolbox for Address Book, you can recover a document deleted by mistake. Such a contact will be marked with a red cross in the list of recovered contacts. Also, you can use the Recovery Wizard of the Recovery Toolbox for Address Book tool to recover contacts from the Windows Address Book. Contact data recovered with Recovery Toolbox for Address Book is easily exported into the Business Card format (vCard). Most personal information managers (PIM) support this standard. It will no take long to recover contacts, even in case of a large Windows Address Book file. The Recovery Toolbox for Address Book tool has a unique mechanism of smart information recovery making it possible to recover data that seem permanently lost. The amount of information recovered with Recovery Toolbox for Address Book mostly depends on how badly the *.wab file is damaged. The Recovery Toolbox for Address Book tool reads Windows Address Book files (*.wab files), but neither modifies nor makes any records in the source file. Tool don't work with Contacts from Windows Vista.
Keywords: outlook adressbuch reparieren, .wab reparieren, oe adressbuch reparieren, .wab dateien wiederherstellen, .wab reparatur, .wab wiederherstellen, gelöschte wab, datei wiederherstellen, gelöschtes adressbuch, von outlook express, wiederherstellen
Recovery Toolbox for Address Book ermöglicht das Wiederherstellen von Kontaktinformationen aus Windows Adressbuch, in dem von Microsoft Outlook und Outlook Express benötigte Daten (wab-Dateien) gespeichert werden. Recovery Toolbox for Address Book erlaubt Ihnen: - schnell Daten wiederherzustellen, die irrtümlicherweise aus dem Adressbuch gelöscht wurden; - die Adressbuchchronik anzusehen; - Daten zu retten, die durch einen Virus oder ein Antiviren-Programm bei der Überprüfung des Adressbuchs beschädigt wurden; - Daten aus dem Adressbuch zu retten, selbst wenn die Datenbank aus technischen Gründen nicht mehr lesbar ist (Stromausfall, ungültiges Beenden einer Sitzung, Softwarefehler usw.). Die Kontaktinformationen in den wab-Dateien des Windows-Adressbuchs werden von vielen Programmen wie MS Outlook und MS Outlook Express genutzt. Recovery Toolbox for Address Book hilft Ihnen bei der Wiederherstellung unbeabsichtigt gelöschter Dateien. Verlorene Kontakte sind in der Liste mit wiederhergestellten Kontakten mit einem roten Kreuz markiert. Sie können den Wiederherstellungsassistenten von Recovery Toolbox for Address Book verwenden, um Kontaktinformationen aus dem Windows Address Book wiederherzustellen. Wiederhergestellte Kontaktinformationen können problemlos im Business Card-Format (vCard) exportiert werden. Die meisten Personal Information Manager (PIM) unterstützen diesen Standard. Der Wiederherstellungsvorgang nimmt selbst bei großen Windows-Adressbuch-Dateien nicht viel Zeit in Anspruch. Recovery Toolbox for Address Book besitzt einen einzigartigen Mechanismus, dank dem Daten auf intelligente Weise wiederhergestellt werden können. Die Menge an Informationen, die mit Recovery Toolbox for Address Book gerettet werden kann, ist vom Ausmaß des Schadens der .wab-Datei abhängig. Recovery Toolbox for Address Book liest Windows-Adressbuch-Dateien (.wab-Dateien), verändert sie jedoch in keiner Weise. Das Tool funktioniert nicht mit „Windows Vista Kontakte“.
Утилита Recovery Toolbox for Address Book даёт возможность восстановления контактной информации из Адресной Книги Windows (Windows Address Book), где хранятся данные, используемые почтовыми клиентами Microsoft Outlook и Outlook Express (*.wab-файлы). Используя Recovery Toolbox for Address Book, выможете: - оперативно восстанавливать данные, удалённые из Адресной книги по ошибке; - просматривать историю изменений внесённых в Адресную Книгу; - эффективно восстанавливать данные из Адресной Книги, повреждённой вирусом либо антивирусом в ходе проверки и лечения файла Windows Address Book; - восстанавливать данные из Адресной Книги, если база данных перестала быть читаемой по техническим причинам (в результате сбоя питания, некорректного завершения рабочего сеанса пользователем, сбоя в работе приложений и.т.д.). Так же для восстановления контактов из Windows Address Book вы можете воспользоваться Мастером Восстановления контактов утилиты Recovery Toolbox for Address Book. В процессе работы Мастер Восстановления предложит вам поэтапно: - выбрать путь к исходному файлу Windows Address Book для дальнейшей работы; - указать какие именно контактные записи необходимо сохранить (одну, несколько или все сразу); - сохранить восстановленные данные в виде файлов *.vcf (в формате Business Card (vCard)). Контактная информация, хранящаяся в *.wab - файлах Адресной Книги Windows используется многими программами, в том числе Microsoft Outlook и Microsoft Outlook Express. Используя утилиту Recovery Toolbox for Address Book, вы можете восстановить контакт, удаленный по ошибке. Такой контакт будет отмечен красным крестиком в списке восстановленных контактов. Ограничения демо-версии: для восстановления доступны только первые 10 записей Windows Address Book. Контактные данные, восстановленные с помощью Recovery Toolbox for Address Book, легко сохраняются (экспортируются) в формате Business Card (vCard).
Distribution permissions: The Recovery Toolbox for Address Book is distributed as try before you buy. This means: 1. All copyrights to Recovery Toolbox for Address Book are exclusively owned by the author - Recovery ToolBox. 2. Anyone may use this software in Demo version. For removal of all shareware restrictions you must register. 3. There are 3 basic types of licenses issued for Recovery Toolbox for Address Book, these are: a. A Personal usage license. The user purchases one license to use the Recovery Toolbox for Address Book on one computer. b. A Business usage license. The user purchases the Business usage license, authorizing the use of Recovery Toolbox for Address Book to use the program in a corporate, government or business environment on one computer. c. A SITE usage license. The user purchases a single usage license, authorising the use of Recovery Toolbox for Address Book, by the purchaser, the purchaser's employees or accredited agents, on an unlimited number of computers at the same physical site location. This site location would normally be defined as a single building, but could be considered to be a number of buildings within the same, general, geographical location, such as an industrial estate or small town. Once registered, the user is granted a non-exclusive license to use Recovery Toolbox for Address Book on as many computers as defined by the licensing terms above according to the number of licenses purchased, for any legal purpose. The registered Recovery Toolbox for Address Book software may not be rented or leased, but may be permanently transferred, in it's entirety, if the person receiving it agrees to the terms of this license. If the software is an update, the transfer must include the update and all previous versions. 4. The Recovery Toolbox for Address Book Demo version may be freely distributed, with exceptions noted below, provided the distribution package is not modified in any way.
The Recovery Toolbox for Address Book is distributed as try before you buy. This means: 1. All copyrights to Recovery Toolbox for Address Book are exclusively owned by the author - Recovery ToolBox. 2. Anyone may use this software in Demo version. For removal of all shareware restrictions you must register. 3. There are 3 basic types of licenses issued for Recovery Toolbox for Address Book, these are: a. A Personal usage license. The user purchases one license to use the Recovery Toolbox for Address Book on one computer. b. A Business usage license. The user purchases the Business usage license, authorizing the use of Recovery Toolbox for Address Book to use the program in a corporate, government or business environment on one computer. c. A SITE usage license. The user purchases a single usage license, authorising the use of Recovery Toolbox for Address Book, by the purchaser, the purchaser's employees or accredited agents, on an unlimited number of computers at the same physical site location. This site location would normally be defined as a single building, but could be considered to be a number of buildings within the same, general, geographical location, such as an industrial estate or small town. Once registered, the user is granted a non-exclusive license to use Recovery Toolbox for Address Book on as many computers as defined by the licensing terms above according to the number of licenses purchased, for any legal purpose. The registered Recovery Toolbox for Address Book software may not be rented or leased, but may be permanently transferred, in it's entirety, if the person receiving it agrees to the terms of this license. If the software is an update, the transfer must include the update and all previous versions. 4. The Recovery Toolbox for Address Book Demo version may be freely distributed, with exceptions noted below, provided the distribution package is not modified in any way. a. No person or company may distribute separate parts of the package with the exception of the Recovery Toolbox for Address Book components, without written permission of the copyright owner. b. The Recovery Toolbox for Address Book Demo version may not be distributed inside of any other software package without written permission of the copyright owner. c. Hacks/cracks, keys or key generators may not be included on the same distribution. 5. THE Recovery Toolbox for Address Book IS DISTRIBUTED "AS IS". NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND IS EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED. YOU USE AT YOUR OWN RISK. NEITHER THE AUTHOR NOR THE AGENTS OF THE AUTHOR WILL BE LIABLE FOR DATA LOSS, DAMAGES, LOSS OF PROFITS OR ANY OTHER KIND OF LOSS WHILE USING OR MISUSING THIS SOFTWARE. 6. You may not use, copy, emulate, clone, rent, lease, sell, modify, decompile, disassemble, otherwise reverse engineer, or transfer the licensed program, or any subset of the licensed program, except as provided for in this agreement. Any such unauthorized use shall result in immediate and automatic termination of this license and may result in criminal and/or civil prosecution. Neither Recovery Toolbox for Address Book binary code or Address Book source may be used or reverse engineered to re-create the Recovery Toolbox for Address Book algorithm, which is proprietary, without written permission of the author. Recovery Toolbox for Address Book keyfiles may not be distributed, except as stated in item 3) above, outside of the area of legal control of the person or persons who purchased the original license, without written permission of the copyright holder. All rights not expressly granted here are reserved by Recovery ToolBox. 7. Installing and using Recovery Toolbox for Address Book signifies acceptance of these terms and conditions of the license. 8. If you do not agree with the terms of this license you must remove Recovery Toolbox for Address Book files from your storage devices and cease to use the product. Thank you for using the original Recovery Toolbox for Address Book.