Keywords: readiris, ocr, software, ocr software, document recognition, optical character recognition, character recognition, pdf, word, excel, image to word, pdf to word, readiris corporate, readiris 14, readiris corporate 14, editable file, searchable file
Readiris Corporate 14 - OCR Software.
Convert image, paper & PDF into editable and searchable files (Word,PDF, Excel...).
Readiris Corporate 14 is a powerful OCR solution designed for private users and independent workers. Thanks to Readiris Corporate 14, you will boost your productivity and save an incredible amount of time when converting any paper document, PDF, or image file into digital files you can edit, search and share to the Cloud in a single click!
Never retype text again. Convert any paper document, image or PDF into editable and searchable digital files (Word, Excel, PDF, HTML, etc.) using Readiris 14's Optical Character Recognition (OCR) technology. Simply scan your paper document using the built-in scanning wizard or import image from folders or digital camera. Readiris 14 will instantly convert it to the format of your choice without altering the original layout. Your digital documents will now be easy to edit, archived and shared!
Compatible with Word, Excel, PDF, etc. Readiris Corporate 14 convert images and PDF into editable text files fully compatible with Microsoft Office suite (Word, Excel, Outlook, etc.), Adobe Acrobat (PDF), Open Office, Word Perfect, Apple Pages, etc. Thanks to the advanced layout retention technology used in Readiris, the converted files will always look the sames as the original document while being editable and searchable.
Create & Compress PDF files. Drastically reduce the size of your images and PDF files using I.R.I.S.'s exclusive high compression technology. This new feature will let you compress your files up to 50 times smaller than the original size without affecting the visual quality. Your compressed documents, in standard PDF format, will be fully searchable and compatible with any usual PDF viewer!
Compatible with more than 130 languages. The OCR software (Readiris Corporate 14) is simply the best multi-lingual OCR software on the market. It recognizes more than 130 languages.
Keywords: Readiris OCR-Software, OCR-Software für Dokumentenerkennung, optische Zeichenerkennung, Zeichenerkennung, PDF, Word, Excel, Bild, um word, pdf zum Wort, Readiris Corporate, Readiris 14, Readiris Corporate 14, editierbare Datei
Readiris Corporate 14 - OCR Software. Readiris Corporate 14 ist eine Texterkennungssoftware (OCR), die speziell zur Optimierung Ihres Scanners mit erweiterten Funktionen zur Konvertierung von Dokumenten entwickelt wurde. Sie können damit jegliche Papierdokumente, Bilder oder PDF-Dateien in bearbeitbare und durchsuchbare digitale Dateien konvertieren (Word, Excel, PDF, HTML usw.). Erstellen Sie durchsuchbare PDF-Dateien. Mit Readiris Corporate 14 ist es ganz einfach, durchsuchbare und indexierte PDF-Dateien zu erstellen, die praktisch mit jedem Computer kompatibel sind. Die erzeugten PDF-Dateien sehen genauso aus, wie das Originalbild, wobei eine Textebene hinzugefügt wird, die durchsucht und indexiert werden kann. Sie können nun ganz bequem in Massen von archivierten Dokumenten nach genauen Informationen suchen! Niemals mehr Texte eintippen. Konvertieren Sie mit der Texterkennungstechnologie (OCR) von Readiris Corporate 14 jegliche Papierdokumente, Bilder oder PDF-Dateien in bearbeitbare und durchsuchbare digitale Dateien (Word, Excel, PDF, HTML usw.). Scannen Sie einfach Ihre Papierdokumente mit dem integrierten Scan-Assistenten ein oder importieren Sie Bilder aus Ordnern oder einer Digitalkamera. Readiris 14 konvertiert diese umgehend in das von Ihnen gewünschte Format, ohne das Originallayout zu ändern. Sie können Ihre digitalen Dokumente nun einfach bearbeiten, archivieren und teilen! Erkennung von mehr als 130 Sprachen. Die enthaltene OCR-Software (Readiris™ Corporate 14) ist einfach die beste mehrsprachige OCR-Software auf dem Markt. Sie erkennt über 130 Sprachen, einschließlich asiatische Sprachen und Arabisch!
Keywords: Readiris, OCR, logiciel, logiciel OCR, reconnaissance de documents, la reconnaissance optique de caractères, la reconnaissance de caractères, pdf, Word, Excel, image, Word, Readiris Corporate, Readiris 14, Readiris Corporate 14, fichier éditable
Readiris Corporate 14 - Logiciel OCR Readiris Corporate 14 est un logiciel de reconnaissance optique des caractères (OCR) conçu pour optimiser votre scanneur grâce à des fonctionnalités avancées de conversion de documents. Il vous permet de convertir tous vos documents papier, vos fichiers images ou PDF en fichiers numériques indexés et modifiables (Word, Excel, PDF, HTML, etc.). Création de fichiers PDF indexés Readiris Corporate 14 permet de créer facilement des fichiers PDF indexés et modifiables, compatibles avec la plupart des ordinateurs. La solution génère un fichier PDF identique à l'image d'origine en lui ajoutant une couche de texte indexé. Ainsi, vous pouvez facilement rechercher les informations dont vous avez besoin parmi la masse de documents archivés. Plus de texte à réencoder ! Convertissez n'importe quel document papier, fichier image ou PDF en fichier numérique indexé et modifiable (Word, Excel, PDF, HTML, etc.) grâce à la technologie de reconnaissance optique des caractères (OCR) de Readiris 14. Il suffit de numériser votre document papier à l'aide de l'Assistant de numérisation intégré ou d'importer une image d'un dossier ou d'un appareil photo numérique. Readiris 14 le convertit instantanément au format de votre choix sans modifier la mise en page d'origine. Vos documents numériques peuvent ensuite être modifiés, archivés et partagés en toute simplicité ! Reconnaissez plus de 130 langues Le logiciel OCR (Readiris™ Corporate 14) est tout simplement le meilleur logiciel OCR multilingue disponible sur le marché. Il reconnaît plus de 130 langues, dont les langues asiatiques et l'arabe !
Keywords: Readiris, ocr, software, ocr-software, herkenning van documenten, optische tekenherkenning, tekenherkenning, pdf, Word, Excel, afbeelding om het woord, PDF naar Word, Readiris Corporate, Readiris 14, Readiris Corporate 14, bewerkbare bestanden
Readiris Corporate 14 - OCR Software. Readiris Corporate 14 is een tekenherkenningsprogramma (OCR) speciaal ontwikkeld om uw scanner uit te breiden met geavanceerde documentconversiefuncties. U kunt er al uw papieren documenten, afbeeldingen en PDF-bestanden mee converteren naar bewerkbare en doorzoekbare digitale bestanden (Word, Excel, PDF, HTML enz.). Aanmaken van doorzoekbare PDF-bestanden. Met Readiris Corporate 14 kunnen heel gemakkelijk doorzoekbare en geïndexeerde PDF-bestanden worden aangemaakt die compatibel zijn met bijna elke computer. Het aangemaakt PDF-bestand ziet er identiek uit als het originele beeld en er is een tekstlaag toegevoegd voor het doorzoeken en indexeren. U vindt nu moeiteloos de exacte informatie die u zoekt binnen duizenden gearchiveerde documenten! Nooit meer teksten overtypen. Converteer al uw papieren documenten, afbeeldingen en PDF-bestanden naar bewerkbare en doorzoekbare digitale bestanden (Word, Excel, PDF, HTML enz.) met behulp van de optische tekenherkenningstechnologie (OCR) van Readiris 14. U hoeft alleen uw papieren document te scannen met behulp van de geïntegreerde scan-wizard of afbeeldingen te importeren vanuit mappen of vanaf een digitale camera. Readiris 14 converteert deze meteen naar de bestandsindeling van uw keuze zonder dat de originele lay-out wordt gewijzigd. Uw digitale documenten kunnen nu eenvoudig worden bewerkt, gearchiveerd en gedeeld! Herkenning van meer dan 130 talen. De OCR-software (Readiris™ Corporate 14) is zonder meer de beste meertalige OCR-software op de markt. Het programma herkent meer dan 130 talen, inclusief Aziatische talen en Arabisch!
Keywords: Readiris, OCR, software, software OCR, il riconoscimento dei documenti, il riconoscimento ottico dei caratteri, riconoscimento dei caratteri, pdf, word, excel, immagini di word, pdf a word, Readiris Corporate, Readiris 14, Readiris Corporate 14, file
Readiris Corporate 14 - OCR Software. Readiris Corporate 14 è un software per il riconoscimento ottico dei caratteri (OCR) progettato per migliorare le performance degli scanner con funzionalità di conversione dei documenti avanzate. Consente di convertire qualsiasi documento cartaceo, immagine o PDF in file digitali che supportano modifiche e ricerche testuali (Word, Excel, PDF, HTML, ecc.). Creazione di file PDF che supportano ricerche testuali. Readiris Corporate 14 è in grado di creare in tutta semplicità file PDF indicizzati e ricercabili, compatibili con praticamente tutti i computer. Il PDF creato avrà esattamente lo stesso aspetto dell'immagine originale, con l'aggiunta di un text layer ricercabile e indicizzabile. A questo punto sarà semplicissimo trovare le informazioni di cui si ha bisogno in mezzo a migliaia di documenti archiviati! Dimenticati della trascrizione manuale dei testi. Converte qualsiasi documento cartaceo, immagine o PDF in file digitali che supportano modifiche e ricerche testuali (Word, Excel, PDF, HTML, ecc.) usando la tecnologia di riconoscimento ottico dei caratteri (OCR) di Readiris Corporate 14. Acquisisci il documento cartaceo usando la procedura guidata di acquisizione integrata oppure importa l'immagine da una cartella o dalla fotocamera digitale. Readiris Corporate 14 lo convertirà immediatamente in un formato a tua scelta, senza modificarne il layout originale. Ora, i tuoi documenti digitali potranno essere facilmente modificati, archiviati e condivisi! Riconosce più di 130 lingue. Il software OCR (Readiris™ Corporate 14) è semplicemente il miglior software OCR multilingue sul mercato. Riconosce più di 130 lingue, comprese le lingue asiatiche e l'arabo!
Keywords: Readiris, ocr, software, software OCR, reconhecimento de documentos, reconhecimento óptico de caracteres, reconhecimento de caracteres, pdf, Word, Excel, imagem para o Word, PDF para Word, Readiris Corporate, Readiris 14, Readiris Corporate 14, arqui
Readiris Corporate 14 - OCR Software. Readiris 14 é um software de reconhecimento de caracteres (OCR) concebido para melhorar o seu scanner HP com avançadas funcionalidades de conversão de documentos. Irá permitir converter qualquer documento de papel, imagem ou PDF para ficheiros digitais editáveis e pesquisáveis (Word, Excel, PDF, HTML, etc.).. Crie PDF pesquisáveis. O Readiris 14 torna fácil criar ficheiros PDF pesquisáveis e indexados compatíveis com praticamente todos os computadores. O PDF produzido irá ser exactamente igual à imagem original e irá adicionar uma camada de texto pronto a ser pesquisado e indexado. Será conveniente encontrar as informações exactas pretendidas entre toneladas de documentos arquivados! Não volte a introduzir texto. Converta qualquer documento de papel, imagem ou PDF para ficheiros digitais editáveis e pesquisáveis (Word, Excel, PDF, HTML, etc.) utilizando a tecnologia de reconhecimento óptico de caracteres (OCR) do Readiris 14. Simplesmente digitalize o seu documento de papel utilizando o assistente de digitalização integrado ou importe a imagem a partir de pastas ou câmara digital. O Readiris 14 irá converter instantaneamente para o formato à sua escolha, sem alterar a disposição original. Agora, os seus documentos digitais serão fáceis de editar, arquivar e partilhar! Guarde os seus documentos na Nuvem. Guarde, aceda e gira os seus documentos convertidos a partir de qualquer computador, tablet ou telemóvel utilizando o novo conector de Nuvem do Readiris 14. Simplesmente seleccione o seu serviço favorito na Nuvem após o processo de conversão e o documento será automaticamente exportado, pronto a ser acedido onde quer que esteja! Todos os seus arquivos digitais estarão seguros e acessíveis quando e onde necessitar! Serviços na Nuvem suportados: Evernote, Dropbox, Box & Google Drive. Reconheça texto em mais de 130 idiomas
Keywords: Readiris, ocr, software, software de OCR, reconocimiento de documentos, reconocimiento óptico de caracteres, reconocimiento de caracteres, pdf, word, excel, imagen a la palabra, pdf a word, Readiris Corporate, Readiris 14, Readiris Corporate 14, arch
Readiris Corporate 14 - OCR Software. Readiris 14 es un software de reconocimiento óptico de caracteres (OCR). especialmente diseñado para complementar su escáner con funciones avanzadas de conversión de documentos. Le permitirá convertir cualquier documento en papel, imagen o documento en formato PDF en un archivo digital editable y con posibilidades de búsqueda (Word, Excel, PDF, HTML, etc.). Cree archivos PDF con posibilidades de búsqueda. Readiris 14 hace que crear archivos PDF indexados y con posibilidades de búsqueda, compatibles con virtualmente cualquier ordenador, sea un juego de niños. El PDF generado tendrá exactamente el mismo aspecto que el original, aunque contendrá una capa de texto, que permitirá indexar el contenido y realizar búsquedas. ¡Ahora le será mucho más fácil encontrar la información exacta que está buscando entre montones de documentos archivados! Olvídese de reproducir texto manualmente en el ordenador. Convierta cualquier documento en papel, imagen o documento en formato PDF en un archivo digital editable y con posibilidades de búsqueda (Word, Excel, PDF, HTML, etc.) mediante la tecnología de reconocimiento óptico de caracteres (OCR) de Readiris 14. Simplemente deberá escanear documentos utilizando el asistente de digitalización incorporado o importar imágenes de cualquier carpeta o desde una cámara digital. Readiris 14 convertirá el contenido al formato que desee al instante, sin alterar el diseño original. ¡Editar, archivar y compartir sus documentos digitales le será más fácil que nunca! Reconozca texto en más de 130 idiomas diferentes. El software de OCR incluido, Readiris™ 14, es la mejor solución de OCR multilingüe del mercado. Reconoce más de 130 idiomas, incluidos los principales idiomas asiáticos y el árabe.
• No page limitation/document • Create searchable PDF files up to 5 times smaller • 137 recognized languages • New OCR engine • Improved multi-core CPU support and multitasks. • New interface (Office 2010 look). • Powerful table recognition • Output connectors to the Cloud
Distribution permissions: The trial version of Readiris Corporate 14 can be freely distributed over the internet in an unchanged form.
I.R.I.S. End-User License Agreement (EULA)
Carefully read the terms and conditions of this license agreement before opening and/or installing the I.R.I.S. product package. By opening or installing the product package you indicate your agreement with the terms and conditions of this agreement. If you do not agree with its terms and conditions do not open and/or install the product package and promptly return the package including all other items which are part of this product such as hardware and/or printed material to your reseller.
Terms and Conditions
This legal document is an agreement between the legitimate purchaser of a license, hereinafter referred to as “licensee”, and Image Recognition Integrated Systems S.A., hereinafter referred to as “I.R.I.S.”. Terms and conditions are hereinafter detailed for “I.R.I.S. products” which refers to I.R.I.S. software or I.R.I.S. hardware or both once bundled.
1. This agreement applies to the I.R.I.S. product and its documentation.
2. I.R.I.S. grants the licensee a non-exclusive, non-transferable, worldwide license for one (1) user to install the I.R.I.S. product on a single personal computer and use the I.R.I.S. product and one copy of the associated user documentation contained in the accompanying user manual, “online” help and Acrobat files. The I.R.I.S. product license is granted in all countries where the licensee acknowledges that his/her consumer rights take precedence over any local, regional or national restrictions on use, without violating any laws, treaties, government rules or official rules preventing the licensee from using the license as it is. If additional programming seats are needed, the licensee should contact I.R.I.S. for discounted license pricing. The license granted hereunder applies only to the designated version of the enclosed I.R.I.S. product. If the I.R.I.S. product is an upgrade or cross-grade, it, and the product that was upgraded/cross graded constitute a single copy of the I.R.I.S. product for purposes hereof and the new version and product that was upgraded/cross-graded cannot be used by two people at the same time.
3. The license agreement is the entire and sole understanding between I.R.I.S. and the licensee with respect to the I.R.I.S. product and documentation. It supersedes all prior understandings or communications, whether written or oral.
4. The copyright on the I.R.I.S. product and documentation and all further intellectual rights of I.R.I.S. remain its exclusive property. I.R.I.S. shall under no circumstances be bound to communicate its source code(s). In consideration of payment of the license fee, included in the product price, I.R.I.S. only grants the licensee, under the terms and conditions of this agreement, the right to use the I.R.I.S. product and documentation.
5. The licensed I.R.I.S. product must be solely and exclusively used together with the specific I.R.I.S. software it was delivered with or developed for. Under no circumstances will the licensee be entitled to use any product directly or indirectly originating with, distributed or manufactured by I.R.I.S. with any other software than the licensed software program. Furthermore, without prejudice to article 6 if the licensee does not comply with the present provision, I.R.I.S. will under no circumstances be held liable for any malfunctioning whatsoever of its product, nor for any direct or indirect, incidental or consequential damage caused by the use of a third-party’s software program and I.R.I.S. cannot in this event be held by any warranty whatsoever related to its product or its licensed software program.
6. The licensee shall abstain from reproducing, electronically transferring, copying, translating, modifying or reverse-engineering any part of the I.R.I.S. product or documentation, except in so far as the electronic transfer of the I.R.I.S. product to a host computer’s memory is required for the normal I.R.I.S. product utilization. He may be held responsible for any infringement of intellectual rights caused or made possible by his failure to abide by the terms of this agreement.
7. The I.R.I.S. product and documentation are licensed to the licensee and may not be transferred, neither wholly or partly, to anyone without the prior written consent of I.R.I.S.
8. This license is effective until terminated. The license terminates automatically without notice from I.R.I.S. if the licensee fails to comply with any provision of this agreement. Upon termination he shall destroy all copies of the I.R.I.S. product and documentation or alternatively return the same to I.R.I.S. or alternatively ask I.R.I.S Customer Service for a “Letter of Destruction”.
9. I.R.I.S. does not warrant that the I.R.I.S. product will run without interruptions or that it will be free from errors nor that all discovered errors shall be corrected. All I.R.I.S. product and documentation are delivered as such without any express or implied warranty. In particular, I.R.I.S. does not warrant its merchantability or fitness for any particular purpose. In no event shall I.R.I.S. be liable for any direct or indirect, incidental or consequential damages caused by the I.R.I.S. product or documentation.
10. I.R.I.S. may create upgraded versions of the I.R.I.S. product and documentation. I.R.I.S. will make such updates available to licensees who have paid the update fee.
11. Under no circumstances, I.R.I.S. and its OCR (“Optical Character Recognition”) technologies shall be held responsible by any users for illegal use of I.R.I.S. technology resulting in reproducing, electronic transferring, copying, translating or modifying any part of documentation or information without appropriate authorization from the official owner of the copyright of such documentation or information.
12. The license is only valid for end user utilization, it does not give the licensee the right to resell the product, to integrate the included I.R.I.S. technology or to propose additional services across the Internet. The license allows the use of the included I.R.I.S. technology across an Intranet or an Extranet. The license is not valid for use as a runtime license of an I.R.I.S. component integrated into a third-party application and/or Internet-based service. Exception to article 12 is possible if, in a separate written agreement signed between the licensee and I.R.I.S., the license has expressly been sold as a component of this third-party application and/or Internet-based service integrating I.R.I.S. technology and therefore every terms of the license are applicable to both end user utilization license and integrated license utilization.
13. Should the product concerned be an I.R.I.S.’s hardware product, this EULA covers warranty obligations for this hardware product limited to the terms set forth below: 1. I.R.I.S., as defined below, warrants this I.R.I.S.-branded hardware product against defects in materials and workmanship under normal use for a period of ONE (1) YEAR outside EEC, TWO (2) years inside EEC from the date of retail purchase by the original end-user purchaser (“Warranty Period”). If a hardware defect arises and a valid claim is received within the Warranty Period, at its option and to the extent permitted by law, I.R.I.S. will either (1) repair the hardware defect at no charge, using new parts or parts equivalent to new in performance and reliability, (2) exchange the product with a product that is new or equivalent to new in performance and reliability and is at least functionally equivalent to the original product, or (3) refund the purchase price of the product. 2. I.R.I.S. may request that you replace defective parts with new or refurbished user-installable parts that I.R.I.S. provides in fulfillment of its warranty obligation. A replacement product or part, including a user installable part that has been installed in accordance with instructions provided by I.R.I.S., assumes the remaining warranty of the original product or ninety (90) days from the date of replacement or repair, which ever provides longer coverage for you. When a product or part is exchanged, any replacement item becomes your property and the replaced item becomes I.R.I.S.’s property. Parts provided by I.R.I.S. in fulfillment of its warranty obligation must be used in products for which warranty service is claimed. 3. When a refund is given, the product for which the refund is provided must be returned to I.R.I.S. and becomes I.R.I.S.’s property. 4. EXCLUSIONS AND LIMITATIONS 1. This Limited Warranty applies only to the hardware product manufactured by or for I.R.I.S. that can be identified by the “I.R.I.S.” trademark, trade name, or logo affixed to it. The Limited Warranty does not apply to any non-I.R.I.S. hardware product or any software, even if packaged or sold with the I.R.I.S. hardware. Manufacturers, suppliers, or publishers, other than I.R.I.S., may provide their own warranties to the end user purchaser, but I.R.I.S., in so far as permitted by law, provides their products “as is”. Software distributed by I.R.I.S. with or without the I.R.I.S. brand name (including, but not limited to system software) is not covered under this Limited Warranty. Refer to the licensing agreement accompanying the software for details of your rights with respect to its use. 2. This warranty does not apply: (a) to consumable parts, such as batteries or cables, unless damage has occurred due to a defect in materials or workmanship; (b) to cosmetic damage, including but not limited to scratches, dents, and broken plastic on ports; (c) to damage caused by accident, abuse, misuse, flood, fire, earthquake or other external causes; (d) to damage caused by operating the product outside the permitted or intended uses described by I.R.I.S.; (e) to damage caused by service (including upgrades and expansions) performed by anyone who is not a representative of I.R.I.S. or an I.R.I.S. Authorized Reseller; (f) to a product or part that has been modified to alter functionality or capability without the written permission of I.R.I.S.; or (g) if any I.R.I.S. serial number has been removed or defaced. 3. Important: Do not open the hardware product. Opening the hardware product may cause damage that is not covered by this warranty. Only I.R.I.S. or an authorized service provider should perform service on this hardware product.
14. In the event that a claim is filed in a court of competent jurisdiction alleging that the I.R.I.S. product, its related documentation, its trademarks, its copyrights and its trade names used within the scope of the license granted hereunder directly infringes any copyright or trade secret of any third party (“infringement action”), I.R.I.S. shall indemnify, defend and hold the licensee harmless from and against such infringement action and any and all costs, damages, penalties and expenses, including reasonable attorneys’ fees, finally resulting from or awarded in actions attributable to such claim, provided that (a) the licensee promptly notifies I.R.I.S. in writing of the existence of such infringement action when the licensee becomes aware of such infringement action, (b) I.R.I.S. has control of the defense of such infringement action and all related settlement negotiations, and (c) the licensee provides all reasonable assistance and cooperation in such defense. In the event of an infringement claim for which I.R.I.S. is obligated to indemnify the licensee, I.R.I.S. may, at its sole discretion, (i) obtain a license that allows the licensee to continue using the I.R.I.S. product, or (ii) replace or modify the I.R.I.S. product so as to be non-infringing in a manner that does not materially affect its functionality. The foregoing represents I.R.I.S.’ sole responsibility to the licensee in the event of a third-party infringement claim of any kind, and it is agreed that I.R.I.S. will have no responsibility or liability whatsoever in connection with any third party patent claims. In any case, the yearly maximum amount of indemnification will not exceed the amount of license fee received by I.R.I.S. from the licensee according to this present agreement. 15. This I.R.I.S. license agreement is fully effective for I.R.I.S. products as for a third-party hardware product. It gives the same rights and obligations to both parties, I.R.I.S. and the licensee. Article 13 is valid for hardware products whoever the hardware manufacturer may be.
16. Notwithstanding the foregoing, I.R.I.S. shall have no responsibility for claims arising solely as a result of the modifications made by the licensee to the I.R.I.S. product. In case of claims arising from the combined use of I.R.I.S.’ product with the licensee’s solution, the responsibility shall be shared by both I.R.I.S. and the licensee if the real cause of the problem for which such claims are lodged can not be clearly identified to be from the I.R.I.S.’ side or from the licensee’s side.