Business & Finance :: CAD, Education :: Science, Multimedia and Design :: CAD
Win2000, WinXP, Win7 x32, Win7 x64, Windows 8, Windows 10, WinServer, WinOther, WinVista, WinVista x64
System requirements:
Graphic card with OpenGL hardware acceleration and 32-bit color depth
you can't print and save file
Keywords: CAD for Topography, XYZ File editor, LandXML, Triangulation, Isolines, Cross sections, Longitudinal profile, Intersection of two triangulations, quartic triangular patches
Simple, powerful and inexpensive CAD software for surveying. You can do triangulation, isolines, color-filled contour maps, sections, intersections, volume and much more. You can process hundreds of thousands of points or triangles, even on less powerful PCs. Through its own CAD system (called RCAD), specialized for 3D and for a large number of entities, you can: -load and draw a file of points having the format: Number X Y Z Code; the drawing is made by POINT,3DPOLY,SPLINE or BLOCK entities, according to a modifiable library of codes -edit interactively the XYZ files of points; you can modify the coordinates, the code and the position (in 3DPOLY or SPLINE) -triangulate the points on a convex hull or between an external contour and possibly more interior contours -do isolines (contour lines) and color-filled contour map -do cross sections and longitudinal profile -do the projection of several PLine entities over a triangulation -do the conversion of a triangulation to a regular grid of points -do the conversion of the existing isolines resulting from maps in points and then in a triangulation -represent the geological_stratification resulting from drilling -calculate 3D area, center of gravity and the volume between 2 triangulations or between a triangulation and a plan -intersect and divide two triangulations or a triangulation by a horizontal plan -interpolate a set of 3DFACE entities, using quartic triangular patches (G1 continuity) -transform a drawing containing entities as PLine, Line, Block and Text, in points having codes and then in a triangulation, -represent 4D points cloud, -import and export LandXML files type. RCAD CAD system, distributed together with RTOPO, provides OpenGL real-time orbit, pan,zoom, shading, lighting and motion path animation. RCAD is similar with other popular CAD systems and can load and save DXF files. It has entries in the command text area, graphics area, menus and toolbars and can run scripts.
Keywords: CAD für Landestopografie XYZ Datei, LandXML, Triangulation, Isolinien, Querschnitte, Längsprofil, Schnittpunkt von zwei Triangulierungen, quartic dreieckigen Patches
Sie ist eine für die Topografie sehr nützliche Software aus folgenden Gründen: - Erstellung des digitalen Modells des Grundstückes durch die Triangulation einer Menge unregelmäßiger Punkte, - Darstellung (durch 3DPOLY, SPLINE oder BLOCK-Einheiten) und Bearbeitung (Änderung, Löschen und Hinzufügen) der 3D Topografiepunkte (des 'x y z Code'-Formates), - Triangulation, - Isolinien, - Querschnitte, - Längsprofile, - Projektion von POLYLine-Einheiten auf die Triangulation, - Konvertierung einer Triangulation in einem regelmäßigen Netzwerk von Punkten, - Generierung von Punkten auf den Isolinien, die sich aus Karten ergeben und Erstellen des digitalen Modells des Grundstückes, - Berechnung der Oberfläche einer Triangulation in 3D oder 2D, - Berechnung des Volumens zwischen 2 Triangulationen oder zwischen einer Triangulation und einem Plan, - Schnitt 2er Triangulationen, - Umwandlung einer Zeichnung mit POint, POLYLine, Block oder Text-Einheiten, in Punkte mit Codes und danach in einer Triangulation, - Import und Export von Dateien LandXML, - Zeichnen von 4D-Punktewolken, in den 'x y z r g b', 'x y z r g b s' oder 'x y z s'-Formaten.
Der RCAD-Grafikkern, der zusammen mit der Software geliefert wird, ähnelt anderen bekannten CAD Systeme und kann DXF-Dateien hochladen und speichern. RCAD hat Einträge auch im Bereich der Text-Befehle, im Grafikbereich, in den Menüs und den Toolbars. RCAD hat Zeichnen- und Bearbeitungs-Befehle. RCAD kann Scripts ausführen und kann auch aus anderen Softwares aufgerufen werden.
Keywords: TOPOGRAPHIE, XYZ file, TRIANGULATION, ISOLIGNES, SECTIONS, LandXML, projection, quartic, DTM, Modèle Numérique de Terrain, le réseau irrégulier triangulaire, DAO, DXF, OPENGL, AUTOCAD, IntelliCAD, VOLUME, la stratification géologique, Micro Piste
Simple, puissant et peu coûteux logiciel de CAO pour l'arpentage. Vous pouvez faire: l'édition des fichiers XYZ, triangulation, isolignes, des cartes en courbes de couleur remplis, sections, intersections, le volume et bien plus encore. Vous pouvez traiter des centaines de milliers de points ou triangles, même sur des PC moins puissants. Est utile en topographie pour représenter et éditer les points 3D (par 3DPOLY,SPLINE ou BLOCK) et pour triangulation, isolignes, contours de cartes remplis de couleurs, sections transversales et profil longitudinal. Il est possible de projeter une entité PLine sur une triangulation, vous pouvez convertir une triangulation dans une grille régulière de points et vous pouvez transformer les isolignes résultant de cartes en points. Il existe une bibliothèque modifiable pour des codes et des blocs. Les coordonnées, le code et la position (en 3DPOLY ou SPLINE) des points peuvent être modifiés interactivement. La triangulation est effectuée sur une enveloppe convexe d'un ensemble de points ou entre un contour extérieur et quelques contours intérieur. Vous pouvez charger des fichiers STL-AutoCAD, LandXML ou des points 4D cloud et vous pouvez calculer le volume et la surface 3D. Vous pouvez représenter la stratification géologique et intersecter ou diviser deux triangulations (ou deux ensembles d'entités 3dmesh et 3dface) ou une triangulation par un plan. Les fichiers DXF peuvent être chargés ou sauvés. RCAD peut également exécuter des scripts, il peut être appelé par d'autres programmes, peut interpoler un ensemble d'entités 3DFACE, en utilisant des patchs triangulaires quartique avec une continuité G1 et peut également transformer un dessin contenant des entités comme 3DPOLY,Line,Block et du Text, dans des points ayant des codes et puis dans le modèle numérique de terrain. Le noyau de graphique de RCAD distribué en même temps que RTOPO, fournit orbite d'OpenGL en temps réel,pan,zoom,shading,lighting et mouvement animée.
Keywords: CAD per Topografia, XYZ file, triangolazione, isolinee, sezioni trasversali, profilo longitudinale, la modifica del file XYZ, LandXML
Semplice, potente ed economico software CAD per la topografia. Si può fare di triangolazione, isolinee, mappe di contorno di colore pieno, sezioni, intersezioni, volume e molto altro ancora. È possibile elaborare centinaia di migliaia di punti o triangoli, anche su PC meno potenti. Attraverso il proprio sistema CAD (chiamato RCAD), specializzata per il 3D e per un gran numero di entità, essa può: -caricare e disegnare un file di punti che hanno il formato: numero X Y Z di codice; il disegno è fatta per punto, 3DPOLY, entità spline BLOCK, secondo una libreria modificabile di codici -edit interattivamente i punti; è possibile modificare le coordinate, il codice e la posizione (in 3DPOLI o SPLINE) -triangulate i punti su un convesso o tra un contorno esterno e forse contorni più interni -fare isolinee e colori pieni di contorno mappa -fare sezioni trasversali e profilo longitudinale -fare la proiezione di diverse entità PLINEA su una triangolazione -fare la conversione di una triangolazione di una griglia regolare di punti -fare conversione delle isolinee esistenti risultanti dalle mappe in punti e poi in una triangolazione -disegnare il geological stratification derivante dalla perforazione -calcoli zona 3D, il centro di gravità e il volume tra 2 triangolazioni o tra una triangolazione e un piano di -intersecare e dividere due triangolazioni o una triangolazione da un piano orizzontale -interpolate un insieme di entità 3DFACE, utilizzando le patch triangolare quartici (continuità G1) -trasformare un disegno contenente entità come PLinea, Linea, Block e testo, in punti con codici e poi in una triangolazione -importazione ed esportazione di file LandXML -disegnare una nuvola di punti 4D. RCAD sistema CAD, distribuito insieme a RTOPO, fornisce OpenGL in tempo reale orbita, pan, zoom, ombreggiatura, l'illuminazione e il percorso del movimento di animazione. RCAD è simile con altri sistemi CAD popolare e può caricare e salvare DXF.
Keywords: CAD Agrimensura, arquivos XYZ, triangulação, isolinhas, seções transversais, perfil longitudinal, LandXML, a intersecção de dois triangulação, 4D ponto nuvem
Software CAD simples, poderoso e barato, para o levantamento. Você pode fazer a triangulação, isolinhas, contorno mapa cheio de cor, seções, interseções, volume, importação e exportação de arquivos LandXML e muito mais. Pode processar milhões de pontos ou triângulos. Você pode desenhar e 4D ponto nuvem. XYZ aponta arquivos serão sorteados por entidades 3DPOLY, SPLINE ou bloco (de acordo com uma biblioteca). Os pontos podem ser editados (alterado, apagado ou adicionado). Pode ser obtido e cruz seções e perfis longitudinais. Ele pode transformar isolinhas resultantes de mapas em pontos e em seguida, na triangulação. Ele pode calcular a área eo volume de uma triangulação. RCAD núcleo gráfico, fornecido com o programa é semelhante a outros sistemas CAD popular e pode carregar e salvar arquivos DXF. Tem 3D órbita, pan, zoom, sombreamento, iluminação e animação de caminho de movimento.
Keywords: CAD pentru Topografie, Fisiere XYZ, Triangulatie, Izolinii, Sectiuni transversale, Profil longitudinal, LandXML, Intersectia a 2 triangulatii, DXF
Este un program util in topografie pentru: - crearea modelului digital al terenului prin triangulatia unei multimi de puncte neregulate, - reprezentarea (prin 3DPOLY, SPLINE sau entititati BLOCK) si editarea (modificarea, stergerea si adaugarea) punctelor topografice 3D (de format 'x y z cod'), - triangulatie, - izolinii, - sectiuni transversale, - profile longitudinale, - proiectia unor entitati 2D POLYLine pe triangulatie, - conversia unei triangulatii intr-o retea regulata de puncte, - generarea de puncte pe izoliniile rezultate din harti si crearea modelului digital al terenului, - calculul ariei unei triangulatii in 3D sau 2D, - calculul volumului dintre 2 triangulatii sau o triangulatie si un plan, - intersectia a 2 triangulatii, - transformarea unui desen care contine entitati POint, POLYLine, Block sau Text, in puncte cu coduri si apoi intr-o triangulatie, - importul si exportul de fisiere LandXML, - desenarea de nori de puncte 4D, de formate 'x y z r g b' ori 'x y z s'.
Keywords: CAD para Topografía, Ficheros XYZ, Triangulación, Isolíneas, LandXML, Secciones transversales, Perfil longitudinal, Intersección de 2 triangulaciones, DXF
Es un programa útil en la topografía para: - la creación del modelo digital del terreno, mediante la triangulación de un conjunto de puntos irregulares, - la representación (mediante 3DPOLY, SPLINE o entidades BLOCK) y la edición (modificación, eliminación y adición) de puntos topográficos 3D (en formato ”x y z código”), - triangulación. - isolíneas, - secciones transversales, - perfiles longitudinales, - la proyección de unas entidades POLYLine en la triangulación, - la conversión de una triangulación en un red regular de puntos, - la generación de puntos en las isolíneas resultadas de mapas y la creación del modelo digital del terreno, - el cálculo del área de una triangulación en 3D o 2D, - el cálculo del volumen entre 2 triangulación o una triangulación y un plano, - la intersección de 2 triangulaciones, - la transformación de un dibujo que contiene entidades Point, POLYLine, Block o Text, en puntos con códigos y después en una triangulación, - importación y exportación de archivos LandXML, - el dibujo de nubes de puntos 4D, con formatos 'x y z r g b', 'x y z r g b s' o 'x y z s'.
El núcleo gráfico RCAD, suministrado junto con el programa, es similar con otros sistemas CAD populares y puede cargar y guardar ficheros DXF. RCAD tiene entradas en la zona de órdenes texto, en la zona gráfica, menús y toolbars. El tiene órdenes para dibujar y modificar. RCAD puede rodar guiones y se puede acceder a él desde otros programas.
Keywords: Arazi Ölçümü CAD, XYZ Dosya, Nirengi, Isolines, LandXML, Kesit, Boyuna profil, iki nirengi Kavşak
Basit, güçlü ve ucuz topografya, CAD. Yapabileceğiniz: nirengi, isolines, renk dolu kontur haritalar, dosyayı XYZ düzenleme, ithalat ve LandXML dosyalarının ihracat, kesitler, kavşakları, hacim ve çok daha fazlası. Sen 4D bulut işaret çizebilirsiniz ve siz de puan veya üçgen yüz binlerce işleyebilir. RTOPO çekirdek 3D RCAD ile birlikte geliyor. RCAD yapabilirsiniz: real-time orbit, pan, zoom, gölgeleme, aydınlatma, hareket yolu animasyon, yükleme ve kaydetme DXF dosyalarını.
Distribution permissions: This SOFTWARE may be distributed freely on online services, bulletin boards, or other electronic media as long as the files are distributed only "AS IS" in this installation package. This SOFTWARE may not be distributed on CD-ROM, disk, or other physical media for a fee without the permission of the Author.
All copyrights of 'RTOPO ' software application are exclusively owned by the author - RCAD SOFTWARE SRL.
RTOPO is shareware software application with 30 days trial period. This Limited Use Software License Agreement (the 'AGREEMENT') is a legal agreement between you ('LICENSEE'), the end-user, and RCAD SOFTWARE SRL author ('AUTHOR') for the use of the RTOPO software product, and may include associated media, printed materials and any 'online' or electronic documentation ('SOFTWARE'). By using this SOFTWARE or storing this program on a computer hard drive (or other media), you are agreeing to be bound by the terms of this AGREEMENT. If you do not agree to the terms of this AGREEMENT, you may not install or use the SOFTWARE and you must delete it from all storage media. You may install this SOFTWARE to test and evaluate it for a period of 30 days, if it suits your needs and you wish to purchase it. Following this test period of 30 days or less, if you wish to continue to use the SOFTWARE, you MUST register. If you don't register the SOFTWARE after the 30 days evaluation period, you must delete the SOFTWARE from all storage media. Once registered, the user is granted a exclusive license to use the SOFTWARE on one computer, for any legal purpose, at a time. The registered SOFTWARE may not be rented or leased. This SOFTWARE may be distributed freely on online services, bulletin boards, or other electronic media as long as the files are distributed only 'AS IS' in this installation package. This SOFTWARE may not be distributed on CD-ROM, disk, or other physical media for a fee without the permission of the Author. The SOFTWARE may not be bundled or distributed with any other package without written permission of the author. The SOFTWARE is protected by copyright laws and international copyright treaties, as well as other intellectual property laws and treaties. The SOFTWARE is licensed, not sold. You may not alter this SOFTWARE in any way, including changing or removing any messages or windows. You may not decompile, reverse engineer, disassemble or otherwise reduce this SOFTWARE to a human perceivable form. You may not modify, rent or resell for profit this SOFTWARE, or create derivative works based upon this SOFTWARE. You may not publicize or distribute any registration code algorithms, information, or registration codes used by this SOFTWARE without permission of the Author. You agree not to enter any serial/registration number into the Software for which you have not purchased or use any means to circumvent the Software protection mechanism, you also agree if you are found to have done so that the license to use the Software has terminated and any action(s) to report unauthorized access, piracy and disable access to the Software is permitted. RTOPO software (including documentation and/or additional materials) is owned by RCAD SOFTWARE SRL. This Agreement does not provide you the title or ownership of the SOFTWARE, but only a limited right of use.
'RTOPO' software and accompanying written materials are provided 'AS IS' without warranty of any kind. Further, the author does not warrant, guarantee, or take any representations regarding the use, or the results of use, of the software or written materials in terms of correctness, accuracy, reliability or otherwise. The entire risk as to the results and performance of the software is assumed by you. Neither the author nor anyone else who has been involved in the creation, production or delivery of this product shall be liable for any direct, indirect, consequential or incidental damages (including damages for loss of business profits, business interruption, loss of business information and the like) arising out of the use or inability to use the product even if the author has been advised of the possibility of such damages. By using RTOPO software you acknowledge that you have read this limited warranty, understand it, and agree to be bound by its' terms and conditions. If the above terms and conditions cannot be legally applied by you then you are NOT licensed to use this software and absolutely may not use it for any purpose. You must remove this software from your system.