Profit Contribution Breakdown allows you to identify the level of surplus/profit generated by components of your business. By applying relative indicators to reflect the amount of variable and fixed expense (resource) a component consumes surplus and contribution levels are calculated. This component performance is combined with indicators for future potential and business ability to identify areas that will maximize current and future performance. Summary recommendations are provided for each breakdown and results presented in graphical and tabular form. This business tool can analyze any chosen component of an overall business or product line. Default breakdown is five Customer Segments and five Product Groups.
Evaluation Mode with Excel 2007 and Excel 97-2003 versions.
Distribution permissions: You may freely distribute this software in Evaluation form without Registration Codes. Any software distributed must require the user to provide payment to Bizpep to maintain software beyond the Evaluation Period as originally designed. You may not sell or require payment in any form for Bizpep software. Evaluation software must be distributed without cost or penalty to the user.
Software is provided free for Evaluation. Payment is required to Register and fully enable this software. The specific suitability of this software must be independently assessed. Software is provided as is, use is entirely at the users risk, and use acknowledges that Bizpep and all associated parties are held harmless from any claims or losses relating to software provided.