PROBILZ automates the store operations, improves efficiency and has an extensive range of features like Inventory management, CRM, and Business report integrated with accounting. Both products combine an easy-to-use, step-by-step interface full of guidance, help, and online training videos, with a powerful business reporting, including detailed ready-made sales, purchase, inventory and complete financial analysis.
BENEFITS The customized solution of PROBILZ is built upon industry best practices to address individual retailers needs. It has a rich user interface and robust application which makes it a unique opportunity for small and chain format retailers. Probilz proves to be a customized solution for a combination of independent and multiple stores management with affordable cost of ownership. Flexible solutions for your business needs
PROBILZ BENEFITS Automate your store billing and sale operations Track and manage your inventory Keep track of your sales and profits Quickly build stronger customer retentions Instant snapshot of real time reports Flexible employee security rights Gain controls and simplify your business
PROBILZ automatisiert die Betriebsabläufe, verbessert die Effizienz und verfügt über umfangreiche Funktionen wie Inventory Management, CRM und Business Report in die Buchhaltung integriert. Beide Produkte kombinieren eine einfach zu bedienende, Schritt-für-Schritt-Oberfläche mit Anleitung, Hilfe und Online-Schulungsvideos mit einer leistungsstarken Geschäftsberichterstattung inklusive detaillierter Fertigstellung, Kauf, Inventur und vollständiger Finanzanalyse.
VORTEILE Die maßgeschneiderte Lösung von PROBILZ basiert auf branchenführenden Vorgehensweisen, um den individuellen Bedürfnissen der Einzelhändler gerecht zu werden. Es hat eine reiche Benutzeroberfläche und robuste Anwendung, die es eine einzigartige Gelegenheit für kleine und Kette Format Einzelhändler macht. Probilz erweist sich als maßgeschneiderte Lösung für eine Kombination aus unabhängiger und mehrfacher Filialverwaltung mit erschwinglichen Betriebskosten. Flexible Lösungen für Ihre geschäftlichen Anforderungen
PROBILZ VORTEILE Automatisieren Sie Ihr Geschäft Abrechnung und Verkauf Operationen Verfolgen und verwalten Sie Ihr Inventar Verfolgen Sie Ihre Umsätze und Gewinne Schnellere Kundenbindung Instant Snapshot von Echtzeit-Berichte Flexible Mitarbeiter-Sicherheitsrechte Gewinnen Sie Kontrollen und vereinfachen Sie Ihr Geschäft
Keywords: Probilz - Top Points de vente avec plus de 100000 téléchargements à travers le monde Probilz - système de gestion de détail gratuit POS Logiciel libre de vente au détail, pos gratuit de téléchargement, système de gestion libre d'affair
PROBILZ automatise les opérations de magasin, améliore l'efficacité et dispose d'une vaste gamme de fonctionnalités telles que la gestion des stocks, le CRM et le rapport d'entreprise intégré à la comptabilité. Les deux produits combinent une interface facile à utiliser, étape par étape, pleine de conseils, d'aide et de vidéos de formation en ligne, avec un rapport d'entreprise puissant, incluant des ventes détaillées et détaillées, l'achat, l'inventaire et une analyse financière complète.
AVANTAGES La solution sur mesure de PROBILZ repose sur les meilleures pratiques de l'industrie pour répondre aux besoins des détaillants individuels. Il possède une interface utilisateur riche et une application robuste qui en fait une occasion unique pour les détaillants de format petit et en chaîne. Probilz s'avère être une solution personnalisée pour une combinaison de gestion de magasins indépendants et multiples avec un coût de propriété abordable. Des solutions flexibles pour vos besoins d'affaires
AVANTAGES PROBILZ Automatiser les opérations de facturation et de vente de votre magasin Suivi et gestion de votre inventaire Suivez vos ventes et vos profits Réduire rapidement les retenues à la clientèle Instantané instantané des rapports en temps réel Droits de sécurité des employés flexibles Gain des contrôles et simplifier votre entreprise
Keywords: برامج البيع بالتجزئة مجانا، مجانا تحميل نقاط البيع، مجانا نظام إدارة الأعمال، والفواتير البرمجيات التجزئة الحرة، البرمجيات الحرة وإدارة المخزون، والفواتير البرمجيات متجر، والبرمجيات البقالة، والبرمجيات الحرة، وإدارة علاقات العملاء مجانا،
PROBILZ بأتمتة عمليات تخزين، ويحسن كفاءة ويحتوي على مجموعة واسعة من الميزات مثل إدارة المخزون وإدارة علاقات العملاء، وتقرير الأعمال المتكاملة مع المحاسبة. كل من المنتجات الجمع بين وسيلة سهلة الاستخدام، وخطوة بخطوة واجهة كاملة من التوجيه والمساعدة والانترنت أشرطة فيديو للتدريب، مع إبلاغ رجال الأعمال الأقوياء، بما في ذلك مبيعات مفصل الجاهزة، وشراء والجرد والتحليل المالي الكامل.
فوائد هو مبني على حل مخصص من PROBILZ على أفضل الممارسات الصناعية لمعالجة تجار التجزئة الفردية يحتاجها. وله واجهة المستخدم الغنية وتطبيق قوي مما يجعله فرصة فريدة للمشاريع الصغيرة وسلسلة متاجر التجزئة الشكل. Probilz يبرهن على أن تكون حلول مخصصة لمزيج من إدارة مخازن مستقلة ومتعددة بتكلفة معقولة للملكية. حلول مرنة لتلبية احتياجات عملك
الفوائد PROBILZ أتمتة عمليات بك الفواتير وبيع مخزن تتبع وإدارة المخزون الخاص بك تتبع المبيعات والأرباح بسرعة بناء محتجزات العملاء أقوى لقطة لحظة من التقارير في الوقت الحقيقي حقوق الأمنية موظف مرونة الحصول على الضوابط وتبسيط عملك
PROBILZ automatiseert de winkelactiviteiten, verbetert de efficiëntie en heeft een uitgebreid scala aan functies, zoals voorraadbeheer, CRM en Business rapport geïntegreerd met de boekhouding. Beide producten combineren een eenvoudig te gebruiken, stap-voor-stap-interface vol met begeleiding, hulp en online training video's, met een krachtige business reporting, inclusief gedetailleerde kant en klare verkoop, inkoop, voorraadbeheer en volledige financiële analyse.
VOORDELEN De op maat gemaakte oplossing van PROBILZ is gebaseerd op best practices voor individuele retailers behoeften. Het heeft een rijke gebruikersinterface en robuuste applicatie die het een unieke kans voor kleine en ketting formaat retailers maakt. Probilz blijkt een aangepaste oplossing een combinatie van onafhankelijke en meerdere winkels beheer met betaalbare exploitatiekosten zijn. Flexibele oplossingen voor uw zakelijke behoeften
PROBILZ VOORDELEN Automatiseer uw winkel facturering en verkoop activiteiten Bijhouden en beheren van uw voorraad Blijf op de hoogte van uw omzet en winst Bouw snel sterker inhoudingen klant Instant momentopname van real time rapporten Flexibele werknemer zekerheidsrechten Gain controle en vereenvoudiging van uw bedrijf
Keywords: Probilz - टॉप रेटेड खुदरा दुनिया भर में 100000 से अधिक डाउनलोड के साथ पीओएस Probilz - मुफ्त खुदरा प्रबंधन प्रणाली पीओएस फ्री खुदरा सॉफ्टवेयर, मुफ्त डाउनलोड स्थिति, मुक्त व्यापार प्रबंधन प्रणाली, मुफ्त खुदरा बिलिंग सॉफ्टवेयर, मुफ्त सूची
PROBILZ दुकान संचालन automates, दक्षता में सुधार और सूची प्रबंधन, सीआरएम, और लेखा के साथ एकीकृत बिजनेस रिपोर्ट जैसी सुविधाओं की एक व्यापक रेंज है। दोनों उत्पादों को एक आसान करने के लिए उपयोग कदम-दर-कदम इंटरफेस मार्गदर्शन से भरा है, मदद और ऑनलाइन प्रशिक्षण वीडियो विस्तृत रेडीमेड बिक्री, खरीद, सूची और पूर्ण वित्तीय विश्लेषण सहित, एक शक्तिशाली व्यापार रिपोर्टिंग के साथ गठबंधन।
फायदे PROBILZ के अनुकूलित समाधान व्यक्तिगत खुदरा विक्रेताओं जरूरतों को संबोधित करने के लिए उद्योग सर्वोत्तम प्रथाओं पर बनाया गया है। यह एक अमीर यूजर इंटरफेस और मजबूत आवेदन जो यह छोटे और श्रृंखला प्रारूप खुदरा विक्रेताओं के लिए एक अनूठा अवसर बनाता है। Probilz स्वामित्व की सस्ती कीमत के साथ स्वतंत्र और कई दुकानों प्रबंधन का एक संयोजन के लिए एक अनुकूलित समाधान साबित होता है। अपने व्यापार की जरूरत के लिए लचीला समाधान
PROBILZ लाभ अपनी दुकान बिलिंग और बिक्री आपरेशनों को स्वचालित ट्रैक और अपनी सूची का प्रबंधन अपनी बिक्री और मुनाफे का ट्रैक रखें जल्दी से मजबूत ग्राहक retentions निर्माण वास्तविक समय रिपोर्ट के त्वरित स्नैपशॉट लचीले कर्मचारी सुरक्षा अधिकार नियंत्रण हासिल करने और अपने व्यापार को आसान बनाने में
PROBILZ sjálfvirkan forðabúr rekstri, bæta skilvirkni og hefur mikið úrval af lögun eins og birgðafræði, CRM og Business Report samþætt við bókhald. Báðar vörurnar sameina auðvelt í notkun, skref-fyrir-skref tengi fullt af leiðsögn, hjálp, og online vídeó þjálfun, með öflugt fyrirtæki skýrslugerð, þar á meðal ítarlegar tilbúnum sölu, kaup, birgðum og heill fjárhagslega greiningu.
KOSTIR The sérsniðin lausn PROBILZ er byggð á iðnaður bestu starfshætti til að takast einstaka smásala þarf. Það hefur ríkt notendaviðmót og öflugt forrit sem gerir það einstakt tækifæri fyrir lítil og keðja sniði smásala. Probilz reynist vera sérsniðin lausn fyrir a samsetning af sjálfstæðum og margar verslanir stjórnun með affordable kostnaður af eignarréttur. Sveigjanlegur lausnir fyrir þörfum fyrirtækis þíns
PROBILZ KOSTIR Sjálfvirkan geyma innheimtu og sölu starfsemi þína Fylgjast með og stjórna birgðum þínum Haldið utan um sölu og hagnað Fljótt byggja sterkari viðskiptavina hald Augnablik mynd af skýrslum rauntíma Sveigjanlegur starfsmaður réttindi Öðlast eftirlit og einfalda fyrirtæki þitt
Keywords: Probilz - Top Rated Retail POS dengan lebih dari 100.000 unduhan di seluruh dunia Probilz - Manajemen Ritel gratis sistem POS software retail gratis, free download pos, sistem bebas manajemen bisnis, software billing retail gratis, gra
PROBILZ mengotomatiskan operasi toko, meningkatkan efisiensi dan memiliki berbagai fitur seperti manajemen persediaan, CRM, dan laporan bisnis terintegrasi dengan akuntansi. Kedua produk menggabungkan video pelatihan yang mudah digunakan, langkah-demi-langkah antarmuka penuh bimbingan, bantuan, dan online, dengan pelaporan bisnis yang kuat, termasuk rinci penjualan siap pakai, pembelian, persediaan dan analisis keuangan yang lengkap.
MANFAAT Solusinya disesuaikan PROBILZ dibangun di atas industri praktek terbaik untuk mengatasi pengecer individu perlu. Memiliki antarmuka pengguna yang kaya dan aplikasi yang kuat yang membuatnya kesempatan unik untuk pengecer format kecil dan rantai. Probilz terbukti menjadi solusi yang disesuaikan untuk kombinasi manajemen toko independen dan beberapa dengan biaya terjangkau kepemilikan. solusi yang fleksibel untuk kebutuhan bisnis Anda
MANFAAT PROBILZ Mengotomatisasi penagihan dan penjualan operasi toko Anda Melacak dan mengelola inventaris Anda Melacak penjualan dan keuntungan Cepat membangun retensi pelanggan lebih kuat snapshot instan laporan real time hak keamanan yang fleksibel karyawan Keuntungan kontrol dan bisnis Anda menyederhanakan
Keywords: Probilz - Top Rated POS al dettaglio con oltre 100000 download in tutto il mondo Probilz - Retail Management libero Sistema POS software di vendita al dettaglio libero, il download gratuito pos, libero sistema di gestione aziendale, il
PROBILZ automatizza le operazioni di vendita, migliora l'efficienza e ha una vasta gamma di funzioni come la gestione del magazzino, CRM, e la relazione di business integrato con la contabilità. Entrambi i prodotti combinano un facile da usare, step-by-step interfaccia piena di orientamento, supporto e on-line video di formazione, con un potente business reporting, comprese le vendite dettagliate pronti, acquisti, inventario e analisi finanziaria completa.
BENEFICI La soluzione personalizzata di PROBILZ è costruita su best practice di settore per affrontare singoli rivenditori ha bisogno. Ha una ricca interfaccia utente e l'applicazione robusto che lo rende un'opportunità unica per le piccole e catene di rivenditori formato. Probilz si rivela essere una soluzione personalizzata per una combinazione di gestione negozi indipendenti e multiple con costi accessibili di proprietà. Soluzioni flessibili per le esigenze aziendali
VANTAGGI PROBILZ Automatizzare le operazioni di fatturazione negozio e vendita Monitorare e gestire l'inventario Tenere traccia delle vostre vendite e profitti costruire rapidamente forti ritenzioni dei clienti fotografia istantanea di report in tempo reale i diritti di protezione dei lavoratori flessibili Guadagno controlli e semplificare il vostro business
Keywords: Probilz - Лучшие Retail POS с более чем 100000 Загрузки по всему миру Probilz - бесплатная система управления розничной торговлей POS Свободное программное обеспечение в розницу, скачать бесплатно POS, свободная система управления бизн
PROBILZ автоматизирует операции магазина, повышает эффективность и имеет широкий спектр функций, таких как управление запасами, CRM и бизнес отчет интегрирован с учета. Оба продукта сочетают в себе легкий в использовании, шаг за шагом интерфейс полный руководства, помощь и онлайн-видео обучение, с мощным бизнес-отчетности, в том числе подробные готовые продажи, покупка, инвентаризации и полного финансового анализа.
ВЫГОДЫ Настроенный решение PROBILZ построена на передовой отраслевой практике для решения индивидуальных розничных торговцев нуждается. Он имеет богатый пользовательский интерфейс и надежный приложение, которое делает его уникальную возможность для малых и сетевых ритейлеров формата. Probilz оказывается индивидуальное решение для сочетания управления независимыми и несколько магазинов с доступной стоимостью владения. Гибкие решения для вашего бизнеса
PROBILZ ВЫГОДЫ Автоматизация магазина счетов и операций по продаже Отслеживание и управление ресурсами Следите за ваши продажи и прибыли Быстро построить сильные ретенций клиентов Мгновенный снимок отчетов в режиме реального времени права безопасности Гибкий работник Усиление контроля и упростить свой бизнес
Keywords: Software libre de la venta al por menor, pos libre de la transferencia directa, sistema libre de la gerencia del negocio, software libre de la facturación al por menor, software libre de la gerencia del inventario, software de la facturación de la ti
PROBILZ automatiza las operaciones de la tienda, mejora la eficiencia y cuenta con una amplia gama de funciones como gestión de inventario, CRM e informe empresarial integrado con la contabilidad. Ambos productos combinan una interfaz fácil de usar, paso a paso llena de guía, ayuda y videos de capacitación en línea, con un poderoso informe de negocios, incluyendo detalladas ventas, compra, inventario y análisis financiero completo.
BENEFICIOS La solución personalizada de PROBILZ se basa en las mejores prácticas de la industria para satisfacer las necesidades de los minoristas individuales. Tiene una interfaz de usuario rica y una aplicación robusta que lo convierte en una oportunidad única para minoristas de formato pequeño y en cadena. Probilz demuestra ser una solución personalizada para una combinación de gestión de almacenes independientes y múltiples con un costo de propiedad asequible. Soluciones flexibles para sus necesidades empresariales
BENEFICIOS PROBILZ Automatice las operaciones de facturación y venta de su tienda Seguimiento y gestión de su inventario Lleve un registro de sus ventas y beneficios Construya rápidamente retenciones de clientes más sólidas Instantánea instantánea de informes en tiempo real Derechos flexibles de seguridad de los empleados Obtenga controles y simplifique su negocio
Keywords: Ücretsiz perakende yazılım, ücretsiz indir pos, ücretsiz iş yönetimi sistemi, ücretsiz perakende fatura yazılımı, ücretsiz envanter yönetimi yazılımı, alışveriş fatura yazılımı, bakkal yazılımı, ücretsiz yazılım, ücretsiz crm
PROBILZ, mağaza işlemlerini otomatikleştirir, verimliliği artırır ve envanter yönetimi, CRM ve muhasebe ile entegre edilmiş İşletme raporu gibi geniş bir yelpazeye sahiptir. Her iki ürün, detaylı hazır satışlar, satın alma, envanter ve eksiksiz finansal analizler de dahil olmak üzere güçlü bir iş raporlaması ile rehberlik, yardım ve çevrimiçi eğitim videolarıyla dolu, kullanımı kolay, adım adım arayüzü birleştirir.
FAYDA PROBILZ'in özelleştirilmiş çözümü, bireysel perakendecilerin ihtiyaçlarını karşılamak için sektörün en iyi uygulamalarına dayanıyor. Zengin bir kullanıcı arayüzü ve sağlam uygulama ile küçük ve zincir formatlı perakendeciler için benzersiz bir fırsattır. Probilz, bağımsız ve çoklu mağaza yönetiminin uygun maliyetli sahiplik maliyeti ile kombinasyonu için özelleştirilmiş bir çözüm olduğunu kanıtlıyor. İş ihtiyaçlarınız için esnek çözümler
PROBİLZ YARARLARI Mağaza faturalandırma ve satış operasyonlarınızı otomatikleştirin Envanterinizi takip edin ve yönetin Satışlarınızı ve kazançlarınızı takip edin Daha güçlü müşteri reentions'ları hızla inşa edin Gerçek zamanlı raporların anlık anlık görüntüsü Esnek çalışanların güvenlik hakları Kontrolleri kazanın ve işinizi basitleştirebilirsiniz.
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Distribution permissions: VANUSTON INTELLIGENCE PVT LTD PROBILZ 1.0 - Business management Software Software Distribution Agreement for Vanuston Intelligence Private Limited Shareware Version This Software Distribution Agreement (hereinafter referred to as 'AGREEMENT') is a legal AGREEMENT between you, and Vanuston Intelligence Private Limited (hereinafter referred to as 'AUTHOR') for distributing the computer software program entitled PROBILZ (hereinafter referred to as 'SOFTWARE'). This AGREEMENT describes the terms and conditions by which AUTHOR will license other parties to distribute the SOFTWARE which is intended solely for distribution as SHAREWARE. No use, distribution or reproduction of the SOFTWARE or copies of the SOFTWARE are authorized except in compliance with the terms and conditions herein. Distribution of the SOFTWARE in accordance with the provisions of this Software License Agreement is encouraged. You should carefully read the following terms and conditions before distributing this SOFTWARE. Unless you have a different license AGREEMENT signed by AUTHOR, your use of this SOFTWARE indicated your acceptance of this license AGREEMENT. By copying or distributing this SOFTWARE, you agree to be bound by the terms and conditions of this AGREEMENT as well as those of the 'Software License Agreement'. GENERAL DEFINITIONS As stated, the SOFTWARE is marketed as SHAREWARE. Definition of Shareware distribution gives users a chance to try software before buying it. If you try a Shareware program and continue using it, you are required to register it (or purchase the licensed version). Copyright laws apply to both Shareware and retail software, and the copyright holder retains all rights, with a few specific exceptions as stated below. The author specifically grants the right to copy and distribute the software, either to all and sundry or to a specific group. Shareware is a distribution method, not a type of software.
PROBILZ SOFTWARE END-USER LICENSE AGREEMENT PROBILZ - (Retail Management Software) a software developed by M/s. Vanuston Intelligence Pvt. Ltd. (LICENSOR) - is offered to the End-user (LICENSEE) on the following terms and conditions, which the end-user shall be deemed to have accepted in full upon opening and installing the SOFTWARE. 1.The LICENSOR is the owner of copyright and all other intellectual property rights in the SOFTWARE. 2.The LICENSOR grants to the LICENSEE, a non-exclusive license to use the SOFTWARE, upon the terms and conditions contained hereinafter. 3.The LICENSEE, by opening and installing this package, is deemed to have read, understood and agreed to be bound by the terms of this Agreement. It is also agreed that this agreement is the complete and exclusive statement of agreement between the LICENSEE and the LICENSOR. 4.The LICENSEE shall not decompile, disassemble or otherwise modify the SOFTWARE, except as provided for by this license. 5.The LICENSEE is solely responsible for determining the suitability of the SOFTWARE for the purpose it is intended to be used, before the purchase of the SOFTWARE. Once the LICENSEE purchases the SOFTWARE, the LICENSOR will not accept return of SOFTWARE under any circumstances, whatsoever, and the payment once made shall be non-refundable. 6.The LICENSOR does not extend and expressly disclaims any warranty, whatsoever, as to the suitability, applicability, fitness, merchantability or otherwise of the SOFTWARE and related items. 7.The SOFTWARE is offered in various editions. Each edition is available in one or more of three different variants - Single-user, Multi-user and Client-Server. In case of Single-user / Client-Server, the LICENSEE can install the SOFTWARE on a single Computer only. In case of Multi-user, the LICENSEE can install the SOFTWARE on a single Local Area Network (LAN). 8.The LICENSEE shall take all reasonable precautions and measures to protect the SOFTWARE, and related items from unauthorized use, access, copying, modifications, reproduction, distribution or publication. 9.The price of the SOFTWARE is the license fee for use of the SOFTWARE only. All services like Installation, Training, Support, Documentation etc. are chargeable extra or inclusive of the package offered. 10.Upgrades, enhancements, additions and improved versions of the SOFTWARE shall be available to the LICENSEE upon payment of additional license fee / price, as per the policy of the LICENSOR, as may be prevalent from time to time. 11.After a new version is released, all further development / debugging will be carried out on the new version only, which may be subject to acceptance of further terms and conditions between the parties. 12.The LICENSOR does not guarantee the compatibility of the SOFTWARE with future Operating Systems / Technologies. 13.The LICENSOR shall not take any responsibility for any kind of corruption of data at the LICENSEE site due to media failure / power failure / hardware problem / virus infection or any other reason. At most, the LICENSOR can try to recover the data either fully or partially and the same shall be chargeable. 14.It is expressly agreed by the LICENSEE that neither the manufacturer nor the supplier of the SOFTWARE shall be liable for any loss or damage, whether direct, indirect, special, consequential and / or incidental, arising from the use or application of the SOFTWARE and related items. 15.The Statutory Reports provided in the SOFTWARE are intended to provide the information / data to the LICENSEE, which is required for fulfilling of various statutory obligations like depositing of tax, filing of tax returns etc. The LICENSOR does not guarantee, promise or claim accuracy, completeness or adequacy of the information provided and makes no claim that the Statutory Reports provided in the SOFTWARE will be accepted by the tax authorities as it is. The Licensor shall not be responsible for any error / omission or delay in fulfilling of statutory obligations by the LICENSEE. In case there is any change in statutory requirement, the LICENSOR shall try to incorporate the same in the forthcoming releases of the SOFTWARE, but, shall be under no obligation to do so. 16.The parties hereby agree that the courts at Chennai, India alone shall have the jurisdiction to entertain any proceedings in respect of anything arising under this agreement.