Win2000, WinXP, Win7 x32, Win7 x64, Windows 8, Windows 10, WinServer, WinOther, WinVista, WinVista x64
System requirements:
Windows Vista/7/8/10
No Limitations
Keywords: Neurons Galaxy Screensaver, 4k screensaver, hd screensaver, effects screensaver, neurons screensaver, abstract screensaver, free screensaver, download screensaver, space screensaver
Very attractive abstract free 3D screensaver with special effects. Imagine that you are flying through space with dots. Dots randomly move, forming connections between each other. It reminds us neural network. Rounded dots are blinking and connections created and destroyed with fade transition effects. As time goes color scheme of screensaver and background is changing from white to red, blue, yellow and purple. Neurons Galaxy Screensaver is great way to meditate using your PC. You can imagine anything you want, when you look at this free screensaver. Relax after hard work, take a rest with Neurons Galaxy Screensaver. Screensaver requires powerful video card, so it is best for 4K monitors and modern computers. Feel free to download and install Neurons Galaxy Screensaver!
Sehr attraktiver abstrakter kostenloser 3D-Bildschirmschoner mit Spezialeffekten. Stellen Sie sich vor, Sie fliegen mit Punkten durch den Weltraum. Punkte bewegen sich zufällig und bilden Verbindungen untereinander. Es erinnert uns an ein neuronales Netzwerk. Abgerundete Punkte blinken und Verbindungen werden mit Überblendungseffekten erstellt und zerstört. Mit der Zeit ändert sich das Farbschema von Bildschirmschoner und Hintergrund von Weiß zu Rot, Blau, Gelb und Lila. Neurons Galaxy Screensaver ist eine großartige Möglichkeit, mit Ihrem PC zu meditieren. Sie können sich vorstellen, was Sie wollen, wenn Sie sich diesen kostenlosen Bildschirmschoner ansehen. Entspannen Sie sich nach harter Arbeit, machen Sie eine Pause mit Neurons Galaxy Screensaver. Der Bildschirmschoner erfordert eine leistungsstarke Grafikkarte. Daher ist er am besten für 4K-Monitore und moderne Computer geeignet. Fühlen Sie sich frei, Neurons Galaxy Screensaver herunterzuladen und zu installieren!
Keywords: Neurones Galaxy Screensaver, économiseur d'écran 4k, économiseur d'écran HD, économiseur d'écran des effets, économiseur d'écran des neurones, économiseur d'écran abstrait, économiseur d'écran gratuit, économiseur d'écran de l'espace
Très attractif écran de veille 3D gratuit avec effets spéciaux. Imaginez que vous voliez dans l'espace avec des points. Les points se déplacent de manière aléatoire, en formant des liens entre eux. Cela nous rappelle le réseau de neurones. Des points arrondis clignotent et des connexions sont créées et détruites avec des effets de transition en fondu. Au fil du temps, les couleurs de l'économiseur d'écran et l'arrière-plan passent du blanc au rouge, au bleu, au jaune et au violet. Neurones Galaxy Screensaver est un excellent moyen de méditer sur votre PC. Vous pouvez imaginer ce que vous voulez quand vous regardez cet économiseur d'écran gratuit. Détendez-vous après un travail ardu, reposez-vous avec Neurons Galaxy Screensaver. Économiseur d'écran nécessite une carte vidéo puissante, il est donc préférable pour les moniteurs 4K et les ordinateurs modernes. N'hésitez pas à télécharger et installer Neurons Galaxy Screensaver!
Salvaschermo 3D gratuito molto attraente con effetti speciali. Immagina di volare nello spazio con punti. I punti si muovono casualmente, formando connessioni tra loro. Ci ricorda la rete neurale. I punti arrotondati lampeggiano e le connessioni vengono create e distrutte con effetti di transizione di dissolvenza. Col passare del tempo la combinazione di colori dello screensaver e lo sfondo sta cambiando da bianco a rosso, blu, giallo e viola. Neurons Galaxy Screensaver è un ottimo modo per meditare usando il tuo PC. Puoi immaginare tutto quello che vuoi, guardando questo screensaver gratuito. Rilassati dopo un duro lavoro, riposati con Neurons Galaxy Screensaver. Screensaver richiede una potente scheda video, quindi è la cosa migliore per monitor 4K e computer moderni. Sentiti libero di scaricare e installare Neurons Galaxy Screensaver!
Keywords: Protetor de tela de Neurônios Galaxy, protetor de tela 4k, protetor de tela hd, protetor de tela efeitos, protetor de tela neurônios, protetor de tela abstrato, protetor de tela grátis, protetor de tela espacial
Protetor de tela 3D gratuito abstrato muito atraente com efeitos especiais. Imagine que você está voando pelo espaço com pontos. Os pontos se movem aleatoriamente, formando conexões entre si. Isso nos lembra rede neural. Os pontos arredondados estão piscando e as conexões criadas e destruídas com efeitos de transição de desbotamento. Conforme o tempo passa, o esquema de cores do protetor de tela e o fundo muda de branco para vermelho, azul, amarelo e roxo. O Neurons Galaxy Screensaver é uma ótima maneira de meditar usando seu PC. Você pode imaginar o que quiser, quando olhar para este protetor de tela gratuito. Relaxe após um trabalho árduo, descanse com o Neurons Galaxy Screensaver. O protetor de tela requer uma placa de vídeo poderosa, portanto é melhor para monitores 4K e computadores modernos. Sinta-se livre para baixar e instalar o Neurons Galaxy Screensaver!
Keywords: Заставка Галактика Нейронов, бесплатная заставка, заставка 4k, заставка с галактикой, заставка для компьютера, абстрактная заставка, заставка со специальными эффектами
Очень привлекательная абстрактная 3D заставка со специальными эффектами. Представьте что вы летите сквозь космос с точками. Точки двигаются в случайных направлениях, формируя связи друг с другом. Это напоминает нам нейронную сеть. Округлые точки мерцают, создавая и разрушая связи с различными эффектами. Со временем цветовая схема заставки и фона меняется от белого к красному, голубому, жёлтому и пурпурному. Заставка Галактика Нейронов это отличный способ помедитировать с использованием вашего компьютера. Вы можете представить что угодно, когда вы смотрите на эту бесплатную заставку. Расслабьтесь после работы и отдохните с заставкой Галактика Нейронов. Этот хранитель экрана требует производительную видео карту, так что лучше всего использовать её на 4K мониторе современного компьютера. Просто скачайте и установите скринсейвер Галактика Нейронов!
Keywords: Neurons Galaxy Screensaver, protector de pantalla 4k, protector de pantalla hd, protector de pantalla de efectos, protector de pantalla de neuronas, protector de pantalla abstracto, protector de pantalla gratuito, protector de pantalla espacial
Protector de pantalla 3D abstracto muy atractivo y gratuito con efectos especiales. Imagina que estás volando por el espacio con puntos. Los puntos se mueven aleatoriamente, formando conexiones entre sí. Nos recuerda a la red neuronal. Los puntos redondeados parpadean y las conexiones creadas y destruidas con efectos de transición se desvanecen. A medida que pasa el tiempo, el esquema de color del protector de pantalla y el fondo cambian de blanco a rojo, azul, amarillo y morado. Neurons Galaxy Screensaver es una excelente manera de meditar usando tu PC. Puedes imaginar lo que quieras cuando miras este protector de pantalla gratuito. Relájese después del trabajo duro, descanse con Neurons Galaxy Screensaver. El protector de pantalla requiere una tarjeta de video potente, por lo que es mejor para monitores 4K y computadoras modernas. ¡No dude en descargar e instalar Neurons Galaxy Screensaver!
Distribution permissions: This product can be freely distributed through the internet.
End User License Agreement (EULA).
This document is a legal Agreement between you, the licensee and FullScreensavers.Com. Please read this Agreement carefully before installing the program. Downloading, installing and using this software you do not get any rights to intellectual property contained in the product, except for those rights which are given to you by this License Agreement. By installing the program, you accept the terms of this Agreement. If you do not agree to the terms of this Agreement, quit this installation procedure and promptly delete the file.
1. COPYRIGHT This Screen Saver (the "Software") is owned by FullScreensavers.Com and is protected by international copyright laws. www.FullScreensavers.Com has all rights for non-commercial distribution of this software. All copyrights to the bundled software are exclusively owned by their holders.
2. LICENSE FullScreensavers.Com grants you rights to use the Software on a single user computer, or on a single terminal or workstation of a multi-user computer or local area network.
3. GENERAL USE. This screensaver is free software for non-commercial use so no registration is needed.
4. COPY RESTRICTIONS A. This Software is copyrighted and is proprietary product of FullScreensavers.Com. You may make one copy of the Software for backup or archival purposes. All other copying of the Software is expressly forbidden. B. You may not decompile, reverse engineer, copy, transfer, or other-wise use the Software except as expressly stated in this Agreement. C. You may not alter this software in any way; you may not use or distribute any part of the original package. D. You are not allowed to emulate, decompile, disassemble, otherwise reverse engineer any executable part of original package. E. You have no rights to sell, transfer or distribute this software for commercial or any other goals. You are also forbidden to pass the rights of this software use to any third parties. F. And you are also not allowed to distribute any flies included to this software. Any such unauthorized use shall result in immediate and automatic termination of this license and may result in criminal and/or civil prosecution.
5. TERMINATION This license is effective until terminated. You may terminate this license at any time by destroying all copies of the Software. This license will terminate automatically, without notice from FullScreensavers.Com, if you fail to comply with this Agreement. Upon such termination, you shall destroy all copies of the Software.
6. LIMITED WARRANTY The Software is supplied "AS IS". FullScreensavers.Com disclaims all warranties, expressed or implied, including, without limitation, the warranties of merchantability and of fitness for any purpose. The user must assume the entire risk of using the Software.
7. NO LIABILITY FOR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES FullScreensavers.Com assumes no liability for damages, direct or consequential, which may result from the use of the Software, even if FullScreensavers.Com has been advised of the possibility of such damages.
8. NOTE.
Some graphic, video and music files included to our software are from independent authors and from free Internet resources, we do not have the opportunity to check the contents of these files for copyright infringements. We use these materials only for non-commercial purpose. However, sometimes an infringement can still occur. If this is the case, and you own the copyright and wish to have the file removed, please inform us, and we will remove the software from our site immediately. We thank all unknown authors of graphic, video, music and other materials used in our free screensavers.