Complete network monitoring solutions for ultimate system analysis.
Network Olympus is an all-in-one, truly agentless system for monitoring network devices, interacting with network administrators and maintaining flawless performance of the whole network and its individual components. Supporting a wide range of protocols, Network Olympus offers a wide range of highly customizable monitors and programmable scenarios to automatically repair connectivity problems and promptly respond to network failures.
Working over the WMI protocol, Network Olympus offers comprehensive and truly agentless server monitoring. All relevant aspects including bandwidth, availability, performance, and traffic flow are recorded and compared to normal performance. If any parameter is found to deviate significantly from normal conditions, Network Olympus will attempt to automatically correct the condition by launching a script or an app, restarting the service or rebooting the affected server.
Network Olympus presents Scenario builder, a flexible and versatile tool that can solve complex monitoring tasks. Scenario builder allows you to move away from performing rudimentary checks that do not take certain aspects of device operation into account. With its help, you can organize flexible monitoring schemes in order to accurately identify issues and malfunctions and to automate the troubleshooting process.
Keywords: surveillance de réseau, total network monitor, gestion du réseau, surveillance de serveur, contrôle du réseau, topologie de réseau
Überwachen Sie die Netzwerkverfügbarkeit, erkennen Sie Engpässe und erhöhen Sie die Verfügbarkeit mit einem All-in-One-Tool. Gleichzeitiger Zugriff auf alle angeschlossenen Geräte und Netzwerk-Analyse in Echtzeit.
Netzwerk Olympus ist ein wirklich agentenloses All-in-One-System für die Überwachung von Netzwerkgeräten, für Interaktionen mit Netzwerkadministratoren und für die Aufrechterhaltung der einwandfreien Leistung des gesamten Netzwerks und seiner einzelnen Komponenten. Network Olympus unterstützt eine breite Palette von Protokollen und bietet eine Vielzahl anpassbarer Monitore und programmierbarer Szenarien, um Verbindungsprobleme automatisch zu beheben und auf Netzwerkfehler schnell reagieren zu können.
Network Olympus präsentiert den Scenario Builder, ein flexibles und vielseitiges Tool, das komplexe Überwachungsaufgaben lösen kann. Mit Szenario Builder können Sie sich von rudimentären Prüfungen befreien, bei denen einige relevante Aspekte des Gerätebetriebs nicht berücksichtigt werden. Mit seiner Hilfe können Sie flexible Überwachungsschemata organisieren, um Probleme und Fehlfunktionen genau zu identifizieren und den Fehlerbehebungsprozess zu automatisieren.
Network Olympus arbeitet über das WMI-Protokoll und bietet eine umfassende und wirklich agentenlose Serverüberwachung. Alle relevanten Aspekte wie Bandbreite, Verfügbarkeit, Leistung und Datenverkehr werden aufgezeichnet und mit der normalen Leistung verglichen. Wenn festgestellt wird, dass ein Parameter erheblich von den Normalbedingungen abweicht, versucht Network Olympus, den Zustand automatisch zu korrigieren, indem es ein Skript oder eine App startet oder den Dienst oder betroffenen Server neu startet.
Keywords: surveillance de réseau, total network monitor, gestion du réseau, surveillance de serveur, contrôle du réseau, topologie de réseau
Surveillez la disponibilité du réseau, détectez les goulots d'étranglement et améliorez le temps de fonctionnement grâce à un outil tout-en-un. Accédez à tous les périphériques connectés en même temps et analysez votre réseau en temps réel.
Network Olympus est un système tout-en-un, réellement sans agent, qui surveille les périphériques réseau, interagit avec les administrateurs réseau et maintient des performances parfaites sur l'ensemble du réseau et chacun de ses composants. Prenant en charge une vaste gamme de protocoles, Network Olympus offre de nombreuses surveillances hautement personnalisables et scénarios programmables pour corriger automatiquement les problèmes de connectivité et réagir rapidement aux pannes de réseau.
Network Olympus présente le Générateur de scénarios, un outil flexible et polyvalent en mesure d'exécuter des tâches de surveillance complexes. Le Générateur de scénarios vous permet d'éliminer les vérifications élémentaires qui ne tiennent pas compte de certains aspects du fonctionnement des périphériques. Grâce à lui, vous pouvez organiser des schémas de surveillance flexibles afin d'identifier avec précision les problèmes et les dysfonctionnements et d'automatiser le processus de dépannage.
Mettant en œuvre le protocole WMI, Network Olympus offre une surveillance complète et réellement sans agent des serveurs. Tous les aspects pertinents, y compris la bande passante, la disponibilité, les performances et le flux de trafic, sont enregistrés et comparés aux performances normales. Si un paramètre s'écarte de manière significative des conditions normales, Network Olympus tente de corriger automatiquement la situation en lançant un script ou une app, en redémarrant le service ou en réamorçant le serveur concerné.
Keywords: monitoraggio rete, total network monitor, gestione rete, monitoraggio server, controllo rete, topologia rete
Strumento completo per tenere sotto controllo la disponibilità della rete, rilevare i colli di bottiglia e migliorare i tempi di attività. Accesso simultaneo a tutti i dispositivi connessi e analisi della rete in tempo reale.
Network Olympus è un sistema completo e realmente senza agenti per il monitoraggio dei dispositivi di rete. Interagisce con gli amministratori della rete e consente di mantenere le prestazioni ottimali dell’intera rete e dei suoi singoli componenti. Grazie al supporto di un’ampia gamma di protocolli di rete, Network Olympus offre numerosi scenari programmabili e monitor altamente personalizzabili per risolvere in automatico i problemi di connettività e rispondere tempestivamente agli errori di rete.
Network Olympus presenta Creazione scenario, uno strumento flessibile e versatile utile per risolvere complesse attività di monitoraggio. Creazione scenario consente di lasciarsi alle spalle l’esecuzione di controlli rudimentali che non tengono conto di alcuni aspetti operativi dei dispositivi. Con il suo aiuto, potrai organizzare schemi di monitoraggio flessibili per individuare con precisione problemi e malfunzionamenti e automatizzare il processo di risoluzione.
Network Olympus opera con il protocollo WMI e offre funzioni di monitoraggio dei server complete e realmente senza agente. Tutti gli aspetti rilevanti quali larghezza di banda, disponibilità, prestazioni e flusso del traffico vengono registrati e confrontati con i parametri di prestazioni normali. Se un parametro si allontana significativamente dalle condizioni normali, Network Olympus tenta di apportare correzioni automatiche tramite l’avvio di uno script o un’applicazione oppure il riavvio del servizio o del server interessato.
Keywords: monitorização de rede, total network monitor, gestão de rede, monitorização de servidor, controlo de rede, topologia de rede
Monitorize a disponibilidade da rede, detecte congestionamentos e melhore o tempo operacional com uma ferramenta multifuncional. Obtenha acesso a todos os dispositivos conectados de uma só vez e analise a sua rede em tempo real.
O Network Olympus é um sistema verdadeiramente sem agentes e multifuncional para a monitorização de dispositivos de rede, interagindo com os administradores da rede e mantendo o desempenho perfeito de toda a rede e dos seus componentes individuais. Compatível com uma grande variedade de protocolos, o Network Olympus oferece uma vasta gama de monitores altamente personalizáveis e cenários programáveis para reparar automaticamente problemas de conexão e responder prontamente a falhas de rede.
O Network Olympus apresenta o Projector de Cenários, uma ferramenta flexível e versátil capaz de resolver complexas tarefas de monitorização. O Projector de Cenários permite-lhe deixar de fazer verificações rudimentares que não têm em conta determinados aspectos da operação dos dispositivos. Com a ajuda desta ferramenta, pode organizar esquemas de monitorização flexíveis para identificar com precisão problemas e anomalias e automatizar o processo de resolução de problemas.
Através do protocolo WMI, o Network Olympus oferece uma monitorização de servidores abrangente e verdadeiramente sem agentes. Todos os aspectos relevantes, incluindo largura de banda, disponibilidade, desempenho e fluxo de tráfico são guardados e comparados com o desempenho normal. Se algum dos parâmetros desviar-se significativamente das condições normais, o Network Olympus tentará corrigir automaticamente a situação iniciando um script ou uma app, reiniciando o serviço ou reiniciando o servidor afectado.
Keywords: мониторинг сети, мониторинг серверов, total network monitor, локальная сеть, проверка служб, сетевые протоколы, карта сети
Готовые решения для сетевого мониторинга и глубокого анализа систем. Получите доступ ко всем устройствам сразу и проанализируйте вашу сеть в режиме реального времени.
Network Olympus - это не требующая установки агентов многофункциональная система мониторинга сетевых устройств, которая взаимодействует с сетевыми администраторами, и поддерживает безупречную производительность как сети в целом, так и ее отдельных компонентов.
Работая через протокол WMI, Network Olympus предлагает полный и по-настоящему 'безагентный' способ наблюдения за серверами. Все значимые аспекты, включая пропускную способность, доступность, производительность и интенсивность сетевого трафика, записываются и сравниваются с целевыми значениями. Если по каким-либо причинам любой из указанных параметров отклонится от заданных значений, Network Olympus попытается автоматически исправить это положение при помощи запуска скрипта или приложения, перезапуска службы или перезагрузки затронутого сервера.
Network Olympus представляет Конструктор сценариев: гибкий и многофункциональный инструмент, способный решать по-настоящему сложные задачи мониторинга устройств. Конструктор сценариев позволит вам уйти от выполнения элементарных проверок, которые не учитывают определенные аспекты работы устройства. С его помощью вы можете организовать гибкие схемы мониторинга для того, чтобы точно определить проблему или неисправность, а также автоматизировать процесс их устранения.
Network Olympus непрерывно собирает и записывает в журналы информацию о вашей сети, следит за ее производительностью, проверяет доступность служб и наблюдает за состоянием трафика. Сетевые администраторы могут получить доступ к журналам проверок или просмотреть статистические данные о производительности и времени работы сети и любых ее компонентов.
Keywords: monitorización de redes, total network monitor, gestión de redes, monitorización de servidores, control de redes, topología de red
Monitorice la disponibilidad de la red, detecte cuellos de botella y mejore la disponibilidad con una herramienta integral. Obtenga acceso inmediato a todos los dispositivos conectados y analice su red en tiempo real.
Network Olympus es un sistema integral para monitorizar dispositivos de red sin necesidad real de agentes que interactúa con administradores de redes y conserva el impecable rendimiento de toda la red y sus componentes individuales. Al ser compatible con una gran variedad de protocolos, Network Olympus dispone de una gran variedad de monitores y de escenarios programables con múltiples opciones de personalización para reparar automáticamente los problemas de conectividad y responder con rapidez a errores de red.
Network Olympus dispone del Creador de escenarios: una herramienta versátil y flexible capaz de resolver complejas tareas de monitorización. El Creador de escenarios le permite saltarse rudimentarias comprobaciones que no contemplan ciertos aspectos del funcionamiento de los dispositivos. Con esta ayuda, podrá organizar flexibles esquemas de monitorización para identificar problemas y errores de forma precisa y para automatizar el proceso de resolución de problemas.
Al funcionar a través del protocolo WMI, Network Olympus ofrece una monitorización integral de servidores sin necesidad real de agentes. Se lleva a cabo un registro de todos los aspectos importantes, incluidos ancho de banda, disponibilidad, rendimiento y flujo de tráfico, y se comparan con el rendimiento habitual. Si se ve que alguno de los parámetros se desvía significativamente del estado habitual, Network Olympus intentará corregir dicho estado automáticamente ejecutando una secuencia de comandos o una aplicación; reiniciando el servicio o el servidor afectado.
New dashboard "Sensors/Actions" and improvements to licensing and stability.
12 Mar 2020
Major Update
Default notification presets, improved performance and updated results.
17 Jan 2020
Major Update
New monitoring reports and stability improvements.
15 Nov 2019
Major Update
Scanning and monitoring of SSH devices.
Distribution permissions: General As part of our service, Softinventive Lab agrees to provide freely downloadable evaluation versions of this software. Softinventive Lab agrees to provide this service free of charge. Softinventive Lab may amend or modify these License Agreement at any time. You agree to use the service in accordance with the License Agreement.
You may make a single copy of the software only and no other part of the product on a machine readable form for backup use only.
This License Agreement (including the product) is not transferable. You may not lend, loan, lease, rent, sell or distribute the product (or copies) in any form.
Limitations of Use You are expressly forbidden from making alterations or modifications to, merge, adapt, de-compile, disassemble, reverse engineer, or attempt to discover the source code without the expressed written permission from Softinventive Lab. You are expressly forbidden from using any part of the product in life saving or life critical applications without the expressed written permission from Softinventive Lab.
Copyright Notices The software product is owned by Softinventive Lab. All rights in the product including License Agreement Number, copyrights, licensing rights, patents, trademarks, trade secrets, design rights, engineering rights, moral rights, and any other intellectual property rights belong to Softinventive Lab. These rights are not transferred as part of this agreement.
NETWORK OLYMPUS END USER LICENSE AGREEMENT This license agreement is a legal agreement between you (the end user, either as an individual or an organization) and Softinventive Lab. The software 'NETWORK OLYMPUS' and any of its supporting documentation are hereinafter referred to as the product. By installing and using the product, you indicate your complete and unconditional acceptance of these terms and conditions, as well as of the terms and conditions of all third party products included in this product. If you do not agree to the terms and conditions of this agreement, then promptly remove the product (including the associated documentation) from your computer. If any provision of this agreement is found to be unlawful or void then that provision shall be severed from this agreement and will not affect the validity of the remaining provisions. GENERAL As part of our services, Softinventive Lab agrees to provide freely downloadable evaluation versions of this software. Softinventive Lab agrees to provide this service free of charge. You agree to use the service in accordance with the License Agreement. Softinventive Lab may amend or modify this License Agreement at any time. The information contained in the product is subject to change without notice and does not represent a commitment or contracted obligation on the part of Softinventive Lab. EVALUATION LICENSE This product is distributed as shareware. This license agreement grants you non-exclusive rights to use the product without functional limitations for an evaluation period of sixty (60) days from the date you install and run the product for the first time. On the sixty-first (61) day after you installed the product or if you purchase and register a Commercial License, the Evaluation License will expire and the product will stop operating as the evaluation version and switch to its free or fully licensed version. FREE LICENSE After the end of the evaluation period, the product will receive some functional limitations, namely: the number of devices that can be monitored will be limited to 50, the number of sensors that can be used to monitor these devices will be limited to 100, and the ability to assign sensors to groups of devices will be removed. If you wish to remove these limitations, then you must register the product by means of purchasing a Commercial License from Softinventive Lab. This license agreement grants you non-exclusive rights to use the product’s free version without any time limitations. This license also includes time-unlimited free updates. COMMERCIAL LICENSE After you purchase a Commercial License from Softinventive Lab for this product, this license agreement grants you non-exclusive rights to install a copy of this product (registering it using an obtained license key) on a single computer to monitor a number of local and remote devices that may be limited by the license type. The number of sensors used for monitoring is unlimited. The following types of Commercial License exist: for 100 devices, 200, 300, 500, 700, 1000, 1500, 2000, or Unlimited. A copy of the product registered with the Commercial License can be used only by the person, or by the staff of the organization, that they are registered to (including affiliated and subsidiary companies). Period of validity of the Commercial License is unlimited. This license includes time-unlimited free support, and time-limited free updates during the selected number of years (1, 2 or 3) starting from the date of purchase of the license. Commercial License of any type is valid for an unlimited period of time for the following versions of this product: the version that was the latest on the date of purchase of the license, all previous versions, and all new versions that are released during the selected number of years since the date of purchase. Using the versions that are released after the selected number of years since the date of purchase requires a renewal of the license on the terms that are offered on Softinventive Lab's website at the time of such renewal. A renewal of the license extends the right to use the new versions of this product by the selected number of years (1, 2 or 3), starting from the date of renewal. When you need to increase the number of devices allowed by the license, an upgrade can be purchased. An upgrade does not include a renewal of the product (i.e. does not extend the right to get updates for the product by one year). You may request a re-registration of the Commercial License on a different computer. In this case, you will receive a new license key. The copy of the product installed on the previously registered computer will switch to free version. You may make a single copy of the software only and no other part of the product in a machine readable form for backup use only. This License Agreement (including the product) is not transferable. You may not lend, loan, lease, rent, sell or distribute the product (or copies) in any form, except for reselling, when the license key is registered immediately to the end-user company name. Also the license can be re-registered if the licensee company is taken over by another company. COPYRIGHT NOTICES The software product is owned by Softinventive Lab. All rights in the product including License Agreement Number, copyrights, licensing rights, patents, trademarks, trade secrets, design rights, engineering rights, moral rights, and any other intellectual property rights belong to Softinventive Lab. These rights are not transferred as part of this agreement. LIMITATIONS OF USE You are expressly forbidden from making alterations or modifications to, merge, adapt, decompile, disassemble, reverse engineer, or attempt to discover the source code without the expressed written permission from Softinventive Lab. You are expressly forbidden from using any part of the product in life saving or life critical applications without the expressed written permission from Softinventive Lab. LIMITATIONS OF LIABILITY Under no circumstances, including, but not limited to, negligence, shall Softinventive Lab, its subsidiary and parent companies or affiliates be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special or consequential damages that result from the use of, or the inability to use, Softinventive Lab product or services. In addition, you release Softinventive Lab and its affiliates from any damages that you incur, and agree not to assert any claims against them, arising from your use of its products or services. DISCLAIMER Softinventive Lab does its best to provide defect-free product and does not introduce defects deliberately, but it does not warrant that the functions contained in the materials will be uninterrupted or error-free, that defects will be corrected, or that the company website, including forums and bulletin boards, or the server that makes it available, are free of viruses or other harmful components. To the fullest extent permissible pursuant to applicable law, the company also disclaims all warranties, express or implied, including, but not limited to, implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. PRIVACY If the user contacts Softinventive Lab by completing a feedback form in the software product, basic license and installation information about this product is also sent to us. This product does not contain integrated mechanisms of transferring device information or other sensitive data outside of the user's network. Softinventive Lab will not sell, distribute, or lease any personal information that you choose to provide us to third parties unless we have your permission or are required by law to do so. We may use your personal information to send you promotional information that we think you may find interesting if you have previously informed us that you would like this to happen.