Memopal creates a backup copy of the files on your computer and transfers it to a remote server via a 128-bit encrypted connection. Thanks to Memopal your files are safe, and you can retrieve them online at any time. Memopal makes your life easier because it continuously and automatically backs up files on your computer. It is compatible with the most common operating systems: Windows, Macintosh, Linux, iOS and Android. Memopal is available in a free 3GB version forever, Pro 200GB at €49/year and a personalized White Label version with your brand. Memopal differs from most well-known file sync services because online files are never automatically deleted unless the user decides to. This allows users to create hard disk space on their computer, by deleting files from their drives and recovering them online only when needed. If you share a folder with a friend or colleague, there's no concern that shared files will be accidentally deleted, since the files remain on Memopal until the owner decides to manually delete them from his/her account.
Keywords: Online-Backup & Speicherung
Memopal erstellet eine Sicherungskopie der Dateien auf Ihrem Computer und überträgt diese über eine mit 128 Bit verschlüsselte Verbindung auf dezentrale Server. Mit Memopal sind Ihre Dateien sicher und Sie können sie jederzeit online abrufen. Memopal erleichtert Ihnen das Leben, weil es die Dateien auf Ihrem Computer kontinuierlich und automatisch sichert. Es ist mit den meisten gängigen Betriebssystemen wie Windows, Macintosh, Linux, iOS und Android kompatibel. Memopal ist als kostenlose Version mit 3GB, als Version Pro mit 200 GB für 49 Euro im Jahr und als White Label-Version verfügbar, die mit dem eigenen Markennamen personalisiert werden kann. Memopal unterscheidet sich von den Leistungen der berühmtesten Dateisynchronisierungen, weil die Dateien online niemals automatisch gelöscht werden, es sei denn, der Benutzer tut dies selbst. Auf diese Weise kann der Computer durch das Löschen von Dateien auf der Festplatte erleichtert werden, sodass diese nur im Bedarfsfall online abgerufen werden. Wenn Sie einen Ordner für einem Freund oder Kollegen freigeben, besteht keine Gefahr mehr, dass Dateien versehentlich gelöscht werden. Sie bleiben so lange bei Memopal gespeichert, bis der Besitzer entscheidet, sie manuell aus seinem Konto zu löschen.
Keywords: Sauvegarde et Stockage En ligne, online backup, cloud backup
Memopal crée une copie de sauvegarde du fichier sur votre ordinateur et le transfère sur un serveur distant par le biais d'une connexion cryptée de 128 bits. Avec Memopal, vos fichiers sont en sécurité et vous pouvez les récupérer en ligne à tout moment. Memopal vous rend la vie plus facile, car il sauvegarde automatiquement et en continu des fichiers sur votre ordinateur. Il est compatible avec la plupart des systèmes d'exploitation : Windows, Macintosh, Linux, iOS et Android. Memopal est disponible en version gratuite de 3 Go pour toujours, Pro à partir de 200 Go pour 49 € par an et White Label personnalisable avec votre marque. Memopal est différent des services les plus connus de synchronisation car les fichiers en ligne ne sont jamais supprimés automatiquement sauf si l'utilisateur le décide. De cette façon, il est possible d'alléger votre ordinateur en supprimant les fichiers de votre disque dur et en allant les récupérer en ligne uniquement si vous en avez besoin. Si vous partagez un dossier avec un ami ou un collègue, il n'y a pas de risque que les fichiers partagés soient accidentellement supprimés, les fichiers restent sur Memopal jusqu'à ce que le propriétaire décide de les supprimer manuellement à partir de son compte.
Memopal crea una copia di sicurezza dei file del tuo computer e la trasferisce su server remoti attraverso connessione cifrata a 128 bit. Grazie a Memopal i tuoi file sono al sicuro e puoi recuperarli online in qualsiasi momento. Memopal ti semplifica la vita perché esegue il backup continuo e automatico dei file del tuo computer. È compatibile con i più comuni sistemi operativi: Windows, Macintosh, Linux, iOS e Android. Memopal è disponibile in versione gratuita 3GB per sempre, 200GB a 49€ l’anno e White Label personalizzabile con il proprio brand. Memopal si differenzia dai servizi più famosi di sync perché i file online non vengono mai cancellati in automatico a meno che non sia l’utente a farlo. In questo modo è possibile alleggerire il computer cancellando i file dal proprio hard disk e andandoli a recuperare online solo al momento del bisogno. Se condividi una cartella con un amico o un collega non c’è pericolo che i file condivisi possano essere cancellati per sbaglio, i file restano su Memopal finché il proprietario non deciderà di cancellarli manualmente dal suo account.
Keywords: Backup y Storage Online, cloud backup, online backup
Memopal crea una copia de seguridad de los archivos de su ordenador y la transfiere a servidores remotos mediante conexión cifrada de 128 bits. Gracias a Memopal sus archivos están a salvo y puede recuperarlos online en cualquier momento. Memopal le simplifica la vida ya que realiza una copia de seguridad de forma continua y automática de los archivos de su ordenador. Es compatible con los sistemas operativos más habituales: Windows, Macintosh, Linux, iOS y Android. Memopal está disponible en versión gratuita de 3 GB para siempre, 200 GB por 49€ al año y White Label, personalizable con su propia marca. Memopal se diferencia de los servicios de sincronización más conocidos en que los archivos online no se eliminan nunca de forma automática a menos que sea el usuario quien lo haga. De este modo es posible aligerar el ordenador eliminando los archivos desde su disco duro y pudiéndolos recuperar online sólo en el momento necesario. Si comparte una carpeta con un amigo o compañero no hay peligro de que los archivos compartidos se puedan borrar por equivocación, los archivos permanecen en Memopal hasta que el propietario decida eliminarlos manualmente de su cuenta.
New dashboard, restore files and folders from the software, share files with friends, new web app.
Distribution permissions: This product can be freely distributed through the Internet. To put it onto a CD, contact
By installing the software, by registering for online service, or by purchasing additional online services, you agree to this Master EULA for Memopal software. The Master EULA comprises i) Memopal client software EULA, ii) Terms for the Supply of Memopal Online Services; and iii) certain open source software licenses.
i) Memopal Client Software End User License Agreement (EULA) This client software is a component of the Memopal software that you upload to your system. By installing or using Memopal client software, you agree to the below license terms. These terms also apply to any updates, supplements, Internet-based services, and support services for this component, unless other terms accompany those items in which case those terms control in the event of conflict.
1. INSTALLATION AND USE RIGHTS. You may activate and use the single copy of the Memopal local client software.
2. SCOPE OF LICENSE. This software is licensed, not sold. All intellectual property rights existing in Memopal client software shall remain the property of Memopal. You may use the software only as expressly permitted in this agreement. In doing so, you must comply with any technical limitations in the software that only allow you to use it in certain ways. You may not work around any technical limitations in the software. You also may not: -reverse engineer, decompile or disassemble the software, except and only to the extent that applicable law expressly permits, despite this limitation; - make more copies of the software than specified in this agreement or than allowed by applicable law; - publish the software for others to copy; - rent, lease or lend the software; - transfer the software or this agreement to any third party except together with your transfer of all rights to the Memopal product and Memopal client software; or - use the software for commercial software hosting services.
3. DOCUMENTATION. Any person that has valid access to your computer or internal network may copy and use the documentation for your internal, reference purposes.
4. INTERNET-BASED SERVICES. Memopal works in conjunction with other Memopal components to allow you to use Memopal online services to store your content online. Memopal or the online service provider may change or cancel these services at any time with notice.
5. USER INFORMATION. When using Memopal client software, you are not required to disclose any personal information. For the benefit of the entire user community, the Memopal client software may collect certain non-personally identifiable information that relates to your use, including without limitation, statistics relating to how often you use the software, for how long, the features you use, software performance metrics, and configuration settings. With your consent this information in anonymous form will be automatically sent to Memopal and aggregated with similar information from other users for statistical purposes, and for purposes of monitoring and improving the correct functioning of the Software. If you elect to use Memopal online services via the client software, you may be required to provide certain user information over the Internet to register to use these services or to purchase additional services that may be available. Further when using online services, you consent that certain information will be automatically collected by the service providers, such as your Internet protocol address, your domain name, the type of operating system, browser and name and version of the software you are using, and the language code of the device, without separate notice. If this automatically collected data was associated with data held by third parties; it would be possible to identify you, but we do not collect this data for this purpose. By using Memopal online services, you consent that Memopal may receive some of the collected information about you from the online storage service provider without separate notice to you.
6. EXPORT RESTRICTIONS. The software is subject to export laws and regulations of United States, Japan, and other countries. You must comply with all domestic and international export laws and regulations that apply to this software. These laws include restrictions on destinations, end users and end use.
8. EULA CHANGES. Memopal reserves the right to modify the terms and conditions of this EULA upon sixty days written notice. If you do not agree to the modifications, you may cease using the software.
9. APPLICABLE LAW. To the extent your local law allows, you agree that New York State law governs the interpretation of this agreement and applies to all claims arising in connection with your use of this software. To the extent local law requires, we will not deny you your rights under local law.
10. LIMITATION ON DAMAGES AND REMEDIES. To the extent provided for by applicable laws, Memopal accepts liability for loss or damage to private property, death or personal injury to the extent caused by the Memopal client software or caused by the negligence or deliberate misconduct of Memopal in accordance with this Section. For cases involving death or personal injury there shall be no limit on liability, but in all other cases, Memopal's liability will be limited to the maximum amount of one hundred US dollars. You must take reasonable precautions to avoid any loss (such as contacting Memopal promptly upon becoming aware of an issue) and by mitigating damages. Memopal shall only be liable for reasonably foreseeable losses arising as a direct consequence of breach by Memopal of its statutory duty. Memopal shall not be liable where the causes of the loss: * were not reasonably foreseeable by both parties, * were not known by Memopal at the time that this EULA was agreed to; * arose from use of the software in violation of this EULA, or * could have been prevented by user, such as by keeping backup copies, * all technical requirements were not followed through, for example all updates or bug fixes provided to the user for installation were not installed.