Win2000, WinXP, Win7 x32, Win7 x64, Windows 8, Windows 10, WinServer, WinOther, WinVista, WinVista x64
System requirements:
Windows with NTFS drives.
Freeware. Full version.
Keywords: mail recovery, recover windows mail, restore windows live mail, recover windows live messages, recover windows contacts, windows 7 contacts, undelete windows contacts, undelete windows mail, undelete emails, windows live undelete
Although Windows Mail and Windows Live Mail applications included in every Windows Vista and Windows 7 installation are quite functional and provide everything necessary for efficient email communications, they feature no data recovery functionality at all, so if you suddenly realize that a message you deleted last week had very important information in it, none of these email clients will be able to help you get it back. Luckily, there are products on the market that will solve this problem quite easily and will not make a hole in your pocket - products like Mail Undelete Recovery Toolbox Free! Mail Undelete Recovery Toolbox Free is a compact tool intended for hassle-free recovery of accidentally or mistakenly deleted Windows Mail/Windows Live Mail messages and Windows Vista/7 contacts with a few key advantages. First and foremost, it's completely, genuinely free! Free without ad banners, unexpected upgrade requests in the middle of the recovery process or trial marks added to recovered files. Like many other products of the company, Mail Undelete Recovery Toolbox Free is based on a very intuitive recovery wizard that lets you get the work done in a minute or so and requires absolutely no special knowledge, skills or experience. All you need to do is select the source drive, check off the items you want back and specify the destination folder for them. This is it! The program will take care of the rest. Mail Undelete Recovery Toolbox Free works with NTFS drives only and will only recover files that have not been overwritten by the file system since the moment of their deletion. The program also allows you to preview recoverable items prior to actually recovering them. If you have been on the look for a great recovery tool for your standard Windows Mail emails and contacts, make sure to try Mail Undelete Recovery Toolbox Free! It's amazingly easy to use, fast and very efficient - and what else would you want from a perfect recovery tool?
Keywords: e-mail wiederherstellung, Windows e-mail wiederherstellen, Windows live e-mail wiederherstellen, Windows live nachrichten retten, Windows Kontakte wiederherstellen, Windows 7 Kontakte, Windows Kontakte retten, Windows Mail retten, E-Mails wiederherstelle
Die Windows Mail und Windows Live Mail-Anwendungen sind in jedem Windows Vista und 7 enthalten und bieten nützliche Funktionen, die umfassende E-Mail-Kommunikation möglich machen. Allerdings bringen sie keinerlei Datenrettungsfunktionen mit - wenn Ihnen auffällt, dass Sie vor einer Woche eine wichtige Nachricht gelöscht haben, werden Sie sie allein mit Hilfe der E-Mail-Anwendung nicht zurückbringen können. Glücklicherweise existieren auf dem Markt mehrere Produkte, die dieses Problem effizient lösen, ohne Sie in den Ruin zu stürzen - Produkte wie Mail Undelete Recovery Toolbox Free! Mail Undelete Recovery Toolbox Free ist ein kompaktes, kostenloses Tool für problemlose Wiederherstellung von unbeabsichtigt gelöschten Windows Mail/Windows Live Mail-Nachrichten und Windows Vista/7-Kontakten. Es bietet Ihnen mehrere Vorteile. Zum einen ist es völlig kostenlos! Unser Tool ist frei von Bannern, Upgrade-Forderungen oder Wasserzeichen. Zum anderen basiert Mail Undelete Recovery Toolbox Free - wie viele andere Produkte unseres Unternehmens - auf einem intuitiven Assistenten, der kein Vorwissen erfordert und Sie innerhalb einer Minute durch den gesamten Prozess führt. Sie müssen lediglich das Quelllaufwerk wählen, die Elemente auswählen, die Sie wiederherstellen möchten, und das Ausgabeverzeichnis spezifizieren. Das ist alles! Das Programm kümmert sich um den Rest. Mail Undelete Recovery Toolbox Free funktioniert nur auf NTFS-Laufwerken und kann nur solche Dateien wiederherstellen, die seit ihrer Löschung nicht durch das Dateisystem überschrieben worden sind. Das Programm bietet Ihnen darüber hinaus eine Vorschau der Elemente, die wiederhergestellt werden können. Wenn Sie ein tolles Wiederherstellungstool für Ihre Windows Mail E-Mails und Kontakte suchen, dann ist Mail Undelete Recovery Toolbox Free genau das Richtige für Sie! Es ist einfach zu handhaben, schnell und sehr effizient - was will man mehr von einem perfekten Wiederherstellungstool?
Keywords: récupérer mail, récupérer windows mail, récupérer messages Windows mail, restaurer windows live mail, récupérer messages windows live, récupérer message supprimé, récupérer contacts windows, contacts windows 7, restaurer contacts windows, restaurer
Bien que les applications Windows Mail et Windows Live Mail incluses dans toutes les installations Windows Vista et Windows 7 soient très fonctionnelles et procurent tout le nécessaire pour des communications par e-mails efficaces, elles ne disposent d'aucune fonctionnalité de récupération de données ; si vous réalisez soudain que le message supprimé la semaine dernière contenait des informations très importantes, aucun de ces clients de messagerie ne pourra vous aider à le récupérer. Heureusement, il existe des produits sur le marché qui permettent de résoudre ce problème facilement sans faire un trou dans votre budget tel que Mail Undelete Recovery Toolbox Free! Mail Undelete Recovery Toolbox Free est un outil compact conçu pour une récupération sans tracas des messages Windows Mail/Live Mail et contacts Windows Vista/7 supprimés par inadvertance et par erreur. Tout d'abord, il est tout à fait gratuit! Gratuit,sans bannières, sans demandes de mise à niveau inattendues ou marques d'essai ajoutées aux fichiers récupérés. Mail Undelete Recovery Toolbox Free utilise un assistant de récupération très intuitif qui permet de faire le travail en une ou deux minutes sans aucune connaissance, compétence ou expérience particulières. Il suffit de sélectionner le disque source, de cocher les éléments que vous souhaitez récupérer et de préciser leur dossier de destination. C'est tout ! Le programme prend en charge le reste. Mail Undelete Recovery Toolbox Free fonctionne seulement avec des lecteurs au format NTFS et restaurera les données si elles n'ont pas été écrasées par le système de fichiers depuis leur suppression. Le programme vous permet également de prévisualiser les éléments récupérables avant même de les récupérer. Si vous recherchez un super outil de récupération pour vos e-mails et contacts Windows, assurez-vous d'essayer Mail Undelete Recovery Toolbox Free! Il est facile à utiliser, rapide et très efficace. Qu'attendre de mieux d'un outil de récupération parfait?
Keywords: 邮件恢复, 恢复 windows 邮件, 恢复 windows live 邮件, 恢复 windows live 邮件信息, 恢复 windows 联系人, windows 7 联系人, 还原 windows 联系人, 还原 windows 邮件, 还原电子邮件, 还原 windows live
尽管绑定在所有 Windows Vista 和 Windows 7 安装过程中的 Windows Mail 和 Windows Live Mail 应用程序非常有用,几乎可以为有效进行邮件沟通提供所需要的一切,但它们却几乎没有任何数据恢复功能。因此如果您突然意识到您上周删除的一封邮件中有非常重要的信息,却没有邮件客户端能帮助您找回这封邮件。幸运的是市场有可以轻易解决这一问题的产品,例如 Mail Undelete Recovery Toolbox Free,并且不需要您花一分钱! Mail Undelete Recovery Toolbox Free 是一款具备多项关键优势的紧凑型工具,用于无障碍恢复有意或无意中删除的 Windows Mail/Windows Live Mail 邮件和 Windows Vista/7 联系人。首先也是最重要的是,它完全、真正免费!没有广告横幅,不会在恢复过程中突然要求升级或在恢复文件中添加试用标记。就像公司的许多其他产品一样,Mail Undelete Recovery Toolbox Free 基于非常直观的恢复向导,一分钟内即可完成恢复工作,并且不需要任何特殊知识、技能或经验。您所需要做的只是选择源驱动器,勾选您想恢复的条目,并为其指定目标文件夹。这就是所有的了!程序会负责剩余工作。Mail Undelete Recovery Toolbox Free 只与 NTFS 驱动器共同工作,只能恢复自删除时起尚未被文件系统覆盖的文件。程序也允许您在真正开始恢复前预览可恢复的条目。 如果您正在寻找一款有效的恢复工具,用于恢复标准 Windows Mail 邮件和联系人,那么您一定要试试 Mail Undelete Recovery Toolbox Free!它使用非常简便、快速和有效,这不就是完美的恢复工具所需要提供的一切吗?
Keywords: e-mailherstel, herstel van windows e-mail, windows live e-mail herstellen, windows live berichten herstellen, windows contacten herstellen, windows 7 contacten, windows contacten terughalen, windows e-mail terughalen, e-mails terughalen, windows live
Ook al zijn de Windows Mail en Windows Live Mail applicaties die bij Windows Vista en Windows 7 horen, ongetwijfeld functioneel en voorzien ze het nodige voor efficiënt e-mailverkeer, omvatten ze geen enkele herstelfunctie. Wanneer u dus plots beseft dat een bericht dat vorige week werd gewist, belangrijke informatie bevatte, kunt u het met deze e-mail clients niet terughalen. Gelukkig zijn er producten op de markt die een betrekkelijk eenvoudige oplossing bieden en niet peperduur zijn - producten zoals Mail Undelete Recovery Toolbox Free! Mail Undelete Recovery Toolbox Free is een compacte tool om moeiteloos toevallig of per vergissing gewiste Windows Mail/Windows Live Mail berichten en Windows Vista/7 contacten te herstellen, met een aantal belangrijke voordelen. Eerst en vooral is het volledig gratis! Gratis zonder banners, onverwachte verzoeken voor upgrades midden in het herstelproces of proefversiemarkeringen in de herstelde bestanden. Net als talrijke andere van onze producten, is Mail Undelete Recovery Toolbox Free gebaseerd op een heel intuïtieve herstelwizard, waarmee de klus wordt geklaard in ongeveer één minuut en die helemaal geen specifieke kennis, vaardigheden of ervaring vereist. U hoeft alleen de bronschijf te selecteren, de items aan te vinken die u wenst terug te halen en de doelmap op te geven. Dat is alles! Het programma zorgt voor de rest. Mail Undelete Recovery Toolbox Free werkt uitsluitend met NTFS-schijven, en zal alleen bestanden terughalen die niet werden overschreven door het bestandsysteem sinds ze gewist werden. Het programma laat u ook toe de herstelbare items te bekijken vóór ze effectief worden teruggehaald. Bent u op zoek naar een goede hersteltool voor uw standaard Windows Mail e-mails en contacten, probeer dan zeker Mail Undelete Recovery Toolbox Free! Het is verbazingwekkend gebruiksvriendelijk, snel en doeltreffend - wat kunt u nog meer wensen van een perfecte hersteltool?
Keywords: recupero email, recupero di posta elettronica, recupero windows mail, ripristinare windows live mail, recuperare i messaggi windows live, recupero contatti windows, contatti windows 7, ripristinare contatti windows eliminati, ripristinare messaggi w
Pur essendo funzionali e dotate di tutto il necessario per un comodo scambio di email, le applicazioni Windows Mail e Windows Live Mail incluse nel pacchetto Windows Vista e Windows 7 non hanno funzionalità per il recupero dei dati. Per esempio, se vi capita di scoprire di aver eliminato un messaggio importante una settimana fa, questi programmi non saranno in grado di aiutarvi a ripristinare un tale messaggio. Fortunatamente sul mercato esistono altri prodotti che permettono di risolvere il problema senza spendere una fortuna, per esempio Mail Undelete Recovery Toolbox Free! Mail Undelete Recovery Toolbox Free è un'applicazione di piccole dimensioni, che permette di recuperare in modo veloce e semplice i messaggi Windows Mail/Windows Live Mail e i contatti Windows Vista/7 eliminati involontariamente o per errore. Il programma ha una serie di vantaggi. Innanzitutto, è assolutamente gratis! Non contiene banner pubblicitari né richieste di pagamento in mezzo al processo di recupero e non aggiunge nessuna scritta ai file recuperati. Come tanti altri prodotti dell'azienda, Mail Undelete Recovery Toolbox Free implementa una procedura guidata molto intuitiva che consente di fare tutto in pochi minuti e non richiede nessuna esperienza o conoscenza specifica. L'utente non dovrà che specificare l'unità disco di origine, gli elementi da recuperare e la cartella di output. Ecco tutto! Il programma pensa al resto. Mail Undelete Recovery Toolbox Free funziona su unità disco NTFS e consente di recuperare i dati che non siano stati sovrascritti dal file system dopo l'eliminazione. È possibile visualizzare i dati recuperabili prima di salvarli. Se siete in cerca di un valido strumento per recuperare i vostri messaggi email e contatti Windows Mail, provate Mail Undelete Recovery Toolbox Free! È facile da usare, affidabile, veloce ed efficiente, cos'altro si può desiderare?
Keywords: recuperação de e-mail, recuperação do windows mail, recuperação do windows live mail, recuperar mensagens do windows live, recuperar contatos do windows, contatos do windows 7, restaurar windows mail, restaurar e-mails, restauração do windows live
Embora os aplicativos Windows Mail/Live Mail, inclusos em todas as instalações do Windows Vista e Windows 7, sejam funcionais e ofereçam tudo que é necessário para o uso eficiente do e-mail, eles não trazem nenhum tipo de funcionalidade de recuperação de dados, e quando você de repente descobrir que a mensagem que excluiu semana passada continha informações importantes, não poderá recuperá-la. Felizmente, há produtos gratuitos no mercado que podem resolver esse problema de forma muito fácil - produtos como o Mail Undelete Recovery Toolbox Free! O Mail Undelete Recovery Toolbox Free é uma ferramenta de recuperação compacta e fácil de usar, voltada para a recuperação de mensagens e contatos excluídos do Windows Mail/Live e do Windows 7/Vista. O programa é completamente grátis, sem nenhuma propaganda, solicitações de atualização durante o processo de recuperação ou marcas de versão de avaliação nos arquivos recuperados. Assim como muitos outros produtos da nossa empresa, o Mail Undelete Recovery Toolbox Free se baseia em um assistente de recuperação intuitivo, que permite que você recupere arquivos em questão de minutos, sem necessidade de qualquer tipo de conhecimento ou experiência. Tudo que você precisa fazer é selecionar um disco de origem, indicar os itens que deseja recuperar e especificar uma pasta de destino para eles. Nada mais! O programa toma então conta do resto. O Mail Undelete Recovery Toolbox Free funciona somente com disco em formato NTFS e recupera somente arquivos que não foram sobrescritos pelo sistema de arquivos desde o momento em que foram excluídos. O programa também permite que você pré-visualize os itens recuperáveis antes de recuperá-los. Se você estava à procura de uma ótima ferramenta de recuperação de e-mails e contatos do Windows Mail, não deixe de experimentar o Mail Undelete Recovery Toolbox Free! O programa é incrivelmente fácil de usar, rápido e eficiente. O que mais você poderia querer de uma ferramenta de recuperação?
Keywords: восстановление, windows mail, восстановить, windows live mail, восстановить, сообщения, windows live, восстановить, контакты, windows, вернуть, контакты windows, вернуть, почту windows
Несмотря на то, что приложения Windows Mail и Windows Live Mail, включённые в каждую установку Windows Vista и Windows 7, являются довольно функциональными и предоставляют всё необходимое для эффективного общения, они не предоставляют абсолютно никаких возможностей по восстановлению данных, так что если вы внезапно осознали, что удалённый неделю назад файл содержит важную информацию, ни один из этих клиентов не поможет вам его восстановить. К счастью, на рынке есть продукты, которые могут помочь решить эту проблему, не пробив при этом брешь в вашем кармане - такие продукты, как Mail Undelete Recovery Toolbox Free! Это компактный инструмент, предназначенный для быстрого восстановления случайно или ошибочно удалённых сообщений Windows Mail/Windows Live Mail, а также контактов Windows Vista/7, имеющий несколько очевидных преимуществ. Во-первых, программа абсолютно бесплатна! Никаких баннеров, требований заплатить в середине процесса восстановления или отметок о неполноценности лицензии. Как и многие другие продукты компании, Mail Undelete Recovery Toolbox Free основан на интуитивном пошаговом мастере и позволяет вам восстановить данные буквально за минуту. К тому же, вам не нужны никакие специальные знания, умения или опыт. Просто веберите диск, содержавший удалённые файлы, отметьте файлы, которые нужно восстановить и укажите конечную папку. Это всё! Программа позаботиться об остальном. Mail Undelete Recovery Toolbox Free работает только с файлами NTFS и позволяет восстанавливать только те файлы, которые не были перезаписаны файловой системой с момента их удаления. Программа также позволяет вам просматривать объекты, которые можно восстановить, перед началом процесса восстановления. Если вы ищете надёжный инструмент восстановления сообщений Windows Mail и контактов Windows, обязательно опробуйте Mail Undelete Recovery Toolbox Free! Программа удивительно проста, быстра и эффективна - а чего ещё можно пожелать от идеальной программы для восстановления данных?
Keywords: recuperación de correo, recuperar correo windows, restaurar correo windows live, recuperar mensajes windows live, recuperar contactos windows, contactos windows 7, recuperar correos electrónicos, recuperar windows live
Aunque Windows Mail y Windows Live Mail incluidos en todas las instalaciones de Windows Vista y Windows 7 son muy funcionales y proporcionan lo necesario para comunicarse eficientemente por correo, no cuentan con ninguna función de recuperación. Si resulta que un mensaje borrado contiene información muy importante, ninguno de los clientes de correo podrá recuperarlo. Afortunadamente, hay productos que resuelven este problema de forma fácil y no cuestan mucho, productos como Mail Undelete Recovery Toolbox Free. Mail Undelete Recovery Toolbox Free es una herramienta compacta para recuperar sin problemas mensajes de Windows Mail y Windows Live Mail, y contactos de Windows Vista y Windows 7 eliminados accidentalmente o por error. En primer lugar, es gratuito. No contiene banner, solicitudes de actualización inesperadas ni añade marcas de prueba a los archivos recuperados. Como otros muchos de nuestros productos, Mail Undelete Recovery Toolbox Free se basa en un asistente de recuperación muy intuitivo y hace su trabajo en pocos minutos. No requiere conocimientos, habilidades o experiencia de ningún tipo. Todo lo que hay que hacer es seleccionar la unidad de origen, marcar los elementos a recuperar y especificar la carpeta de destino. Eso es todo. El programa se ocupará del resto. Mail Undelete Recovery Toolbox Free funciona solo con unidades NTFS y únicamente recuperará archivos que el sistema de archivos no haya sobrescrito. El programa también muestra los elementos recuperables antes de recuperarlos. Si ha estado buscando una gran herramienta de recuperación de correos y contactos Windows, utilice Mail Undelete Recovery Toolbox Free. Es facilísimo de usar, rápido y muy eficiente, ¿qué más se puede desear de una herramienta de recuperación?
Distribution permissions: The Mail Undelete Recovery Toolbox Free is distributed as freeware software. This means: 1. All copyrights to Mail Undelete Recovery Toolbox Free are exclusively owned by the author - Recovery ToolBox. 2. Anyone may use this software. 3. The Mail Undelete Recovery Toolbox Free version may be freely distributed, with exceptions noted below, provided the distribution package is not modified in any way. a. No person or company may distribute separate parts of the package with the exception of the Mail Undelete Recovery Toolbox Free components, without written permission of the copyright owner. b. The Mail Undelete Recovery Toolbox Free version may not be distributed inside of any other software package without written permission of the copyright owner. c. Hacks/cracks, keys or key generators may not be included on the same distribution. 4. THE Mail Undelete Recovery Toolbox Free IS DISTRIBUTED "AS IS". NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND IS EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED. YOU USE AT YOUR OWN RISK. NEITHER THE AUTHOR NOR THE AGENTS OF THE AUTHOR WILL BE LIABLE FOR DATA LOSS, DAMAGES, LOSS OF PROFITS OR ANY OTHER KIND OF LOSS WHILE USING OR MISUSING THIS SOFTWARE. 5. You may not use, copy, emulate, clone, rent, lease, sell, modify, decompile, disassemble, otherwise reverse engineer, or transfer the licensed program, or any subset of the licensed program, except as provided for in this agreement. Any such unauthorized use shall result in immediate and automatic termination of this license and may result in criminal and/or civil prosecution. Neither Mail Undelete Recovery Toolbox Free binary code or Mail Undelete Recovery Toolbox Free source may be used or reverse engineered to re-create the Mail Undelete Recovery Toolbox Free algorithm, which is proprietary, without written permission of the author. Mail Undelete Recovery Toolbox Free keyfiles may not be distributed, except as stated in item 3) above, outside of the area of legal control of the person or persons who purchased the
The Mail Undelete Recovery Toolbox Free is distributed as freeware software. This means: 1. All copyrights to Mail Undelete Recovery Toolbox Free are exclusively owned by the author - Recovery ToolBox. 2. Anyone may use this software. 3. The Mail Undelete Recovery Toolbox Free version may be freely distributed, with exceptions noted below, provided the distribution package is not modified in any way. a. No person or company may distribute separate parts of the package with the exception of the Mail Undelete Recovery Toolbox Free components, without written permission of the copyright owner. b. The Mail Undelete Recovery Toolbox Free version may not be distributed inside of any other software package without written permission of the copyright owner. c. Hacks/cracks, keys or key generators may not be included on the same distribution. 4. THE Mail Undelete Recovery Toolbox Free IS DISTRIBUTED "AS IS". NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND IS EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED. YOU USE AT YOUR OWN RISK. NEITHER THE AUTHOR NOR THE AGENTS OF THE AUTHOR WILL BE LIABLE FOR DATA LOSS, DAMAGES, LOSS OF PROFITS OR ANY OTHER KIND OF LOSS WHILE USING OR MISUSING THIS SOFTWARE. 5. You may not use, copy, emulate, clone, rent, lease, sell, modify, decompile, disassemble, otherwise reverse engineer, or transfer the licensed program, or any subset of the licensed program, except as provided for in this agreement. Any such unauthorized use shall result in immediate and automatic termination of this license and may result in criminal and/or civil prosecution. Neither Mail Undelete Recovery Toolbox Free binary code or Mail Undelete Recovery Toolbox Free source may be used or reverse engineered to re-create the Mail Undelete Recovery Toolbox Free algorithm, which is proprietary, without written permission of the author. Mail Undelete Recovery Toolbox Free keyfiles may not be distributed, except as stated in item 3) above, outside of the area of legal control of the person or persons who purchased the original license, without written permission of the copyright holder. All rights not expressly granted here are reserved by Recovery ToolBox. 6. Installing and using Mail Undelete Recovery Toolbox Free signifies acceptance of these terms and conditions of the license. 7. If you do not agree with the terms of this license you must remove Mail Undelete Recovery Toolbox Free files from your storage devices and cease to use the product. Thank you for using the original Mail Undelete Recovery Toolbox Free.