Keywords: Cleaning, security, optimization, support
MacKeeper is the cleaning, security and optimization software with 16 tools to keep your Mac clean, protected and less complicated.
The all new MacKeeper 3.x has Human Inside, a human expert assistance integrated into the software. It combines the complex algorithms of the computer technology with technical expertise and creative thinking of a live support representative who can solve your Mac problems 24-7.
With it, users no longer need to look for customer support numbers or emails, just the click of a button from within the interface and their SOS signals will be heard and promptly dealt with. Users can also activate their personal Geeks-on-Demand who can help with a multitude of issues and questions ranging from OS-related topics to choosing the right computer. All MacKeeper experts are certified by Apple.
Der nagelneue MacKeeper verfügt über die besten Reinigungs-, Sicherheits- und Optimierungsfunktionen von MacKeepr, addiert nun jedoch auch herausragende Assistenzfunktionen durch menschliche Experten. Er kombiniert die komplexen Algorithmen der Computertechnologie mit dem technischem Fachwissen und den kreativen Ideen eines Live-Support-Mitarbeiters, der Ihre Mac-Probleme rund um die Uhr lösen kann. Alle MacKeeper-Experten sind von Apple zertifiziert. Weitere Vorteile von MacKeeper sind: *Schnelle Reinigung von Junk-Dateien oder Dateiduplikaten *Online- und Offline-Diebstahlschutz für Ihren Mac *Verbesserte Leistung und Geschwindigkeit *Einfachheit komplexer Aufgaben *Vollständige Sicherheit all Ihrer privaten Daten
La toute nouvelle versionde MacKeeper reprend les meilleurs outils de nettoyage, de protection et d'optimisation de MacKeeper mais offre en plus une assistance personnalisée directement intégrée au logiciel. Elle associe de complexes algorithmes de traitement à l'expertise technique et à la créativité de nos techniciens, qui sont à votre service 24 h/24 et 7 j/7 pour résoudre tous les problèmes affectant votre Mac. Tous les experts MacKeeper sont certifiés par Apple. Autres avantages de MacKeeper : *Nettoyage rapide des fichiers inutiles et des doublons *Protection antivol en ligne et hors connexion pour votre Mac *Plus rapide et plus performant *Tâches complexes plus simples à réaliser *Sécurisation totale des données privées
De volledig nieuwe MacKeeper bevat de beste opschoon-, beveiligings- en optimalisatiefuncties van MacKeeper, plus deskundige menselijke ondersteuning die geïntegreerd is in de software. MacKeeper combineert de complexe algoritmes van de computertechnologie met de technische expertise en het creatieve denken van een live ondersteuningsmedewerker die 24/7 de problemen met uw Mac kan oplossen. Alle MacKeeper-experts zijn gecertificeerd door Apple. Andere voordelen van MacKeeper: *Snelle opschoning van overbodige of dubbele bestanden *Online en offline diefstalbescherming van uw Mac *Verbeterde prestaties en snelheid *Eenvoud van complexe taken *Volledige beveiliging van uw privégegevens
Il nuovo MacKeeper offre le migliori funzioni di pulizia, sicurezza e ottimizzazione di MacKeeper, più una straordinaria funzionalità di assistenza diretta con un tecnico integrata nel software. Combina i complessi algoritmi della tecnologia informatica con competenze tecniche e la capacità di analisi di un addetto dell'assistenza che in tempo reale può risolvere i tuoi problemi con il Mac 24 ore su 24 - 7 giorni su 7. Tutti gli esperti MacKeeper sono certificati da Apple. Altri vantaggi MacKeeper: * Veloce pulizia di file inutili o duplicati. * Protezione antifurto online e offline del Mac * Miglioramento di prestazioni e velocità * Semplicità di esecuzione di attività complesse * Completa sicurezza dei dati privati
最新の MacKeeper は MacKeeper が持っていた最高のクリーニング、セキュリティ、最適化の機能に、実物のエキスパートによるヘルプが加わり、さらに機能的なソフトとして生まれ変わりました。コンピューターテクノロジーの複雑なアルゴリズムに、24 時間年中無休で Mac の問題を解決してくれるライブサポート担当者の専門知識と創造力を取り入れました。MacKeeper のエキスパートは全員 Apple の認定を受けています。 MacKeeper その他のメリット: * ジャンクファイルや重複ファイルを高速クリーンアップ * 盗難防止ソフトで Mac をオンラインでもオフラインでもしっかり保護 * パフォーマンスとスピードがさらにアップ * 複雑なタスクをシンプルに * 大事なデータを守る安心のセキュリティ
Zupełnie nowy MacKeeper obejmuje wszystkie funkcje oczyszczania, ochrony i optymalizacji dostępne w MacKeeperze, jednak zintegrowano w nim dodatkowo czynnik ludzki w postaci funkcji pomocy eksperta. Usługa ta jest połączeniem algorytmów technologii informatycznej z wiedzą techniczną oraz myśleniem kreatywnym pracownika obsługi na żywo, który jest gotów do pomocy w rozwiązywaniu problemów z Makiem całą dobę, przez 7 dni w tygodniu. Wszyscy eksperci MacKeepera uzyskali certyfikację firmy Apple. Wśród innych zalet MacKeepera można wymienić: *Szybkie czyszczenie śmieci oraz duplikatów *Ochronę Maca online i offline *Zwiększenie wydajności i szybkości *Uproszczenie złożonych zadań *Pełną ochronę prywatnych danych
O novíssimo MacKeeper apresenta todos os melhores recursos de limpeza, segurança e otimização do MacKeeper, mas conta agora com a excelente funcionalidade de assistência especializada integrada ao software. Ele combina os complexos algoritmos da tecnologia computacional com a experiência técnica e o pensamento criativo do representante de suporte ao vivo que pode resolver problemas no Mac 24/7. Todos os especialistas do MacKeeper têm certificação pela Apple. Entre outros benefícios do MacKeeper estão: *Limpeza rápida de arquivos de lixo eletrônico ou duplicados. *Proteção do Mac on-line e off-line com o recurso Antirroubo *Maior desempenho e velocidade *Simplicidade em tarefas complexas *Segurança total de seus dados particulares
El nuevo MacKeeper cuenta con todas las mejores funciones de limpieza, seguridad y optimización de Mackeeper, pero añade la excelente funcionadliad de asistencia de expertos humanos integrada en el software. Combina los complejos algoritmos de la tecnología informática con la experiencia técnica y pensamiento creativo de un representante de soporte en vivo que puede solucionar los problemas de tu Mac, 24/7. Todos los expertos de MacKeeper están certificados por Apple. Otros beneficios de MacKeeper incluyen: *Limpieza rápida de archivos basura o duplicados *Protección antirrobo en línea y sin conexión de tu Mac * Rendimiento y velocidad mejorados *Simplicidad de tareas complejas *Protección completa de tus datos privados
The all new MacKeeper 3.x service has “human inside” feature: a human expert assistance integrated into the software
Distribution permissions:
This End User License Agreement (hereinafter "Agreement") is a legal agreement between you (either an individual or a legal entity) and Kromtech Alliance Corp., with its principal office at 177 Main Street, Road Town, Tortola, British Virgin Islands (hereinafter "Kromtech") for the use of MacKeeper. The MacKeeper Software (the computer program in machine readable object code form issued by Kromtech pursuant to this License Agreement) together with the Documentation (all manuals, user documentation and other related materials pertaining to the MacKeeper software) and/or other materials distributed with the MacKeeper Software (disk image, CD or any other media containing these materials) is licensed, not sold, to you by Kromtech, and Kromtech reserves all rights not expressly granted to you within this license agreement. Under no circumstances shall the source code of MacKeeper be made available to you by Kromtech. The MacKeeper Software and Documentation are collectively referred to as 'MacKeeper'. By downloading, installing, copying or otherwise using all or any portion of the MacKeeper Software you agree to be bound by the terms of this License Agreement. If you do not agree to this License Agreement, do not use the MacKeeper Software. If you purchased MacKeeper and do not agree to this License Agreement, you may obtain a refund of the purchase price provided that you a) have not used the MacKeeper Software, and b) if you have purchased your copy from elsewhere than the <> website, forthwith return your purchased copy of MacKeeper with proof of payment to the location from which it was obtained. Violation of any part of the Agreement will result in termination of your account. 1. LICENSE GRANT Kromtech may, at its sole discretion, grant you a Commercial License. The Commercial License Terms are applicable to your use of MacKeeper if you have rightfully obtained a Commercial License for MacKeeper. A. COMMERCIAL LICENSE TERMS Kromtech grants you a non-exclusive license to use MacKeeper, only in accordance with the terms and conditions set forth herein. You agree not to transfer, assign, rent, lease, sublicense, or lend MacKeeper to any other person or entity, except as expressly provided herein, and that any attempt to do so in any other way shall render the license null and void. A1. ONLINE ACTIVATION The MacKeeper Software requires online activation in order to use it under the Commercial License Terms. Kromtech may at its sole discretion decide to adjust the exact technical conditions under which unactivated MacKeeper copies cease to work. You are required to submit personal information during online activation. You need an active, functional internet connection to activate your copy of MacKeeper. Your licensed use of MacKeeper is bound to the computer(s) you used to complete activation. You may need to reactivate your copy of MacKeeper after replacing the logic board or otherwise changing the hardware configuration of your computer. You may need to contact Kromtech to complete reactivation. This License grants you the right to activate and use MacKeeper on either (a) one computer used by multiple people, or (b) several computers, within reasonable limits, used by one and the same person. Kromtech may at its sole discretion define and adjust what said reasonable limits amount to. This License does not allow multiple users to use MacKeeper on multiple computers. A2. TRANSFER The right to transfer the activated copy of the MacKeeper Software to another computer is personal. To transfer your activated copy of the MacKeeper Software to another computer you may need to contact Kromtech. You may transfer your MacKeeper license rights only once and permanently to another person or legal entity under the conditions that you transfer MacKeeper in its entirety, you do not retain a copy of MacKeeper or any part thereof yourself, and the receiving party reads, agrees with and accepts the terms and conditions of this License Agreement. If you activated your license before transferring it you may need to contact Kromtech to complete the transfer. A3. PERSONAL INFORMATION Kromtech may render this License Agreement null and void if it finds that the personal information you submitted during online activation is incorrect, inaccurate or outdated. It is your sole responsibility to keep Kromtech informed of any changes in your personal information. You may do so by contacting Kromtech through the 'Support' section of the <> website, calling on the phone, sending an email or using a built-in MacKeeper live chat. Kromtech may require you to verify any changes to personal information. Kromtech may use your personal information to validate your personal license rights, to prove to the reseller where you purchased your MacKeeper license that you purchased your MacKeeper license there and to contact you with information related to MacKeeper. Kromtech may share this information with its licensors. Kromtech will not sell or license usage of your personal information to third parties. After the Anti-Theft service is activated, information about your computer's location will be available at your account page (Kromtech account <>) and will be updated every hour. 2. GENERAL TERMS These General Terms are applicable to the Commercial License. This agreement is available only to individuals who are at least 13 years old. You represent and warranty that if you are an individual, you are at least 13 years old, you are of legal age to agree to this agreement or you have your parents' permission to do so, and that all registration information you submit is accurate and truthful. The Company may in its sole discretion terminate the agreement with any person or entity and change its eligibility criteria at any time. This provision is void where prohibited by law and the right to access this agreement is revoked in such jurisdictions. COPYRIGHT AND RESTRICTIONS Copyright and other intellectual, industrial and/or proprietary rights to MacKeeper and to any whole or partial copies that you make are owned by Kromtech or its licensors. Kromtech permits you to use MacKeeper only in accordance with the terms of this License Agreement. All rights not specifically granted by Kromtech are reserved by Kromtech. You agree not to modify, adapt, translate, reverse engineer, decompile, disassemble, or otherwise attempt to reveal the inner workings or modify the functionality of MacKeeper except for those uses allowed in this License Agreement. Kromtech is willing to provide you with the necessary information to be able to perform tasks regarding compatible programming at reasonable terms. You agree not to remove any label indicating that Kromtech is the subject of copyright and other intellectual, industrial or proprietary rights of Kromtech and/or third parties. MODIFICATION RIGHTS You agree not to replace or modify in any way libraries and resources included in the MacKeeper software. ADDITIONAL SERVICES Kromtech will provide a limited service of free antivirus updates for a period of one year from the first time you activate MacKeeper. ADDITIONAL ACTIVATIONS The Commercial License does not allow MacKeeper to be activated and used on more computers than the number of computers you have obtained the said License(s) for. Kromtech may, at its sole discretion, for your convenience decide to allow you to activate MacKeeper on additional computers within reasonable limits. Notwithstanding such a decision you are only licensed to use MacKeeper simultaneously on the amount of computers you have obtained the said License(s) for. Kromtech may, at its sole discretion, decide to suspend further activations performed under the said License(s), and/or render the said License(s) null and void, if it considers the amount of activations performed under the said License(s) to be excessive. You and/or the person performing activation will be informed of such a decision either a) in writing, b) by email, c) by telephone and/or d) from within the MacKeeper Software. DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTIES YOU EXPRESSLY ACKNOWLEDGE AND AGREE THAT USE OF MACKEEPER IS AT YOUR SOLE RISK. MACKEEPER IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, AND Kromtech, ITS AFFILIATES AND THEIR RESPECTIVE LICENSORS (HEREINAFTER, COLLECTIVELY REFERRED TO AS "Kromtech") EXPRESSLY DISCLAIM ALL WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR ANY WARRANTIES OF TITLE AND/OR NON-INFRINGEMENT. Kromtech DOES NOT WARRANT THAT THE FUNCTIONS CONTAINED IN MACKEEPER WILL MEET YOUR REQUIREMENTS OR THAT THE OPERATION OF MACKEEPER WILL BE CORRECTED. FURTHERMORE, Kromtech DOES NOT WARRANT OR MAKE ANY REPRESENTATIONS REGARDING THE USE OR THE RESULTS OF THE USE OF MACKEEPER IN TERMS OF ITS CORRECTNESS, ACCURACY, OR RELIABILITY, OR IN ANY OTHER TERMS. NO ORAL OR WRITTEN INFORMATION OR ADVICE GIVEN BY Kromtech, Kromtech AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE OR ANY OTHER PARTY SHALL CREATE ANY WARRANTY WITH RESPECT TO MACKEEPER. SHOULD MACKEEPER PROVE DEFECTIVE, YOU (AND NOT Kromtech OR A Kromtech AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE) ASSUME THE ENTIRE COST OF ALL NECESSARY SERVICING, REPAIR, OR CORRECTION. SOME JURISDICTIONS DO NOT ALLOW THE EXCLUSION OF CERTAIN WARRANTIES. ACCORDINGLY, SOME OF THE EXCLUSIONS DESCRIBED IN THIS LICENSE MAY NOT APPLY TO YOU. Kromtech PROVIDES NO WARRANTY THAT ANY COMPUTER HARDWARE OR SOFTWARE WILL NOT BE DAMAGED BY THE SOFTWARE OR ANY DATA YOU DOWNLOAD USING THE SOFTWARE. YOU ASSUME THE ENTIRE RISK OF DOWNLOADING, INSTALLING, COPYING, OPERATING AND USING THE SOFTWARE. Kromtech STRONGLY RECOMMENDS YOU TO PERFORM A VIRUS CHECK OF ALL SOFTWARE BEFORE INSTALLATION OR USE. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY YOU ACKNOWLEDGE AND AGREE THAT TO THE FULLEST EXTENT PERMISSIBLE BY LAW NEITHER Kromtech NOR ANY OF ITS AFFILIATES, ITS OR THEIR RESPECTIVE OFFICERS, DIRECTORS, EMPLOYEES, AGENTS, REPRESENTATIVES, SUPPLIERS, LICENSORS AND CONTRACTORS SHALL BE LIABLE FOR ANY LOSS OR DAMAGE OF ANY KIND, DIRECT OR INDIRECT, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO COMPENSATORY, CONSEQUENTIAL, INCIDENTAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY OR PUNITIVE DAMAGES, IN CONNECTION WITH OR ARISING FROM USE OF MACKEEPER OR OTHERWISE IN CONNECTION WITH THIS LICENSE. IN ALL CASES, Kromtech's ENTIRE LIABILITY UNDER ANY PROVISION OF THIS LICENSE SHALL BE LIMITED TO THE AMOUNT ACTUALLY PAID ALLOCABLE TO THE ASSOCIATED SOFTWARE. SOME JURISDICTIONS DO NOT ALLOW THE EXCLUSION OF OR CERTAIN LIMITATIONS ON DAMAGES AND REMEDIES. ACCORDINGLY, SOME OF THE EXCLUSIONS AND LIMITATIONS DESCRIBED IN THIS LICENSE MAY NOT APPLY TO YOU. LIMITATION OF SUPPORT Kromtech will make an effort to provide you with email, phone and chat support pertaining to your use of MacKeeper. The said support will be limited to topics within the domain of basic usage of MacKeeper. Kromtech is not required to offer you general advice on technologies underlying or related to MacKeeper. Kromtech reserves the right to cease offering support of any kind pertaining to the usage of older releases of MacKeeper whenever a new release, whether for free or for pay, of MacKeeper becomes available. INDEMNIFICATION You agree to defend Kromtech, its affiliates and its and/or their respective successors and assigns, as well as their respective officers, directors, employees, agents, licensors, representatives, operational service providers and suppliers against any and all claims, demand and/or actions and indemnify and hold Kromtech, its affiliates and its and/or their respective successors and assigns, as well as their respective officers, directors, employees, agents, representatives, suppliers, licensors and contractors harmless from and against any and all losses, damages, costs and expenses (including reasonable attorneys' fees), resulting from your breach or violation of this License, infringement, misappropriation or your violation of the rights of any other party, your violation or non-compliance with any law or regulation, or your alteration or export of MacKeeper. Kromtech reserves the right to assume, at its expense, the exclusive defense and control of any claims or actions and all negotiations for settlement or compromise, and you agree to fully cooperate with Kromtech upon its request. TECHNICAL AND RELATED INFORMATION Kromtech and its subsidiaries may collect and use technical and related information, including but not limited to technical information concerning your computer, system and application software. Kromtech and its subsidiaries are free to use this information in any form that does not personally identify you or your computer. Any collection of technical and related information by Kromtech and its subsidiaries shall be limited in such a manner that Kromtech and its subsidiaries will not be capable of reconstructing the contents of files and folders you use from within MacKeeper or any other personal files and folders that are accessible to MacKeeper when you use it. LICENSE CODE Kromtech may issue a License Code or License Key to you, which you may need to activate MacKeeper under the terms of the Commercial License. Kromtech and its subsidiaries and distributors may link the said License Code or License Key to you personally. Any given License Code or License Key is considered for your usage only and may not be distributed, published or otherwise communicated to third parties by you, unless permission to do so is granted to you in writing by Kromtech. THIRD PARTY SOFTWARE LICENSES MacKeeper may make use of third-party software components. Notwithstanding the foregoing, some of the third-party materials included in the MacKeeper software may be subject to other terms and conditions. In current version of MacKeeper we use Antivirus SAVAPI developed by Avira AG <>. By accepting our T&C you automatically agree to the Avira Antivirus SAVAPI Terms and Conditions <> and Privacy Policy <>. You do not need to additionally, by separate procedure, confirm Antivirus SAVAPI T&C and Privacy Policy. Antivirus SAVAPI is an integral part of MacKeeper software: if you do not accept Avira Antivirus SAVAPI T&C or/and Privacy Policy, you can not install MacKeeper software. If you do not agree with Terms and Conditions of MacKeeper or Antivirus SAVAPI, please do not install MacKeeper. TERM AND TERMINATION This License Agreement is effective until terminated. Without prejudice to any other rights, Kromtech may immediately terminate this License Agreement if you fail to comply with any of the terms and conditions set out in this License Agreement. In such event you must cease all use of MacKeeper and destroy all copies of MacKeeper that are in your possession. Inaction of Kromtech to terminate this License Agreement after you fail to comply with any of the terms and conditions set out in this License Agreement does not imply a waiver of any kind of the rights reserved by MacKeeper under this and other provisions. REBILL A Rebill is an automatic extension of a subscription based on you permission. All details concerning the Rebill could be clarified with the Customer Support Service. DISCOUNTS You may be granted with a discount coupon that gives you the right to purchase a license by a lower price than the one originally announced. The coupon is valid within one time purchase of a license and is not applicable for extending the subscription. REFUND POLICY Kromtech values any feedback from the customers and does everything to fix all possible issues. However, if you are still not satisfied with our products and services and may require a refund, please get acquainted with our refund policy. Please note that buying licensed software confirms the customer's aware about all features and functionality of theproduct, as they should have already examined EULA, information and description about the software on official website. Refunds are given only in case of problems related directly to our product. If there are direct proofs of issues with our software, for example, error messages or screenshots, and these issues cannot be resolved by our customer support department, the customer has the right to receive a refund. Refunds are not given in case of general computer problems not related to our software. Before requesting a refund, the customer must inform our customer support department of any issues that may arise in relation to our software. Refunds are given ONLY in case of contacting our support team. Our customer support department is obliged to do their best to fix the problem. If they confirm that the software problem cannot be fixed, a refund will be given. The company is not responsible for any independent actions taken by the customer or help from any third parties. The company provides the customers with all possible kinds of support, including manuals, email support, phone support, live chat etc. Therefore if the customer did not follow the instructions, set up wrong preferences or refused to use our customer support service, the company has the right to decline the refund request. If the software is purchased via the Internet, it does not include any physical storage media. Refunds are not given in case of ignorance of this fact. Inability to download the software is not an argument for the refund. The customer can have Internet or computer problems not related to our product. If the customer is unable to download the software, they must contact our customer support department. Once the refund is given, further usage of the software becomes illegal; therefore the customer must uninstall the program. In addition, all registration data will be immediately blocked, and the refunded customer will not be able to use the updates. Refunds are processed within 1 to 3 weeks - this time is needed by the bank to process the payment. In case of double charge due to circumstances beyond the customer's control, if the fact thereof is confirmed, the company is obliged to give the refund upon the customer's request. All processing fees are non-refundable. The customer has no right to request a refund for additional customer support service orders that: • had been fully used but the quality was claimed as unsatisfactory, • were partly used, • were not used at all. FORCE MAJEURE Kromtech shall not be in default of any obligation under the Agreement if the failure to perform the obligation is due to any event beyond Kromtech's control, including, without limitation, significant failure of a portion of the power grid, significant failure of the Internet, natural disaster, war, riot, insurrection, epidemic, strikes or other organized labor action, terrorist activity, or other events of a magnitude or type for which precautions are not generally taken in the industry. MISCELLANEOUS Your delivery and payment conditions or any other general or special conditions shall not apply. This License Agreement is the entire agreement between you and Kromtech relating to MacKeeper and supersedes all prior oral or written communications and representation with respect to MacKeeper or any other subject matter covered by this License Agreement. If any of the provisions of this license Agreement is held to be void, unenforceable or illegal, the other provisions shall continue in full force and effect. The affected provision will be construed as limited to the extent necessary to be consistent with and fully enforceable under the applicable law.
See the full version here: <>