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Win2000, WinXP, Win7 x32, Win7 x64, Windows 8, Windows 10, WinServer, WinOther, WinVista, WinVista x64
System requirements:
Windows XP or higher.
Limited to 12 uses; analysis strength lmited to 10%.
Keywords: lottery, lotto
Lotto Sorcerer's Apprentice is based on the award-winning Lotto Sorcerer. It lacks most of Lotto Sorcerer's supplementary features (playslip printing, wheels, scripting, etc.) and stays focused on what lottery players are primarily looking for: winning the lottery.
The basic premise behind Lotto Sorcerer's Apprentice (and Lotto Sorcerer itself) is that, due to their mechanical nature, winning numbers are not entirely based on randomness... there is also an element of physics involved.
Lotto Sorcerer works with almost all true lotto-type lotteries that draw four to 16 numbers out of a number pool from 0 to 99. It also accommodates lottos that use an extra bonus ball, such as Powerball and Mega Millions.
It features an intuitive interface that is so easy to use that most people can master the program in just a couple of minutes. A free, full working demo is available for download. For Windows XP on up.
Keywords: Lotterie, loto
Lotto Sorcerer's Apprentice basiert auf dem preisgekrönten Lotto Sorcerer. Es fehlen die meisten Zusatzfunktionen von Lotto Sorcerer (Spielplättchen, Räder, Skripte usw.) und konzentrieren sich auf das, wonach die Lottospieler vor allem suchen: den Gewinn der Lotterie.
Die Grundvoraussetzung hinter Lotto Sorcerer's Apprentice (und Lotto Sorcerer selbst) ist, dass Gewinnzahlen aufgrund ihrer mechanischen Natur nicht völlig auf Zufälligkeit beruhen ... es ist auch ein Element der Physik involviert.
Lotto Sorcerer arbeitet mit fast allen echten Lotto-Lotterien zusammen, die vier bis 16 Zahlen aus einem Zahlenpool von 0 bis 99 ziehen. Außerdem werden Lottos aufgenommen, die einen zusätzlichen Bonusball wie Powerball und Mega Millions verwenden.
Es verfügt über eine intuitive Benutzeroberfläche, die so einfach zu bedienen ist, dass die meisten Leute das Programm innerhalb weniger Minuten beherrschen. Eine kostenlose, voll funktionsfähige Demo steht zum Download zur Verfügung. Für Windows XP auf.
Keywords: Loterie, loto
L'apprenti sorcier de Lotto est basé sur le sorcier primé Lotto. Il manque la plupart des fonctionnalités supplémentaires de Lotto Sorcer (impression de feuilles de jeu, molettes, script, etc.) et reste concentré sur ce que les joueurs de loterie recherchent principalement: gagner à la loterie.
Le principe de base de l'apprenti de Lotto Sorcerer (et de Lotto Sorcerer lui-même) est que, en raison de leur nature mécanique, les numéros gagnants ne sont pas entièrement basés sur le hasard ... il existe également un élément de physique.
Lotto Sorcerer fonctionne avec presque toutes les vraies loteries de type loto qui tirent de 4 à 16 numéros sur un groupe de 0 à 99. Il accepte également les lotos qui utilisent une boule bonus supplémentaire, tels que Powerball et Mega Millions.
Il présente une interface intuitive si facile à utiliser que la plupart des gens peuvent maîtriser le programme en quelques minutes seulement. Une démo de travail complète et gratuite est disponible au téléchargement. Pour Windows XP à la hausse.
Keywords: лотария, хазарт
Ученикът на Лото Магьосник е базиран на всепризнатата Лото магьосник. Липсва повечето от допълнителните функции на Lotto Sorcerer (печатане на плочи, колела, скриптове и т.н.) и остава фокусирано върху това, което лотарийните играчи търсят основно: спечелване на лотарията.
Основната предпоставка зад ученика на Lotto Sorcerer (и самата Lotto Sorcerer) е, че благодарение на техния механичен характер печелившите числа не се основават изцяло на случайността ... има и елемент на физиката.
Lotto Sorcerer работи с почти всички истински лотарии от типа на лото, които привличат от четири до 16 числа от броя на пуловете от 0 до 99.
Той разполага с интуитивен интерфейс, който е толкова лесен за използване, че повечето хора могат да овладеят програмата само за няколко минути. Безплатно, пълно работно демо е достъпно за изтегляне. За Windows XP.
Keywords: Lutrija, Kockanje
Lotto Sorcerer's Apprentice temelji se na nagrađenom Lotto čarobnjaku. Nedostaje mu većina dodatnih značajki Lotto Sorcerera (ispis igara, kotači, skriptiranje itd.) I ostaje usredotočen na ono što igrači lutrije prvenstveno traže: osvajanje lutrije.
Osnovna premisa iza Lotto Sorcerer's Apprenticea (i Lotto Sorcerera) je da, zbog njihove mehaničke prirode, dobitni brojevi nisu u potpunosti utemeljeni na slučajnosti ... tu je i element fizike koji je uključen.
Loto čarobnjak radi s gotovo svim pravim loto lutrijama koje izvuku četiri do 16 brojeva od broja bazena od 0 do 99. Također se može smjestiti loto koji koristi dodatni bonus loptu, kao što su Powerball i Mega Millions.
Ima intuitivno sučelje koje je tako jednostavno za korištenje da većina ljudi može svladati program u samo nekoliko minuta. Besplatan, pun radni demo dostupan je za preuzimanje. Za Windows XP na gore.
Keywords: Loterie, loto
Učeň Lotto Sorcerera je založen na oceněném Lotto Sorcerer. Chybí mu mnoho doplňkových funkcí Lotto Sorcerera (tisk tiketů, kola, skriptování atd.) A zůstává zaměřen na to, co hráči loterie primárně hledají: výhru v loterii.
Základním předpokladem Lotto Sorcerer Apprentice (a samotného Lotto Sorcerera) je, že díky své mechanické povaze nejsou výherní čísla zcela založena na náhodnosti ... je zde také prvek fyziky.
Lotto Sorcerer pracuje s téměř všemi loteriemi lotosu, které čerpají čtyři až šestnáct čísel z číselného fondu od 0 do 99. Jsou zde také lotosové hry, které využívají extra bonusovou kouli, například Powerball a Mega Millions.
Je vybaven intuitivním rozhraním, které je tak snadné, že většina lidí zvládne program během několika minut. Volné, plné pracovní demo je k dispozici ke stažení. Pro operační systém Windows XP.
Keywords: Lotteri, loto
Lotto Sorcerer's Apprentice er baseret på den prisbelønnede Lotto Sorcerer. Det mangler de fleste af Lotto Sorcerer's supplerende funktioner (playslip trykning, hjul, scripting osv.) Og holder fokus på, hvad lotteri spillere primært søger: vindende lotteriet.
Den grundlæggende forudsætning bag Lotto Sorcerer's Lærling (og Lotto Sorcerer selv) er, at på grund af deres mekaniske karakter er vindende tal ikke helt baseret på tilfældighed ... der er også et element i fysik involveret.
Lotto Sorcerer arbejder med næsten alle sande lotterier fra lotterier, der trækker fire til 16 numre ud af en talepulje fra 0 til 99. Den rummer også lottoer, der bruger en ekstra bonuskugle, som Powerball og Mega Millions.
Den har en intuitiv grænseflade, der er så let at bruge, at de fleste mennesker kan mestre programmet på bare et par minutter. En gratis, fuldt fungerende demo er tilgængelig til download. Til Windows XP på op.
Keywords: Loterij, loto
Lotto Sorcerer's Apprentice is gebaseerd op de bekroonde Lotto Sorcerer. Het mist de meeste aanvullende functies van Lotto Sorcerer (spelen met speellip, wielen, scripting, enz.) En blijft gericht op wat loterijspelers vooral zoeken: de loterij winnen.
Het uitgangspunt achter Lotto Sorcerer's Apprentice (en Lotto Sorcerer zelf) is dat winnende getallen vanwege hun mechanische aard niet volledig gebaseerd zijn op willekeur ... er is ook een element van de fysica bij betrokken.
Lotto Sorcerer werkt met bijna alle echte Lotto-achtige loterijen die vier tot zestien nummers uit een getallenpool halen van 0 tot 99. Het bevat ook lottos die een extra bonusbal gebruiken, zoals Powerball en Mega Millions.
Het beschikt over een intuïtieve interface die zo eenvoudig te gebruiken is dat de meeste mensen het programma in slechts een paar minuten onder de knie kunnen krijgen. Een gratis, volledig werkende demo is beschikbaar om te downloaden. Voor Windows XP op up.
Keywords: Loterii, loto
Lotto nõiaõpetaja põhineb auhinnatud Lotto Sorcereril. Sellel puudub enamik Lotto võluväe lisavõimalusi (mängufilmide trükkimine, rattad, skriptimine jne) ning jääb keskenduma sellele, mida loterii mängijad peamiselt otsivad: loterii võitmine.
Lotto Sorcerer's Apprentice'i (ja Lotto Sorcerer ise) peamine eeldus on, et nende mehaanilise olemuse tõttu ei põhine võitnud numbrid täielikult juhuslikkusel ... on olemas ka üks füüsika element.
Lotto Sorcerer töötab peaaegu kõigi tõeliste lotto-loteriidega, mis tõmbavad numbriühendusest neli kuni 16 numbrit 0-st 99-ni. Samuti mahutab see lottosid, mis kasutavad ekstra boonuskuuri, nagu Powerball ja Mega Millions.
Sellel on intuitiivne kasutajaliides, mis on nii lihtne kasutada, et enamik inimesi saab programmi mõne minuti jooksul hallata. Tasuta allalaaditav demo on allalaadimiseks saadaval. Windows XP puhul.
Keywords: Arpajaiset, loto
Lotto Sorcerer's Apprentice perustuu palkittuun Lotto Sorcereriin. Siinä ei ole enimmäkseen Lotton Sorcerin lisäominaisuuksia (leikkikalut, pyörät, komentosarjat jne.), Ja se keskittyy siihen, mitä arpajaispelaajat etsivät: voittaa arpajaiset.
Lotto Sorcerer's Apprenticen (ja Lotto Sorcerer) takana on, että niiden mekaanisen luonteen takia voittajamäärät eivät perustu täysin satunnaisuuteen ... on myös mukana fysiikan elementti.
Lotto Sorcerer työskentelee lähes kaikkien todellisten lotto-arpajaisten kanssa, jotka vetävät neljästä 16 numeroon joukosta 0 - 99. Se sisältää myös lottoja, jotka käyttävät ylimääräistä bonuspalloa, kuten Powerball ja Mega Millions.
Siinä on intuitiivinen käyttöliittymä, joka on niin helppokäyttöinen, että useimmat ihmiset voivat hallita ohjelmaa muutamassa minuutissa. Ilmainen, täysipainoinen demo on ladattavissa. Windows XP: lle.
Keywords: Lottó, lotó
A Lotto varázslók tanítványa a díjnyertes Lotto varázslón alapul. A Lotto varázslók kiegészítő funkcióinak hiánya (játszószalagok, kerekek, szkriptek stb.) Hiányzik, és továbbra is arra összpontosít, hogy a lottójátékosok elsődlegesen keressék: megnyerjük a lottót.
A Lotto varázslói tanítványa (és maga a Lotto varázsló) alapfeltétele, hogy mechanikai természetük miatt a győztes számok nem teljesen véletlenszerűen alapulnak ... van egy fizikai elem is.
A Lotto varázsló majdnem minden igazi lottó-lottójával dolgozik, amelyek 0-99 számjegyből 4-16 számot rajzolnak ki. Ezenkívül olyan lottókat is tartalmaz, amelyek extra bónusz labdát használnak, mint például a Powerball és a Mega Millions.
Intuitív kezelőfelülettel rendelkezik, amely olyan könnyen használható, hogy a legtöbb ember csak néhány perc alatt tudja elsajátítani a programot. Ingyenes, teljes körűen működő demó letölthető. Windows XP esetén.
Keywords: Happdrætti, loto
Lottó Sorcerer's Apprentice er byggt á verðlaun-aðlaðandi Lottó Sorcerer. Það skortir viðbótareiginleika Lotto Sorcerer (spilunarlista, hjól, forskriftarþarfir o.fl.) og heldur áfram að einblína á hvaða happdrætti leikmenn eru fyrst og fremst að leita að: að vinna lottóið.
Grunnforsenda bakvið Lotto Sorcerer's Apprentice (og Lotto Sorcerer sjálft) er að vegna þess að þeir eru vélrænni, eru vinnandi tölur ekki eingöngu byggðar á handahófi ... það er einnig þáttur í eðlisfræði sem er að ræða.
Lottó Sorcerer vinnur með næstum öllum sönnu lotukerfum í lotukerfinu sem teiknar fjóra til 16 tölur úr fjölda laug frá 0 til 99. Það rúmar einnig lottós sem nota auka bónuskúlu, eins og Powerball og Mega Millions.
Það býður upp á innsæi tengi sem er svo auðvelt að nota að flestir geti ná góðum tökum á forritinu eftir nokkrar mínútur. A frjáls, fullur vinnandi demo er hægt að hlaða niður. Fyrir Windows XP upp.
Keywords: Lotere, loto
Lotto Sorcerer's Apprentice didasarkan pada Lotto Sorcerer pemenang penghargaan. Ini tidak memiliki sebagian besar fitur tambahan Lotto Sorcerer (pencetakan playslip, roda, scripting, dll) dan tetap fokus pada apa yang terutama dicari pemain lotre: memenangkan lotere.
Premis dasar di balik Apprentice Lotto Sorcerer (dan Lotto Sorcerer sendiri) adalah bahwa, karena sifat mekaniknya, angka yang menang tidak sepenuhnya didasarkan pada keacakan ... ada juga unsur fisika yang terlibat.
Lotto Sorcerer bekerja dengan hampir semua lotere tipe lotre sejati yang menarik empat hingga 16 angka dari kumpulan angka dari 0 hingga 99. Ia juga mengakomodasi lotto yang menggunakan bola bonus tambahan, seperti Powerball dan Mega Jutaan.
Ini fitur antarmuka intuitif yang sangat mudah digunakan sehingga kebanyakan orang dapat menguasai program hanya dalam beberapa menit. Demo gratis dan berfungsi penuh tersedia untuk diunduh. Untuk Windows XP ke atas.
Keywords: Lotteria, loto
Lotto L'Apprendista Stregone si basa sul pluripremiato Lotto Sorcerer. Manca la maggior parte delle funzioni supplementari del Lotto Stregone (riproduzione di slittamenti, ruote, script, ecc.) E rimane focalizzata su ciò che i giocatori della lotteria cercano principalmente: vincere alla lotteria.
La premessa di base dietro Lotto L'Apprendista Stregone (e lo stesso Lotto Stregone) è che, a causa della loro natura meccanica, i numeri vincenti non sono interamente basati sulla casualità ... c'è anche un elemento di fisica coinvolto.
Lotto Sorcerer funziona con quasi tutte le lotterie del lotto reale che pescano da 4 a 16 numeri su un numero da 0 a 99. Accoglie anche i lottos che usano una palla bonus extra, come Powerball e Mega Millions.
È dotato di un'interfaccia intuitiva che è così facile da usare che molte persone possono padroneggiare il programma in appena un paio di minuti. Una demo gratuita e funzionante è disponibile per il download. Per Windows XP in su.
Keywords: Loterija, loto
Lotto burvju māceklis balstās uz godalgoto Lotto burvju. Tajā trūkst Lotto burvju papildfunkciju (rotaļu druka, riteņi, skripti utt.), Un tā koncentrējas uz to, ko loterijas spēlētāji galvenokārt meklē: loterijas uzvarēšana.
Loto burvja mācekli (un pats Lotto burvis) pamatnosacījums ir tas, ka, ņemot vērā to mehānisko raksturu, uzvarētāju numuri nav pilnībā balstīti uz nejaušību ... tur ir arī fizikas elements.
Lotto Sorcerer strādā ar gandrīz visām patiesajām lotto loterijām, kas no četriem līdz sešpadsmit cipariem piesaista skaitļus no 0 līdz 99. Tas ietver arī lotus, kas izmanto papildus bonusa bumbu, piemēram, Powerball un Mega Millions.
Tā piedāvā intuitīvu saskarni, kas ir tik viegli lietojama, ka lielākā daļa cilvēku var apgūt programmu tikai pāris minūšu laikā. Bezmaksas lejupielādei ir pieejama pilna darba demonstrācija. Windows XP uz augšu.
Keywords: Loterija, loto
Lotto Sorcerer's Apprentice yra apdovanojimų pelnęs Lotto burtininkas. Jame trūksta daugelio „Lotto“ burtininkų papildomų funkcijų (žaidimų spausdinimas, ratai, skriptai ir kt.) Ir išlieka orientuota į tai, ką loterijos žaidėjai pirmiausia ieško: laimėti loteriją.
Lotto Sorcerer Apprentice (ir Lotto Sorcerer) pagrindinė prielaida yra ta, kad dėl jų mechaninės prigimties laimėjimų numeriai nėra visiškai pagrįsti atsitiktine atsitikimu ... taip pat yra fizikos elementas.
Lotto Sorcerer dirba su beveik visais tikrais loterijos loterijomis, kurios numato nuo keturių iki šešiolikos numerių iš skaičiaus baseino nuo 0 iki 99. Jame taip pat talpinami lottos, kurie naudoja papildomą premiją, pvz., „Powerball“ ir „Mega Millions“.
Jame yra intuityvi sąsaja, kuri yra tokia paprasta naudoti, kad dauguma žmonių gali įsisavinti programą per kelias minutes. Galima atsisiųsti nemokamą, pilną darbo demonstraciją. „Windows XP“ sistemoje.
Keywords: Lotteri, loto
Lotto Sorcerer's Apprentice er basert på den prisbelønte Lotto Sorcerer. Den mangler det meste av Lotto Sorcerer sine tilleggsfunksjoner (spilleslettutskrift, hjul, skripting etc.) og holder seg fokusert på hvilke lotterispillere som primært er ute etter: å vinne lotteriet.
Den grunnleggende forutsetningen bak Lotto Sorcerer's Apprentice (og Lotto Sorcerer selv) er at på grunn av sin mekaniske natur er vinnende tall ikke helt basert på tilfeldighet ... det er også et element i fysikk involvert.
Lotto Sorcerer jobber med nesten alle ekte lotto-type lotterier som trekker fire til 16 numre ut av en tallbasseng fra 0 til 99. Den har også plass til lottoer som bruker en ekstra bonusball, som Powerball og Mega Millions.
Den har et intuitivt grensesnitt som er så enkelt å bruke at de fleste kan mestre programmet på bare noen få minutter. En gratis, fullstendig fungerende demo er tilgjengelig for nedlasting. For Windows XP på opp.
Keywords: Loteria, loto
Uczeń Lotto Sorcerer's Apprentice oparty jest na wielokrotnie nagradzanym Lotto Sorcerer. Brakuje mu większości dodatkowych funkcji Lotto Sorcerer (druk, kółka, skrypty itp.) I koncentruje się na tym, czego szukają przede wszystkim loterie: wygraniu na loterii.
Podstawową przesłanką stojącą za Lotto Sorcerer's Apprentice (i samym Lotto Sorcerer) jest to, że ze względu na ich mechaniczną naturę, zwycięskie liczby nie są całkowicie oparte na przypadkowości ... istnieje również element fizyki.
Lotto Sorcerer współpracuje z niemal wszystkimi prawdziwymi loteriami typu lotto, które losują od 4 do 16 liczb z puli liczb od 0 do 99. Zawiera również loterie, które używają dodatkowej piłki dodatkowej, takiej jak Powerball i Mega Millions.
Posiada intuicyjny interfejs, który jest tak łatwy w użyciu, że większość ludzi może opanować program w ciągu zaledwie kilku minut. Bezpłatne, pełne działające demo jest dostępne do pobrania. W systemie Windows XP na górze.
Keywords: Loteria, loto
Lotto Sorcerer's Apprentice é baseado no premiado Lotto Sorcerer. Falta-lhe a maioria das funcionalidades suplementares da Lotto Sorcerer (reprodução de jogadas, rodas, scripting, etc.) e mantém-se focado no que os jogadores de loteria estão procurando principalmente: ganhar na loteria.
A premissa básica por trás do Aprendiz de Lotto Sorcerer (e do próprio Lotto Sorcerer) é que, devido à sua natureza mecânica, os números vencedores não são inteiramente baseados em aleatoriedade ... há também um elemento de física envolvido.
A Lotto Sorcerer trabalha com quase todas as loterias verdadeiras lotéricas que sorteam de quatro a 16 números de um conjunto de números de 0 a 99. Ele também acomoda lotos que usam uma bola de bônus extra, como Powerball e Mega Millions.
Ele possui uma interface intuitiva que é tão fácil de usar que a maioria das pessoas pode dominar o programa em apenas alguns minutos. Uma demonstração de trabalho gratuita e completa está disponível para download. Para o Windows XP em cima.
Keywords: Loterie, loto
Lotto Sorcerer's Apprentice se bazează pe câștigătorul premiului Lotto Sorcerer. Îi lipsesc cele mai multe dintre caracteristicile suplimentare ale lui Lotto Sorcerer (tipărire, roți, scripturi, etc.) și se concentrează asupra a ceea ce jucătorii de loterie caută în primul rând: câștigarea loteriei.
Premisa de bază din spatele Ucenicului lui Lotto Sorcerer (și a lui Lotto Sorcerer însuși) este că, datorită naturii lor mecanice, numerele câștigătoare nu se bazează în întregime pe aleatorie ... există, de asemenea, un element al fizicii implicate.
Lotto Sorcerer lucrează cu aproape toate loteriile de tip loto adevărat care desenează patru până la 16 numere dintr-un număr de piscine de la 0 la 99. De asemenea, se potrivesc lotto-urilor care folosesc o minge de bonus suplimentară, cum ar fi Powerball și Mega Millions.
Dispune de o interfață intuitivă care este atât de ușor de folosit încât majoritatea oamenilor pot stăpâni programul în doar câteva minute. Un demo gratuit, complet de lucru este disponibil pentru descărcare. Pentru Windows XP în sus.
Keywords: лотерея, игорный
Ученик Лото Волшебника основан на удостоенном наград Лото Волшебника. В нем отсутствуют большинство дополнительных функций Lotto Sorcerer (печать листков, колеса, сценарии и т. Д.), И он по-прежнему сосредоточен на том, что в первую очередь ищут игроки лотереи: выиграть в лотерею.
Основная предпосылка Ученика Лото Колдуна (и самого Лото Волшебника) заключается в том, что из-за своей механической природы выигрышные числа не полностью основаны на случайности ... в них также присутствует элемент физики.
Lotto Sorcerer работает практически со всеми настоящими лотерейными лотереями, в которых от 0 до 99 набирается от 4 до 16 чисел. Кроме того, в лотереях используются дополнительные бонусные шары, такие как Powerball и Mega Millions.
Он имеет интуитивно понятный интерфейс, который настолько прост в использовании, что большинство людей могут освоить программу всего за пару минут. Бесплатное, полное рабочее демо доступно для скачивания. Для Windows XP и выше.
Keywords: Лутрија, коцкати
Лотто Сорцерер'с Аппрентице је базиран на награђеном Лотто чаробњаку. Недостаје му већина додатних Лотто Сорцерерових функција (штампа, клипови, скрипте итд.) И остаје фокусирана на оно што играчи лутрије првенствено траже: освајање лутрије.
Основна премиса иза Лотто Сорцерер'с Аппрентице (и Лотто Сорцерер) је да, због њихове механичке природе, добитни бројеви нису у потпуности засновани на случајности ... ту је и елемент физике који је укључен.
Лотто Сорцерер ради са скоро свим правим лото лутријама које црпе четири до 16 бројева од броја базена од 0 до 99. Он такође може да прими лото који користи додатни бонус лопту, као што су Повербалл и Мега Миллионс.
Поседује интуитиван интерфејс који је тако једноставан за употребу да већина људи може да савлада програм за само неколико минута. Бесплатан, пун радни демо је доступан за преузимање. За Виндовс КСП на горе.
Keywords: lotérie, loto
Lotto Sorcerer Apprentice je založený na ocenenom Lotto Sorcerer. Chýba mu väčšina doplnkových funkcií Lotto Sorcerera (tlač na tikety, kolieska, skripty atď.) A zostáva zameraná na to, čo hráči lotérie hľadajú predovšetkým: vyhrať v lotérii.
Základným predpokladom pre Lotto Sorcerer Apprentice (a samotného Lotto Sorcerera) je, že vďaka svojej mechanickej povahe nie sú výherné čísla úplne založené na náhodnosti ... existuje aj prvok fyziky.
Lotto Sorcerer pracuje s takmer všetkými loterijnými lotériami typu lotto, ktoré čerpajú štyri až 16 čísel z číselného bazéna od 0 do 99. Taktiež sa tu nachádzajú lotto, ktoré používajú extra bonusovú loptičku, napríklad Powerball a Mega Millions.
Obsahuje intuitívne rozhranie, ktoré je tak jednoduché, že väčšina ľudí môže zvládnuť program v priebehu niekoľkých minút. Bezplatne, plne funkčné demo je k dispozícii na stiahnutie. Pre operačný systém Windows XP.
Keywords: Loterija, loto
Lotto Sorcerer's Apprentice temelji na nagrajenem Lotto Sorcererju. Pomanjkljiva je večina dodatnih funkcij Lotto Sorcerera (tiskanje posnetkov, kolesa, skripti itd.) In ostane osredotočeno na tisto, kar igralci loterije iščejo predvsem: zmago na loteriji.
Osnovna premisa za Lotto Sorcerer's Apprentice (in Lotto Sorcerer sama) je, da zaradi svoje mehanske narave zmagovalne številke ne temeljijo povsem na naključju ... obstaja tudi element fizike.
Lotto Sorcerer deluje s skoraj vsemi resničnimi loterijskimi loterijami, ki pripravijo štiri do 16 številk iz številskega bazena od 0 do 99.
Ima intuitiven vmesnik, ki je tako preprost za uporabo, da lahko večina ljudi obvlada program v samo nekaj minutah. Za prenos je na voljo brezplačen, poln delovni demo. Za operacijski sistem Windows XP.
Keywords: loteria, loto
Lotto Sorcerer's Apprentice se basa en el galardonado Lotto Sorcerer. Carece de la mayoría de las funciones complementarias de Lotto Sorcerer (impresión de boletas, ruedas, scripts, etc.) y se mantiene enfocado en lo que los jugadores de lotería buscan principalmente: ganar la lotería.
La premisa básica detrás de Lotto Sorcerer's Apprentice (y Lotto Sorcerer) es que, debido a su naturaleza mecánica, los números ganadores no se basan completamente en la aleatoriedad ... también hay un elemento de la física involucrado.
Lotto Sorcerer trabaja con casi todas las verdaderas loterías de tipo lotto que sacan de cuatro a 16 números de un grupo de números de 0 a 99. También tiene capacidad para lottos que usan una bola extra, como Powerball y Mega Millions.
Cuenta con una interfaz intuitiva que es tan fácil de usar que la mayoría de las personas pueden dominar el programa en solo un par de minutos. Una demo completa y gratuita está disponible para descargar. Para Windows XP en adelante.
Keywords: Lotteri, loto
Lotto Sorcerer's Apprentice är baserad på den prisbelönta Lotto Sorcerer. Det saknar de flesta av Lotto Sorcerers kompletterande funktioner (spelsprint, hjul, skript, etc.) och är fokuserade på vilka lotterispillare som främst letar efter: att vinna lotteriet.
Den grundläggande förutsättningen bakom Lotto Sorcerer's Apprentice (och Lotto Sorcerer själv) är att på grund av sin mekaniska natur är vinnande tal inte helt baserade på slumpmässighet ... det finns också ett element i fysik som är inblandad.
Lotto Sorcerer arbetar med nästan alla sanna lotterier med lottotyp som drar fyra till 16 nummer ur en talpool från 0 till 99. Den rymmer också lottor som använder en extra bonusboll, som Powerball och Mega Millions.
Den har ett intuitivt gränssnitt som är så enkelt att använda att de flesta kan behärska programmet på bara några minuter. En gratis, full fungerande demo är tillgänglig för nedladdning. För Windows XP på uppåt.
Keywords: Piyango, loto
Loto Büyücü Çırağı, ödüllü Loto Büyücü'ü temel almaktadır. Bu, Lotto Sorcerer'in ek özelliklerinin çoğundan yoksundur (kayan yazı, tekerlek, komut dosyası vb.) Ve piyango oyuncularının öncelikle aradığı şeye odaklanır: piyangoyu kazanmak.
Loto Büyücü Çırağı'nın (ve Lotto Büyücünün kendisinin) ardındaki temel öncül, mekanik niteliklerinden dolayı, kazanan sayının tamamen rastlantılığa dayanmamasıdır ... aynı zamanda ilgili bir fizik unsuru da vardır.
Loto Büyücü, 0'dan 99'a kadar bir sayı havuzundan dört ila 16 sayı alan hemen hemen tüm gerçek loto tipi piyangolarla çalışır. Ayrıca Powerball ve Mega Millions gibi ekstra bonus top kullanan lottoları barındırır.
Kullanımı çok kolay olan sezgisel bir arayüze sahiptir ve çoğu insan programa birkaç dakika içinde hakim olabilir. Ücretsiz, tam bir çalışma demosu indirilebilir. Windows XP için açık.
Keywords: Лотерея, gamle
Учень Лото-чаклуна базується на нагородженому Лото чарівнику. У ньому бракує більшості додаткових можливостей Лото Чарівника (друк, коліс, сценаріїв тощо), і залишається зосередженим на тому, що гравці лотереї в першу чергу шукають: виграти в лотерею.
Основна передумова, що стоїть перед учнем Лото-чаклуна (і самим Лото-чаклуном) полягає в тому, що завдяки їхній механічній природі виграшні числа не повністю засновані на випадковості ... є також елемент фізики.
Lotto Sorcerer працює майже з усіма справжніми лотереями лото типу, які приваблюють від 4 до 16 номерів з числа пул від 0 до 99. Він також вміщує лото, які використовують додатковий бонусний м'яч, такий як Powerball і Mega Millions.
Він має інтуїтивно зрозумілий інтерфейс, який настільки простий у використанні, що більшість людей можуть оволодіти програмою всього за пару хвилин. Безкоштовне, повне робоче демо доступне для завантаження. Для Windows XP на.
Distribution permissions: The evaluation version of Lotto Sorcerer's Apprentice can be freely distributed anywhere over the internet in an unchanged form.
Lotto Sorcerer's Apprentice End User License Agreement
This 'End User License Agreement' ('Agreement'), dated February 19, 2019, supersedes all prior Agreements. Under this Agreement, Satori Publishing (the 'Vendor') grants to the user (the 'Licensee') a non-exclusive and non-transferable license ('License') to use Lotto Sorcerer's Apprentice (the 'Software').
The English version of this Agreement supersedes all non-English versions, parts and parcels of the Agreement.
The Software includes the executable computer programs and any related printed, electronic and online documentation and any other files that may accompany the product.
Title, copyright, intellectual property rights and distribution rights of the Software remain exclusively with the Vendor. Intellectual property rights include the look and feel of the Software. This Agreement constitutes a license for use only and is not in any way a transfer of ownership rights to the Software.
The rights and obligations of this Agreement are personal rights granted to the Licensee only. The Licensee may not transfer or assign any of the rights or obligations granted under this Agreement to any other person or legal entity. The Licensee may not make available the Software for use by one or more third parties.
Failure to comply with any of the terms of this Agreement will be considered a material breach of this Agreement.
The Licensee should carefully and completely read this License before downloading, installing, using, distributing the Software, and before purchasing the registration fee for the Software. Unless you have a different license agreement signed by the Vendor, your use, distribution, or installation of the Software indicates your acceptance of the License. If agreement to this License is in violation of local, regional, national or international laws, you are prohibited from downloading, installing or using the Software. Your installation, use or purchase of the registration fee of the Software signifies your agreement to this License.
The terms and conditions of Part I, Part II and Part IV of this License describe the permitted use(s) of each Evaluation Copy of the Software. Scope of License This is not free software. Subject to the terms below, you are hereby licensed by the Vendor to use one copy of the Software, on one (1) computer or workstation, for evaluation purposes without charge for a period of 12 uses. If you use this software after the 12-use evaluation period a registration fee is required. For current pricing, see the Vendor's web site at http://www.satoripublishing.com/LSA/ or write Satori Publishing, P.O. Box 8566, Michigan City, IN 46361-8566, USA. Payments via check must be in US dollars drawn on a US bank. Payments via money order must be made using a United States Postal Service money order or an international money order, and must be in US dollars. Checks and money orders should be sent to Satori Publishing, P.O. Box 8566, Michigan City, IN 46361-8566, USA.
See the Vendor's web site at http://www.satoripublishing.com/LSA/ for information about secure online ordering. Online ordering is processed through PayPal, and can be transacted in other currencies besides US dollars.
Unregistered use of the Software after the 12-use evaluation period is in violation of U.S. and international copyright laws, including, but not limited to, the Digital Millennium Copyright Act of the United States.
You may, without making any payment to the Vendor: a) give exact copies of this evaluation version of the Software personally to anyone, except for the purpose of extending their 12-use evaluation period; b) distribute exact copies of this evaluation version of the Software, if done exclusively through electronic channels; and c) make as many exact copies of this evaluation version of the Software as you wish, for purposes of distribution as described in (a) and (b) above.
You are not prohibited from charging, or requesting donations, for any copies of the evaluation version, however made, and from distributing such copies with other products of any kind, commercial or otherwise. However, the Vendor reserves the right to revoke the above distribution rights at any time, for any or no reason.
The terms and conditions of Part I, Part III and Part IV of this License describe the permitted use and user(s) of each Licensed (Registered) Copy of the Software.
For purposes of this License, if you have a valid single-copy license, you have the right to use a single 'Licensed Copy' of the Software on one user account on one computer.
You agree to allow Lotto Sorcerer's Apprentice to transmit from time to time, via TCP/IP, information required to validate your registration code.
License Fee
The original purchase price paid by the Licensee will constitute the entire license fee and is the full consideration for this Agreement.
Scope of License
Each Licensed Copy of the Software may be used only by a single person on one user account on one computer. If there are multiple users on the computer or workstation, each user must have a separate license. This is not a concurrent use license. This is a 'named-seats' license.
The terms and conditions of Part IV of this License describe the permitted use of each Evaluation and/or Licensed (Registered) Copy of the Software.
All rights of any kind in the Software which are not expressly granted in this License are entirely and exclusively reserved to and by the Vendor.
You may not rent, lease, modify, translate, reverse engineer, decompile, disassemble, or create derivative works based on, the Software, nor permit anyone else to do so. Attempts to circumvent the registration process (including, but not limited to: counterfeiting the registration codes to the Software; using fraudulent means to acquire the registration codes to the Software) is software piracy and is a violation of international law, the Copyright Law and the Digital Millennium Copyright Act of 1998. Detected violations and the discovery will be reported to the appropriate law enforcement authorities; the violator will be subject to court costs, seizure of any property used in the act of the piracy, statutory and/or punitive damages to the Vendor of US$100,000 per infringed copy, plus fines of US$250,000 and/or prison terms for up to six years.
You may not make access to the Software available to others in connection with a service bureau, application service provider, or similar business, nor permit anyone else to do so.
Warranty Disclaimers and Liability Limitations
Historical lottery data included with the Software is included as a customer courtesy only. Although the Vendor endeavors in good faith to make this data complete and accurate, absolutely no warranty is implied as to its completeness and/or accuracy.
The word 'guarantee', used in the Software, only has mathematical meaning and implies no legal liability.
Additionally, no refunds will be given after purchase of the Software. You must utilize the evaluation period to decide if the Software meets your needs and is compatible with your systems.
The absolute maximum liability of the Vendor will be limited exclusively to purchase price. In addition, in no event shall the Vendor, or its principals, owners, officers, employees, affiliates, contractors, subsidiaries, or parent organizations, be liable for any indirect, incidental, consequential, or punitive damages whatsoever relating to the use of the Software, or to your relationship with the Vendor.
In addition, in no event does the Vendor authorize you or anyone else to use the Software in applications or systems where the Software's failure to perform can reasonably be expected to result in a significant physical injury, or in loss of life. Any such use is entirely at your own risk, and you agree to hold the Vendor harmless from any and all claims or losses relating to such unauthorized use.
Warrants and Representations
The Vendor warrants and represents that it is the sole copyright holder of the Software. The Vendor warrants and represents that granting the license to use this Software is not in violation of any other agreement, copyright or applicable statute. Acceptance All terms, conditions and obligations of this Agreement will be deemed to be accepted by the Licensee ('Acceptance') on installation of the Software. User Support No user support or maintenance is provided as part of this Agreement. Lottery Data Subscription Service
The term of this Agreement will begin on Acceptance and is perpetual. Termination This Agreement will be terminated and the License forfeited where the Licensee has failed to comply with any of the terms of this Agreement or is in breach of this Agreement. On termination of this Agreement for any reason, the Licensee will promptly destroy the Software or return the Software to the Vendor. Force Majeure The Vendor will be free of liability to the Licensee where the Vendor is prevented from executing its obligations under this Agreement in whole or in part due to Force Majeure, such as earthquake, typhoon, flood, fire, and war or any other unforeseen and uncontrollable event, natural or man-made, where the Vendor has taken any and all appropriate action to mitigate such an event. Miscellaneous This Agreement can only be modified in writing signed by both the Vendor and the Licensee.
This Agreement does not create or imply any relationship in agency or partnership between the Vendor and the Licensee.
Headings are inserted for the convenience of the parties only and are not to be considered when interpreting this Agreement. Words in the singular mean and include the plural and vice versa. Words in the masculine gender include the feminine gender and vice versa. Words in the neuter gender include the masculine gender and the feminine gender and vice versa.
If any term, covenant, condition or provision of this Agreement is held by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, void or unenforceable, it is the parties' intent that such provision be reduced in scope by the court only to the extent deemed necessary by that court to render the provision reasonable and enforceable and the remainder of the provisions of this Agreement will in no way be affected, impaired or invalidated as a result.
This Agreement contains the entire agreement between the parties. All understandings have been included in this Agreement. Representations which may have been made by any party to this Agreement may in some way be inconsistent with this final written Agreement. All such statements are declared to be of no value in this Agreement. Only the written terms of this Agreement will bind the parties.
This Agreement and the terms and conditions contained in this Agreement apply to and are binding upon the Vendor's successors and assigns.
This License is the complete statement of the agreement between the parties on the subject matter, and merges and supersedes all other or prior understandings, purchase orders, agreements and arrangements. This License shall be governed by the laws of the State of Indiana, without regard to Indiana choice-of-law rules. Exclusive jurisdiction and venue for all matters relating to this License shall be in courts and fora located in the State of Indiana, county of La Porte, and you consent to such jurisdiction and venue. There are no third party beneficiaries of any promises, obligations or representations made by the Vendor herein. Any waiver by the Vendor of any violation of this License by you shall not constitute, nor contribute to, a waiver by the Vendor of any other or future violation of the same provision, or any other provision, of this License. This software is not to be used where the Software or any term of this License is void or prohibited by law.