Web Development :: E-commerce, Business & Finance :: E-commerce, Web Development :: Java & Java Script, Programming :: Java, Programming :: JavaScript, Business & Finance :: Vertical Markets
Win2000, WinXP, Win7 x32, Win7 x64, Windows 8, Windows 10, WinServer, WinOther, WinVista, WinVista x64
The Community Edition is a fully-working eCommerce system that can be used to run a live on-line store. The Enterprise Version has additional features.
KonaKart is a java-based enterprise eCommerce / shopping cart application that provides everything that retailers need to sell their products over the Internet. KonaKart includes an extensive set of online shopping cart features to satisfy the needs of both online shoppers and retailers alike.
KonaKart is an affordable enterprise quality eCommerce solution designed with technologies that will perform and scale. It is a trusted, premium quality, enterprise-strength eCommerce solution for organizations demanding better performance, flexibility, scalability and connectivity backed up by a responsive professional services and support team.
KonaKart is a Java - JSP - XML based solution with easy to use java APIs and a SOAP Web Service interface for the ultimate in connectivity.
KonaKart ist eine java-basierte Enterprise eCommerce / Warenkorb-Anwendung, dass alles, dass die Einzelhändler benötigen, um ihre Produkte über das Internet verkaufen, bietet. KonaKart umfasst eine umfangreiche Reihe von Online-Warenkorb bietet auf die Bedürfnisse von sowohl Online-Shopper und Händler gleichermaßen zufrieden stellen. KonaKart ist eine erschwingliche Enterprise-Qualität eCommerce Lösung mit Technologien, die Durchführung und Umfang konzipiert. Es ist eine vertrauenswürdige, Premium-Qualität, Unternehmens-Stärke eCommerce-Lösung für Organisationen fordern bessere Leistung, Flexibilität, Skalierbarkeit und Konnektivität durch eine ansprechende, professionelle Services und Support-Team unterstützt. KonaKart ist eine Java - JSP - XML-basierte Lösung mit leicht zu Java-APIs und einem SOAP Web Service-Schnittstelle für die ultimative Konnektivität verwenden.
KonaKart est un eCommerce basé sur Java d'entreprise / application de panier qui fournit tout ce que les détaillants doivent vendre leurs produits sur Internet. KonaKart comprend un vaste ensemble de fonctionnalités en ligne Panier pour satisfaire les besoins des deux acheteurs en ligne et des détaillants. KonaKart est une solution d'entreprise abordable de qualité eCommerce conçus avec des technologies qui se produira et d'échelle. Il est un de confiance, de qualité premium, solution de commerce électronique d'entreprise de force pour les organisations demandent une meilleure performance, de flexibilité, d'évolutivité et de connectivité soutenue par un professionnel et des services adaptés équipe de soutien. KonaKart est un Java - solution basée sur XML facile à utiliser avec les API Java et une interface de services Web SOAP pour le final de la connectivité - JSP.
KonaKart er et java-baseret virksomhed eCommerce / indkøbsvogn program, der indeholder alt, at detailhandlere nødt til at sælge deres produkter over internettet. KonaKart indeholder et omfattende sæt af online shopping cart funktioner til at tilfredsstille behovene hos både online Både forbrugere og handlende. KonaKart er en overkommelig virksomhed kvalitet eCommerce-løsning udviklet med teknologier, der vil udføre og skala. Det er en betroet, premium kvalitet, virksomheds-styrken eCommerce løsning til organisationer krævende bedre ydeevne, fleksibilitet, skalerbarhed og tilslutningsmuligheder bakkes op af en lydhør professionel service og support team. KonaKart er en Java - JSP - XML-baseret løsning med nem at bruge java-API'er og et SOAP Web Service interface til den ultimative tilslutningsmuligheder.
Keywords: eCommerce, java, winkelwagentje, vrij, op te slaan, API, winkel, online, web services, SOAP, JSON, GWT, Google, AJAX, kar, BIRT, portlet, Liferay, javascript, jQuery
KonaKart is een op Java gebaseerde enterprise e-commerce / winkelwagen applicatie dat alles wat retailers nodig hebben om hun producten te verkopen via het internet biedt. KonaKart bevat een uitgebreide set van online winkelwagentje functies om de behoeften van zowel online shoppers en retailers te voldoen. KonaKart is een betaalbare enterprise kwaliteit van e-commerce oplossing die is ontworpen met technologieën die zullen presteren en schaal. Het is een vertrouwde, premium kwaliteit, enterprise-kracht eCommerce oplossing voor organisaties veeleisende betere prestaties, flexibiliteit, schaalbaarheid en connectiviteit ondersteund door een responsieve professional services en support team. KonaKart is een Java - JSP - XML gebaseerde oplossing met eenvoudig te java API's en een SOAP Web Service gebruiken interface voor de ultieme connectiviteit.
KonaKart on Java-pohjainen yritys eCommerce / ostoskori sovellus, joka tarjoaa kaiken, vähittäismyyjien on myydä tuotteitaan Internetissä. KonaKart sisältää laajan joukon online-ostoskorin ominaisuuksia tyydyttää sekä verkossa Kuluttajat ja kauppiaat. KonaKart on edullinen yritys laatua verkkokaupparatkaisuilla suunniteltu teknologiaa, joka suorittaa ja mittakaava. Se on luotettu, laadukas, yritys-vahvuus verkkokaupparatkaisuilla organisaatioille vaativat parempaa suorituskykyä, joustavuus, skaalautuvuus ja liitettävyys tukena reagoiva Asiantuntijapalvelut ja tukiryhmä. KonaKart on Java - JSP - XML-pohjainen ratkaisu on helppo käyttää Java API ja SOAP Web Service rajapinnan parasta liitettävyys.
KonaKart è un java-based eCommerce enterprise / carrello applicazione commerciale che fornisce tutto ciò che i rivenditori hanno bisogno di vendere i loro prodotti su Internet. KonaKart include un set completo di funzionalità online carrello della spesa per soddisfare le esigenze sia dei consumatori online e rivenditori. KonaKart è una soluzione aziendale di qualità a prezzi accessibili e-commerce progettato con tecnologie che si esibiranno e la scala. Si tratta di una fiducia, di qualità superiore, enterprise forza la soluzione e-commerce per le organizzazioni che richiedono una migliore performance, flessibilità, scalabilità e la connettività supportata da un servizio di risposta professionale e team di assistenza. KonaKart è un Java - soluzione basato su XML con facile da usare Java API e una interfaccia SOAP Web Service per il massimo in termini di connettività - JSP.
KonaKart er en java-basert enterprise netthandels / shopping cart-program som inneholder alt som forhandlere må selge sine produkter over Internett. KonaKart inkluderer et omfattende sett av online shopping cart funksjoner for å tilfredsstille behovene til både Internett-kunder og forhandlere alike. KonaKart er en rimelig enterprise kvalitet eCommerce løsning som er utviklet med teknologi som skal utføre og skala. Det er en klarert, premium kvalitet, enterprise-styrke eCommerce løsning for organisasjoner krevende bedre ytelse, fleksibilitet, skalerbarhet og tilkoblingsmuligheter støttet opp av en lydhør profesjonelle tjenester og support team. KonaKart er en Java - JSP - XML-basert løsning med enkel å bruke java API og et SOAP Web Service grensesnitt for den ultimate tilkobling.
KonaKart jest oparta na języku Java eCommerce enterprise / stosowania koszyka, który zapewnia wszystko, detaliści muszą sprzedawać swoje produkty przez Internet. KonaKart zawiera szeroki zestaw funkcji online koszyku, aby zaspokoić potrzeby zarówno kupujących online i detalistów podobne. KonaKart jest przystępne jakości Enterprise Solution eCommerce zaprojektowane z technologii, które będą wykonywać i skali. Jest to zaufany, wysokiej jakości, przedsiębiorstwa wytrzymałości rozwiązanie eCommerce dla organizacji wymagających lepszą wydajność, elastyczność, skalowalność i łączność poparte reagować profesjonalnych usług i wsparcia. KonaKart jest Java - JSP - rozwiązanie oparte na XML, łatwy w użyciu API Javy i SOAP interfejs usług dla ostatecznego w łączności.
KonaKart é um java-baseado eCommerce empresa / aplicação de carrinho de compras que oferece tudo o que os varejistas precisam vender seus produtos pela Internet. KonaKart inclui um extenso conjunto de funcionalidades de compras online para satisfazer as necessidades de ambos os compradores on-line e varejistas. KonaKart é um preço acessível solução de comércio eletrônico da empresa de qualidade projetados com tecnologias que irá executar e escala. É um confiável, de qualidade premium, a solução de eCommerce empresa-força para as organizações exigindo um melhor desempenho, flexibilidade, escalabilidade e conectividade apoiada por uma resposta de serviços profissionais e equipe de apoio. KonaKart é um Java - solução baseada em XML com fácil de usar java APIs e uma interface de Web Service o SOAP para o máximo em conectividade - JSP.
KonaKart является Java-Based Enterprise электронной коммерции / корзина приложение, которое предоставляет все, что розничные торговцы должны продавать свою продукцию через Интернет. KonaKart включает в себя широкий набор сетевых возможностей корзина для удовлетворения потребностей как онлайн-покупателей и розничных продавцов, так. KonaKart является доступным качеством предприятия электронной коммерции решение, разработанное с использованием технологий, которые будут выполнять и масштаба. Он верил, высокое качество корпоративного силы электронной коммерции решение для организаций, требующих более высокую производительность, гибкость, масштабируемость и возможности подключения подкреплены реагировать профессиональные услуги и поддержку команды. KonaKart является Java - JSP - решение на базе XML с простым в использовании Java API, и службы SOAP Web-интерфейс для максимального подключения.
Keywords: comercio electrónico, java, cesta de la compra, libre, tienda, API, una tienda, en línea, servicios web, SOAP, JSON, GWT, Google, AJAX, carro, BIRT, portlet, liferay, javascript, jQuery
KonaKart es un comercio electrónico basado en Java de la empresa / aplicación de carrito de la compra que proporciona todo lo que los minoristas deben vender sus productos a través de Internet. KonaKart incluye un amplio conjunto de características carrito de la compra en línea para satisfacer las necesidades de los compradores y vendedores en línea. KonaKart es una empresa de calidad y asequible solución de comercio electrónico diseñado con tecnologías que llevarán a cabo y la escala. Es una confianza, de primera calidad, la empresa concentración de la solución de comercio electrónico para las organizaciones exigen un mejor rendimiento, flexibilidad, escalabilidad y conectividad respaldado por un servicio de respuesta profesional y equipo de apoyo. KonaKart es un Java - solución basada en XML, con fácil de utilizar las API de Java y una interfaz de servicio Web SOAP para lo último en conectividad - JSP.
KonaKart är ett Java-baserat företag eCommerce / kundvagn program som tillhandahåller allt som återförsäljarna måste sälja sina produkter över Internet. KonaKart innehåller en omfattande uppsättning online-funktioner kundvagn för att tillgodose behoven hos både online Både konsumenter och återförsäljare. KonaKart är en prisvärd företag kvalitet eCommerce-lösning utformad med teknik som kommer att utföra och skala. Det är en pålitlig, högsta kvalitet, företags-styrka eCommerce lösning för organisationer som kräver bättre prestanda, flexibilitet, skalbarhet och anslutningar backas upp av en lyhörd professionella tjänster och supportteam. KonaKart är en Java - JSP - XML-baserad lösning med lätt att använda Java API: er och en SOAP Web Service-gränssnitt för den ultimata anslutning.
New storefront implemenation using Struts-2; many new API calls, Punch-Out, product dimensions - see http://www.konakart.com/downloads/community_edition
02 Apr 2020
New Release
New storefront implemenation using Struts-2; many new API calls, Punch-Out, product dimensions - see http://www.konakart.com/downloads/community_edition
23 Aug 2019
New Release
New storefront implemenation using Struts-2; many new API calls, Punch-Out, product dimensions - see http://www.konakart.com/downloads/community_edition
Distribution permissions: Should you disagree with the conditions and terms hereof, promptly terminate the use of this software and destroy any copies thereof or delete the program already downloaded!
1. Providing the License. DS Data Systems, through this License Agreement, grants to you non-exclusive and non-transferable rights thereunder in respect of using a copy of the computer program. This particular software version is distributed free of charge. The program is not subject to any guarantees, and the user has no right to any technical support whatsoever. The computer program is distributed partially in source code format. The license agreement for this source code is the GNU Lesser General Public License. The licensing details for the parts of the computer program developed by KonaKart and shipped in binary format, are specified in this document.
2. Copyrights. The computer program subject thereto is and continues to be the property of DS Data Systems. The computer program is also subject to copyrights, and as such it is subject to a full protection thereof.
3. Usage Restrictions. You must not use the program in any manner that jeopardizes or violates the manufacturers' copyrights. This includes modifying, translating, reverse engineering, decompiling, disassembling and reducing the program to a humanly perceivable form, or creating derivative works based upon the program, or causing another to do so without giving recognition to KonaKart as specified in point 5.
5. Recognition. You must add a "Powered by KonaKart" link on the main page of the shopping cart application. The text used must be no smaller and no less legible than the text used for other web site links such as "Contact Us", "About Us", "Site Map" etc.
Additional Clauses in the license agreement.
Should you disagree with the conditions and terms hereof, promptly terminate the use of this software and destroy any copies thereof or delete the program already downloaded!
1. Providing the License. DS Data Systems, through this License Agreement, grants to you non-exclusive and non-transferable rights thereunder in respect of using a copy of the computer program. This particular software version is distributed free of charge. The program is not subject to any guarantees, and the user has no right to any technical support whatsoever. The computer program is distributed partially in source code format. The license agreement for this source code is the GNU Lesser General Public License. The licensing details for the parts of the computer program developed by KonaKart and shipped in binary format, are specified in this document.
2. Copyrights. The computer program subject thereto is and continues to be the property of DS Data Systems. The computer program is also subject to copyrights, and as such it is subject to a full protection thereof.
3. Usage Restrictions. You must not use the program in any manner that jeopardizes or violates the manufacturers' copyrights. This includes modifying, translating, reverse engineering, decompiling, disassembling and reducing the program to a humanly perceivable form, or creating derivative works based upon the program, or causing another to do so without giving recognition to KonaKart as specified in point 5.
5. Recognition. You must add a "Powered by KonaKart" link on the main page of the shopping cart application. The text used must be no smaller and no less legible than the text used for other web site links such as "Contact Us", "About Us", "Site Map" etc.
6. Decisive Law. This License Agreement is governed by English Law.
7. 3rd Party Software. This product includes software developed by others, and the use of such contributions is subject to the terms of the respective developer's license agreement, copies of which may be found in the accompanying files. This third-party software and their licenses are identified on the license agreements.