Koinonein BitTorrent Client is a fully featured BitTorrent Client that is free from data mining and spyware, the installer will not install any toolbars. Koinonein is regularly updated and features are added on request. Koinonein BitTorrent Client is available in 32bit and 64bit versions for Microsoft Windows.
Koinonein BitTorrent Client currently works on:
Microsoft Windows 7 Microsoft Windows 8 Microsoft Windows 8.1 Microsoft Windows 10
Ein schneller und moderner BitTorrent Client. Koinonein ist ein voll ausgestatteter BitTorrent-Client, der frei von Data Mining und Spyware ist. Das Installationsprogramm installiert keine Symbolleisten. Koinonein wird regelmäßig aktualisiert und Funktionen werden auf Anfrage hinzugefügt.
Un client BitTorrent rapide et moderne. Koinonein est un client BitTorrent complet qui est exempt de data mining et de spyware, le programme d'installation n'installera aucune barre d'outils. Koinonein est régulièrement mis à jour et des fonctionnalités sont ajoutées sur demande.
Keywords: تورنت العميل، كوينونين، سيل العميل
عميل تورنت سريع وحديث. كوينونين هو عميل تورنت متميز تماما التي هي خالية من استخراج البيانات وبرامج التجسس، المثبت لن تثبيت أي أشرطة الأدوات. يتم تحديث كوينينين بانتظام ويتم إضافة ميزات عند الطلب.
Бърз и модерен BitTorrent клиент. Koinonein е пълнофункционален BitTorrent клиент, който не съдържа извличане на данни и шпионски софтуер, инсталаторът няма да инсталира никакви ленти с инструменти. Koinonein се актуализира редовно и функции се добавят при поискване.
Brz i moderan BitTorrent klijent. Koinonein je potpuno opremljen BitTorrent klijent koji je bez podataka mining i spyware, instalater neće instalirati alatne trake. Koinonein se redovito ažurira i dodatke se dodaju na zahtjev.
Rychlý a moderní klient BitTorrent. Koinonein je plně vybavený klient BitTorrent, který je bez dolování dat a spywaru, instalátor neinstaluje žádné panely nástrojů. Koinonein je pravidelně aktualizován a funkce jsou přidávány na vyžádání.
En hurtig og moderne BitTorrent Client. Koinonein er en fuldt udstyret BitTorrent Client, der er fri for data mining og spyware, installeren installerer ikke nogen værktøjslinjer. Koinonein opdateres jævnligt, og funktionerne tilføjes efter anmodning.
Een snelle en moderne BitTorrent Client. Koinonein is een volledig uitgeruste BitTorrent Client die vrij is van data mining en spyware. De installateur zal geen werkbalken installeren. Koinonein wordt regelmatig bijgewerkt en er worden op verzoek extra functies toegevoegd.
Kiire ja kaasaegne BitTorrent klient. Koinonein on täiel määral kasutatav BitTorrent-klient, mis ei sisalda andmekaevandust ega nuhkvara, installija ei installi ühtegi tööriistariba. Koinoneini värskendatakse regulaarselt ja nõudmisel lisatakse funktsioone.
Nopea ja moderni BitTorrent-asiakasohjelma. Koinonein on täysin varusteltu BitTorrent-asiakas, joka ei sisällä tiedonsiirtoa ja vakoiluohjelmia, asennusohjelma ei asenna työkalurivejä. Koinoneinia päivitetään säännöllisesti ja ominaisuuksia lisätään pyynnöstä.
სწრაფი და თანამედროვე BitTorrent კლიენტი. Koinonein არის სრულიად გამორჩეული BitTorrent კლიენტი, რომელიც თავისუფალია მონაცემების მოპოვება და spyware, ინსტალერი არ დააყენოთ ნებისმიერი toolbars. Koinonein რეგულარულად განახლდება და თვისებები დაემატა მოთხოვნისთანავე.
Ένα γρήγορο και σύγχρονο πρόγραμμα-πελάτη BitTorrent. Το Koinonein είναι ένα πλήρες BitTorrent Client που είναι απαλλαγμένο από εξόρυξη δεδομένων και spyware, ο εγκαταστάτης δεν θα εγκαταστήσει καμία γραμμή εργαλείων. Το Koinonein ενημερώνεται τακτικά και προστίθενται χαρακτηριστικά κατόπιν αιτήματος.
מהיר ומודרני BitTorrent לקוח. Koinonein הוא לקוח מובלט במלואו BitTorrent כי הוא ללא כריית נתונים ותוכנות ריגול, המתקין לא יתקין את כל סרגלי הכלים. Koinonein מתעדכן באופן שוטף ותכונות נוספות על פי בקשה.
एक तेज और आधुनिक बिटटॉरेंट क्लाइंट Koinonein एक पूरी तरह से विशेष रुप से प्रदर्शित बिटटोरेंट ग्राहक है जो डेटा खनन और स्पायवेयर से मुक्त है, इंस्टॉलर किसी भी टूलबार स्थापित नहीं करेगा। Koinonein नियमित रूप से अपडेट किया जाता है और अनुरोध पर सुविधाओं को जोड़ा जाता है।
Egy gyors és modern BitTorrent kliens. A Koinonein egy teljes értékű BitTorrent kliens, amely mentes az adatbányászat és a kémprogramoktól, a telepítő nem telepít semmilyen eszköztárat. A Koinoneint rendszeresen frissítik, és kérésre kiegészítik a funkciókat.
A fljótur og nútíma BitTorrent Viðskiptavinur. Koinonein er fullkomlega lögun BitTorrent Viðskiptavinur sem er ókeypis frá gagnavinnslu og spyware, installer mun ekki setja upp neinar tækjastikur. Koinonein er reglulega uppfært og aðgerðir eru bættar á beiðni.
Klien BitTorrent yang cepat dan modern. Koinonein adalah BitTorrent Client berfitur lengkap yang bebas dari data mining dan spyware, installer tidak akan menginstal toolbar apapun. Koinonein diperbarui secara teratur dan fitur ditambahkan berdasarkan permintaan.
Un client BitTorrent veloce e moderno. Koinonein è un client BitTorrent completamente funzionale che è esente da data mining e spyware, il programma di installazione non installerà alcuna barra degli strumenti. Koinonein viene regolarmente aggiornato e le caratteristiche vengono aggiunte su richiesta.
빠르고 현대적인 BitTorrent 클라이언트. Koinonein은 데이터 마이닝 및 스파이웨어가 전혀없는 완전한 기능을 갖춘 BitTorrent 클라이언트이며 설치 관리자는 툴바를 설치하지 않습니다. Koinonein은 정기적으로 업데이트되며 요청시 기능이 추가됩니다.
Ātri un moderni BitTorrent klients. Koinonein ir pilnībā Featured BitTorrent klients, kas ir bez datu ieguves un spiegprogrammatūras, uzstādītājs neuzstāda nevienu rīkjoslu. Koinonein tiek regulāri atjaunināts, un pēc pieprasījuma tiek pievienotas funkcijas.
Greitas ir modernus 'BitTorrent' klientas. 'Koinonein' yra pilnai rodomas 'BitTorrent' klientas, kuris yra be duomenų gavybos ir šnipinėjimo programų, diegimo programa neįdiegs jokių įrankių juostų. 'Koinonein' yra reguliariai atnaujinamas, o funkcijos pridedamos pagal užklausą.
En rask og moderne BitTorrent-klient. Koinonein er en fullverdig BitTorrent Client som er fri for data mining og spyware, installasjonsprogrammet installerer ikke noen verktøylinjer. Koinonein oppdateres jevnlig og funksjoner legges på forespørsel.
مشتری سریع و مدرن BitTorrent. Koinonein یک مشتری کاملا متشکل از BitTorrent است که از داده کاوی و جاسوسی رایگان است، نصب کننده هیچ نوار ابزار را نصب نخواهد کرد. Koinonein به طور مرتب به روز می شود و ویژگی ها بر اساس درخواست اضافه می شوند.
Szybki i nowoczesny klient BitTorrent. Koinonein jest w pełni funkcjonalnym klientem BitTorrent, który jest wolny od eksploracji danych i oprogramowania szpiegującego, instalator nie zainstaluje żadnych pasków narzędzi. Koinoneina jest regularnie aktualizowana, a funkcje są dodawane na życzenie.
Um cliente BitTorrent rápido e moderno. Koinonein é um cliente BitTorrent totalmente caracterizado que é livre de mineração de dados e spyware, o instalador não instalará nenhuma barra de ferramentas. Koinonein é atualizado regularmente e os recursos são adicionados mediante solicitação.
Un client BitTorrent rapid și modern. Koinonein este un client BitTorrent pe deplin prezentat, care nu conține miniere de date și spyware, instalatorul nu va instala nici un fel de bare de instrumente. Koinonein este actualizat în mod regulat și caracteristicile sunt adăugate la cerere.
Быстрый и современный клиент BitTorrent. Koinonein - это полнофункциональный клиент BitTorrent, свободный от интеллектуального анализа данных и программ-шпионов, установщик не будет устанавливать никаких панелей инструментов. Koinonein регулярно обновляется, и функции добавляются по запросу.
Брзи и модерни БитТоррент клијент. Коинонеин је потпуно представљени БитТоррент клијент који нема података за руковање и спиваре, инсталатер неће инсталирати никакве алатне траке. Коинонеин се редовно ажурира и додају се функције на захтев.
Rýchly a moderný klient BitTorrent. Koinonein je plnohodnotný BitTorrent Client, ktorý neobsahuje databázu a spyware, inštalátor nebude inštalovať žiadne panely s nástrojmi. Koinonein sa pravidelne aktualizuje a funkcie sa pridávajú na požiadanie.
Hitri in sodobni BitTorrent Client. Koinonein je v celoti predstavljen BitTorrent Client, ki je brez podatkovnega rudarjenja in vohunske programske opreme, namestitveni program ne bo namestil nobenih orodnih vrstic. Koinonein se redno posodablja in dodajajo funkcije na zahtevo.
Un cliente de BitTorrent rápido y moderno. Koinonein es un Cliente de BitTorrent con todas las características que está libre de data mining y spyware, el instalador no instalará ninguna barra de herramientas. Koinonein se actualiza regularmente y las características se agregan a pedido.
En snabb och modern BitTorrent-klient. Koinonein är en fullt utrustad BitTorrent-klient som är fri från data mining och spionprogram, installatören installerar inga verktygsfält. Koinonein uppdateras regelbundet och funktioner läggs till på förfrågan.
Hızlı ve modern bir BitTorrent İstemcisi. Koinonein, veri madenciliği ve casus yazılımdan arınmış tam özellikli bir BitTorrent İstemcisi'dir, yükleyici herhangi bir araç çubuğu yüklemeyecektir. Koinonein düzenli olarak güncellenir ve özellikler isteğe bağlı olarak eklenir.
Швидкий і сучасний клієнт BitTorrent. Koinonein - це повнофункціональний клієнт BitTorrent, який не містить даних та шпигунських програм, інсталятор не встановить жодну панель інструментів. Koinonein регулярно оновлюється, а функції додаються за запитом.
This End-User License Agreement (EULA) is a legal agreement between you (either an individual, single entity, organization or company) and the author (Koinonein Ltd) of this Software, which may include associated media, printed materials, online or electronic documentation.
By installing, copying, or otherwise using Koinonein BitTorrent Client, you agree to be bounded by the terms of this EULA.
If you do not agree to the terms of this EULA, do not install or use Koinonein BitTorrent Client.
a) Koinonein BitTorrent Client is being distributed as Commercial Software for any use.
b) Additional anti virus and threat analysis features are made available to Koinonein BitTorrent Client users provided the user holds a valid license.
c) All commercial and non-profit use of Koinonein BitTorrent Client requires the user to hold a valid license regardless of whether or not the anti virus and threat analysis features are used.
d) Personal users using Koinonein BitTorrent Client for non profit purposes are not required to hold a valid license unless they use the anti virus and threat analysis features.
You are NOT allowed to make a charge for distributing this Software (either for profit or merely to recover your media and distribution costs) whether as a stand-alone product, or as part of a compilation or anthology, nor to use it for supporting your business or customers.
Koinonein BitTorrent Client may be distributed freely on any website or through any other distribution mechanism, as long as no part of it is changed in any way.
This EULA grants you the following rights:
You may install and use an unlimited number of copies of Koinonein BitTorrent Client providing you meet the licensing criteria as set out in SOFTWARE PRODUCT LICENSE.
You may reproduce and distribute an unlimited number of copies of Koinonein BitTorrent Client provided that each copy shall be a true and complete copy, including all copyright and trademark notices, and shall be accompanied by a copy of this EULA.
Copies of Koinonein BitTorrent Client may be distributed as a standalone product or included with your own product as long as Koinonein BitTorrent Client is not sold or included in a product or package that intends to receive benefits through the inclusion of Koinonein BitTorrent Client.
Koinonein BitTorrent Client may be included in any free or non-profit packages or products.
a) Limitations on Reverse Engineering, Decompilation, Disassembly and change (add,delete or modify) the resources in the compiled the assembly. You may not reverse engineer, decompile, or disassemble Koinonein BitTorrent Client, except and only to the extent that such activity is expressly permitted by applicable law notwithstanding this limitation.
b) Certain features of Koinonein BitTorrent Client are covered by LGPL (Lesser General Public License) and as such you may download the relevant source code from here: https://download.koinonein.com/lgpl/Koinonein-Lesser-General-Public-License-Fulfilment.7z
Update and Maintenance:
Koinonein BitTorrent Client updates are free of charge.
Separation of Components:
Koinonein BitTorrent Client is licensed as a single product. Its component parts may not be separated. except as set out in DESCRIPTION OF OTHER RIGHTS AND LIMITATIONS b.
Software Transfer:
You may permanently transfer all of your rights under this EULA, provided the recipient agrees to the terms of this EULA.
Without prejudice to any other rights, Koinonein Ltd may terminate this EULA if you fail to comply with the terms and conditions of this EULA. In such event, you must destroy all copies of Koinonein BitTorrent Client and all of its component parts.
All title and copyrights in and to Koinonein BitTorrent Client (including but not limited to any images, photographs, clipart, libraries, and examples incorporated into Koinonein BitTorrent Client), the accompanying printed materials, and any copies of Koinonein BitTorrent Client are owned by Koinonein Ltd except as set out in 3.1. Koinonein BitTorrent Client is protected by copyright laws and international treaty provisions. You must treat Koinonein BitTorrent Client like any other copyrighted material. The licensed users or licensed company can use all functions, example, templates, clipart, libraries and symbols in Koinonein BitTorrent Client to create new diagrams and distribute the diagrams.
Koinonein BitTorrent Client makes use of the following library's and by using Koinonein BitTorrent Client you accept the End User License Agreements for these library's:
Sciter Engine. OpenSSL. Libtorrent. LibClamAV.
Koinonein Ltd expressly disclaims any warranty for Koinonein BitTorrent Client. Koinonein BitTorrent Client and any related documentation is provided as is without warranty of any kind, either express or implied, including, without limitation, the implied warranties or merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, or non-infringement. The entire risk arising out of use or performance of Koinonein BitTorrent Client remains with you.
In no event shall Koinonein Ltd be liable for any special, consequential, incidental or indirect damages whatsoever (including, without limitation, damages for loss of business profits, business interruption, loss of business information, or any other pecuniary loss) arising out of the use of or inability to use this product, even if Koinonein Ltd is aware of the possibility of such damages and known defects.