The JPDB Admin for MariaDB is the newest solution-administration, maintenance and development of databases MariaDB, MySQL and Percona Server. Provides a intuitive visual interface, easy to use, modern and multi-platform. It has features aimed at developers and administrators beginers and advanced professionals like you.
The JPDB Admin for MariaDB allows for local and remote connections. Supports any version of MariaDB database, MySQL 5.x or later and any version of Percona Server. Provides tools for creating tables, views, functions, events and more.
Includes the following specialised tools: SQL query executor and SQL scripts editor with syntax highlighting and code completion, Visual Query Builder, Visual Designer Tables, data export, data import and more.
Features List:
Visual modern, multi-platform and multi languages; Support Unicode and character tables; Assistant to create tables using a data grid view; Create and edit the main database objects (views, triggers, functions, etc.); Several dialogs for creating, editing and/or deleting fields, keys, foreign keys, etc.; Dialog for managing users and permissions; Data visualization, including BLOB and MEMO fields (image); Full SQL query executor and SQL scripts editor with syntax highlighting and code completion intelligent; Generates scripts CREATE, DROP, SELECT, INSERT and UPDATE statements to the script editor or clipboard; Reports of the SQL Scripts and of the query results, previews, and export the report to PDF, HTML, text and image; Export SQL scripts to HTML with syntax highlighting colorful, ideal for sharing online and documentation; Visual Query Builder (Visually create queries without knowing SQL); Tools for monitoring servers MariaDB, MySQL and Percona Server; Export the data of the tables to SQL, TXT, CSV, XML, JSON, etc.; Database Export Assistant (extraction of the data and/or metadata); Import data from SQL files; And much more ...
Die JPDB Admin for MariaDB ist die neueste Lösung-Administration, Wartung und Entwicklung von Datenbanken MariaDB, MySQL und Percona Server. Bietet eine intuitive visuelle Benutzeroberfläche, leicht zu bedienen, modern und Multi-Plattform. Es verfügt über Funktionen für Entwickler und Administratoren beginers und Fortgeschrittene Profis wie Sie gerichtet.
Die JPDB Admin for MariaDB ermöglicht lokale und Remote-Verbindungen. Unterstützt eine beliebige Version von MariaDB Datenbank, MySQL 5.x oder höher und eine beliebige Version von Percona Server. Bietet Werkzeuge zum Erstellen von Tabellen, Views, Funktionen, Ereignisse und vieles mehr.
Enthält die folgenden spezialisierten Tools: SQL-Abfrage Testamentsvollstrecker und SQL-Skripten-Editor mit Syntax-Highlighting und Code-Vervollständigung, Visual Query Builder, Visual Designer Tabellen, Datenexport, Datenimport und vieles mehr.
Visuelle modern, Multi-Plattform-und Multi Sprachen; Unterstützung von Unicode und Zeichen Tabellen; Assistent Tabellen mit einem Daten-Grid Ansicht zu erstellen; Erstellen und bearbeiten Sie die wichtigsten Datenbank-Objekte (Views, Trigger, Funktionen, etc.); Mehrere Dialoge zum Erstellen, Bearbeiten und / oder Löschen von Feldern, Fremdschlüssel, etc.; Dialog zur Verwaltung von Benutzern und Berechtigungen; Datenvisualisierung, einschließlich BLOB und MEMO-Felder (Bild); Vollständige SQL-Abfrage Testamentsvollstrecker und SQL-Skripten-Editor mit Syntax-Highlighting und Code-Vervollständigung intelligente; Erzeugt Script CREATE, DROP, SELECT, INSERT-und UPDATE-Anweisungen an das Skript-Editor oder Zwischenablage; Berichte des SQL-Skripts und der Abfrage-Ergebnisse, Vorschauen, und exportieren Sie den Bericht in PDF, HTML, Text und Bild; Export SQL-Skripte in HTML mit Syntax-Highlighting bunt, ideal für den Austausch von Online-Dokumentation; Visual Query Builder (visuell erstellen Abfragen ohne SQL-Kenntnisse); ...
The JPDB Admin for MariaDB is the newest solution-administration, maintenance and development of databases MariaDB, MySQL and Percona Server. Provides a intuitive visual interface, easy to use, modern and multi-platform. It has features aimed at developers and administrators beginers and advanced professionals like you.
The JPDB Admin for MariaDB allows for local and remote connections. Supports any version of MariaDB database, MySQL 5.x or later and any version of Percona Server. Provides tools for creating tables, views, functions, events and more.
Includes the following specialised tools: SQL query executor and SQL scripts editor with syntax highlighting and code completion, Visual Query Builder, Visual Designer Tables, data export, data import and more.
Features List:
Visual modern, multi-platform and multi languages; Support Unicode and character tables; Assistant to create tables using a data grid view; Create and edit the main database objects (views, triggers, functions, etc.); Several dialogs for creating, editing and/or deleting fields, keys, foreign keys, etc.; Dialog for managing users and permissions; Data visualization, including BLOB and MEMO fields (image); Full SQL query executor and SQL scripts editor with syntax highlighting and code completion intelligent; Generates scripts CREATE, DROP, SELECT, INSERT and UPDATE statements to the script editor or clipboard; Reports of the SQL Scripts and of the query results, previews, and export the report to PDF, HTML, text and image; Export SQL scripts to HTML with syntax highlighting colorful, ideal for sharing online and documentation; Visual Query Builder (Visually create queries without knowing SQL); Tools for monitoring servers MariaDB, MySQL and Percona Server; Export the data of the tables to SQL, TXT, CSV, XML, JSON, etc.; Database Export Assistant (extraction of the data and/or metadata); Import data from SQL files; And much more ...
The JPDB Admin for MariaDB is the newest solution-administration, maintenance and development of databases MariaDB, MySQL and Percona Server. Provides a intuitive visual interface, easy to use, modern and multi-platform. It has features aimed at developers and administrators beginers and advanced professionals like you.
The JPDB Admin for MariaDB allows for local and remote connections. Supports any version of MariaDB database, MySQL 5.x or later and any version of Percona Server. Provides tools for creating tables, views, functions, events and more.
Includes the following specialised tools: SQL query executor and SQL scripts editor with syntax highlighting and code completion, Visual Query Builder, Visual Designer Tables, data export, data import and more.
Features List:
Visual modern, multi-platform and multi languages; Support Unicode and character tables; Assistant to create tables using a data grid view; Create and edit the main database objects (views, triggers, functions, etc.); Several dialogs for creating, editing and/or deleting fields, keys, foreign keys, etc.; Dialog for managing users and permissions; Data visualization, including BLOB and MEMO fields (image); Full SQL query executor and SQL scripts editor with syntax highlighting and code completion intelligent; Generates scripts CREATE, DROP, SELECT, INSERT and UPDATE statements to the script editor or clipboard; Reports of the SQL Scripts and of the query results, previews, and export the report to PDF, HTML, text and image; Export SQL scripts to HTML with syntax highlighting colorful, ideal for sharing online and documentation; Visual Query Builder (Visually create queries without knowing SQL); Tools for monitoring servers MariaDB, MySQL and Percona Server; Export the data of the tables to SQL, TXT, CSV, XML, JSON, etc.; Database Export Assistant (extraction of the data and/or metadata); Import data from SQL files; And much more ...
The JPDB Admin for MariaDB is the newest solution-administration, maintenance and development of databases MariaDB, MySQL and Percona Server. Provides a intuitive visual interface, easy to use, modern and multi-platform. It has features aimed at developers and administrators beginers and advanced professionals like you.
The JPDB Admin for MariaDB allows for local and remote connections. Supports any version of MariaDB database, MySQL 5.x or later and any version of Percona Server. Provides tools for creating tables, views, functions, events and more.
Includes the following specialised tools: SQL query executor and SQL scripts editor with syntax highlighting and code completion, Visual Query Builder, Visual Designer Tables, data export, data import and more.
Features List:
Visual modern, multi-platform and multi languages; Support Unicode and character tables; Assistant to create tables using a data grid view; Create and edit the main database objects (views, triggers, functions, etc.); Several dialogs for creating, editing and/or deleting fields, keys, foreign keys, etc.; Dialog for managing users and permissions; Data visualization, including BLOB and MEMO fields (image); Full SQL query executor and SQL scripts editor with syntax highlighting and code completion intelligent; Generates scripts CREATE, DROP, SELECT, INSERT and UPDATE statements to the script editor or clipboard; Reports of the SQL Scripts and of the query results, previews, and export the report to PDF, HTML, text and image; Export SQL scripts to HTML with syntax highlighting colorful, ideal for sharing online and documentation; Visual Query Builder (Visually create queries without knowing SQL); Tools for monitoring servers MariaDB, MySQL and Percona Server; Export the data of the tables to SQL, TXT, CSV, XML, JSON, etc.; Database Export Assistant (extraction of the data and/or metadata); Import data from SQL files; And much more ...
O JPDB Admin for MariaDB é a mais nova solução de administração, manutenção e desenvolvimento de bases de dados MariaDB, MySQL e Percona Server. Fornece uma interface visual intuitiva, moderna e multi-plataforma. Tem características destinadas a desenvolvedores e administradores iniciantes e profissionais avançados como você.
O JPDB Admin for MariaDB permite conexões locais e remotas. Suporta qualquer versão do banco de dados MariaDB, MySQL 5.x ou posterior e qualquer versão do Percona Server. Fornece ferramentas para a criação de tabelas, visões, funções, eventos e muito mais.
Inclui as seguintes ferramentas especializadas: Editor e executor de consultas e scripts SQL com destaque de sintaxe e completar código inteligente, Visual Query Builder, Visual Designer de tabelas, exportação de dados, importação de dados e muito mais.
Lista de Recursos:
Multi-plataforma, visual moderno e multi linguagens; Suporte a Unicode e tabelas de caracteres; Assistente para criar tabelas usando uma grade de dados; Criar e editar os principais objetos de banco de dados (views, triggers, funções, etc); Várias caixas de diálogo para criar, editar e/ou excluir campos, chaves, chaves estrangeiras, etc; Diálogo para o gerenciamento de usuários e permissões; Visualização de dados, incluindo BLOB (imagem) e campos MEMO; Completo editor e executor consulta e scripts SQL com destaque de sintaxe e completar código inteligente; Gera scripts CREATE, DROP, SELECT, INSERT e UPDATE para o editor de scripts ou área de transferência; Relatórios dos scripts SQL e dos resultados da consulta, previews, e exportação dos relatórios para PDF, HTML, texto e imagem; Exportação scripts SQL para HTML com destaque de sintaxe coloridos, ideais para compartilhar on-line e documentação; Visual Query Builder (Crie visualmente consultas sem saber SQL); Ferramentas para monitoramento de servidores MariaDB, MySQL e Percona Server; Importação e Exportação, etc.
The JPDB Admin for MariaDB is the newest solution-administration, maintenance and development of databases MariaDB, MySQL and Percona Server. Provides a intuitive visual interface, easy to use, modern and multi-platform. It has features aimed at developers and administrators beginers and advanced professionals like you.
The JPDB Admin for MariaDB allows for local and remote connections. Supports any version of MariaDB database, MySQL 5.x or later and any version of Percona Server. Provides tools for creating tables, views, functions, events and more.
Includes the following specialised tools: SQL query executor and SQL scripts editor with syntax highlighting and code completion, Visual Query Builder, Visual Designer Tables, data export, data import and more.
Features List:
Visual modern, multi-platform and multi languages; Support Unicode and character tables; Assistant to create tables using a data grid view; Create and edit the main database objects (views, triggers, functions, etc.); Several dialogs for creating, editing and/or deleting fields, keys, foreign keys, etc.; Dialog for managing users and permissions; Data visualization, including BLOB and MEMO fields (image); Full SQL query executor and SQL scripts editor with syntax highlighting and code completion intelligent; Generates scripts CREATE, DROP, SELECT, INSERT and UPDATE statements to the script editor or clipboard; Reports of the SQL Scripts and of the query results, previews, and export the report to PDF, HTML, text and image; Export SQL scripts to HTML with syntax highlighting colorful, ideal for sharing online and documentation; Visual Query Builder (Visually create queries without knowing SQL); Tools for monitoring servers MariaDB, MySQL and Percona Server; Export the data of the tables to SQL, TXT, CSV, XML, JSON, etc.; Database Export Assistant (extraction of the data and/or metadata); Import data from SQL files; And much more ...
El JPDB Admin for MariaDB es la nueva solución para la administración, mantenimiento y desarrollo de bases de datos MariaDB, MySQL y Percona Server. Proporciona una interfaz visual intuitiva, moderna y multiplataforma. Tiene características orientadas a los desarrolladores y administradores principiantes y profesionales avanzados como tú.
El JPDB Admin for MariaDB permite conexiones locales y remotas. Compatible con cualquier versión de MariaDB base de datos MySQL 5.x o superior y cualquier versión de Percona Server. Proporciona herramientas para la creación de tablas, vistas, funciones, eventos y mucho más.
Incluye las siguientes herramientas: Editor Especial y ejecutor de consultas y scripts SQL con resaltado de sintaxis y código de terminación inteligentes, constructor visual de consultas, mesas de diseño visual, los datos de exportación, importación de datos y más.
Lista de características:
Multi-plataforma, multi idiomas modernos y mirar; Apoyo para las tablas Unicode y carácter; Asistente para crear tablas usando una cuadrícula de datos; Creación y edición de los principales objetos de base de datos (vistas, triggers, funciones, etc); Varios cuadros de diálogo para crear, editar y / o eliminar campos, claves, claves foráneas, etc; Diálogo para la gestión de usuarios y permisos; Visualización de los datos, incluyendo los campos MEMO BLOB (imagen) y; Completo editor y ejecutor de consultas y scripts SQL con resaltado de sintaxis y código de terminación inteligentes; Genera scripts de CREATE, DROP, SELECT, INSERT y UPDATE para el editor de scripts o al portapapeles; Los informes de los scripts de SQL y los resultados de la consulta, avances e informes de exportación a PDF, HTML, texto e imagen; Exportación de secuencias de comandos SQL a HTML con resaltado de sintaxis de color, ideal para compartir en línea y la documentación; Visual Query Builder (crear visualmente las consultas sin saber SQL); Exprtação, importación, seguimiento, etc.
FREE EDITION LICENSE - NON-COMMERCIAL USE A copy Free Edition (noncommercial use) of the a software of the line "JPDB Admin" can be used by the user for personal and/or educational usage for unlimited time. The version Free Edition does not have all the features of the software full version. O software Free Edition can be freely copied and distributed to other users.
LICENSE TO USE SOFTWARE UNREGISTERED An unregistered copy of the software line "JPDB Admin" user can be used for evaluation purposes for a period of thirty (30) days after the initial installation of the SOFTWARE unregistered. ("TRIAL PERIOD") At the end of the trial period, the user must register the software or remove it from your system. The UNREGISTERED SOFTWARE may be freely copied and distributed to other users for their evaluation.
LICENSE TO USE SOFTWARE FOR REGISTERED AND WARRANTY The software line "JPDB Admin" as well as all technical documentation relevant to it are the property of Mr. JEAN PATRICK ( and are protected by Law 9.609/98 that regulates the copyright on programs computer. Although Mr. JEAN PATRICK is the exclusive owner of the software's online "JPDB Admin" user rights are assured of the product in this MEMBERSHIP AGREEMENT TO LICENSE SOFTWARE REGISTERED.
You can:
a) use one copy of the software line "JPDB Admin" on a single computer provided you have purchased a valid license for the version to be installed;
b) make a copy of the software line "JPDB Admin" with the sole purpose of archiving, or copy the software line "JPDB Admin" on the hard drive of your computer and retain the original;
c) use of the online software "JPDB Admin" on a network, provided you have a licensed copy for each computer system.
You can not:
a) copy in whole or in part the technical documentation that accompanies the software online "JPDB Admin";
b) transfer, sell, lend, sublicense, rent or lease any portion of the software line "JPDB Admin";
c) reverse engineer the software line "JPDB Admin", decompile, disassemble or create works based on the software of the line "JPDB Admin" as well as the relevant technical documentation to it, disassemble, modify, adapt, translate, make any attempt to discover the source code of the software line "JPDB Admin"; destroy, hide, or change the grades of reserves rights expressed NSoftware line "JPDB Admin" and related documentation.
DURATION This License Agreement is valid indefinitely, shall remain in effect until the user terminates the use of the online software "JPDB Admin" and destroy or delivered to Mr. JEAN PATRICK ( as lays down the law.
DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTY Mr. JEAN PATRICK ( does not warrant that software line "JPDB Admin" will meet your requirements or that the operation of the software line "JPDB Admin" will be uninterrupted or that the software line "JPDB Admin" does not have errors. The user must assume the entire risk of using this software.
DISCLAIMER OF LIABILITY FOR DAMAGES Mr. JEAN PATRICK ( can never be liable for any special, consequential, indirect or similar, including any loss of profits or data resulting from the correct or incorrect use of the software of the line "JPDB Admin", even though Mr. JEAN has been previously warned about the possibility of such damages. In any case, the liability of Mr. JEAN PATRICK ( exceed the purchase price of the software line "JPDB Admin". The disclaimers and limitations set forth above will apply regardless of whether you accept the software online "JPDB Admin".
TERMINATION Mr. JEAN PATRICK ( may at any time terminate by operation of law, this Agreement of Accession to the License Agreement, if the customer does not comply with any of the terms and conditions set forth herein and accepted .
GENERAL PROVISIONS The courts Marituba - Pará, to resolve any doubts arising under this Agreement of Accession to the License of Use