Keywords: Company risks within Excel, Enterprise Risk Management, Microsoft Excel and SQL, Risks management within Excel
Real-time enterprise risk management with Microsoft Excel
Invantive Control is a proven real-time Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) software solution to assess the likelihood of financial threats and project risks from within Microsoft Excel. Invantive Control provides businesses and organizations with all the functionalities needed to make real-time risk management decisions. In addition Invantive Control empowers you to create, secure and share detailed risk matrices, models and plans in Microsoft Excel. The input and outcome of your risk models will be exchanged with your databases using SQL. With Invantive Control you will have all the functionalities you need to control risks, calculate projected figures and project your future cash flows in real-time.
Pairing Excel and databases for optimizing your risk strategy
Invantive Control provides you with benefits such as:
- Flexibility of Excel paired with the data integrity provided by your own database. - Download and upload facts to your databases using SQL. - Real-time risks management and intelligence within compliance rules. - Database and data warehouse with time-travel to look into your historical figures enterprise wide. - Create and execute predictive models such as PD, LGD, NPV and IRR from within Microsoft Excel. - Calculate projected figures, future cash flows and return on capital investment in real-time. - Structured framework that meets ISO 27002, SAS 70, Dutch GAAP, USA GAAP and IFRS standards. - Open and handle large templates and models within Excel using the integrated document management system (DMS). - Design and edit different risk models.
Supported Platforms
Invantive Composition for Microsoft Word supports the following databases:
- Microsoft SQL Server - MySQL - Oracle RDBMS - Teradata - IBM DB2 UDB - ANSI SQL - ODBC
Please consult the minimum system requirements for full details.
Keywords: Risikomanagement in Excel, Enterprise Risk Management, Microsoft Excel und SQL, Risiken managen in Excel
Echtzeit-Risikomanagement mit Microsoft Excel Invantive Control ist eine bewährte Echtzeit-Enterprise Risk Management (ERM)-Softwarelösung zur Beurteilung der Wahrscheinlichkeit von Finanz- und Projektrisiken von Excel aus. Invantive Control liefert Organisationen alle Funktionalitäten zum Treffen von Echtzeit-Risikomanagement-Entscheidungen. Zusätzlich ermöglicht Invantive Control Erstellen, Speichern und Teilen detaillierter Risikomatrizen, -Modelle und -Pläne in Excel. Input und Ergebnisse Ihrer Risikomodelle werden via SQL mit der Datenbank ausgetauscht. Mit Invantive Control erhalten Sie alle Funktionalitäten zum Steuern von Risiken, für Prognoseberechnungen und zur Cashflow-Prognose in Echtzeit. Excel und Datenbanken zur Optimierung Ihrer Risikostrategie kombinieren Invantive Control bietet Ihnen Vorteile wie: - Flexibilität von Excel kombiniert mit der Datenintegrität Ihrer Datenbank. - Fakten mittels SQL in Ihren Datenbanken up- und downloaden. - Echtzeit-Risikomanagement und Intelligence im Rahmen der Compliance-Regeln. - Datenbank und Data-Warehouse mit Zeitreise-Funktion, um unternehmensweit Einblick hin historische Daten zu erhalten. - Erstellen und Ausführen von Prognosemodellen wie PD, LGD, NPV und IRR aus Microsoft Excel heraus. - Kalkulation von Planwerten, künftigen Cashflows und Investitionsvolumina in Echtzeit. - Strukturiertes Controlling-Rahmenwerk konform ISO 27002, SAS 70, Dutch GAAP, USA GAAP und IFRS Standards. - Große Vorlagen und Modelle in Excel öffnen und bearbeiten mittels integriertem Dokumentenmanagementsystem (DMS). - Entwerfen und Bearbeiten unterschiedlicher Risikomodelle. Unterstützte Plattformen Invantive Control unterstützt folgende Datenbanken: - Microsoft SQL Server - MySQL - Oracle RDBMS - Teradata - IBM DB2 UDB - ANSI SQL - ODBC Bitte beachten Sie die minimalen Systemanforderungen für einen vollständige Überblick.
Keywords: Risques de l'entreprise dans Excel, la gestion du risque d'entreprise, Microsoft Excel et SQL, Gestion des risques au sein de l'Excel
La gestion des risques de l'entreprise en temps réel avec Microsoft Excel Invantive Control vise à la gestion des risques de l’entreprise (GRE) en vous permettant d’évaluer la probabilité de menaces et les risques financiers du projet à partir de Microsoft Excel. Invantive Control offre aux entreprises et aux organisations toutes les fonctionnalités nécessaires pour gérer les risques en temps réel. En plus, vous pouvez créer, sécuriser et partager des matrices, des modèles et des plans de risques détaillés dans Microsoft Excel. Les données d'entrée et de sortie de vos modèles de risque seront échangées avec vos bases de données SQL. Avec Invantive Control vous aurez toutes les fonctionnalités dont vous avez besoin pour maîtriser les risques, calculer les chiffres prévus et projeter vos flux de trésorerie futurs en temps réel. Connecter Excel à vos bases de données pour optimiser votre stratégie de risque Vos avantages : - Connexion à l'intégrité des données de votre base de données avec Excel. - Téléchargement et téléversement de données de vos bases de données avec SQL. - Gestion des risques et d’informations en temps réel conformément aux normes. - Recherche dans les bases de données et les entrepôts de données historiques de votre entreprise entière. - Création et exécution de modèles prédictifs tels que PD, LGD, VAN et TRI à partir de Microsoft Excel. - Calcul de chiffres prévus, de cash-flows futurs et de rentabilité du capital investi en temps réel. - Cadre structuré qui répond aux normes ISO 27002, SAS 70, GAAP Pays-Bas, GAAP Etats-Unis et IFRS. - Ouverture et utilisation de grands modèles Excel à l'aide du système de gestion de documents intégré (DMS). - Conception et modification de différents modèles de risque. Invantive Control fonctionne sous Microsoft SQL Server, MySQL, Oracle, Teradata, IBM DB2 UDB, ANSI SQL et ODBC. Consultez la configuration minimale requise pour plus d’informations.
Keywords: Bedrijfsrisico's binnen Excel, Enterprise Risk Management, Microsoft Excel en SQL, Risicobeheer binnen Excel
Analyseer uw financiële risico's in Microsoft Excel Invantive Control is risicoanalyse software voor het realtime uitvoeren van rekenmodellen en analyseren van financiële risico's in Microsoft Excel. Met Invantive Control heeft u alle functionaliteit om realtime risicomanagementbesluiten te nemen. Daarnaast biedt Invantive Control u ook de mogelijkheid om gedetailleerde risico matrixen te berekenen, te beveiligen, te delen en uw risicomodellen en risicoplanning in Excel uit te voeren. De invoer en resultaten van uw risicomodellen worden uitgewisseld met uw databases via SQL. Functionaliteit en flexibiliteit maken van Invantive Control dé softwareoplossing om uw financieel risicoprofiel binnen Excel te bepalen, uw risicomanagement te structureren, te optimaliseren en uw slagkracht te vergroten. Combineer Excel en databases voor een optimale risicostrategie Invantive Control biedt u verschillende risicoanalyse en risicomanagement voordelen, waaronder: - De flexibiliteit van Excel met de integriteit van uw database. - Download en upload feiten naar uw databases met SQL. - Realtime risicoanalyse en risicomanagement volgens uw bedrijfsregels. - Realtime toegang tot uw database en datawarehouse voor het verzamelen en verwerken van al uw financiële gegevens. - Aanmaken en uitvoeren van complexe risicomodellen zoals PD, LGD, NPV en IRR vanuit Microsoft Excel. - Realtime berekenen van uw investeringen, rendement, cashflows en investeringsvolume. - Financieel controleraamwerk dat voldoet aan ISO 27002, SAS 70, Dutch GAAP, USA GAAP en IFRS. - Geïntegreerd documentmanagementsysteem (DMS) om rekenmodellen binnen Excel te openen en uit te voeren. - Ontwerpen van verschillende risicomodellen. Ondersteunde Platforms Invantive Composition voor Microsoft Word werkt met: - Microsoft SQL Server - MySQL - Oracle RDBMS - Teradata - IBM DB2 UDB - ANSI SQL - ODBC Raadpleeg alstublieft de minimum systeemeisen voor de details.
Keywords: एक्सेल के भीतर कंपनी जोखिम, उद्यम जोखिम प्रबंधन, माइक्रोसॉफ्ट एक्सेल और SQL, एक्सेल में प्रबंधन जोखिम
Keywords: Rischi aziendali all'interno di Excel, Gestione del rischio aziendale, Microsoft Excel e SQL
Gestione del rischio aziendale con Microsoft Excel Invantive Control è una soluzione software per la gestione del rischio aziendale in tempo reale (ERM) per valutare il rischio di minacce finanziarie e dei progetti all’interno di Microsoft Excel. Invantive Control offre alle aziende e alle organizzazioni tutte le funzionalità necessarie per prendere decisioni sulla gestione del rischio in tempo reale. Con Invantive Control create, proteggete e condividete matrici del rischio particolareggiate, modelli e piani attraverso Microsoft Excel. Immissione e esito dei vostri modelli di rischio saranno scambiati con i vostri database utilizzando SQL.C Con Invantive Control controllate rischi, calcolate dati previsionali, proiettate flussi di cassa in tempo reale. Associando Excel ai database per ottimizzare la strategia di rischio Invantive Control offre: - Flessibilità di Excel insieme all’integrità dei dati forniti dal proprio database. - Scaricare e caricare informazioni per i vostri database utilizzando SQL. - Gestione dei rischi in tempo reale all’interno di regole di conformità. - Database e data warehouse con funzionalità di Business Intelligence per guardare nelle gerarchie temporali aziendali. - Creare ed eseguire modelli predittivi come il PD, LGD, NPV e IRR con Microsoft Excel. - Calcolare previsioni, flussi di cassa futuri, ricavi sugli investimenti di capitale in tempo reale. - Frameworf strutturato che soddisfi ISO 27002, SAS 70, GAAP olandese, USA GAAP e IFRS. - Aprire e gestire grandi modelli all’interno di Excel con il sistema di gestione documenti integrato (DMS). - Progettare e modificare diversi modelli di rischio. Piattaforme supportate Invantive Control supporta i seguenti database: - Microsoft SQL Server - MySQL - Oracle RDBMS - Teradata - IBM DB2 UDB - ANSI SQL - ODBC Si prega di consultare i requisiti minimi di sistema per tutti i dettagli.
Keywords: Riesgos de la compañía en Excel, Administración del Riesgo de la Empresa, Microsoft Excel y SQL, Administración de los riesgos en Excel
Administración de riesgo empresarial en tiempo real con MS Excel IInvantive Control: solución puesta a prueba de software de Gestión de Riesgo Empresarial (ERM) en tiempo real que evalúa la probabilidad de amenazas financieras y riesgos del proyecto desde Excel. Invantive Control da a los negocios y organizaciones las funciones necesarias para tomar decisiones de gestión de riesgos en tiempo real. Además, Invantive Control da la posibilidad de crear, proteger y compartir matrices de riesgo, modelos y planes detallados en Excel. La entrada y el resultado de sus modelos de riesgo se intercambian con sus bases de datos usando SQL. Con Invantive Control tendrá las funciones necesarias para controlar riesgos, calcular cifras proyectadas y proyectar sus flujos de efectivo futuros en tiempo real. Emparejamiento de Excel y bases de datos para mejorar su estrategia de riesgo Invantive Control le procura beneficios como: - Flexibilidad de Excel emparejada con la integridad de datos proporcionada por su propia base de datos. - Descargar y subir hechos a sus bases de datos usando SQL. - Gestión de riesgos en tiempo real e inteligencia dentro de las reglas normativas. - Base de datos y almacenamiento de datos con viaje en el tiempo para comprobar sus cifras históricas referidas a toda la empresa. - Crear y ejecutar modelos predictivos como PD, LGD, NPV e IRR desde Excel. - Calcular cifras proyectadas, flujos futuros de efectivo y retorno de inversión de capital en tiempo real. - Un marco estructurado que cumple con los estándares ISO 27002, SAS 70, GAAP holandés, GAAP estadounidense e IFRS. - Abrir y manejar plantillas de gran tamaño y modelos desde Excel usando el sistema de administración del documento integrado (DMS). - Diseñar y editar diferentes modelos de riesgo. Consulte los requisitos mínimos del sistema para obtener todos los detalles.
Distribution permissions: The trial version of Invantive Control: risk management software within Excel using SQL can be freely distributed over the Internet in an unchanged form.
Licensing Agreement Invantive(R) Control (trial edition) This document is an agreement between you, the Licensee, and Invantive B.V., the Supplier, with its registered office and principal place of business in Harderwijk (NL).
You declare that you will use the Software exclusively in accordance with the terms and conditions set out below. By copying all or part of the Software, installing or using it, you declare that you agree to this agreement and all terms and conditions included therein.
Upon considering that: * Supplier is the holder of the rights to the Software; * Licensee wishes to acquire the right to use this Software for a definite term; * Parties have arrived at an agreement, and this agreement has been set out in this document and the Appendices thereto (hereinafter referred to as 'the Licensing Agreement');
Article 1 Definitions 1.1 The terms indicated in this Licensing Agreement that start with a capital letter have the meaning that is attached to them in this article. * Appendix/Appendices: the documents attached to this Licensing Agreement which form an integral part thereof, and in which the agreements set out in the Licensing Agreement are described in detail. * Documentation: the user manual of the Software that has been drawn up by the Supplier and that has been integrated in the Help function of the Software and/or that is made available as separate PDF files or as help format. * Specifications: the requirements indicated which the Software must satisfy, as further described in Documentation. * Computer Configuration: the network consisting of hardware and corresponding operating systems, on which the Software can, in any case, run. In order to run the Software on hardware, the hardware must satisfy the requirements described in the Documentation and you are required to acquire and configure the components described in the Documentation separately. Finally, combined use of anti-virus and firewall products together with Software is only allowed for the large scale business editions. Editions targeted at consumers and small businesses are not supported. * Designated Users: the number of natural persons who have access to the Software, regardless of whether or not the natural person in question is actively using the Software at any given time. Every device that is not being operated by people yet which does have access to the Software is also considered a separate Designated User. If multiplexing hardware or software has access to the Software (such as via a TP monitor, a web server product or automatic loading of details), then the determination of Designated Users must occur via the multiplexing hardware or software for the multiplexing hardware or software. The Supplier will arrange for technical (monitoring) measures that make exceeding the number of licensed Designated Users so difficult that it is not easily done without deliberately attempting to do so, which includes but is not limited to sending user information from the Software to the Supplier. * Project Leaders: the number of natural persons who are responsible for project management and/or project development. For licensing purposes, this is defined as a natural person who is linked to an active project registered in Software as a project leader/project developer. This connection must be a reflection of the truth. The Supplier will arrange for technical (monitoring) measures that make exceeding the number of licensed Project Leaders so difficult that it is not easily done without deliberately attempting to do so, which includes but is not limited to sending user information from the Software to the Supplier. * Error: a defect in the Software that prevents the Software from functioning in accordance with the Specifications. * Licensing Agreement: the current agreement. * Location: the physical place where the Software and/or the Computer Configuration on which the Software operates is located.
Article 2 Subject of this Licensing Agreement 2.1 Supplier grants Licensee a non-exclusive license to use the Software and the Documentation such as further described in this Licensing Agreement, and this license is accepted by Licensee. Licensee is entitled to use the Software on its Computer Configuration. 2.2 Licensee may only use the Software for the processing of data within its own company and subsidiaries as defined in Section 2:24a of the Dutch Civil Code [BW]. The Software may also be used jointly with a third party if this third party is working in a partnership with Licensee on project(s), in which case this may only be used for the project(s) for which purpose the partnership was entered into. Licensee is responsible for ensuring that any third party observes the provisions of this Licensing Agreement as if the third party were an integral part of the Licensee's organisation. 2.3 The following appendices are part of this Licensing Agreement: * Appendix 1 Description of the Software. 2.4 In the event of a conflict between the provisions of this Licensing Agreement and the Appendices, the provisions of this Licensing Agreement shall prevail.
Article 3 Term and termination of Licensing Agreement 3.1 The Licensing Agreement has been concluded for a defined term of two months. The Licensing Agreement will end after expiry of this term by operation of law without requiring any notification or notice of termination. 3.2 The Licensing Agreement will otherwise terminate only in the event both parties agree in writing to terminate the Licensing Agreement. 3.3 In the event this Licensing Agreement terminates, regardless of the reason, the Licensee is obliged to cease using the Software and to immediately return (all copies of) the Software to Supplier.
Article 4 Terms of use 4.1 For the term of the Licensing Agreement, Licensee is permitted to load, view, run or store the Software on the Computer Configuration, to the extent this is in accordance with the use intended for the Software. 4.2 Licensee is entitled to keep back-up copies of the Software and/or to create these, for temporary use or for protection. 4.3 The right of use granted in Article ?2.1 is also subject to the following limitations: * The Licensee is not permitted to make the Software and Documentation available to third parties or to use these on behalf of third parties. * The Licensee is not permitted to modify or adapt the Software or the Documentation. * The Licensee is permitted to reproduce the Documentation. The copies produced may only be utilized by Licensee's own personnel for internal use. Any further disclosure of the Documentation is not permitted. * The Licensee is not permitted to reconstruct the source code for the Software using reverse engineering. In the event Licensee needs information in order to achieve Interoperability of the Software using its own computer software or that of third parties, Licensee will submit a written request to Supplier for the necessary information, providing reasons. Supplier will, in this case, notify Licensee within a reasonable period of time whether or not Licensee will have access to the desired information and the conditions under which this will be provided. * Licensee is not permitted to remove any indication regarding copyrights, trademarks, trade names or other (intellectual) property rights from the Software or the Documentation. 4.4 Supplier is entitled to investigate whether or not Licensee is using the Software in a manner that corresponds to the terms and conditions of this Licensing Agreement. Licensee is required to cooperate with such an audit and to grant Supplier access to the Location for this purpose. Supplier will bear its own costs as well as the Licensee's costs associated with this type of audit. The stipulations in Article ?9.1 also apply to this type of audit.
Article 5 Guarantee 5.1 Supplier guarantees that the Software will function according to the Specifications for one month after its purchase. 5.2 During the warranty period, Licensee is entitled to the repair of Errors, at no charge. Repairs may also be carried out using a restriction designed to prevent problems, or by providing an Update. Upon the expiry of the warranty period, Licensee will only be entitled to the repair of errors if a Maintenance Contract has been concluded between the parties. 5.3 In the event the Supplier fails to remedy the Errors observed by Licensee during the period of warranty, Licensee is entitled to terminate the Licensing Agreement. 5.4 The warranty in Article ?5.1 will lapse if and to the extent Supplier demonstrates that the Errors in question arose as a result of error repairs, maintenance or modifications carried out by or on behalf of Licensee.
Article 6 Transfer 6.1 Supplier may transfer the rights and obligations arising from this Licensing Agreement to a third party. 6.2 The Licensee is not permitted to transfer the rights and obligations arising from this Licensing Agreement to a third party without notifying the Supplier of this beforehand in writing. Supplier is entitled to attach conditions to the granting of this permission.
Article 7 Intellectual property rights 7.1 The intellectual property rights associated with the Software and the Documentation are vested in Supplier or its licensors and/or suppliers. The Software remains the property of Supplier. 7.2 Supplier indemnifies Licensee in legal proceedings initiated against it by third parties and which are based on the claim that the use of the Software and/or the Documentation infringe the intellectual property rights belonging to these third parties unless: * Licensee fails to immediately notify Supplier in writing of the claim, or * the claims in question initiated by third parties are caused by changes in the Software which were introduced into the Software by Licensee or by third parties it has engaged; or * the claims in question initiated by third parties are caused by the use of the Software and/or Documentation in a manner that is otherwise in violation of the conditions of this Licensing Agreement. 7.3 The indemnification referred to in Article ?7.2 only applies if the Licensee turns over the entire proceedings of the case, including the carrying on of settlement negotiations, to Supplier, and if asked, grants Supplier the necessary cooperation. 7.4 Licensee certifies that in the event an action is initiated as referred to in Article ?7.2 , that it will consent to allow the Supplier, at its own discretion, to: * modify the Software and/or the Documentation (or have this done) in such a way that it no longer infringes rights; * replace the Software and/or the Documentation with a functionally equivalent product; * retrieve the Software and/or Documentation from Licensee and pay Licensee compensation in the amount of the License Fee it has paid.
Article 8 Liability 8.1 The party that fails imputably vis-à-vis the other party and/or commits a wrongful act in respect of the other party, for which it is responsible, is liable to pay compensation for damage suffered and/or to be suffered by that party. 8.2 The Supplier's liability pursuant to the previous paragraph is limited to ?10,000 per incident, subject to a maximum of the total amount of the License Fee that has been charged. 8.3 The liability of the parties for indirect or consequential damage is excluded. Examples of this include lost profits or lost savings. 8.4 Parties are only entitled to claim compensation for any damage as referred to under Article ?8.1 regarding an attributable breach if the aggrieved party declares the party in breach to be in default, and the latter fails to comply within the determined period of time. The obligation to provide notification of default lapses if compliance or remedy continues to remain impossible. 8.5 The limitation of liability in Article ?8.2 lapses when: * the damage is caused by a violation of intellectual property rights; * the damage is caused by intent or gross negligence by the party responsible for the negligent/wrongful acts; * the damage arises from third-party claims as a result of death or bodily injury.
Article 9 Confidentiality 9.1 Parties will make every effort to prevent confidential information belonging to the other party from being disclosed or made available to third parties. None of this applies in the event the party disclosing the information demonstrates that certain details have already become public knowledge, as a result of actions other than a violation of this confidentiality requirement, or in the event a party is forced to reveal confidential information by a (judicial) authority authorized for this purpose. 9.2 Supplier is not permitted to announce in advertisements, promotional messages or other activities within the scope of its marketing efforts the fact that Licensee is one of its clients, with the exception of prior written permission from Licensee.
Article 10 Other provisions 10.1 Article 7 (Intellectual property), Article 8 (Liability), Article 9 (Confidentiality), Article 11 (Settlement of disputes) and Article 12 (Applicable law) will remain, by their nature, applicable after the termination of this Licensing Agreement. 10.2 The parties' own general terms and conditions of sale are not applicable. 10.3 In the event one or more of the provisions of this Licensing Agreement becomes void, in violation of the law, or unenforceable, this will not affect the validity of the remaining provisions. Parties will negotiate about a new provision, in mutual consultation, to replace the void or unenforceable provision, which follows as closely as possible the purport of the void or unenforceable provision. 10.4 Any notifications between the parties on the basis of the Licensing Agreement must be made in writing. A message that can be read electronically is considered equal to the above. 10.5 Any verbal commitments and agreements will be without effect, unless these are confirmed in writing or electronically by a party. 10.6 The failure by one party to exercise any right or remedy does not imply the relinquishment of that right or remedy.
Article 11 Settlement of disputes 11.1 The court of the district in which the Supplier has its registered office in the Netherlands is the only court competent to hear any dispute between the parties that relates to the current Licensing Agreement.
Article 12 Applicable law 12.1 This Licensing Agreement is governed by the laws of the Netherlands.
Appendix 1 Description of Software: The Software consists of: Invantive(R) Control Plus all customizations of the Software created by the Supplier on the instructions of the Licensee that is bundled with it and whose intellectual property rights have been transferred to the Supplier. Unless explicitly agreed otherwise, the intellectual property rights to all customizations will revert to Supplier. Components which are explicitly not a part of the Software include: * Links to other systems. * Invantive Producer development licenses or parts thereof. * Functionality added as separately sold modules to Invantive(R) Control following the signing of the Licensing Agreement