GWT Virtual Application System can centralize different applications such as ERP, OA, CRM, PDM, CAD etc and deploy on server side. The clients on different Operation System or in the Internet Explorer can safely and quickly access application remotely that made by authorization of the server, with our unique Remote Application Protocol (RAP).
Its main feature includes: Comprehensively publish six kinds of application resources include C/S application, B/S application, content, desktop, folders and documents.
Provide different client access modes such as PC desktop application, iPhone/iOS, Android, or in Internet Explorer etc.
Provide detailed application access filter measures to ensure that users can only access the application that be authorized to use. Multiple Policies include access security, system security, load balance, alarm, password, record screen, file/device redirection.
Local Print and Server Print Mapping Function and intelligent printing support multiple client printers and print application model in various scenarios.
Log Event Management includes security, audit, alarm, session, application, online monitor, record screen, device redirection.
Efficient sharing server and the local folder resource.
Support various external equipment applications such as remote printers, local printer, disk, sound, USB interface, LPT/COM port mapping etc.
Provide and support a variety of remote access security and identity authentication, control the specified computer to access, comprehensive protect server security.
Comprehensive access security protection measures and operation event audit management.
Single Sign On (SSO) refers to in multiple application systems, the user only needs to log in once to access all applications of mutual trust.
GWT Virtual Application Systems können verschiedene Anwendungen wie ERP, OA, CRM, PDM, CAD etc zentralisieren und Bereitstellen auf Serverseite. Die Clients auf verschiedenen Betriebssystem oder im Internet Explorer können sicher und schnell auf Anwendung der Ferne, dass durch Genehmigung der gemacht Server, mit unserer einzigartigen Remote Application Protocol (RAP). Sein Hauptmerkmal beinhaltet: Umfassend veröffentlichen sechs Arten von Anwendungsressourcen umfassen C / S-Anwendung, B / S-Anwendung, Inhalt, Desktop, Ordner und Dokumente. Bieten verschiedene Client-Zugriffsarten wie PC-Desktop-Anwendung, iPhone / iOS, Android oder in Internet Explorer usw. Detaillierte Anwendungszugriff Filtermaßnahmen, um sicherzustellen, dass Benutzer nur die Anwendung, die Berechtigung zur Nutzung werden zuzugreifen. Mehrere Richtlinien gehören Zugriffssicherheit, Systemsicherheit, Lastverteilung, Alarm, Passwort, Datensatzanzeige, Datei / Geräteumleitung. Local Print und Print Server Mapping Function und intelligente Druckunterstützung mehrere Client-Druckern und Druckanwendungsmodell in verschiedenen Szenarien. Log Event Management umfasst Sicherheit, Prüfung, Alarm, Sitzung, Anwendung, Online-Überwachung, Aufzeichnung Bildschirm Geräteumleitung. Effiziente Sharing-Server und der lokalen Ordner Ressource. Unterstützung verschiedener externer Geräte Anwendungen wie Remote-Drucker, lokale Drucker, Festplatte, Sound, USB-Schnittstelle, LPT / COM-Port-Mapping usw. Und unterstützen eine Vielzahl von Fernzugriffssicherheit und Identitätsauthentifizierung, um den Zugriff zu steuern den angegebenen Computer, umfassende Schutzserversicherheit. Umfassende Zugriffssicherheit Schutzmaßnahmen und Betriebsereignisauditmanagement.
Keywords: La virtualisation d'applications, l'application à distance, l'application de nuage
Système Virtual Application GWT peut centraliser les différentes applications telles que les ERP, OA, CRM, PDM, CAO etc et déployer sur le côté serveur. Les clients sur le système d'exploitation différent ou dans Internet Explorer peut en toute sécurité et rapidement accéder à l'application à distance qui a fait de l'autorisation de la serveur, avec notre protocole d'application à distance uniques (RAP). Sa caractéristique principale comprend: Publient globalement six types de ressources d'application comprennent l'application C / S, B demande / S, le contenu, bureau, dossiers et documents. Fournir différents modes tels que l'application de bureau de PC, iPhone / iOS, Android, ou dans Internet Explorer, etc. accès client Fournir l'application des mesures de filtrage d'accès détaillées pour assurer que les utilisateurs ne peuvent accéder à l'application qui est autorisé à utiliser. Politiques multiples, notamment la sécurité d'accès, la sécurité du système, équilibrage de charge, alarme, mot de passe, l'écran d'enregistrement, le fichier / redirection de périphériques. Imprimer local et serveur de cartographie de la fonction d'impression et de plusieurs imprimantes clientes de support d'impression intelligentes et le modèle de l'application d'impression dans divers scénarios. Gestion du journal des événements inclut la sécurité, audit, alarme, session, demande, moniteur en ligne, écran d'enregistrement, la redirection de périphérique. Serveur de partage efficace et la ressource de dossier local. Soutenir diverses applications de l'équipement externe tels que les imprimantes à distance, imprimante locale, disque, le son, interface USB, le mappage de port / COM LPT etc. Fournir et soutenir une variété d'authentification de sécurité d'accès et d'identité à distance, contrôler l'ordinateur spécifié pour l'accès, la sécurité du serveur de protection complet. Sécurité d'accès des mesures complètes de protection et gestion de l'audit des événemen
Keywords: La virtualizzazione delle applicazioni, applicazioni remote, applicazioni cloud
GWT sistema Virtual Application in grado di centralizzare le diverse applicazioni quali ERP, OA, CRM, PDM, CAD, ecc e distribuire sul lato server. I client su diversi Sistema di esercizio o in Internet Explorer può in modo sicuro e rapido accesso alle applicazioni in remoto di quello di autorizzazione del Server, con il nostro esclusivo Application Protocol remoto (RAP). La sua caratteristica principale comprende: Completo pubblicano sei tipi di risorse delle applicazioni includono applicazioni C / S, B application / S, il contenuto, desktop, cartelle e documenti. Fornire diverse modalità di accesso client, come applicazione desktop PC, iPhone / iOS, Android, o in Internet Explorer, ecc Fornire applicazioni dettagliate misure di filtrazione accesso per garantire che gli utenti possano accedere solo l'applicazione che essere autorizzato ad utilizzare. Più criteri comprendono sicurezza di accesso, la sicurezza del sistema, bilanciamento del carico, allarme, password, schermata per la registrazione, il file / reindirizzamento dei dispositivi. Stampa locale e mappatura del server di stampa e funzioni di supporto di stampa delle stampanti più intelligenti del cliente e modello di applicazione di stampa in vari scenari. Log Event Management comprende la sicurezza, di controllo, di allarme, sessione, applicazione, monitoraggio on-line, schermata per la registrazione, il reindirizzamento dei dispositivi. Server per la condivisione efficiente e la risorsa cartella locale. Supporta varie applicazioni di apparecchiature esterne quali stampanti remote, stampante locale, disco, suono, interfaccia USB, LPT / COM port mapping ecc Fornire e supportare una varietà di autenticazione di sicurezza di accesso e di identità a distanza, controllare il computer specificato per l'accesso, la sicurezza del server di protezione completa. Misure di protezione complete di sicurezza l'accesso e la gestione di audit eventi operazione.
Keywords: A virtualização de aplicativos, aplicação remota, aplicativo em nuvem
GWT Sistema Virtual Application pode centralizar diferentes aplicações como ERP, OA, CRM, PDM, CAD, etc, e implantar no lado do servidor. Os clientes em sistema diferente da operação ou no Internet Explorer pode com segurança e rapidamente acessar o aplicativo remotamente que feita por autorização do servidor, com a nossa única Application Protocol remoto (RAP). Sua característica principal inclui: Exaustivamente publicar seis tipos de recursos de aplicações incluem aplicação C / S, B application / S, conteúdo, ambiente de trabalho, pastas e documentos. Fornecer diferentes modos de acesso do cliente, tais como aplicação desktop PC, iPhone / iOS, Android, ou no Internet Explorer etc. Fornecer aplicação de medidas de filtro de acesso detalhadas para garantir que os usuários só podem acessar o aplicativo que ser autorizados a utilizar. Múltiplas políticas incluem a segurança de acesso, segurança do sistema, equilíbrio de carga, alarme, senha, tela de registro, arquivo / redirecionamento de dispositivo. Local de impressão e servidor Mapeamento para impressão de função e suporte de impressão múltiplas impressoras cliente inteligentes e modelo de aplicação de impressão em vários cenários. Gestão de Eventos Log inclui segurança, auditoria, alarme, sessão, aplicação, monitor de linha, tela de registro, o redirecionamento de dispositivo. Servidor de compartilhamento eficiente eo recurso pasta local. Suporte vários aplicações de equipamentos externos, tais como impressoras remotas, impressora local, disco, som, interface USB, LPT / COM mapeamento de portas etc. Fornecer e suportar uma variedade de autenticação de segurança de acesso e identidade remoto, controlar o computador especificado para acesso e abrangente de segurança do servidor de proteção. Medidas de proteção abrangente de segurança de acesso e gerenciamento de auditoria evento funcionamento.
GWT Система виртуальных приложений можно централизовать различные приложения, такие как ERP, ОА, CRM, PDM, CAD и т.д., и развернуть на стороне сервера. Клиенты на другой системе операции или в Internet Explorer можно быстро и безопасно получить доступ к приложения удаленно, что сделанное разрешения сервер, с нашей уникальной протокола Remote Application (РЭП). Его главная особенность включает в себя: Всесторонне опубликовать шесть видов ресурсов приложения включают C / S приложение, B / S приложение, содержание, рабочий стол, папки и документы. Обеспечить различные режимы доступа клиента, такие как настольное приложение PC, iPhone / IOS, Android, или в Internet Explorer и т.д. Обеспечить детальное применение мер фильтр доступа к тому, чтобы пользователи могли получить доступ только к применению, что получить разрешение на использование. Несколько Политика включает безопасность доступа, безопасности системы, баланс нагрузки, сигнализация, пароль, запись экрана, файл / перенаправление устройств. Местное печати и сервера печати Mapping Функция и интеллектуальная поддержка печати нескольких клиентских принтеров и модель приложения печати в различных сценариях. Вход управление событиями включает безопасность, аудит, сигнализация, заседание, заявление, онлайн-монитор, запись экрана, перенаправление устройств. Эффективное сервер обмена и местный ресурс папка. Поддержка различных приложений внешнего оборудования, например удаленных принтеров, локальный принтер, диск, звук, интерфейс USB, LPT отображения / COM порта и т.д. Обеспечение и поддерживают разнообразные безопасности удаленного доступа и идентификации владельцев, управлять указанный компьютер с доступом, комплексная защиты безопасности сервера. Комплексные меры по защите безопасности и управления доступом аудит операция событие.
Keywords: La virtualización de aplicaciones, aplicación remota, aplicación de nube
GWT Sistema de aplicación virtual puede centralizar diferentes aplicaciones como ERP, OA, CRM, PDM, CAD, etc y desplegar en el lado del servidor. Los clientes en diferentes Sistema de la operación o en el Internet Explorer puede acceder de forma segura y rápida aplicación de forma remota que hizo por la autorización de la servidor, con nuestro único protocolo de aplicación remoto (RAP). Su característica principal incluye: Ampliamente publican seis tipos de recursos de la aplicación incluyen C application / S, B application / S, el contenido, escritorio, carpetas y documentos. Proporcionar diferentes modos de acceso de cliente, tales como aplicación de escritorio PC, iPhone / iOS, Android, o en Internet Explorer, etc. Proporcionar medidas detalladas de aplicación de filtros de acceso para que los usuarios sólo pueden acceder a la aplicación que se autoriza a utilizar. Múltiples políticas incluyen la seguridad de acceso, la seguridad del sistema, el equilibrio de carga, la alarma, la contraseña, la pantalla de registro, archivo / redirección de dispositivos. Local de impresión y servidor de Asignación de funciones de impresión y compatibilidad con la impresión de varias impresoras cliente inteligentes y modelo de aplicaciones de impresión en diversos escenarios. Gestión del registro de eventos incluye la seguridad, auditoría, alarma, sesión, aplicación, seguimiento en línea, pantalla de registro, la redirección de dispositivos. Servidor de uso compartido eficiente y el recurso de la carpeta local. Apoyo a diversas aplicaciones de equipos externos como impresoras remotas, impresora local, el disco, el sonido, interfaz USB, / COM asignación de puertos LPT, etc. Proporcionar y apoyar una variedad de autenticación de seguridad de acceso e identidad remota, controlar el equipo especificado para el acceso, la seguridad del servidor de protección integral. Medidas de protección de seguridad de acceso integrales y la gestión de auditoría evento op
Distribution permissions: The trial version of GWT Virtual Application System can be freely distributed over the Internet in an unchanged form.
The software descriptions and all PAD information can be freely distributed over the Internet.
GWT System End User License Agreement
Terms of License Agreement
GWT System End User License Agreement is the agreement agreed by you and Xi'an Realor Information & Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Realor). Please carefully read the GWT System End User License Agreement (hereinafter referred to as the 'agreement') before using this product.
Once installing, copying or using this product in other ways, you are regarded as agreeing to all terms of this agreement. If you disagree with any terms of this agreement, please immediately return the unused software product to the original seller and get full refund. If you can't get the refund, please contact with Realor for detailed information of relevant refund policies. You can directly visit or dial +86-400-066-7366 for consultation.
Special Notes: The certificate of receipts issued by GWT product seller authorized by Realor is the sign for your legal use of this software, and you can use this product only according to the ways specified in this agreement.
I. Software Product The software product described in this agreement consists of the following parts: 1. Computer programs and other relevant documents (stored in CDs or other magnetic media); 2. Encryption card (products with software license contains no encryption card); 3. Relevant data (stored in paper media or CDs).
II. Copyright and Other Rights This software is developed by Xi'an Realor Information & Technology Co., Ltd. The copyright and intellectual property rights as well as other rights of this software and all information contents related to this software (including but not limited to any images, photos, icons, animations, videos, sound recordings, textual representation and its combinations, colors, interface design, layout framework, printed materials or electronic documents etc. contained in the software) are owned by Realor and protected by the Copyright Law of the People's Republic of China and international copyright treaties as well as other laws and regulations on intellectual property rights.
III. Your Rights and Restrictions Rights Realor confers the non-exclusive and nontransferable use rights of this software product on you. Your rights are as follows: 1. Installation: You can install this software into computer or other information processing equipment; 2. Registration and use: After installing this software, you can register and use it through the attached encryption card or software license. If you adopt soft registration method, you have to send the condition code (combined by system equipment) of this software after installed to Realor; if your equipment component or software has any change, you may have to re-register this software, otherwise you can get a 15-day trial period of this software and after that you have to buy encryption card or software license to register and activate the software; 3. Backup: You can make only one backup copy to prevent damage of this software, but you shall guarantee to also copy the enterprise name, trademark logo, copyright logo, copyright statement and other ownership logos or statements of Realor contained in this software; 4. Update and Upgrade: You can obtain the update and upgrade of this software from the seller and other sources authorized by Realor. Please visit for more information on obtaining updates from authorized sources; 5. Data Copy: You can copy the user's manual of this software or print the licensed data contained in the disk or CD of this software for the purposes of operation and training, but the enterprise name, trademark logo, copyright logo, copyright statement and other ownership logos or statements of Realor contained in above data shall be reserved; 6. Miscellaneous: When using this software, you can use but shall not share its icons, images, sound and other media. The icons, images, sound and other media attached to this software shall be limited to non-commercial purposes.
Restrictions 1. The maximum number of workstations (terminals) of this software that are allowed to be operated by you in the same time shall not exceed the number permitted when purchasing this software; 2. This software is not sold. Realor only confers the use right license of some functions contained in the authorized software version on you and Realor will reserve all other rights; you shall not sell, sublet or sublicense this software or its use rights to other units or individuals with or without charge; 3. You shall not provide the backup copy of this software or relevant data and their copies for any third party in any ways. Once you are no longer entitled to the right to use the software product, you shall immediately destroy all backup copies as well as relevant printed or copied data of this software. 4. You shall not avoid any technical restriction of this software or make any modification, decompilation, disassembly and other backward processing to this software; 5. You shall not have other acts in violation of the agreement to use the software product.
IV. Guarantee Liability and Disclaimer of Realor (I). Guarantee Liability: 1. The functions of this software are substantially in line with those described in the user's manual within one year after the delivery. Within the term of this agreement, Realor is responsible for modification or replacement for free. The warranty period of replacing software is the remaining time of the original period or 30 days (whichever is longer). 2. In case of any physical damages other than intentionally man-made physical damages of the software carrier (CD or disk) and encryption card within one year after the delivery, Realor will be responsible for modification or replacement for free. 3. You will not be prosecuted by any third party for using this software. 4. Without your permission, Realor will not provide or disclose your confidential information or data to any third party in any form.
(II). Disclaimer 1. Realor will not assume any responsibility for the problems caused by your modification or incorrect use of this software. 2. The compensation liability assumed by Realor or its dealers and agents shall be not more than the license fees of this software paid by you. 3. Within the maximum extent permitted by applicable laws, Realor or its dealers and agents will not assume compensation liability for the indirect damages (including but not limited to business interruption, loss of profits, loss of business information and increased costs etc.) resulting from the use of or inability to use this software.
V. Applicable Laws Chinese laws are applicable to any legal issues involved in the use of this software. All disputes arising from the use of this software product shall be submitted to Xi'an Arbitration Commission for arbitration.
The final interpretation of this agreement is reserved by Realor.
Real Friend information & technology Co., Ltd