Win2000, WinXP, Win7 x32, Win7 x64, Windows 8, Windows 10, WinServer, WinOther, WinVista, WinVista x64
System requirements:
Windows 95/98/ME/2000/XP/2003/Vista/7/8/10
No Limitations
Keywords: Fireworks 3D Screensaver, fireworks, 3D Screensaver, free screensaver, download screensaver, special effects, science
Come to see realistic free Fireworks 3D screensaver! People enjoy fireworks on most holidays and celebrations. We have developed this screensaver for you and you can use it on any holiday you want! Surprise your kids, friends, relatives, classmates and neighbors. Fireworks 3D screensaver offers you endless fireworks rockets that explode with various transition effects. More than 12 fireworks types with numerous colors and it's combinations will surely impress you. Rockets start at random positions, directions and speed. And, of course, you will see animated blinking stars background! It has no sound effects, not to bother you. Just relax and watch great free 3d screensaver for your desktop PC! Screensaver is very compact and installs in few seconds.
Keywords: Fireworks 3D Screensaver, Feuerwerk, 3D Screensaver, kostenlose Bildschirmschoner, Download-Bildschirmschoner, Spezialeffekte, Wissenschaft
Kommen Sie, um realistisch freien Fireworks 3D Bildschirmschoner zu sehen! Die Leute genießen Feuerwerk an den meisten Feiertagen und Feiern. Wir haben diesen Bildschirmschoner für Sie entwickelt und Sie können ihn für jeden gewünschten Urlaub verwenden! Überraschen Sie Ihre Kinder, Freunde, Verwandten, Klassenkameraden und Nachbarn. Fireworks 3D Screensaver bietet Ihnen endlose Feuerwerkraketen, die mit verschiedenen Übergangseffekten explodieren. Mehr als 12 Feuerwerkskörper mit zahlreichen Farben und Kombinationen werden Sie sicherlich beeindrucken. Raketen beginnen an zufälligen Positionen, Richtungen und Geschwindigkeiten. Und natürlich werden Sie animierte blinkende Sterne Hintergrund sehen! Es hat keine Soundeffekte, um Sie nicht zu stören. Entspannen Sie sich und sehen Sie sich den kostenlosen 3D-Bildschirmschoner für Ihren Desktop-PC an! Screensaver ist sehr kompakt und installiert in wenigen Sekunden.
Keywords: Fireworks 3D Screensaver, feux d'artifice, 3D Screensaver, économiseur d'écran gratuit, économiseur d'écran à télécharger, effets spéciaux, science
Venez voir un économiseur d'écran gratuit et réaliste de Fireworks 3D! Les gens bénéficient de feux d'artifice sur la plupart des fêtes et des célébrations. Nous avons développé cet économiseur d'écran pour vous et vous pouvez l'utiliser pour toutes les vacances que vous voulez! Surprenez vos enfants, amis, parents, camarades de classe et voisins. L'économiseur d'écran Fireworks 3D vous offre d'innombrables fusées de feux d'artifice qui explosent avec divers effets de transition. Plus de 12 types de feux d'artifice avec de nombreuses couleurs et leurs combinaisons vont sûrement vous impressionner. Les roquettes commencent à des positions, des directions et une vitesse aléatoires. Et, bien sûr, vous verrez un fond d'étoiles clignotantes animées! Il n'a pas d'effets sonores, pour ne pas vous déranger. Détendez-vous et regardez le superbe économiseur d'écran 3D gratuit sur votre PC! Screensaver est très compact et s'installe en quelques secondes.
Keywords: Fireworks 3D Screensaver, fuochi d'artificio, 3D Screensaver, screensaver gratuito, download screensaver, effetti speciali, scienza
Vieni a vedere lo screensaver 3D di Fireworks gratuito e realistico! Le persone godono di fuochi d'artificio nella maggior parte delle festività e feste. Abbiamo sviluppato questo salvaschermo per te e puoi utilizzarlo in ogni vacanza che desideri! Sorprendi i tuoi bambini, amici, parenti, compagni di classe e vicini di casa. Lo screensaver 3D di Fireworks ti offre infiniti razzi di fuochi d'artificio che esplodono con vari effetti di transizione. Più di 12 tipi di fuochi d'artificio con numerosi colori e le sue combinazioni ti impressioneranno sicuramente. I razzi partono da posizioni casuali, direzioni e velocità. E, naturalmente, vedrai lo sfondo animato di stelle lampeggianti! Non ha effetti sonori, non ti disturba. Rilassati e guarda un fantastico salvaschermo 3d gratuito per il tuo PC desktop! Screensaver è molto compatto e si installa in pochi secondi.
Keywords: Fireworks 3D Screensaver, fuochi d'artificio, 3D Screensaver, screensaver gratuito, download screensaver, effetti speciali, scienza
Venha ver o screensaver livre realístico dos fogos-de-artifício 3D! As pessoas gostam de fogos de artifício na maioria dos feriados e celebrações. Nós desenvolvemos este screensaver para você e você pode usá-lo em qualquer feriado que você quiser! Surpreenda seus filhos, amigos, parentes, colegas e vizinhos. Fireworks 3D screensaver oferece foguetes de fogos de artifício infinitos que explodem com vários efeitos de transição. Mais de 12 tipos de fogos de artifício com inúmeras cores e combinações certamente irão impressioná-lo. Foguetes começam em posições aleatórias, direções e velocidade. E, claro, você verá um fundo animado de estrelas piscando! Não tem efeitos sonoros, para não incomodar você. Apenas relaxe e assista a um ótimo protetor de tela 3D gratuito para o seu PC de mesa! Screensaver é muito compacto e instala em poucos segundos.
Keywords: 3D Салют, Бесплатная 3D Заставка, бесплатная заставка, хранители экрана, скринсейвер, скачать бесплатно, эффекты, наука, салют, фейерверк
Рады представить вам бесплатную заставку 3D Салют! Люди запускают салюты на многие праздники и торжества. Мы разработали эту удивительную заставку специально для вас и вы можете использовать её на любой праздник который хотите! Удивите ваших детей, друзей, родственников, коллег и соседей. Заставка 3D Салют предлагает бесконечное множество салютов которые взрываются с различными переходными эффектами. Более 12 типов ракет, различных цветов и их комбинаций обязательно удивят вас! Ракеты стартуют со случайным положением, направлением и скоростью. И, конечно же, вы увидите анимированное звёздное небо на фоне! В заставке нет звуковых эффектов, чтобы не беспокоить вас. Просто расслабьтесь и наслаждайтесь бесплатной трёхмерной заставок для настольного компьютера. Скринсейвер очень компактный и устанавливается за считанные секунды.
Keywords: Fireworks 3D Screensaver, fireworks, 3D Screensaver, salvapantallas gratis, descargue salvapantallas, efectos especiales, ciencia
¡Ven a ver el salvapantallas 3D real y gratuito de Fireworks! La gente disfruta de los fuegos artificiales en la mayoría de los días festivos y celebraciones. Hemos desarrollado este protector de pantalla para usted y puede usarlo en cualquier día festivo que desee. Sorprende a tus hijos, amigos, familiares, compañeros y vecinos. El protector de pantalla en 3D de Fireworks te ofrece un sinfín de cohetes de fuegos artificiales que explotan con varios efectos de transición. Más de 12 tipos de fuegos artificiales con numerosos colores y sus combinaciones seguramente te impresionarán. Los cohetes comienzan en posiciones aleatorias, direcciones y velocidad. Y, por supuesto, ¡verás un fondo animado de estrellas parpadeantes! No tiene efectos de sonido, para no molestarte. ¡Simplemente relájate y mira un fantástico salvapantallas gratuito en 3D para tu PC de escritorio! El salvapantallas es muy compacto y se instala en pocos segundos.
Distribution permissions: This product can be freely distributed through the internet.
End User License Agreement (EULA).
This document is a legal Agreement between you, the licensee and FullScreensavers.Com. Please read this Agreement carefully before installing the program. Downloading, installing and using this software you do not get any rights to intellectual property contained in the product, except for those rights which are given to you by this License Agreement. By installing the program, you accept the terms of this Agreement. If you do not agree to the terms of this Agreement, quit this installation procedure and promptly delete the file.
1. COPYRIGHT This Screen Saver (the "Software") is owned by FullScreensavers.Com and is protected by international copyright laws. www.FullScreensavers.Com has all rights for non-commercial distribution of this software. All copyrights to the bundled software are exclusively owned by their holders.
2. LICENSE FullScreensavers.Com grants you rights to use the Software on a single user computer, or on a single terminal or workstation of a multi-user computer or local area network.
3. GENERAL USE. This screensaver is free software for non-commercial use so no registration is needed.
4. COPY RESTRICTIONS A. This Software is copyrighted and is proprietary product of FullScreensavers.Com. You may make one copy of the Software for backup or archival purposes. All other copying of the Software is expressly forbidden. B. You may not decompile, reverse engineer, copy, transfer, or other-wise use the Software except as expressly stated in this Agreement. C. You may not alter this software in any way; you may not use or distribute any part of the original package. D. You are not allowed to emulate, decompile, disassemble, otherwise reverse engineer any executable part of original package. E. You have no rights to sell, transfer or distribute this software for commercial or any other goals. You are also forbidden to pass the rights of this software use to any third parties. F. And you are also not allowed to distribute any flies included to this software. Any such unauthorized use shall result in immediate and automatic termination of this license and may result in criminal and/or civil prosecution.
5. TERMINATION This license is effective until terminated. You may terminate this license at any time by destroying all copies of the Software. This license will terminate automatically, without notice from FullScreensavers.Com, if you fail to comply with this Agreement. Upon such termination, you shall destroy all copies of the Software.
6. LIMITED WARRANTY The Software is supplied "AS IS". FullScreensavers.Com disclaims all warranties, expressed or implied, including, without limitation, the warranties of merchantability and of fitness for any purpose. The user must assume the entire risk of using the Software.
7. NO LIABILITY FOR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES FullScreensavers.Com assumes no liability for damages, direct or consequential, which may result from the use of the Software, even if FullScreensavers.Com has been advised of the possibility of such damages.
8. NOTE.
Some graphic, video and music files included to our software are from independent authors and from free Internet resources, we do not have the opportunity to check the contents of these files for copyright infringements. We use these materials only for non-commercial purpose. However, sometimes an infringement can still occur. If this is the case, and you own the copyright and wish to have the file removed, please inform us, and we will remove the software from our site immediately. We thank all unknown authors of graphic, video, music and other materials used in our free screensavers.