MP3 & Audio :: Speech Utilities, Communication :: Misc. Communication, Communication :: Chat Tools, Communication :: Voice/Video Chat, Internet :: Communication and Chat
Win2000, WinXP, Win7 x32, Win7 x64, Windows 8, Windows 10, WinServer, WinOther, WinVista, WinVista x64
System requirements:
windows, working microphone
English, French, Russian, Spanish
Keywords: Sniffing device, Assistant technology, assistive communication, computer mediated communication, paralysed to communicate, fight paralysis, communicate with tetraplegia, type by blowing
ECTistener software, created and developed by EyeComTec ( is intended to analyze sound signals from any microphone. Depending on the length and volume of the signal, ECTlistener emulates key strokes and sends control codes to the receiving software.
The program was created for disabled people (paralyzed or those with extremely reduced mobility) and works in conjunction with other programs (e.g. ECTkeyboard symbol matrix). By using a personal computer with a microphone and both ECTlistener and ECTkeyboard, patients can type text letter-by-letter by using individualized vocal prompts such as moans, loud breathing, sniffing and many other sounds. This allows them to communicate with their relatives, friends, service or medical staff.
Nowadays, there are many technical solutions that allow users to generate key strokes with different sounds, or inhalation or exhalation of air. However, all these solutions require special equipment and are not available for everyone at a reasonable price. Simultaneously, EyeComTec are developing ECTlistener as an easy, comfortable to use and affordable alternative for those solutions.
To start the program the user needs only a personal computer equipped with a microphone which are freely available in any electronic or computer shop. ECTlistener can even work on very old personal computers with low productivity, due to the programs low system requirements. Furthermore, fast export or import of all settings, the small size of the program and the ability to work without any installation, allows the user to execute ECTlistener from any removable device, for example, flash card, external hard drive etc.
The program is really customizable and has a user-friendly interface. Initial settings take only few minutes to operate and program is ready to work! ECTlistener is free for any private use, contains no advertising and supports many languages.
Keywords: Общение для парализованных, печатать текст, ограниченная двигательная активность, нажатия при помощи звуков, посимвольно набирать текст
Программа ECTistener, разработанная компанией EyeComTec (, предназначена для анализа принимаемого с микрофона сигнала. В зависимости от уровня громкости звука и его продолжительности ECTlistener эмулирует нажатия клавиш и передает управляющие коды в программу-приемник. Приложение создано для людей с ограниченными возможностями (парализованных либо с чрезвычайно ограниченной двигательной активностью). ECTlistener работает совместно с другими программами, например, буквенной матрицей ECTkeyboard. Используя оборудованный микрофоном компьютер и обе программы, пациенты при помощи стона, громкого дыхания, «шмыгания» носом или любого другого издаваемого звука могут посимвольно набирать текст. Таким образом они могут общаться с близкими людьми, обслуживающим или медицинским персоналом. В настоящее время существуют технические решения, позволяющие генерировать нажатия при помощи звуков, вдыхания либо выдыхания воздуха. Но они требуют наличия специального оборудования и отсутствуют в свободной продаже. В то же время ECTlistener разрабатывается как простая, доступная и недорогая альтернатива этим решениям. Для работы программы потребуется компьютер и микрофон, который можно приобрести в любом магазине компьютерной техники или бытовой электроники. ECTlistener за счет низких системных требований может работать даже на старых компьютерах с невысокой производительностью. Кроме того, малый размер программы, возможность быстрого экспорта и импорта настроек, возможность работы без предварительной установки позволяют запускать ECTlistener с внешних накопителей – флэш-карт, жестких дисков, и так далее. Программа легко настраивается и имеет удобный пользовательский интерфейс. Первоначальная настройка производится за несколько минут – и приложение уже готово к работе! ECTlistener предоставляется бесплатно для некоммерческого использования, не содержит рекламы и иных встраиваемых модулей, поддерживает локализации.
Keywords: ECTlistener, EyeComTec, LAZgroup, señales sonoras, micrófono, personas con discapacidades, paralizados, movilidad reducida extrema
El software ECTlistener, creado y desarrollado por EyeComTec (, está destino al análisis de señales sonoras desde cualquier micrófono. Dependiendo de la duración y volumen de la señal, el ECTlistener simula pulsaciones de teclas y envía códigos de controles al software receptor.
El programa fue creado para personas con discapacidades (paralizados o aquellos con movilidad reducida extrema) y funciona en conjunto con otros programas (por ejemplo, la matriz de símbolos de ECTkeyboard).
Al utilizar una computadora personal con micrófono y tanto ECTlistener como ECTkeyboard, los pacientes pueden escribir texto letra por letra mediante el uso de señales vocales individualizadas tales como gemidos, respiraciones ruidosas, aspiraciones y muchos otros sonidos. Esto les permite comunicarse con sus familiares, amigos, personal de servicio o médico.
En la actualidad, existen muchas soluciones técnicas que permiten a los usuarios generar pulsaciones de teclas con diferentes sonidos, inhalaciones o exhalaciones de aire. Sin embargo, todas estas soluciones requieren de equipos especiales y no están disponibles para todos a un precio razonable. EyeComTec ha desarrollado ECTlistener como una alternativa fácil y cómoda de utilizar y económica a esas soluciones.
Para iniciar el programa, el usuario sólo necesita una computadora equipada con un micrófono, disponible en cualquier tienda de electrónicos o computadoras. ECTlistener puede incluso funcionar en computadoras personales muy antiguas y de bajo rendimiento gracias a los bajos requerimientos técnicos del programa. Además, la importación y exportación rápida de todos los ajustes, el pequeño tamaño del programa, y la habilidad para funcionar sin ninguna instalación, permiten al usuario ejecutar ECTlistener desde cualquier dispositivo extraíble, por ejemplo, tarjetas de memoria, discos rígidos externos, etc.
El usuario puede utilizar el programa casi inmediatamente después de su instalación.
The end user is not allowed to use or permit the use of EyeComTec software products in any manner that may affect their functionality, including modification of the program binary source code and participation in any operation that is aimed at reverse engineering (decompilation) of software for personal or professional gain.
Additionally, the end user of the software under no circumstances has the right to change copyright information or use the names of software products in an inappropriate manner in order to obtain financial or material benefits. The user has no right to change, make copies, sell, sublicense, advertise or distribute EyeComTec software products in any manner, which is not allowed by this license agreement. As a charitable gesture from the company, all users are allowed to share EyeComTec software products installation packages among themselves and with other people.
Upon receipt of the license the user does not receive any right to own copies of the software, and the copyright holder may prohibit subsequent sales.
All licensees have no right to re-pack the software and distribute it by including the software in various installation packages that contain malicious programs or advertisement of any form.
Licensing agreement and Terms of Use
General Terms
This license agreement establishes substantive provisions, as well as describes the permitted and prohibited ways of use of the software developed by EyeComTec. The licensee has the right to use software products of EyeComTec only under the conditions described in this License Agreement.
All software and all related intellectual assets (copyrights, algorithms, source code and technical documentation) are fully owned by the EyeComTec (LAZgroup SA) company. EyeComTec can provide free exclusive and non-transferable license to any entities which are involved into charity or non-profit activities. In order to use the software for commercial purposes, such companies have to contact us directly and purchase a license. Any commercial use (with pecuniary interest) of the software developed by EyeComTec without license is strictly prohibited.
During the determination of the conditions and restrictions of use, the copyright holder provided all the information on a limited warranty basis as well as the rejection of any liability. This project is voluntary, and the parent company is not liable for any issued support packs or updates in front of those users who use software products of EyeComTec free of charge.
All the users are obligated to observe and follow the requirements of this License Agreement.
Differentiation of commercial and noncommercial license
1. Noncommercial License
1.A. Noncommercial license for clients with physical needs.
(this type of license does not apply to customers who are undergoing paid rehabilitation courses – see section 2.2, paragraph A)
EyeComTec software products are provided free of charge to all users who are experiencing physical need and are in use of such category of programs. This group of people includes all those who suffer from various forms of paralysis or other muscular activity restrictions. All software products are free for non-commercial use, for example when the patient uses our software for text typing, they are not obligated to purchase a commercial license.
1.B. Noncommercial license for charitable organizations.
Charity companies and rehabilitation centers can use all EyeComTec software products free of charge if they provide their services to patients on a free basis. 2. Paid commercial License
2.A. Commercial license for paid clinics and rehabilitation centers.
Commercial licenses for program products of EyeComTec is necessary in any case of paid services provision by medical companies or rehabilitation centers. Such a commercial license is required for each separate copy of the program in use. Only one copy of each licensed program may run at the same period of time.
All assistants and third-party specialists who provide paid services to their patients and involve EyeComTec software products in their work are also obligated to purchase a commercial license.
In any case when the user is on paid treatment, involved in rehabilitation program in commercial institution, or uses paid services of any third-party medical specialist, they are prohibited to use personal non-commercial license ECT software. The user is strictly prohibited to use any EyeComTec software products to communicate directly with any paid healthcare specialist or representative of a commercial establishment. In such cases, the rehabilitation facility or attending specialist are obligated to use and provide to the patient their own commercially licensed copy of the software.
This restriction extends over the entire period of treatment or rehabilitation of the patient.
2.B. Commercial license for software integrators and resellers.
All companies and experienced specialists who provide paid services for the installation and integration of EyeComTec software products to third parties, as well as maintenance and technical support for such programs, are obligated to purchase a commercial license. Selling of software products to customers with physical needs is strictly prohibited (see section 2.1, paragraph A).
2.C. Commercial license for extended program versions, which are intended to use in non-medical environments.
The EyeComTec Company develops extended versions of their programs (in particular, ECTtracker) which are successfully used in factories, shops, automated assembly lines and quality control systems. Such program versions are distributed on individual licenses and are not intended for public distribution. In order to get full information about features of programs, full quotation including price of purchase and support, as well as cost of specialists training, please contact the EyeComTec Company.
Furthermore, our company develops various additional applications which can significantly enhance the functionality of our programs. When such applications are in use with extended versions of our programs they can be used for additional automation of analyzing and controlling manufacturing processes.
Specialists from the EyeComTec Company are ready to create individual systems which are most suitable to your needs. The system will be created on software modules which were created, taking into account all the distinctive features of the processes.
Ease of continuous use
The possibility of continued use of EyeComTec software means the possibility of transition from a commercial license to a non-commercial at the end of treatment process in the medical or rehabilitation center.
During the patient’s stay in any paid medical facility, patients use the program under the supervision of the attending or service personnel. After the treatment process has ceased, the user can continue to use EyeComTec software products for free. In such a case, technical specialists can provide all the data and settings, which were created during the patient's stay in the medical facility: matrixes of samples, configuration files and any other information. After returning home, the patient can immediately continue to use the software, involving already familiar settings.
Any alternative technology is much more expensive and not every patient can purchase them for personal use. Furthermore, order fulfillment and delivery can take a very long time, during which the patient has to suffer from significant communication inconveniences. Unlike other technologies, all software developed by EyeComTec facilitates the transition from the conditions of the medical center to home conditions, which allows the patient to achieve proper rehabilitation. Registration of users
User registration is the easiest and safest way to provide feedback between the development company and its consumers: patients and medical centers. During startup of the non-registered program, the user will see a web-browser window with the registration page.
* Registration is voluntary for private non-commercial customers, but nevertheless desirable. ** Registration is mandatory for legal entities and commercial clients.
Collection of such statistical data is extremely important for EyeComTec because it allows detailed information about the needs of specific users to be obtained, and it also improves the software in accordance with user needs. Program complex is developed continuously and many features of the current version were created due to feedback from users.
Registration opens the opportunity to participate in a loyalty program for commercial entities. The loyalty program starts immediately after registration is complete. Participation in the loyalty program gives users access to current and extended versions of the software on more favorable terms, as well as providing significant discounts.
Additionally the database of contacts allows EyeComTec to inform patients promptly about new and unpublished software products and updates of the EyeComTec program complex. Furthermore, users are able to receive information on the functionality of basic and advanced versions in a timely manner.
Restrictions on use
The end user is not allowed to use or permit the use of EyeComTec software products in any manner that may affect their functionality, including modification of the program binary source code and participation in any operation that is aimed at reverse engineering (decompilation) of software for personal or professional gain.
Additionally, the end user of the software under no circumstances has the right to change copyright information or use the names of software products in an inappropriate manner in order to obtain financial or material benefits. The user has no right to change, make copies, sell, sublicense, advertise or distribute EyeComTec software products in any manner, which is not allowed by this license agreement. As a charitable gesture from the company, all users are allowed to share EyeComTec software products installation packages among themselves and with other people.
Upon receipt of the license the user does not receive any right to own copies of the software, and the copyright holder may prohibit subsequent sales.
All licensees have no right to re-pack the software and distribute it by including the software in various installation packages that contain malicious programs or advertisement of any form.