Utilities :: Drivers, Utilities :: System Utilities, Utilities :: Backup
Win2000, WinXP, Win7 x32, Win7 x64, Windows 8, Windows 10, WinServer, WinOther, WinVista, WinVista x64
System requirements:
Windows Operating System | at least 256 MB RAM
DriverUpdate identifies out-of-date drivers at no cost, letting users get a sense of what they need. Registration allows users to initiate a one-click sequence that downloads drivers and begins their install automatically.
DriverUpdate is designed to make managing your drivers easy and straight forward. Produced by SlimWare Utilities, DriverUpdate uses technology innovations to move the process of maintaining drivers from a local PC to the cloud. Cloud computing has revolutionized the way information is shared and services delivered. DriverUpdate utilizes the cloud to provide a streaming data-link to every version of the application. This provides users with a continuously updating profile of available drivers, keeping them appraised of the latest updates available from a wide range of manufacturers. Trying to manually keep track of every driver release and every system upgrade can take a lot. It constitutes time spent searching the Web or using driver apps that rely on once-and-a-while updates to make their evaluations. Because of its link to a dynamic data cloud, DriverUpdate can stay in sync with the latest driver releases, and its automated scanning utility works to make updating drivers a stress free process. Users can download drivers and updates individually, or get them all in at once. Push button technology allows anyone, no matter what their skill level, to easily assess and understand their PC maintenance profile. With the click of a mouse, those uses can then begin all of their update installations at once. This saves time, trouble and headaches by helping to avoid the pitfalls of update sequences, which are often confusing. Instead, DriverUpdate can be used to identify the right driver for a given piece of hardware - empowering both internal and external components with the most recent bug fixes, advancements and features as soon as they become available. Try DriverUpdate absolutely free. You can scan your whole PC find all of the drivers that need updating. Or you can register your copy of DriverUpdate; this allows you to initiate all of your update processes at one time with just a click of the mouse.
DriverUpdate wurde von SlimWare Utilities für die einfache und unkomplizierte Verwaltung von Treibern entwickelt. DriverUpdate verwendet neueste Technologie, um den Prozess der Treiberpflege vom lokalen PC in die Cloud zu verschieben. Cloud Computing hat die Art und Weise revolutioniert, wie Informationen kommuniziert und Services geliefert werden. DriverUpdate nutzt die Cloud, um jeder Version der Anwendung einen kontinuierlichen Strom an Daten bereitzustellen. So erhalten Benutzer minutengenaue Profile verfügbarer Treiber und sind immer auf dem neuesten Stand über Updates einer Vielzahl von Herstellern. Jedes neue Treiber-Release im Auge zu behalten, ist mühsam und zeitraubend. Es bedeutet, gezielt im Internet zu suchen oder Treiber-Apps zu verwenden, die ihre Bewertungen auf unregelmäßig durchgeführte Updates stützen. Dank der Verbindung zu einer dynamischen Daten-Cloud ist DriverUpdate immer mit den neuesten Versionen synchronisiert und sein automatisches Scan-Tool macht das Aktualisieren von Treibern einfacher denn je. Benutzer können Treiber und Updates individuell oder alle auf einmal herunterladen. Einfache Schaltflächen erlauben es jedem Benutzer, unabhängig von den Vorkenntnissen, das PC-Wartungsprofil zu bewerten und zu verstehen. Mit einem Mausklick können Benutzer alle Aktualisierungen gleichzeitig durchführen. Das spart Zeit und Kopfzerbrechen, da man sich nicht um verwirrende Aktualisierungsreihenfolgen kümmern muss. Stattdessen können Sie mit DriverUpdate die richtigen Treiber für eine bestimmte Hardware erkennen und sowohl interne als auch externe Komponenten mit den neuesten Fehlerbehebungen, Weiterentwicklungen und Funktionen verbessern, sobald sie verfügbar werden. Testen Sie DriverUpdate völlig kostenlos. Sie können Ihren gesamten PC scannen, um zu erkennen, welche Treiber aktualisiert werden müssen. Oder Sie registrieren Ihre Version von DriverUpdate und können dann per Mausklick alle Updateprozesse auf einmal starten.
Keywords: pilote, pilotes, mise à jour de pilote, mettre à jour les pilotes, installer les mises à jour, obtenir les mises à jour, retour de la communauté, rechercher les pilotes
DriverUpdate simplifie la gestion des pilotes. Cet outil de SlimWare Utilities exploite les innovations technologiques pour migrer ce processus du PC local vers le cloud. Le cloud computing révolutionne le partage des informations et la prestation de services. Grâce au cloud, DriverUpdate fournit un lien de données de streaming vers chaque version de l'application. Les utilisateurs disposent ainsi de profils actualisés des pilotes disponibles et sont informés des dernières mises à jour proposées par les fabricants. La gestion manuelle des pilotes peut être particulièrement fastidieuse, impliquant notamment de longues recherches sur le Web ou le recours à des applications qui basent leurs évaluations sur des mises à jour occasionnelles. Grâce à l'accès à un cloud de données dynamiques, DriverUpdate reste synchronisé avec les toutes dernières versions des pilotes et son utilitaire de recherche automatisé garantit une mise à jour d'une grande simplicité. Les utilisateurs peuvent télécharger les pilotes et les mises à jour séparément ou en une seule fois. La technologie de bouton permet à tous les utilisateurs, même les moins chevronnés, de consulter et de comprendre leur profil de maintenance PC. Un simple clic de souris suffit à lancer en une seule fois toutes les installations de mise à jour, ce qui permet de gagner du temps et de simplifier l'opération en évitant les difficultés souvent déroutantes liées aux séquences de mises à jour. DriverUpdate permet d'identifier le pilote adapté à un composant matériel interne ou externe spécifique, le dotant des dernières fonctionnalités et améliorations disponibles (les résolutions de bogue notamment) dès qu'elles sont disponibles. L'évaluation de DriverUpdate est gratuite. Vous pouvez analyser votre PC pour trouver tous les pilotes nécessitant une mise à jour. Vous avez aussi la possibilité d'enregistrer votre copie de DriverUpdate pour lancer tous les processus de mise à jour en même temps, par un simple clic de souris.
DriverUpdate は、ご使用のドライバを簡単かつわかりやすく管理できるように設計されています。SlimWare Utilities が開発した DriverUpdate は、革新的な技術を活用してローカルな PC ドライバ管理プロセスをクラウドに移行させます。クラウド コンピューティングは情報共有とサービス提供において変革をもたらしました。DriverUpdate はクラウドを活用して各バージョンのアプリケーションにストリーミング データ リンクを提供します。これによってユーザーには入手可能な最新のドライバ プロファイルが提供され、さまざまなメーカーから利用できる最新更新プログラムを評価することができます。ドライバのリリースごとに手動で追跡管理するのは時間も手間もかかります。つまり、ウェブを検索する時間をかけたり、たまに更新して評価を行うようなドライバ アプリを使うのに時間をかけたりすることになります。ダイナミック データ クラウドにリンクする DriverUpdate なら、最新版のドライバ リリースと常に同期し、自動スキャン ユーティリティによってドライバの更新がストレスなくできます。ユーザーは個別にドライバをダウンロードしたり、一度にすべてをダウンロードしたりできます。プッシュ ボタン技術によって、スキルレベルにかかわらず、誰でもご使用の PC 保守プロファイルに簡単にアクセスして理解できます。マウスで1回クリックするだけで、ユーザーはすべての更新プログラムのインストールを開始できます。これによって、紛らわしい更新プログラムの潜在的な問題を回避でき、時間もかけずトラブルも頭痛の種もなくなります。さらに、DriverUpdateなら、お持ちのハードウェアに適切なドライバを判定し、最新のバグ修正や更新機能が入手可能になった時点で内部コンポーネントも外部コンポーネントも活用できます。DriverUpdate を完全無料でお試しください。ユーザーはご使用の PC を完全にスキャンして更新する必要のあるドライバを検索できます。または、DriverUpdate のユーザー コピーを登録できます。これによって、マウスクリック1回ですべての更新プロセスを開始できるようになります。
Keywords: driver, drivers, actualización de drivers, drivers de actualización, instalar actualizaciones, obtener actualizaciones, fuente comunitaria, encontrar drivers
DriverUpdate está diseñado para hacer que la gestión de sus drivers sea fácil y directa. Producido por SlimWare Utilities, DriverUpdate utiliza innovaciones tecnológicas para llevar el mantenimiento de los drivers de la PC a la nube. La computación en la nube ha revolucionado la forma de compartir información y entregar servicios. DriverUpdate utiliza la nube para proporcionar un enlace de datos constantes para cada versión de la aplicación. Esto da a los usuarios perfiles actualizados de drivers disponibles, manteniéndolos informados de las últimas actualizaciones de una amplia gama de fabricantes. Tratar de mantenerse informado manualmente de las liberaciones de cada driver puede der difícil. Esto significa pasar tiempo buscando en internet, o utilizar app de drivers con actualizaciones ocasionales para hacer evaluaciones. Debido al enlace con una nube de datos dinámica, DriverUpdate puede mantenerse en sincronía con las últimas liberaciones y su utilidad de escaneo automatizado elimina el estrés de la actualización de drivers. Los usuarios pueden descargar drivers y actualizaciones individuales, o todas al tiempo. La tecnología de botones permite que cualquiera, sin importar su habilidad, evalúe y entienda fácilmente el perfil de mantenimiento de su PC. Con un clic, pueden comenzar todas sus instalaciones de actualización. Esto ahorra tiempo, problemas y dolores de cabeza y ayuda a evitar los obstáculos de las secuencias de actualización, que a menudo son confusas. En cambio, DriverUpdate puede usarse para identificar el driver correcto para un equipo, dando tanto componentes internos como externos los más recientes arreglos, avances y características, apenas están disponibles. Pruebe DriverUpdate totalmente gratis. Puede escanear toda su PC para encontrar los drivers que necesitan actualización. O puede registrar su copia de DriverUpdate; esto le permite comenzar todos sus procesos de actualización al tiempo, con tan sólo un clic.
DriverUpdate 2.5.2 includes bug fixes and optimized integration with Windows® 10.
Distribution permissions: TERMS OF DISTRIBUTION This license explicitly permits the distribution of this software version, designated as a 'shareware' or 'sharable distribution' version of DriverUpdate. This software version may be distributed freely by a software download site or download portal and may be offered to users via the proprietary download path, http://www.driverupdate.net/downloads/driverupdate-setup.exe or via a separate download path, linked to a copy of the software version hosted on a server owned by the download site or download portal.
PERMITTED USES AND RESTRICTIONS This license permits you to install and implement the Software on your private computer. Any saved or archived version of the Software must include all copyright information and related License documentation contained on the original. You may NOT de-compile, disassemble, reverse engineer, modify, lease, rent, distribute, make commercial use of, or create derivative works based on the Software, either in whole or in part. Your rights, under this License will terminate automatically and without notice if you fail to comply with any term(s) of this License.
PERSONAL USE ONLY RESTRICTIONS The Software is available for non-commercial and personal use only. You may NOT modify, copy, display, transmit, perform, license, distribute, publish, reproduce, create derivative works from, transfer, or sell any information, software, products or services obtained from or by means of the Software without express written consent. Implementing the Software for any purpose(s) other than personal use is expressly forbidden.
1. LICENSE The SlimWare Utilities software, including the programs owned by SlimWare Utilities Holdings, Inc. ('SlimWare Utilities' or 'SW Util'), the documentation and any fonts accompanying this License; whether on disk, in read-only memory, on other media or in any other form (collectively 'Software'); are licensed to you by SlimWare Utilities. The Software and any extra copies that this License authorizes you to make are respectively subject to this License. By installing or otherwise using the Software, you: (a) agree to be bounded by the terms of this License, (b) you are the owner or an authorized user of the computer in which the Software will be installed, and (c) you represent and warrant that you have the right, authority and capacity to enter into this agreement and to abide by all its terms and conditions herein. NOTICE TO CONSUMERS: Depending on the laws of the jurisdiction where you live, you may have certain rights that cannot be waived through this agreement, are in addition to the terms of this agreement, and/or certain provisions of this agreement may be unenforceable as to you. To the extent that any term of this agreement is unenforceable, the remainder of the agreement shall remain in full force and effect. If you have questions regarding your rights under your local consumer protection laws, please consult with your government's consumer protection agency or a local consumer advocacy group. THE EFFECTIVENESS of the Software's ability to improve the performance, stability, or operations of a PC depends on numerous factors, including the root cause of problems affecting the computer's condition. The Software's scan cannot detect all errors that may impair a computer's functionality, and thus running a repair with the Software will not always result in the elimination of harmful software and/or hardware problems. 2. PERMITTED USES AND RESTRICTIONS See Distribution Permissions 3. PERSONAL USE ONLY RESTRICTIONS See Distribution Permissions 4. AGE REQUIREMENT You must be 13 years of age or older to install or to use the Software. If you are at least 13 but not yet 18 years of age, please have your parent or legal guardian review this License with you, discuss any questions you might have, and install the Software for you. 5. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF CLOUD-BASED DATA COLLECTION The Software uses a cloud-based data technology that collects certain non-identifiable statistical data (e.g. operating system, currently installed application, system registry setting, etc.) solely for the purpose to provide its services to you, and to make our products more efficient and effective for your overall experience as a user. All data collected is subject to our Privacy Policy that can be found below. 6. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF UPDATES By agreeing to this License, you acknowledge that the Software includes technology that allows SW Util to provide updates to the software. By installing, downloading, copying, updating or otherwise implementing the Software, you specifically agree to include and/or accept the heretofore mentioned software and technology through which SW Util keeps the Software and other SW Util programs current. This is a condition of using the Software. 7. REGISTRATION/PASSWORDS • REGISTRATION It is not required to register; however, the Software or additional services may permit or require you to create an account to participate or access additional features or functionalities ('Registration'). If such Registration is required, it will be made known to you when you attempt to participate or access such additional features or functionalities, associate website or specific service. • PASSWORDS You are the sole and exclusive guardian of any password and ID combination issued or chosen by to you. Maintaining the confidentiality and security of your Password(s) and ID(s) is solely your responsibility. You are fully responsible for all transactions undertaken by means of any account opened, held, accessed or used via your password and ID. You shall notify SW Util immediately and confirm in writing any unauthorized use of accounts or any breach of security, including without limitation any loss, theft or unauthorized use of your password(s), and/or ID(s) or any related account. If SW Util has reasonable grounds to suspect that the security of your Password and/or ID has been compromised, SW Util may suspend or terminate your account, refuse any and all current or future use of the services, and pursue any appropriate legal remedies. SW Util shall not be responsible for any losses incurred in connection with any misuse of any Password or ID. • PROVIDED INFORMATION If you provide any information in connection with a Registration, you must provide and maintain accurate, complete and current information. If SW Util have reasonable grounds to suspect that your information is inaccurate, not current or not complete, SW Util may suspend or terminate your use of the Software, and pursue any appropriate legal remedies. You agree that SW Util shall have the right to use the information you provide to SW Util for the purposes described in this License, Privacy Policy, and in furtherance of your use of its services. 8. COMPLIANCE WITH LAWS As a condition precedent to your implementation of the Software, you agree to comply with all laws and regulations that apply to your use of Software. These laws include, but are not limited to, US and international copyright laws and all intellectual property laws, as well federal, state and local statutes. 9. DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTIES the software IS PROVIDED FOR USE ON AN 'AS IS' AND 'AS AVAILABLE' BASIS. SW UTIL MAKES NO REPRESENTATIONS OR WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, AS TO THE GENERAL OPERATION OF THE SOFTWARE, THE USE OF THE SOFTWARE, OR THE RESULTS OF THE USE OF THE SOFTWARE. YOU EXPRESSLY AGREE THAT YOUR USE OF THE SOFTWARE IS AT YOUR SOLE RISK. SW UTIL EXPRESSLY DISCLAIM ANY WARRANTY THAT OUR SECURITY IS REASONABLE OR COMPLIES WITH INDUSTRY STANDARDS. SW UTIL EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMS, TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY LAW, ALL EXPRESSED, IMPLIED, AND STATUTORY WARRANTIES; INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, AND NON-INFRINGEMENT OF PROPRIETARY RIGHTS. SW UTIL DISCLAIMS ANY WARRANTIES REGARDING THE RELIABILITY, SECURITY, TIMELINESS AND PERFORMANCE OF THE SERVICES. SW UTIL DISCLAIMS ANY WARRANTIES FOR ANY INFORMATION OR ADVICE OBTAINED THROUGH THE SOFTWARE. SW UTIL DISCLAIMS ANY WARRANTIES FOR SERVICES OR GOODS RECEIVED THROUGH THE SOFTWARE OR THOSE RECEIVED THROUGH THE SW UTIL WEB SITE OR THROUGH ANY USE OF THE SOFTWARE OR ANY OTHER SW UTIL PROGRAMS(S). SW UTIL DOES NOT WARRANT THAT THE SOFTWARE, THE SW UTIL SERVERS, OR E-MAIL SENT FROM SW UTIL ARE FREE OF VIRUSES OR OTHER HARMFUL COMPONENTS. CERTAIN STATE LAWS DISALLOW LIMITATIONS ON IMPLIED WARRANTIES OR THE EXCLUSION OR LIMITATION OF CERTAIN DAMAGES. IF THESE LAWS APPLY TO YOU, THEN SOME OR ALL OF THE ABOVE DISCLAIMERS, LIMITATIONS, OR EXCLUSIONS MAY NOT APPLY TO YOU. 10. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY in no event SHALL SW UTIL BE LIABLE FOR: • DIRECT, INDIRECT, PUNITIVE, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER; INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO, DAMAGES FOR NEGLIGENCE, DEFAMATION, COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT OR ANY OTHER CLAIMS ARISING FROM OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OF THE SOFTWARE. • THE DELAY OR INABILITY TO IMPLEMENT THE SOFTWARE. • THE PROVISION OF OR FAILURE TO PROVIDE SERVICES FOR ANY INFORMATION, PRODUCTS, SOFTWARE, SERVICES, AND RELATED GRAPHICS OBTAINED THROUGH THE SOFTWARE OR OTHERWISE ARISING FROM THE USE OF THE SOFTWARE; WHETHER BASED ON CONTRACT, TORT, NEGLIGENCE, STRICT LIABILITY OR OTHERWISE; EVEN IF THE USER HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF DAMAGES. BECAUSE CERTAIN STATE LAWS DISALLOW THE EXCLUSION OR LIMITATION OF LIABILITY FOR CONSEQUENTIAL OR INCIDENTAL DAMAGES, THE ABOVE LIMITATIONS MAY NOT APPLY. IF YOU ARE IN ONE OF THESE STATES, THE ABOVE LIMITATIONS MAY NOT APPLY TO YOU. IF YOU ARE DISSATISFIED WITH ANY PORTION OF THE SOFTWARE OR WITH ANY OF THESE TERMS OF USE, YOUR SOLE AND EXCLUSIVE RECOURSE IS TO DISCONTINUE USING THE SOFTWARE. 11. INDEMNIFICATION you agree TO INDEMNIFY, DEFEND AND HOLD HARMLESS SW UTIL, ITS PARENT, AFFILIATE AND SUBSIDIARY COMPANIES, OFFICERS, DIRECTORS, EMPLOYEES, CONSULTANTS AND AGENTS FROM ANY AND ALL THIRD PARTY CLAIMS, LIABILITY, DAMAGES AND/OR COSTS (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, ATTORNEYS' FEES) ARISING FROM YOUR USE OF THE SOFTWARE, YOUR VIOLATION OF THE LICENSE OR YOUR INFRINGEMENT, OR INFRINGEMENT BY ANY OTHER USER OF YOUR ACCOUNT, OF ANY INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY OR OTHER RIGHT OF ANY PERSON OR ENTITY. YOU AGREE TO IMMEDIATELY NOTIFY MINDSPARK OF ANY UNAUTHORIZED USE OF YOUR ACCOUNT OR ANY OTHER BREACH OF SECURITY KNOWN TO YOU. 12. BINDING ARBITRATION AND CLASS ACTION WAIVER This Binding Arbitration and Class Action Waiver (this 'Waiver') applies to any dispute arising between you and Slimware regarding these terms. Dispute, for purposes of this Waiver, means any dispute, action, or other controversy whether in contract, warranty, tort, statute, regulation, ordinance, or any other legal or equitable basis. Dispute will be given the broadest possible meaning allowable under law. IN THE EVENT OF A DISPUTE, you must provide Slimware with a Notice of Dispute, which is a written statement of the name, address and contact information of the party giving it, the facts giving rise to the Dispute, and the relief requested. You must send any Notice of Dispute to Slimware Utilities Holdings, Inc. 555 West 18th Street New York, NY 10011 Attn: Legal. IF you or Slimware do not resolve any Dispute by informal negotiation, any other effort to resolve the Dispute will be conducted exclusively by binding arbitration governed by the United States Federal Arbitration Act ('FAA'). You are giving up the right to litigate (or participate in as a party or class member) all Disputes in court before a judge or jury. Instead, all Disputes will be resolved before a neutral arbitrator, whose decision will be final except for a limited right of appeal under the FAA. Any court with jurisdiction over the parties may enforce the arbitrator's award. ANY PROCEEDINGS to resolve or litigate any Dispute in any forum will be conducted solely on an individual basis. You will not seek to have any Dispute heard as a class action, private attorney general action, or in any other proceeding in which either party acts or proposes to act in a representative capacity. No arbitration or proceeding will be combined with another without the prior written consent of all parties to all affected arbitrations or proceedings. ANY ARBITRATION will be conducted by the American Arbitration Association (the 'AAA') under its Commercial Arbitration Rules. You agree to commence arbitration only in New York, NY. TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY LAW, any Dispute must be filed within one year. The one-year period begins when the Dispute first could be filed. If such a Dispute is not filed within one year, it is permanently barred. IF THIS WAIVER is found to be illegal, invalid or unenforceable as to all or some parts of a Dispute, then this Waiver will not apply to those parts. Instead, those parts will be severed and proceed in a court of law, with the remaining parts proceeding in arbitration. If any other provision of this Waiver is found to be illegal, invalid or unenforceable, that provision will be severed with the remainder of this Waiver remaining in full force and effect. 13. INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY The Software, including all code, content, protocols, software, and documentation provided to you by SW Util are SW Util' property or the property of SW Util' licensors, and are protected by U.S. and international copyright, trademarks, patents and other proprietary rights and laws relating to Intellectual Property Rights. 'Intellectual Property Rights' means, collectively, rights under patent, trademark, copyright and trade secret laws, and any other intellectual property or proprietary rights recognized in any country or jurisdiction worldwide, including, without limitation, moral or similar rights. You may not delete, alter, or remove any copyright, trademark, or other proprietary rights notice SW Util have placed on the Software. All rights not expressly granted hereunder are expressly reserved to SW Util and its licensors. THE SW UTIL NAME, logos and affiliated properties, are the exclusive property of SW Util. All other trademarks appearing on any Software are trademarks of their respective owners. Our partners or service providers may also have additional proprietary rights in the content which they make available through the Software. The trade names, trademarks and service marks owned by SW Util, whether registered or unregistered, may not be used in connection with any product or service that is not SW Util', in any manner that is likely to cause confusion. Nothing contained in herein should be construed as granting, by implication, estoppel or otherwise, any license or right to use any of our trade names, trademarks or service marks without our express prior written consent. 14. CONTENT/SUBMISSION/COPYRIGHT • Copyright Protection of content you display using SW Util services. You are solely responsible for any Content you contribute, submit or display on or through your use of the Software. It is your obligation to ensure that such content, including photos, codes, text, video and music files (collectively 'Content'), is not violating any copyright. You must either own or have a license to use any copyrighted Content that you contribute, submit or display. • SW Util expects its users to respect the rights of copyright holders. On notice, SW Util will act appropriately to remove content that infringes the copyright rights of others. SW Util reserves the right to disable the access to Software or other services by anyone who uses them to repeatedly infringe the intellectual property rights of others. If you believe the Software, or elements, infringe your copyright rights, Please contact SW Util at: SlimWare Utilities Holdings, Inc. 555 West 18th Street New York, NY 10011 ATTN: Copyright Agent/Legal Dept. • Please ensure you communication includes the following: - an electronic or physical signature of the person authorized to act on behalf of the owner of the copyright interest; - a description of the copyrighted work that you claim has been infringed; - a description of where the material that you claim is infringing is located on the site; - your address, telephone number, and email address; - a statement by you that you have a good faith belief that the disputed use is not authorized by the copyright owner, its agent, or the law; - a statement by you, made under penalty of perjury, that the above information in your Notice is accurate and that you are the copyright owner or authorized to act on the copyright owner's behalf. • Objectionable Content. SW Util may also act to remove Objectionable Content. The decision to remove 'objectionable content' shall be made a SW Util exercise of its sole discretion. 'Objectionable Content' includes, but is not limited to: - Content that is unlawful, harmful, threatening, abusive, harassing, tortuous, defamatory, or libelous; - Content that is hateful, or advocates hate crimes, harm or violence against a person or group; - Content that may harm minors in any way; - Content that has the goal or effect of 'stalking' or otherwise harassing another; - Private information about any individual such as phone numbers, addresses, Social Security numbers or any other information that is invasive of another's privacy; - Content that is vulgar, offensive, obscene or pornographic; - Unsolicited or unauthorized advertising, promotional materials, 'junk mail,' 'spam,' 'chain letters,' 'pyramid schemes,' or any other form of solicitation; - Material that contains software viruses or any other computer code, files or programs designed to interrupt, destroy or limit the functionality of any computer software or hardware or telecommunications equipment; • Ownership of Content You Submit. Unless otherwise set forth at the point of submission, you retain ownership of all rights in any Content that you submit, through the use of the SW Util website. However, you grant us permission to use such Content in any way we see fit, for instance for the purposes of promotion of the Software or services. If, at SW Util' request, you send Content (such as contest submissions, polling questions) or you send SW Util creative suggestions, ideas, notes, drawings, or other information (collectively, the 'Submissions'), such Submissions shall be deemed, and shall remain, the property of SW Util. None of the Submissions shall be subject to any obligation of confidence on the part of SW Util, and SW Util shall not be liable for any use or disclosure of any Submissions. Without limitation of the foregoing, SW Util shall exclusively own all now known or hereafter existing rights to the Submissions of every kind and nature throughout the universe and shall be entitled to unrestricted use of the Submissions for any purpose whatsoever, commercial or otherwise, without compensation to the provider of the Submissions. • Repeat Infringer Policy. SW Util will terminate a user's access to the Service if, under appropriate circumstances, the user is determined to be a repeat infringer. • No Intended Third Party Beneficiaries. No third party is an intended beneficiary of this License. 15. POLICY MODIFICATIONS We reserve the right to change this EULA Policy periodically. Any and all changes will be posted at www.driverupdate.net/eula.php. If you have any questions or concerns regarding this agreement, please feel free to contact us at support@driverupdate.net. 16. OPEN SOURCE The Software includes certain third party open source software components. Each such component is identified and is subject to the open source license agreement indicated in the 'Open-Source Licenses.txt' file included with the distribution of the Software. 17. GOVERNING LAW AND OTHER MISCELLANEOUS TERMS The substantive laws of the State of New York in the United States of America, without regard to conflict of laws principles, shall govern all matters relating to or arising from this License, and the use (or inability to use) the Software. Subject to and without limiting the obligation of the parties to submit to binding arbitration as provided for in Section 12, you hereby submit to the exclusive jurisdiction and venue of the appropriate State and Federal courts located in New York County, New York, with respect to all matters arising out of or relating to this License.
No failure or delay by Slimware Utilities in exercising any right, power or privilege under this License will operate as a waiver thereof, nor will any single or partial exercise of any right, power or privilege preclude any other or further exercise thereof or the exercise of any other right, power, or privilege under this License. If any provision of this License shall be found unlawful, void, or for any reason unenforceable, then that provision shall be deemed severable from these terms and shall not affect the validity and enforceability of any remaining provisions.