Communication :: Wireless Communication, Internet :: Browsers, Internet :: Connectivity Tools, Internet :: Online Privacy, Internet :: Security, Internet :: Network Tools, Internet :: WAP Utilities, Internet :: Tools & Utilities, Security Tools :: Virus Scanners, Security Tools :: Online Privacy, Security Tools :: File Security, Email :: Encryption, Communication :: Misc. Communication
Win2000, WinXP, Win7 x32, Win7 x64, Windows 8, WinOther, WinVista, WinVista x64, Linux, Mac OS X, Mac Other, Android, iPod, iPad, iOS
System requirements:
Minimal requirement
In application purchase
Keywords: Traffic compression, VPN, Web Filter, Antivirus
Compresita connects you to the Internet using a secure VPN connection with military-grade encryption and validates every site you connect to make sure that they are who they claim they are.
This way, no crook can trick you with a fake online banking website.
Compresita shrinks down your data usage by compressing Internet traffic up to 80% depending on the content completely transparently. You can save up to 4 times of the data you use, and in effect stretching your budget much further.
Compresita comes with optional additional features available for purchase when you subscribe:
1. Traffic Saving ? by compressing the traffic exchanged between your device and the Internet to save up to 80% of your plan. This means your data plan will be increased up to 4 times for the same amount you pay for your provider. 2. VPN Connection ? to make sure that the users have a complete security and privacy. Our VPN is based on licensed hardware tools connected to various sub-networks with many international gateways. This ensures connection to almost 100%. 3. WebPurifier ? a strong filtering system. It cleans your traffic from unwanted content such as advertising, banners. WebPurifier is blocking bad websites basing on analyzing their content and their DNS settings in addition to checking them in our huge categorized database with over 550 million records. 4. Antivirus ? all your data goes through a virus scanner to protect user from any spyware and malware or threats that can come from some specious websites. The database is hourly updated.
Technical details: Compresita system fully integrated with OS. It supports all the modern desktops and mobile platforms. The VPN it uses is supported by a large variety of devices and platforms. We currently support PPTP, and in the future, we plan to support the more secure OpenVPN, and L2TP/IPSec.
With the help of GRE tunnel a PPTP-connection is established by the server and the end-user device.
Keywords: ضغط، توفير، خصوصية، فلتر،حماية
تؤمن كومبريسيتا توفيراً كبيراً في استخدام بيانات الانترنت مع ضمان خصوصية الاتصال بشبكة الانترنت من خلال شبكة افتراضية خاصة (VPN) مشّفرة باستخدام تقنيات ذات مستوى عسكري، إضافة إلى فحص المواقع آلياً للتأكد من أنها خالية من أي نوع من الأخطار المحتملة. لذلك لايمر أي نوع من الاحتيال عبر المواقع المشبوهة مثل المواقع الوهمية الخدمات المصرفية عبر الإنترنت. أهم مواصفات نظام كومبريسيتا هي ضغط* البيانات المتبادلة خلال استخدام الإنترنت، عن طريق ضغط حركتها وذلك حتى ٨٠٪ حسب نوع المحتوى وبشفافية تامة دون أن تلاحظ فرقاً. ويمكن توفير حتى ٤ أضعاف من حجم البيانات التي المستخدمة، مما يوفر الكثير من مصاريف الإنترت إضافة إلى باقي المزايا. يتضمن برنامج كومبريسيتا ميزات إضافية اختيارية متاحة عند الاشتراك. وهي: ▪ توفير في حركة البيانات - عن طريق ضغط البيانات المتبادلة بين جهازك وشبكة الإنترنت لتوفير* ما يقارب ٨٠٪ من حجم البيانات التي تستخدمها عادةً. وهذا يعني مضاعفة الباقة الخاصة بك حتى ٤ مرات بفس المبلغ الذي تدفعه للمزود. ▪ اتصال عبر (VPN) - تضمن للمستخدمين أمناً وخصوصيةً تامةً. ونقوم بتخديم (VPN) باستخدام أجهزة احترافية مرخصة متصلة مع تاعديد من الشبكات الفرعية والعديد من البوابات الدولية. وهذا يضمن وثوقية في الاتصال إلى ما يقرب من ١٠٠٪. ▪ فلتر الوب (WebPurifier) - وهو نظام تصفية ذو كفاءة عالية للغاية يقوم 'بتنظيف' المحتوى غير المرغوب فيه مثل الإعلانات والمواقع السيئة والخطيرة. كما يقوم بحجب المواقع السيئة استناداً على تحليل مضمونها وإعدادات (DNS) الخاصة بها إضافةً مقارنتها مع سجلاتنا في قاعدة بيانات تحتوي على أكثر من٥٥٠ مليون سجل. إن فلتر الوب (WebPurifier) لن يؤثر على خصوصيتك أو على المواقع التي ترغب بتصفحها، لكنه يقوم بحمايتك (وحماية أفراد اسرتك) من المواقع السيئة المتعلقة بالاحتيال، الإجرام، الارهاب، التطرف، الكراهية ،غيرها من المواقع السيئة. وقريباً سيكون لدى كل مشترك امكانية اختيار نوع المواقع التي يرغب بحجبها لحماية الاطفال والعائلة. ▪ الحماية من الفيروسات - يتم تمرير كافة البيانات عبر محركات كتعددة لفحصها والتأكد من خلوها من الفيروسات، برامج التجسس والبرامج الضارة أو الأخطار التي يمكن أن تأتي من بعض المواقع المخادعة. ويتم تحديث قاعدة البيانات ساعيّاً.
Keywords: сжатие данных, шифрование, VPN, веб-фильтрация, антивирус
Функции Compresita: ▪ Экономия Трафика - сжатие трафика обмена данных между вашим устройством и Интернетом снизит* расходуемый трафик на 80%. Это означает, что ваш эффективный лимит по трафику вырастет до 4 раз. При этом вы будете продолжать платить своему оператору за тот же тариф. ▪ VPN соединение - гарантирует Вашу безопасность и конфиденциальность. Мы обеспечиваем VPN на основание лицензионных аппаратных и программных средств, подключенных ко многим международным шлюзам. ▪ WebPurifier - мощная система фильтрации. Она очищает фильтрует нежелательные сайты, включая зараженные вирусами, содержащие опасный контент. Также система отфильтровывает нежелательные баннеры и скрипты слежения за пользователем. Работа WebPurifier основана как на анализе содержания страниц, так и на использовании категоризированной базы с более чем 550 миллионов ресурсов. ▪ Антивирус - все данные проходят через антивирусный сканер для защиты от вирусов, шпионских, вредоносных угроз, которые могут исходить от всевозможных веб-сайтов. Антивирус обновляется каждый час. Технические данные: Компресита полностью интегрируется с операционной системой и поддерживает современные ПК и мобильные платформы. Используемый VPN поддерживается многими устройствами и платформами. В настоящее время поддерживается PPTP-протокол, вскоре будет добавлена поддержка и других безопасных протоколов как OpenVPN, и L2TP / IPSec. Благодаря GRE, PPTP соединения устанавливаются сервером и устройством пользователя. Зашифрованный сжатый трафик передается через туннель. Уровень сжатия и тип шифрования определяются в момент создания туннеля. Сервер поддерживает различные типы шифрования и сжатия, что позволяет использовать всевозможные виды клиентов для подключения к нему. Поддерживаемые ОС: Компресита работает на большинстве популярных платформ: Android (смартфон, планшетный, и планшетный-мини), IOS (iPhone, IPAD, IPAD-мини), Mac OS, Windows, Windows Mobile и Linux (Debian, Ubuntu, RedHat, и т.д.
Keywords: стиснення даних, шифрування, VPN, веб-фільтрація, антивірус
Додаткові функції Compresita: ▪ Економія Трафіку - стиснення трафіку обміну даних між вашим пристроєм та Інтернетом знизить * витрачуваний трафік на 80%. Це означає, що ваш ефективний ліміт по трафіку зросте до 4 разів. При цьому ви будете продовжувати платити своєму оператору за той же тариф. ▪ VPN з'єднання - гарантує Вашу безпеку і конфіденційність. Ми забезпечуємо VPN на підставу ліцензійних апаратних і програмних засобів, підключених до багатьох міжнародних шлюзiв. ▪ WebPurifier - потужна система фільтрації. Вона очищає фільтрує небажані сайти, включаючи заражені вірусами, що містять небезпечний контент. Також система відфільтровує небажані банери і скрипти стеження за користувачем. Робота WebPurifier заснована як на аналізі змісту сторінок, так і на використанні категоризованих баз з більш ніж 550 мільйонів ресурсів. ▪ Антивірус - всі дані проходять через антивірусний сканер для захисту від вірусів, шпигунських, шкідливих загроз, які можуть виходити від всіляких веб-сайтів. Антивірус оновлюється щогодини. Технічні дані: Компресіта повністю інтегрується з операційною системою і підтримує всі сучасні ПК і мобільні платформи. Використовуваний VPN підтримується багатьма пристроями та платформами. В даний час підтримується PPTP-протокол, незабаром буде додана підтримка та інших безпечних протоколів, таких як OpenVPN, і L2TP / IPSec. Завдяки GRE, тунель PPTP з'єднання встановлюються сервером і пристроєм користувача. Зашифрований стислий трафік передається через тунель. Рівень стиснення і тип шифрування визначаються у момент створення тунелю. Сервер підтримує різні типи шифрування і стиснення, що дозволяє використовувати всілякі види клієнтів для підключення до нього.
By receiving, opening the file package, and/or using Compresita (“Software”) containing this software, you agree that this End User License Agreement (EULA) is a legally binding and valid contract and agree to be bound by it. You agree to abide by the intellectual property laws and all of the terms and conditions of this Agreement.
Unless you have a different license agreement signed by The Kernel your use of Compresita 2.0.x indicates your acceptance of this license agreement and warranty.
Subject to the terms of this Agreement, The Kernel grants to you a limited, non-exclusive, non-transferable license, without right to sub-license, to use Compresita 2.0.x in accordance with this Agreement and any other written agreement with The Kernel. The Kernel does not transfer the title of Compresita 2.0.x to you; the license granted to you is not a sale. This agreement is a binding legal agreement between The Kernel and the purchasers or users of Compresita 2.0.x.
If you do not agree to be bound by this agreement, remove Compresita 2.0.x from your computer now and, if applicable, promptly return to The Kernel by mail any copies of Compresita 2.0.x and related documentation and packaging in your possession.
Compresita 2.0.x and the license herein granted shall not be copied, shared, distributed, re-sold, offered for re-sale, transferred or sub-licensed in whole or in part except that you may make one copy for archive purposes only. For information about redistribution of Compresita 2.0.x contact The Kernel.
Your license to use Compresita 2.0.x is limited to the number of licenses purchased by you. You shall not allow others to use, copy or evaluate copies of Compresita 2.0.x.
Use Restrictions
You shall use Compresita 2.0.x in compliance with all applicable laws and not for any unlawful purpose. Without limiting the foregoing, use, display or distribution of Compresita 2.0.x together with material that is pornographic, racist, vulgar, obscene, defamatory, libelous, abusive, promoting hatred, discriminating or displaying prejudice based on religion, ethnic heritage, race, sexual orientation or age is strictly prohibited.
One user may use each licensed copy of Compresita 2.0.x on one single device location. Use of Compresita 2.0.x means that you have loaded, installed, or run Compresita 2.0.x on a smartphone, similar device or a personal computer (Under iOS or Android, Mac OS, Microsoft Windows or Linux-Family). If you install Compresita Server version for multi-user platform, server or network, each and every individual user of Compresita 2.0.x must be licensed separately.
You may make one copy of Compresita 2.0.x for backup purposes, providing you only have one copy installed on one computer being used by one person. Other users may not use your copy of Compresita 2.0.x. The assignment, sublicense, networking, sale, or distribution of copies of Compresita 2.0.x are strictly forbidden without the prior written consent of The Kernel. It is a violation of this agreement to assign, sell, share, loan, rent, lease, borrow, network or transfer the use of Compresita 2.0.x. If any person other than yourself uses Compresita 2.0.x registered in your name, regardless of whether it is at the same time or different times, then this agreement is being violated and you are responsible for that violation!
Copyright Restriction
This Software contains copyrighted material, trade secrets and other proprietary material. You shall not, and shall not attempt to, modify, reverse engineer, disassemble or decompile Compresita 2.0.x. Nor can you create any derivative works or other works that are based upon or derived from Compresita 2.0.x in whole or in part.
The Kernel’s name, logo and graphics file that represents Compresita 2.0.x shall not be used in any way to promote products developed with Compresita 2.0.x. The Kernel retains sole and exclusive ownership of all right, title and interest in and to Compresita 2.0.x and all Intellectual Property rights relating thereto.
Copyright law and international copyright treaty provisions protect all parts of Compresita 2.0.x, products and services. No program, code, part, image, audio sample, or text may be copied or used in any way by the user except as intended within the bounds of the single user program. All rights not expressly granted hereunder are reserved for The Kernel.
Limitation of Responsibility
You will indemnify, hold harmless, and defend The Kernel, its employees, agents and distributors against any and all claims, proceedings, demand and costs resulting from or in any way connected with your use of The Kernel’s Software.
In no event (including, without limitation, in the event of negligence) will The Kernel, its employees, agents or distributors be liable for any consequential, incidental, indirect, special or punitive damages whatsoever (including, without limitation, damages for loss of profits, loss of use, business interruption, loss of information or data, or pecuniary loss), in connection with or arising out of or related to this Agreement, Compresita 2.0.x or the use or inability to use Compresita 2.0.x or the furnishing, performance or use of any other matters hereunder whether based upon contract, tort or any other theory including negligence.
The Kernel’s entire liability, without exception, is limited to the customers’ reimbursement of the purchase price of the Software (maximum being the lesser of the amount paid by you and the suggested retail price as listed by The Kernel) in exchange for the return of the product, all copies, registration papers and manuals, and all materials that constitute a transfer of license from the customer back to The Kernel.
Except as expressly stated in writing, The Kernel makes no representation or warranties in respect of this Software and expressly excludes all other warranties, expressed or implied, oral or written, including, without limitation, any implied warranties of merchantable quality or fitness for a particular purpose.
Governing Law
This Agreement shall be governed by the law of the United Arab Emirates applicable therein. You hereby irrevocably attorney and submit to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of United Arab Emirates therefrom. If any provision shall be considered unlawful, void or otherwise unenforceable, then that provision shall be deemed severable from this License and not affect the validity and enforceability of any other provisions.
Any failure to comply with the terms and conditions of this Agreement will result in automatic and immediate termination of this license. Upon termination of this license granted herein for any reason, you agree to immediately cease use of Compresita 2.0.x and destroy all copies of Compresita 2.0.x supplied under this Agreement. The financial obligations incurred by you shall survive the expiration or termination of this license.
You agree that The Kernel may collect and use information gathered in any manner as part of the product support services provided to you, if any, related to Compresita 2.0.x The Kernel may also use this information to provide notices to you, which may be of use or interest to you.
We believe your information is no one else’s. Your personal privacy is very important to you, and to us. So we will protect any information you share with us. To protect your privacy, The Kernel (Compresita team) follows different principles in accordance with worldwide practices for users’ privacy and personal data protection.
We will not sell or give away your any of your information such as your name, mail address, phone number, email address, credit card number or any other information to anyone. We are using state-of-the-art security measures to keep your information encrypted and safe from unauthorized users.
NOTICE: We will ask you when we need information that personally identifies you (personal information) or allows us to contact you. This information is requested when you create an ID for the software registration or for technical supporting proposes. We use your Personal Information for four primary purposes:
To make software usage easier for you to use by not having to enter information more than once. To help you quickly find software license, services or information. To help us with software optimization and making it even better. To alert you about product upgrades and improvement, special offers, updated information and other new services from The Kernel. Consent
If you choose not to register or provide personal information, you can still use most of Compresita. But you will not be able to use all features that require registration.
If you decide to register, you will be able to get support and service such as technical support, features suggestion and special offers and discount. If you do not want us to communicate with you about other offers regarding The Kernel products, programs, events, or services by email, postal mail, or telephone, you may select the option stating that you do not wish to receive marketing messages from The Kernel.
We will provide you with the means to ensure that your personal information is correct and current. You may review and update this information at any time at the personal page. There, you can:
View and edit personal information you have already given us. Tell us whether you want us to send you marketing information Sign up for electronic newsletters about our services and products. Manage your subscriptions, licenses, view traffic and payments. Security
The Kernel has taken strong measures to protect the security of your personal information and to ensure that your choices for its intended use are honored. We take strong precautions to protect your data from loss, misuse, unauthorized access or disclosure, alteration, or destruction.
We take measure to ensure that your credit card transactions are safe and secure. When you place orders or access your personal account information, you’re utilizing secure server software SSL, which encrypts your personal information before it’s sent over the Internet. SSL is one of the safest encryption technologies available.
In addition, your transactions are guaranteed under the Fair Credit Billing Act. This Act states that your bank cannot hold you liable for more than $50.00 in fraudulent credit card charges. If your bank does hold you liable for $50.00 or less, we’ll cover your liability provided the unauthorized, fraudulent use of your credit card resulted through no fault of your own and from purchases made from us over our secure server. In the event of unauthorized use of your credit card, you must notify your credit card provider in accordance with its reporting rules and procedures.
The Kernel strictly protects the security of your personal information and honors your choices for its intended use. We carefully protect your data from loss, misuse, unauthorized access or disclosure, alteration, or destruction.
Your personal information is never shared outside the company without your permission, except under conditions explained above. Inside the company, data is stored in password-controlled servers with limited access. You also have a significant role in protecting your information. No one can see or edit your personal information without knowing your user name and password, so do not share these with others.
Notice To Parents
Parents or guardians: we want to help you guard your children’s privacy. We encourage you to talk to your children about safe and responsible use of their Personal Information while using the Internet.
The Kernel does not publish content that is targeted to children. And Compresita has very strong web filter (WebPurifier) that aims to protect kids & family from any threat, bad websites and improper contents. However, if you are concerned about your children providing The Kernel (Compresita) any personal information without your consent, The Kernel offers a Kids account with WebPurifier enabled. It allows parents to be sure that their children are visiting only verified websites that will never abuse their visitors.
If for some reason you believe The Kernel (Compresita) has not adhered to these principles, please notify us by email at, and we will do our best to determine and correct the problem promptly. Be certain the words Privacy Policy are in the Subject line.
Electronic product registration
When you buy and install a new product, we may ask you to register your purchase electronically. When you do, we merge your registration information with any information you’ve already left with us (we call that information your personal profile). If you haven’t previously registered with us, we create a personal profile for you from your product registration information. If you ever want to review or update that information, you can visit your personal page and update your profile, and edit any of the Personal Information in it. If you haven’t already created a Registration ID, we will ask you to do so. This ensures that only you can access your information.
Customer Profiles
As mentioned above, every registered customer has a unique personal profile. Each profile is assigned a unique personal identification number, which helps us ensure that only you can access your profile.
When you join us, you provide us with your contact information, including your name and email address. We use this information to send you updates about your order, questionnaires to measure your satisfaction with our service and announcements about new and exciting services that we offer. When you order from us, we ask for your credit card number and billing address. We use this information only to bill you for the product(s) you order at that time. For your convenience, we do save billing information in case you want to order from us again, but we don’t use this information again without your permission.
We occasionally hire other companies to provide limited services on our behalf, including packaging, mailing and delivering purchases, answering customer questions about products or services, sending postal mail and processing event registration. We will only provide those companies the information they need to deliver the service, and they are prohibited from using that information for any other purpose.
The Kernel will disclose your personal information, without notice, only if required to do so by law or in the good faith belief that such action is necessary to: (a) conform to the edicts of the law or comply with legal process served on The Kernel, the website or one of its software; (b) protect and defend the rights or property of The Kernel and its family of Software or Web sites, and, (c) act in urgent circumstances to protect the personal safety of users of The Kernel, its Software, Web sites, or the public.
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