Christmas is one of the most wonderful holidays of the year. Christmas gives us a real treasure-hold of bright and positive emotions, bringing everybody the so much familiar feeling of holiday euphoria. Christmas Adventure screensaver reminds of all those exciting feelings, and gives you an ultimate chance to watch Santa Claus, elves and lots of funny animals hastily making arrangements for Christmas celebration. Christmas Adventure screensaver takes you on a wonderful journey to the magic woodland. Far away in some magic land which is always covered with snow, Santa Claus lives in a nice and cozy cottage with a burning fire-place inside and an ever smoking chimney. Since the early morning to the late night Santa and his faithful friends are preparing everything for Christmas. With the first scene of Christmas Adventure screensaver, you will meet a brand new day filled with the Christmas Day unbelievable excitement. Later then, during the day you will watch Santa and his elves packing presents for children from all over the world. Christmas Eve and night inspires everybody to have fun, so that even Santa Claus starts playing the saxophone, while funny deer Rudolf is rotating Christmas decoration round its antler. Every new scene is replacing the previous one in a way different to the last one. Beautiful music creates a romantic and mysteriously exciting atmosphere. Christmas Adventure comes with a delicately shaped clock ticking away the time left till Christmas. Hurry up! The North Pole Express leaves right from your computer inviting you to take part in merry Christmas haste.
Weihnachten ist eine der schönsten Ferien des Jahres. Weihnachten gibt uns einen wahren Schatz-Halt der helle und positive Emotionen und bringt alle die so sehr vertraute Gefühl von Urlaub Euphorie. Christmas Adventure Bildschirmschoner erinnert an all die aufregenden Gefühle, und gibt Ihnen eine ultimative Chance, Weihnachtsmann, Elfe und viele lustige Tiere hastig Absprachen für die Weihnachtsfeier zu beobachten. Christmas Adventure Bildschirmschoner nimmt Sie mit auf eine wunderbare Reise zu den magischen Wald. Weit weg in irgendeiner magischen Land, das immer mit Schnee bedeckt ist, lebt der Weihnachtsmann in einem netten und gemütlichen Häuschen mit einem brennenden Kamin im Inneren und einer ständig rauchenden Schornstein. Seit dem frühen Morgen bis spät in die Nacht Santa und seine treuen Freunde bereiten alles für Weihnachten. Mit der ersten Szene des Christmas Adventure Bildschirmschoner, treffen Sie eine völlig neue Tag mit dem ersten Weihnachtsfeiertag unglaubliche Aufregung. Später dann, im Laufe des Tages werden Sie sehen Santa und seine Elfen packen Geschenke für Kinder aus der ganzen Welt. Heiligabend und Nacht inspiriert jeden Spaß zu haben, so dass selbst Santa Claus, Saxophon zu spielen beginnt, während lustigen Hirsch Rudolf dreht Weihnachtsdekoration runden seine Geweih. Jede neue Szene ersetzt das vorhergehende in einer Weise anders als die letzte. Schöne Musik schafft eine romantische und geheimnisvolle aufregende Atmosphäre. Christmas Adventure kommt mit einem filigran gestalteten Uhr tickt die Zeit bis Weihnachten bleiben. Beeilen Sie sich! Der Nordpol Express fährt direkt von Ihrem Computer laden Sie zur Teilnahme an frohe Weihnachten Eile zu nehmen.
Keywords: Christmas Adventure 2, écran de veille de Noël, screensaver libre, vacances, enfants animés, amusant, animaux
Noël est l'une des fêtes les plus magnifiques de l'année. Noël nous donne un véritable trésor d'attente des émotions vives et positives, ce qui porte tout le monde le sentiment tellement familier de l'euphorie des vacances. Économiseur d'écran Christmas Adventure rappelle de tous ces sentiments passionnants, et vous donne une chance ultime de regarder Santa Claus, les elfes et beaucoup de drôles d'animaux à la hâte à conclure des arrangements pour la célébration de Noël. Économiseur d'écran Christmas Adventure vous emmène dans un voyage merveilleux de la forêt magique. Au loin, dans une terre magique qui est toujours couvert de neige, le Père Noël vit dans une maison agréable et confortable avec un feu brûlant sur place à l'intérieur et une cheminée qui fume jamais. Depuis tôt le matin à la fin de nuit le Père Noël et ses amis fidèles se préparent tout pour Noël. Avec la première scène d'économiseur d'écran Christmas Adventure, vous pourrez rencontrer un jour nouveau remplie avec l'excitation le jour de Noël incroyable. Plus tard, alors, pendant la journée vous pourrez regarder le Père Noël et ses lutins d'emballage cadeaux pour les enfants de partout dans le monde. Réveillon de Noël et la nuit inspire tout le monde d'avoir du plaisir, de sorte que même le Père Noël commence à jouer du saxophone, tandis que le cerf drôles Rudolf est en rotation autour de décoration de Noël de son bois. Chaque nouvelle scène est le remplacement de la précédente d'une manière différente à la dernière. Belle musique crée une atmosphère romantique et mystérieuse passionnante. Christmas Adventure est livré avec une horloge en forme de tic-tac délicatement le temps restant jusqu'à Noël. Dépêchez-vous! Le Pôle Nord Express part à partir de votre ordinateur vous invite à prendre part à la hâte joyeux Noël.
Keywords: Natale Adventure 2, screensaver natale, screensaver libero, vacanza, i bambini animati, divertimento, gli animali
Natale è una delle feste più belle dell'anno. Natale ci dà un vero e proprio tesoro in attesa di emozioni luminose e positive, portando a tutti la sensazione di tanta familiarità di euforia vacanza. Adventure screensaver di Natale ricorda tutti quei sentimenti emozionanti, e ti dà un'ultima possibilità di vedere Babbo Natale, elfi e un sacco di buffi animali in fretta prendere accordi per il cenone natalizio. Avventura di Natale screensaver ti porta in un viaggio meraviglioso per il bosco magico. Lontano, in una terra magica che è sempre coperto di neve, Babbo Natale vive in una graziosa villetta e accogliente con un fuoco ardente posto all'interno di un camino e il fumo mai. Dal momento che la mattina presto per la notte di Santa tardi e i suoi amici fedeli si stanno preparando tutto per il Natale. Con la prima scena di screensaver Adventure Natale, vi verrà incontro un giorno nuovo di zecca pieni di entusiasmo il giorno di Natale incredibile. Più tardi poi, durante il giorno si guarderanno Babbo ei suoi elfi confezionamento regali per i bambini di tutto il mondo. Vigilia di Natale e la notte ispira a tutti di divertirsi, in modo che anche Babbo Natale inizia a suonare il sassofono, mentre cervi divertenti Rudolf sta ruotando intorno decorazione di Natale il suo corno. Ogni nuova scena sostituisce la precedente in un modo diverso per l'ultimo. Bella musica crea un'atmosfera romantica e misteriosamente emozionante. Avventura di Natale è dotato di un orologio che ticchetta a forma delicatamente il tempo rimasto fino a Natale. Sbrigati! The North Pole Express parte direttamente dal tuo computer che vi invita a prendere parte in fretta Buon Natale.
O Natal é um dos feriados mais maravilhosos do ano. Natal nos dá um verdadeiro tesouro espera de emoções brilhantes e positiva, trazendo a todos a sensação familiar de tanta euforia férias. Natal Aventura screensaver faz lembrar de todos esses sentimentos excitantes, e lhe dá uma última chance para assistir Papai Noel, duendes e os lotes de animais engraçados às pressas fazer arranjos para a celebração do Natal. Natal Aventura screensaver o leva em uma viagem maravilhosa para a floresta mágica. Longe de alguma terra mágica que está sempre coberto de neve, Papai Noel vive em uma casa agradável e acolhedor, com uma queima dentro de lareira e uma chaminé de fumar nunca. Desde o início da manhã para a tarde da noite Papai Noel e seus fiéis amigos estão preparando tudo para o Natal. Com a primeira cena de Natal Aventura screensaver, você vai conhecer um novo dia cheio de emoção no dia de Natal inacreditável. Mais tarde, em seguida, durante o dia você vai ver Papai Noel e seus elfos embalagem apresenta para as crianças de todo o mundo. Véspera de Natal e noite inspira todo mundo se divertir, de modo que mesmo o Papai Noel começa a tocar o saxofone, enquanto cervo engraçado Rudolf é rotativa rodada decoração de Natal o seu chifre. Cada nova cena está substituindo o anterior de uma forma diferente do passado. A bela música cria um ambiente romântico e misteriosamente excitante. Aventura de Natal vem com um relógio tiquetaqueando delicadamente forma o tempo que resta até o Natal. Apresse-se! O Pólo Norte Express sai diretamente do seu computador convidando você a participar de alegre pressa Natal.
Keywords: Заставка Рождественское Приключение, бесплатная заставка, скринсейвер, хранитель экрана, праздник
Рождество - один из самых замечательных праздников в году. Рождество дарит нам множество позитивных эмоций. Заставка рождественское приключение напомнит об этом празднике и всех его ощущениях. Ты сможешь увидеть Санту, эльфов и множество различных животных, которые также отмечают этот праздник. Где-то далеко в волшебной стране покрытой снегом, живёт Санта Клаус в своём уютном домике с камином. С раннего утра и до поздней ночи Санта и его преданные друзья готовятся к Рождеству. С каждой сценой заставки рождественское приключение вы будете всё ближе и ближе к волнующему Рождеству. Вы увидите как Санта упаковывает подарки для детей во всём мире. Канун Рождества и Рождественская ночь вдохновляют каждого на ощущение праздника. Плавно сменяющие друг друга сцены, великолепная романтическая музыка, анимированные персонажи украсют ваше Рождество. А встроенные аналоговые часы покажут точное время оставшееся до Рождества. Поторопись! Скачай бесплатную рождественскую заставку прямо сейчас!
Keywords: Christmas Adventure 2, salvapantallas de Navidad, protector de pantalla gratuito, fiestas, los niños animados, diversión, los animales
La Navidad es una de las fiestas más maravillosas del año. La Navidad nos da un verdadero tesoro de retención de las emociones brillantes y positivas, con lo que todo el mundo el sentimiento familiar que gran parte de la euforia navideña. Protector de pantalla Christmas Adventure recuerda a todas esas sensaciones emocionantes, y le da una última oportunidad de ver a Santa Claus, los duendes y un montón de divertidos animales apresuradamente haciendo los arreglos para la celebración de la Navidad. Protector de pantalla Christmas Adventure te lleva a un maravilloso viaje al bosque mágico. A lo lejos, en una tierra mágica que siempre está cubierto de nieve, Santa Claus vive en una casa agradable y acogedor con un fuego ardiente, lugar en el interior y una chimenea humeante nunca. Desde temprano por la mañana a la tarde por la noche Papá Noel y sus fieles amigos están preparando todo para la Navidad. Con la primera escena de protector de pantalla Christmas Adventure, te encontrarás con un nuevo día lleno de la emoción del día de Navidad increíble. Más tarde, a continuación, durante el día se podrán ver a Santa y sus elfos de empaque regalos para los niños de todo el mundo. Nochebuena y la noche inspira a todos a divertirse, así que incluso Santa Claus empieza a tocar el saxofón, mientras que Rudolf divertido ciervos está girando alrededor de su cuerno de la decoración de Navidad. Cada nueva escena está reemplazando a la anterior de una manera diferente a la última. Hermosa música crea un ambiente romántico y emocionante misteriosamente. Christmas Adventure viene con un reloj con delicadeza en forma de tic-tac del tiempo que queda hasta la Navidad. ¡Date prisa! El Polo Norte Express sale desde tu computadora te invita a participar en la alegre prisa de Navidad.
Distribution permissions: This product can be freely distributed through the internet.
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This document is a legal Agreement between you, the licensee and FullScreensavers.Com & Lion's Production. Please read this Agreement carefully before installing the program. Downloading, installing and using this software you do not get any rights to intellectual property contained in the product, except for those rights which are given to you by this License Agreement. By installing the program, you accept the terms of this Agreement. If you do not agree to the terms of this Agreement, quit this installation procedure and promptly delete the file.
1. COPYRIGHT This Screen Saver (the "Software") is owned by FullScreensavers.Com & Lion's Production and is protected by international copyright laws. www.FullScreensavers.Com has all rights for non-commercial distribution of this software. All copyrights to the bundled software are exclusively owned by their holders.
2. LICENSE FullScreensavers.Com & Lion's Production grants you rights to use the Software on a single user computer, or on a single terminal or workstation of a multi-user computer or local area network.
3. GENERAL USE. This screensaver is free software for non-commercial use so no registration is needed.
4. COPY RESTRICTIONS A. This Software is copyrighted and is proprietary product of FullScreensavers.Com & Lion's Production. You may make one copy of the Software for backup or archival purposes. All other copying of the Software is expressly forbidden. B. You may not decompile, reverse engineer, copy, transfer, or other-wise use the Software except as expressly stated in this Agreement. C. You may not alter this software in any way; you may not use or distribute any part of the original package. D. You are not allowed to emulate, decompile, disassemble, otherwise reverse engineer any executable part of original package. E. You have no rights to sell, transfer or distribute this software for commercial or any other goals. You are also forbidden to pass the rights of this software use to any third parties. F. And you are also not allowed to distribute any flies included to this software. Any such unauthorized use shall result in immediate and automatic termination of this license and may result in criminal and/or civil prosecution.
5. TERMINATION This license is effective until terminated. You may terminate this license at any time by destroying all copies of the Software. This license will terminate automatically, without notice from FullScreensavers.Com & Lion's Production, if you fail to comply with this Agreement. Upon such termination, you shall destroy all copies of the Software.
6. LIMITED WARRANTY The Software is supplied "AS IS". FullScreensavers.Com & Lion's Production disclaims all warranties, expressed or implied, including, without limitation, the warranties of merchantability and of fitness for any purpose. The user must assume the entire risk of using the Software.
7. NO LIABILITY FOR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES FullScreensavers.Com & Lion's Production assumes no liability for damages, direct or consequential, which may result from the use of the Software, even if FullScreensavers.Com & Lion's Production has been advised of the possibility of such damages.
8. NOTE.
Some graphic, video and music files included to our software are from independent authors and from free Internet resources, we do not have the opportunity to check the contents of these files for copyright infringements. We use these materials only for non-commercial purpose. However, sometimes an infringement can still occur. If this is the case, and you own the copyright and wish to have the file removed, please inform us, and we will remove the software from our site immediately. We thank all unknown authors of graphic, video, music and other materials used in our free screensavers.
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