Keywords: Autumn Fantasy, free screensaver, autumn screensaver, fantasy screensaver
Autumn Fantasy is a jewel of a screensaver and a feast for your eyes. It lets you unwind to the magic of autumn coming up to life on the desktop as a string of beautiful forest views. You'll immerse into the quiet of the season with the trees standing yellow, red and orange, leaves rustling under your feet, chilly air and the rippling water of the river that reflects all this beauty with different shades of color. And there are funny animals, trying to cheer you up! The screensaver is configurable. You can play with many of its parameters: enable or disable music, sound effects, use DirectX for faster animation, stretch the image, set the order in which the images will be displayed and time intervals over which they'll change. There is an option to let you display the clock as the screensaver runs and you can choose the desktop position for it. By default the screensaver plays its own melody but you can set your own music to be played during the screensaver playback. Any picture from the screensaver can be previewed in the thumbnail mode and set as the desktop wallpaper.
Keywords: Autumn Fantasy, kostenlose Bildschirmschoner, Screensaver Herbst, Fantasy Screensaver
Autumn Fantasy ist ein Juwel von einem Bildschirmschoner und ein Fest für Ihre Augen. Es lässt Sie den Zauber des Herbstes kommen zum Leben auf dem Desktop als eine Kette von schönen Blick auf den Wald zu entspannen. Sie werden in der Ruhe der Saison mit den Bäumen stehend gelb, rot und orange tauchen, Blättern säuselt unter den Füßen, kalten Luft und dem Plätschern des Wassers des Flusses, der all diese Schönheit mit verschiedenen Schattierungen der Farbe reflektiert. Und es gibt lustige Tiere, versucht, dich aufzumuntern! Der Bildschirmschoner ist konfigurierbar. Sie können mit vielen seiner Parameter spielen: Aktivieren oder Deaktivieren von Musik, Soundeffekte, verwenden Sie DirectX für schnellere Animation, strecken Sie das Bild, stellen Sie die Reihenfolge, in der die Bilder angezeigt werden und Zeitintervalle, über die sie dann zu ändern. Es gibt eine Option, um Ihnen die Uhrzeit angezeigt, wie der Bildschirmschoner läuft, und Sie können die Desktop-Position für ihn wählen. Standardmäßig wird der Bildschirmschoner spielt seine eigene Melodie, aber Sie können Ihre eigene Musik gesetzt, um während der Bildschirmschoner Wiedergabe abgespielt werden. Jedes Bild aus dem Bildschirmschoner können als Vorschau im Thumbnail-Modus und stellen Sie als Desktop-Hintergrundbild.
Automne Fantasy est un bijou d'un écran et un régal pour vos yeux. Il vous permet de vous détendre à la magie de l'automne à venir à la vie sur le bureau comme une chaîne de vue sur la forêt de belles. Vous plonger dans le calme de la saison avec les arbres sur pied jaune, rouge et orange, bruissement des feuilles sous vos pieds, l'air froid et l'eau murmure de la rivière qui reflète toute cette beauté avec différentes nuances de couleur. Et il ya de drôles d'animaux, en essayant de vous remonter le moral! L'économiseur d'écran est configurable. Vous pouvez jouer avec plusieurs de ses paramètres: activer ou désactiver la musique, effets sonores, utiliser DirectX pour accélérer l'animation, étirer l'image, définir l'ordre dans lequel les images seront affichées et des intervalles de temps pendant laquelle ils vont changer. Il ya une option pour vous permettent d'afficher l'horloge comme écran de veille s'exécute et vous pouvez choisir la position de bureau pour cela. Par défaut l'écran de veille joue sa propre mélodie, mais vous pouvez définir votre propre musique pour être joué pendant la lecture d'écran. Toute image de l'économiseur d'écran peut être prévisualisé dans le mode miniature et défini en tant que papier peint du bureau.
Autumn Fantasy è un gioiello di uno screensaver e una festa per gli occhi. Ti permette di rilassarsi alla magia dell'autunno in arrivo per la vita sul desktop come una stringa di opinioni bellissima foresta. Potrai immergere nella quiete della stagione con gli alberi in piedi giallo, rosso e arancio, foglie fruscianti sotto i piedi, l'aria fredda e l'acqua increspata del fiume che riflette tutta questa bellezza con diverse sfumature di colore. E ci sono animali buffi, cercano di tirarti su il morale! Lo screensaver è configurabile. Si può giocare con molti dei suoi parametri: attivare o disattivare la musica, effetti sonori, utilizzare DirectX per velocizzare l'animazione, allungare l'immagine, impostare l'ordine in cui le immagini vengono visualizzate e gli intervalli di tempo in cui cambieranno. C'è un'opzione che consente di visualizzare l'orologio come screensaver funziona e si può scegliere la posizione del desktop per esso. Di default lo screensaver gioca la sua melodia ma è possibile impostare la propria musica da riprodurre durante la riproduzione screensaver. Ogni immagine dal screensaver possono essere visualizzati in modalità anteprima e impostare come sfondo del desktop.
Outono A fantasia é uma jóia de um protetor de tela e uma festa para os olhos. Ele permite que você relaxe com a magia do outono chegando à vida no ambiente de trabalho como uma seqüência de pontos de vista linda floresta. Você vai mergulhar na calma da temporada com as árvores em pé amarelo, vermelho e laranja, folhas farfalhando sob seus pés, o ar frio ea água ondular do rio que reflete toda esta beleza com diferentes tonalidades de cor. E há animais engraçados, tentando animá-lo! O screensaver é configurável. Você pode jogar com muitos dos seus parâmetros: ativar ou desativar a música, efeitos sonoros, use DirectX para animação mais rápida, esticar a imagem, definir a ordem em que as imagens serão exibidas e intervalos de tempo durante o qual eles vão mudar. Existe uma opção para que você exibir o relógio como o protetor de tela é executado e você pode escolher a posição de mesa para ele. Por padrão, o screensaver tem sua própria melodia, mas você pode definir sua própria música para ser tocada durante a reprodução screensaver. Qualquer imagem do protetor de tela pode ser visualizada no modo miniatura e definir como papel de parede.
Осеняя Фантазия - украшение для вашего экрана и праздник для ваших глаз. Эта заставка позволит вам расслабиться в атмосфере мягкой осени, погрузиться в тишину деревьев, сменяющих зеленую листву на праздничный золотой наряд. В заставке также есть и животные, обитатели этого леса, они поднимут вам настроение.Вы можете менять многие параметры в этой заставке, менять звуковые эффекты, использовать Direct X для быстрой работы анимации, вы можете устанавливать порядок и интервал смены изображений в заставке. Кроме того, в заставке есть часы. Вы можете установить свою музыку в заставку, а также поставить любую из картинок заставки в качестве обоев для Рабочего стола.
Keywords: Otoño Fantasía, salvapantallas gratuito, protector de pantalla otoño, protector de pantalla de fantasía
Otoño La fantasía es una joya de un protector de pantalla y una fiesta para los ojos. Se le permite descansar a la magia del próximo otoño a la vida en el escritorio como una cadena de puntos de vista hermoso bosque. Vas a sumergirse en la tranquilidad de la temporada con los árboles en pie amarillo, rojo y naranja, crujir de las hojas bajo sus pies, el aire frío y el agua ondulante del río que refleja toda esta belleza con diferentes tonos de color. Y hay animales divertidos, tratando de animar! El protector de pantalla se puede configurar. Usted puede jugar con muchos de sus parámetros: activar o desactivar la música, efectos de sonido, el uso de DirectX para acelerar la animación, estirar la imagen, ajustar el orden en que las imágenes se mostrarán y los intervalos de tiempo para los que van a cambiar. Hay una opción que permite visualizar el reloj como el protector de pantalla se ejecuta y se puede elegir la posición de escritorio para ello. Por defecto, el protector de pantalla juega su propia melodía, pero usted puede configurar su propia música que se reproduce durante la reproducción de pantalla. Cualquier imagen de la pantalla se puede visualizar en el modo imagen en miniatura y se establece como fondo de escritorio.
Distribution permissions: This product can be freely distributed through the internet.
End User License Agreement (EULA).
This document is a legal Agreement between you, the licensee and FullScreensavers.Com & Lion`s Production. Please read this Agreement carefully before installing the program. Downloading, installing and using this software you do not get any rights to intellectual property contained in the product, except for those rights which are given to you by this License Agreement. By installing the program, you accept the terms of this Agreement. If you do not agree to the terms of this Agreement, quit this installation procedure and promptly delete the file.
1. COPYRIGHT This Screen Saver (the "Software") is owned by FullScreensavers.Com & Lion`s Production and is protected by international copyright laws. www.FullScreensavers.Com has all rights for non-commercial distribution of this software. All copyrights to the bundled software are exclusively owned by their holders.
2. LICENSE FullScreensavers.Com & Lion`s Production grants you rights to use the Software on a single user computer, or on a single terminal or workstation of a multi-user computer or local area network.
3. GENERAL USE. This screensaver is free software for non-commercial use so no registration is needed.
4. COPY RESTRICTIONS A. This Software is copyrighted and is proprietary product of FullScreensavers.Com & Lion`s Production. You may make one copy of the Software for backup or archival purposes. All other copying of the Software is expressly forbidden. B. You may not decompile, reverse engineer, copy, transfer, or other-wise use the Software except as expressly stated in this Agreement. C. You may not alter this software in any way; you may not use or distribute any part of the original package. D. You are not allowed to emulate, decompile, disassemble, otherwise reverse engineer any executable part of original package. E. You have no rights to sell, transfer or distribute this software for commercial or any other goals. You are also forbidden to pass the rights of this software use to any third parties. F. And you are also not allowed to distribute any flies included to this software. Any such unauthorized use shall result in immediate and automatic termination of this license and may result in criminal and/or civil prosecution.
5. TERMINATION This license is effective until terminated. You may terminate this license at any time by destroying all copies of the Software. This license will terminate automatically, without notice from FullScreensavers.Com & Lion`s Production, if you fail to comply with this Agreement. Upon such termination, you shall destroy all copies of the Software.
6. LIMITED WARRANTY The Software is supplied "AS IS". FullScreensavers.Com & Lion`s Production disclaims all warranties, expressed or implied, including, without limitation, the warranties of merchantability and of fitness for any purpose. The user must assume the entire risk of using the Software.
7. NO LIABILITY FOR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES FullScreensavers.Com & Lion`s Production assumes no liability for damages, direct or consequential, which may result from the use of the Software, even if FullScreensavers.Com & Lion`s Production has been advised of the possibility of such damages.
8. NOTE.
Some graphic, video and music files included to our software are from independent authors and from free Internet resources, we do not have the opportunity to check the contents of these files for copyright infringements. We use these materials only for non-commercial purpose. However, sometimes an infringement can still occur. If this is the case, and you own the copyright and wish to have the file removed, please inform us, and we will remove the software from our site immediately. We thank all unknown authors of graphic, video, music and other materials used in our free screensavers.
FullScreensavers.Com & Lion`s Production All Rights Reserved