The Windows Registry is the most accessed and the most vulnerable to errors part of your computer. As you install and uninstall software it becomes cluttered with obsolete and corrupted entries, which can cause system errors, crashes, and failures. Therefore it's extremely important to keep the Registry in top form by cleaning all the junk and fixing all the errors that accumulate over time.Auslogics Registry Cleaner is designed for fast and safe Registry optimization. It will detect and fix various Registry errors and ensure that your computer runs as good as new.
Windows Registry is a database that stores Microsoft Windows settings and options. It contains all the information and settings for all hardware, operating system software, other software, and user settings.
Programs on your computer access the Registry thousands of times per second. Registry entries are created whenever you install new software and drivers, and when you uninstall programs invalid registry entries are sometimes left behind. Just like any other database, the Registry becomes a real mess without proper maintenance and registry errors start occurring. They cause your computer to slow down, start freezing, and crashing.
Luckily Auslogics Registry Cleaner can deal with all those problems. It will optimize your Windows Registry and ensure fast, stable, and error-free computer performance. Even if your PC is fairly new, Auslogics Registry Cleaner will make sure it stays in perfect shape. With Auslogics Registry Cleaner you won't have to pay for expensive hardware upgrades or computer technician's time. In fact, you won't have to pay at all because it's 100% FREE.
Die Windows-Registry ist der am häufigsten aufgerufene und der fehleranfälligste Teil des Computers. Wenn Sie Software installieren und deinstallieren, wird die Registry mit obsoleten und beschädigten Einträgen vollgestopft, die System-Fehler, Abstürze und Fehler verursachen können. Daher ist es extrem wichtig den Junk zu bereinigen und Fehler zu beheben, die sich im Laufe der Zeit ansammeln, um die Registry in Top-Form zu halten. Auslogics Registry Cleaner dient zur schnellen und sicheren Registry-Optimierung. Es erkennt und behebt verschiedene Registry-Fehler und sorgt dafür, dass Ihr Computer so gut wie neu läuft.
Windows-Registry ist eine Datenbank, die Microsoft Windows-Einstellungen und Optionen speichert. Es enthält alle Informationen und Einstellungen für alle Hardware, Betriebssystem-Software, andere Software und Benutzereinstellungen.
Programme auf Ihrem Computer greifen tausend Mal pro Sekunde auf die Registry zu. Registry-Einträge werden erstellt, wenn Sie neue Software oder Treiber installieren, und wenn Sie Programme deinstallieren, werden manchmal ungültige Registry-Einträge hinterlassen. Genau wie jede andere Datenbank, wird die Registry ohne ordnungsgemäße Wartung ein richtiges Chaos und Registry-Fehler treten vermehrt auf. Sie führen dazu, dass Ihr Computer verlangsamt, einfriert und abstürzt.
Zum Glück kann der Auslogics Registry Cleaner mit diesen Problemen umgehen. Sie optimieren Ihre Windows-Registry und sorgt für eine schnelle, stabile und fehlerfreie Computerleistung. Auch wenn Ihr PC relativ neu ist, wird Auslogics Registry Cleaner sicherstellen, dass er perfekt in Form bleibt. Mit Auslogics Registry Cleaner müssen Sie nicht für teure Hardware-Upgrades oder Computer-Techniker zahlen. Du musst in der Tat überhaupt nicht zahlen, weil es 100 % kostenlos ist.
Keywords: nettoyeur de registre, nettoyeur de registre gratuit, erreurs de registre, corriger les erreurs de registre, réparer le registre, supprimer les erreurs de registre, nettoyer le registre, problèmes de registre, auslogics
Le registre de Windows est la partie de votre ordinateur la plus consultée et la plus sujette aux erreurs. Lorsque vous installez et désinstallez des logiciels, le registre devient encombré d'entrées obsolètes et corrompues, ce qui peut causer des défaillances, des plantages et des erreurs système. Par conséquent, il est très important de maintenir le registre en bon état en supprimant les entrées inutiles et en corrigeant les erreurs qui s'accumulent au fur et à mesure de l'utilisation. Auslogics Registry Cleaner est conçu pour optimiser le registre rapidement et en toute sécurité. Il détecte et répare diverses erreurs du registre pour rétablir le fonctionnement optimal de votre ordinateur.
Le registre de Windows est une base de données qui stocke les options et les paramètres de Microsoft Windows. Il contient toutes les informations et les réglages des périphériques, des programmes du système d'exploitation, ainsi que d'autres logiciels et paramètres utilisateur.
Les programmes de votre ordinateur accèdent au registre des milliers de fois par seconde. De nouvelles entrées sont créées lorsque vous installez des logiciels ou des pilotes et, quand vous désinstallez des applications, celles-ci peuvent laisser derrière des entrées de registre invalides. Tout comme n'importe quelle base de données, un registre mal entretenu peut provoquer des erreurs de registre, qui sont à l'origine de ralentissements, de gels et de plantages logiciels.
Auslogics Registry Cleaner est là pour traiter tous ces problèmes. Il optimise votre registre de Windows et garantit des performances rapides, stables et exemptes d'erreurs. Même si votre PC est relativement neuf, Auslogics Registry Cleaner le maintient en bon état. Avec Auslogics Registry Cleaner, vous pourrez économiser en termes de coût de maintenance et de mises à niveaux matérielles. En fait, vous n'aurez rien à payer, car il est 100 % GRATUIT.
Keywords: pulizia registro sistema, pulizia registro sistema gratis, errori registro sistema, correzione errori registro sistema, correzione registro sistema, rimuovere errori registro sistema, risolvere problemi registro sistema, auslogics
Il registro di Windows è la parte del computer più accessibile e soggetta a errori. Quando installi e disinstalli i software, il registro di sistema si ingombra di file obsoleti e corrotti, che possono causare errori, errori di sistema o blocchi. Pertanto, è estremamente importante mantenere il registro di sistema al top della forma, ripulendo i file indesiderati e correggendo gli errori che si accumulano nel tempo. Auslogics Registry Cleaner è progettato per un'ottimizzazione del registro di sistema veloce e sicura. Esso rileverà e correggerà i vari errori di registro e si assicurerà che il computer funzioni come se fosse nuovo.
Il Registro di Windows è un database che memorizza le opzioni e le impostazioni di Microsoft Windows. Esso contiene tutte le informazioni e le impostazioni per tutti i componenti hardware, i software del sistema operativo, gli altri software e le impostazioni utente.
I programmi sul tuo computer accedono al registro di sistema migliaia di volte al secondo. Ogni volta che installi un nuovo software o driver vengono create nuove voci di registro; e quando disinstalli i programmi, le voci di registro non valide non sempre vengono eliminate. Proprio come qualsiasi altro database, il registro di sistema diventa un vero e proprio pasticcio senza un'adeguata manutenzione: è a questo punto che iniziano a verificarsi gli errori di registro, che causano il rallentamento e i blocchi del computer.
Per fortuna, Auslogics Registry Cleaner può risolvere tutti questi problemi. Ottimizzerà il registro di Windows e garantirà prestazioni del computer veloci, stabili e prive di errori. Anche se il PC è abbastanza nuovo, Auslogics Registry Cleaner farà in modo che rimanga in perfetta forma. Con Auslogics Registry Cleaner non dovrai pagare costosi aggiornamenti hardware o tecnici informatici. Di fatto, non dovrai pagare nulla, perché è 100% GRATIS.
Реестр Windows - это часть системы, к которой ежесекундно обращаются приложения и компоненты, что делает его более других частей системы подверженным различным ошибкам. Установка и удаление программ приводит к накапливанию устаревших и ненужных записей в реестре, что может вызывать системные ошибки и сбои. Поэтому очень важно поддерживать реестр в отличной форме путем очистки его от ненужных записей и исправления ошибок, скопившихся в процессе пользования ПК. Auslogics Registry Cleaner создан для быстрой и безопасной оптимизации реестра. Программа исправит проблемы реестра и обеспечит бесперебойную работу вашего ПК.
Реестр Windows представляет собой базу данных, в которой хранятся настройки и опции Microsoft Windows. Там собрана вся информация о конфигурации оборудования, системного ПО, других приложений и пользовательских настроек.
Программы на вашем ПК обращаются к реестру сотни раз каждую секунду. Записи создаются в реестре при установке нового ПО или драйверов, и некоторые из этих записей порой остаются после удаления программ. Как в любой другой базе данных, в реестре со временем может установиться полный беспорядок, особенно если не проводится регулярная очистка и обслуживание. Это приводит к возникновению ошибок в реестре, что может замедлять работу ПК и приводить к зависанию и сбоям.
К счастью, Auslogics Registry Cleaner может легко справиться с этими проблемами. Программа оптимизирует ваш реестр Windows и обеспечит быструю, стабильную и бесперебойную работу компьютера. Даже если ваш компьютер относительно новый, Auslogics Registry Cleaner поможет надолго сохранить его в отличном рабочем состоянии. С Auslogics Registry Cleaner вам не придется тратить деньги на покупку нового оборудования или услуги мастера. Точнее, вам не придется вообще тратить деньги, т. к. программа на 100% бесплатна.
Keywords: limpiador de registro, limpiador de registro registro gratuito, errores del registro, reparar errores de registro, reparar registro, eliminar errores de registro, reparar problemas de registro, limpiar el registro, problemas del registro, auslogics
El registro de Windows es la parte a la que más se accede y las más propensa a errores de la PC. Cuando instala y desinstala un programa, el registro se llena de entradas obsoletas y corruptas, que pueden causar errores, caídas y fallas del sistema. Por lo tanto, es de vital importancia que mantenga el registro en la mejor forma mediante la limpieza de basura y la reparación de los errores que se acumulan con el correr del tiempo. Auslogics Registry Cleaner fue diseñado para realizar una optimización del registro rápida y segura. Reparará varios errores del registro y se asegurará de que su computadora funcione como si fuera nueva.
El registro de Windows es una base de datos que almacena las configuraciones y opciones de Microsoft Windows; contiene toda la información y configuraciones de todo el hardware, software del sistema operativo, demás software y las configuraciones del usuario.
Los programas de su computadora acceden al registro miles de veces por segundo. Las entradas del registro se crean cuando instala software o controladores nuevos y cuando desinstala programas, algunas veces se dejan de lado entradas del registro inválidas. Como cualquier otra base de datos, el registro se vuelve un verdadero caos sin el mantenimiento apropiado y los errores del registro comienzan a suceder, los cuales pueden causar la ralentización, congelamiento y caída del sistema de su computadora.
Por suerte, Auslogics Registry Cleaner puede solucionar todos estos problemas, ya que optimizará su registro de Windows y asegurará que el rendimiento de su computadora sea rápido, estable y libre de errores. Incluso si su PC es relativamente nueva, Auslogics Registry Cleaner se asegurará de que se mantenga en perfectas condiciones. Con este software no tendrá que pagar por costosas actualizaciones de hardware o la tarifa de un técnico informático, de hecho, no tendrá que que pagar nada porque es 100% GRATUITA.
- added multiple new features and made improvements to program algorithms; - improved program stability and reliability; - added new interface languages: Spanish, French, German, Japanese, Russian, Italian; - fixed all known bugs; - improved support for Windows 10 Creator Edition.
Distribution permissions: This product can be freely distributed through the Internet. To publish it on a CD, please contact
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General Terms
This copy of Software may either be used by a single person who uses the software personally on one or more computers, or installed on a single workstation used nonsimultaneously by multiple people, but not both. This is not a concurrent use license. You may access this copy through a network, provided that you have obtained an individual Software license for each workstation that will access Software through the network. For instance, if 8 different workstations will access Software on the network, each workstation must have its own Software license, regardless of whether they use Software at different times or concurrently.
Limited Warranty
This software, and all accompanying files, data and materials, are distributed "AS IS" and with no warranties of any kind, whether express or implied. Good data processing procedure dictates that any program be thoroughly tested with non-critical data before relying on it. The user must assume the entire risk of using the program. This disclaimer of warranty constitutes an essential part of the agreement.
To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, AusLogics and its suppliers disclaim all other warranties and conditions, either expressed or implied, including, but not limited to, implied warranties or merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, title, and non-infringement, with regard to the software, and the provision of or failure to provide software will be error free or will operate without interruption. The entire risk arising out of the user or performance of the AusLogics Software and accompanying written materials remains with you. This limited warranty gives you specific legal rights. You may have others, which vary from state/jurisdiction to state/jurisdiction.
Limitation of Liability
To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, in no event shall AusLogics or its licensors or suppliers be liable for any special, incidental, indirect, consequential, punitive or exemplary damages whatsoever (including, without limitation, damages for loss of business profits or business interruption, goodwill, loss of business information, or any other pecuniary loss) whether based on principles of contract, tort (including negligence), duty, indemnity, contribution or otherwise, arising out of the use of or inability to use the software or the provision of or failure to provide support services, even if AusLogics has been advised of the possibility of such damages. In any case, AusLogics' entire liability under any provision of this license agreement shall be limited to the greater of the amount actually paid by you for the software product.
License Restrictions
All rights of any kind in Software which are not expressly granted in this License are entirely and exclusively reserved to and by Company. You may not rent, lease, modify, translate, reverse engineer, decompile, disassemble or create derivative works based on Software. You may not make access to Software available to others in connection with a service bureau, application service provider, or similar business. There are no third party beneficiaries of any promises, obligations or representations made by Company herein. All copyrights to are exclusively owned by the Company.