Keywords: toolbars, babylon toolbar, tool bar, my web search, norton toolbar, turn off safe search, ask toolbar, sweetim, internet explorer toolbar, remove ask toolbar, browser search, browser search engine, browser search hijack, search engine browser, chrome search
Does your browser look like a tackily decorated Christmas tree? Is it full of annoying toolbars and add-ons you don't know how you came across in the first place? Do they multiply with every new web session and you have no idea how to get rid of them? Browser Care can help you with that.
It is your one-stop solution against widgets that keep sneaking into your web environment. Here's how it works - you open the program; it displays all installed toolbars and add-ons, so you can clearly see which ones you actually need and which ones just take up space for no particular reason; you permanently remove the useless stuff with one click of a button or by dragging it into the built-in trash can. Done!
It is that simple! You don't have to worry about accidentally deleting the ones that are important - Browser Care provides you with information about each installed item so you can always make a well-informed decision. It will also let you manage your home page and search engine preferences - all from one neat user interface, designed with nothing but simplicity in mind. And no matter how many browsers you may have, Browser Care will allow you to look inside each and every one of them providing for easy and effective management of your most important web tools. So why wait? Get this unconditionally free tool today to ensure fast and enjoyable surfing.
Sieht Ihr Browser wie ein kitschig geschmückter Weihnachtsbaum aus? Ist er voll von lästigen Symbolleisten oder Add-ons, von denen Sie nicht wissen, wo diese überhaupt hergekommen sind? Vermehren sie sich mit jeder neuen Websitzung und Sie haben keine Ahnung, wie man sie los wird? Browser-Care kann Ihnen dabei helfen.
Es ist Ihr One-Stop Lösung gegen Widgets, die sich ständig in Ihre Webumgebung schleichen. Hier erfahren Sie, wie es funktioniert: Sie öffnen das Programm; es zeigt alle installierten Symbolleisten und Add-ons, damit Sie klar sehen, welche Sie wirklich brauchen und welche grundlos Platz belegen; Sie entfernen das unnütze Zeug dauerhaft mit nur einem Klick oder durch ziehen in den integrierten Papierkorb. Fertig!
Es ist so einfach! Sie müssen nicht befürchten versehentlich diejenigen zu löschen, die wichtig sind - Browser-Care bietet Ihnen Informationen über jedes installierte Element, so dass Sie immer eine gut informierte Entscheidung treffen können. Es lässt Sie auch Ihre Homepage und Suchmaschinenpräferenzen verwalten - alles von einer praktischen Benutzeroberfläche aus - designt mit Fokus auf Einfachheit. Browser-Care lässt Sie in jeden der beliebtesten Web-Browser reinschauen, die auf Ihrem PC installiert sind, was ein einfaches und effektives Management Ihrer wichtigsten Web-Tools gewährleistet. Warum also warten? Holen Sie sich dieses bedingungslos kostenlose Tool heute noch, um schnelles und angenehmes Surfen zu gewährleisten.
Keywords: barres d'outils, barre d'outils babylon, barre d'outils norton, barres d'outils ask, sweetim, barre d'outils d'internet explorer, moteur de recherche de navigateur, moteur de recherche par défaut, recherche google chrome
Votre navigateur ressemble-t-il à un arbre de Noël ? Est-il plein de barres d'outils ou d'extensions désagréables dont vous ne souvenez plus comment elles s'y sont incrustées ? Avez-vous des difficultés pour vous en débarrasser, au lieu de les voir se multiplier ? Browser Care est là pour vous aider.
C'est un solution complète contre les widgets qui ne cessent de s'infiltrer dans vos navigateurs. Voici comment Browser Care fonctionne : vous lancez le programme ; il affiche toutes les barres d'outils et extensions installées, afin que vous puissiez vérifier celles dont vous avez réellement besoin et celles que vous souhaitez retirer ; vous supprimez définitivement les éléments inutiles d'un seul clic ou en les faisant glisser dans la corbeille intégrée. Ça y est !
C'est aussi simple que cela ! Aucun risque de vous tromper : Browser Care vous fournit des informations sur chaque élément installé pour vous laisser décider sans crainte. Il permet également de gérer vos préférences de moteur de recherche et de page d'accueil par défaut, le tout à partir d'une interface utilisateur intuitive et conviviale. Grâce à Browser Care, vous pouvez examiner et gérer vos outils Web les plus importants. Alors, pourquoi attendre ? Téléchargez cet outil gratuit dès aujourd'hui pour bénéficier d'une expérience de navigation rapide et agréable.
Keywords: barre strumenti, barra babylon, barra strumenti, my web, barra norton, disattiva safe search, barra ask, sweetim, rimuovere barra ask, barra internet explorer, ricerca browser, motore ricerca browser, hijack ricerca browser, browser motore ricerca, ricerca chrome
Il tuo browser ha l'aspetto di un albero di Natale pacchiano? È pieno di fastidiose barre degli strumenti o componenti aggiuntivi che non sai da dove sono usciti? Si moltiplicano a ogni nuova sessione e non hai idea di come sbarazzarti di loro? Browser Care ti può aiutare.
È la tua unica soluzione contro i widget che continuano a entrare nell'ambiente web. Ecco come funziona: apri il programma; visualizza tutte le barre degli strumenti e i componenti aggiuntivi installati, in modo da vedere quelli di cui hai veramente bisogno e quelli che occupano spazio senza motivo; rimuovi definitivamente le cose inutili con un solo clic o trascinandole nel cestino. Fatto!
È così semplice! Non devi preoccuparti dell'eliminazione accidentale di quelli che sono importanti: Browser Care fornisce informazioni relative a ciascun elemento installato, così potrai decidere in piena consapevolezza. Potrai anche gestire le preferenze per il motore di ricerca e la pagina iniziale - tutto da una sola interfaccia utente, progettata per la massima chiarezza e semplicità di utilizzo. Browser Care ti permetterà di guardare all'interno di ciascuno dei browser web più popolari che possono essere installati sul tuo PC, fornendo una gestione semplice ed efficace degli strumenti web più importanti. Dunque, perché aspettare? Regalati oggi stesso questo strumento completamente gratuito, per una navigazione veloce e piacevole!
とっても簡単でしょう!重要なものを誤って削除してしまう心配はありません。Browser Care は、インストールされている項目に関する情報を提供してくれるので、情報に基づいた意思決定を行うことができます。また、シンプルさを第一にデザインされたユーザーインターフェイスで、ホームページや検索エンジンの設定を管理することができます。Browser Care を使えば、お使いのPC にインストールされているウェブブラウザの中身を確認することができ、最も重要なウェブツールを簡単かつ効果的に管理することができます。まだ不安がありますか?高速で快適なネットサーフィンのために、無条件で無料のツールを今すぐ手に入れましょう。
Keywords: ускорить браузер, удалить toolbar, babylon toolbar, тулбар, my web search, тулбар norton, отключить safe search, ask toolbar, internet explorer toolbar, удалить ask toolbar, поиск в браузере, поисковик в брузере, browser search hijack, search engine browser, поиск
Ваш веб-браузер похож на безвкусно украшенную ёлку? Его окно наполовину заполнено надоедливыми тулбарами, появившимися неизвестно откуда? Их становится все больше, и вы не знаете как от них избавиться? Browser Care предлагает простое решение!
С программой Browser Care вы получаете простой, но мощный инструмент борьбы с различными виджетами, постоянно пробирающимися в ваше сетевое окружение. Использование программы не требует особых знаний или опыта: открыв программу, вы видите список всех установленных тулбаров и расширений, и можете решить какие из них нужны, а какие без надобности занимают место и могут быть удалены. Затем вы безвозвратно удаляете ненужные нажатием одной кнопки или перетаскиванием во встроенную корзину. И всё!
Вам не придется беспокоиться о случайном удалении важных элементов - Browser Care предоставляет необходимую информацию о каждом установленном расширении, помогая вам принять верное решение. Программа также позволяет изменять домашнюю страницу и настройки поиска - все из одного окна, специально разработанного для удобства пользования. Вы можете просмотреть каждый из установленных на вашем ПК популярных браузеров и управлять их наполнением, настройками, производить очистку и оптимизацию из одного удобного интерфейса. Зачем ждать? Установите этот бесплатный инструмент сегодня и обеспечьте быструю и комфортную работу в сети.
Keywords: barras de herramientas, barra de herramientas de babylon, my web search, barra de herramientas de norton, desactivar la búsqueda segura, barra de herramientas de ask, sweetim, quitar barra de herramientas de ask
¿Su navegador parece uno de esos árboles de navidad mal decorados? ¿Está lleno de barras de herramientas y complementos que no sabe de dónde salieron? ¿Se multiplican con cada sesión web y no sabe cómo deshacerse de ellos? Browser Care puede ayudarlo con todo esto.
Es la solución integral para los widgets que se escabullen en su entorno web. Funciona de este modo: abra el programa, le mostrará todas la barras de herramientas y los complementos para que pueda ver claramente cuáles necesita realmente y cuáles le ocupan espacio injustificadamente, elimine permanentemente las cosas inútiles con un solo clic o al arrastrarlas en el cesto de basura integrado. ¡Eso es todo!
¡Es así de simple! No tiene que preocuparse por eliminar accidentalmente las cosas importantes, ya que Browser Care le provee información sobre cada ítem instalado para que siempre tome una decisión informada. También le permitirá gestionar su página de inicio y las preferencias del motor de búsqueda; podrá hacer todo esto desde una interfaz ordenada, la cual fue diseñada con la simplicidad como objetivo. Browser Care le permitirá adentrarse en los navegadores web más populares instalados en su PC y le proveerá una gestión fácil y efectiva de sus herramientas web más importantes. ¿Por qué esperar? Obtenga esta herramienta totalmente gratis para asegurar la navegación rápida y placentera.
- added multiple new features and made improvements to program algorithms; - improved program stability and reliability; - added new interface languages: Spanish, French, German, Japanese, Russian, Italian; - fixed all known bugs; - improved support for Windows 10 Creator Edition.
Distribution permissions: This product can be freely distributed through the Internet. To publish it on a CD, please contact
This license statement and limited warranty constitutes a legal agreement ("License Agreement") between you (either as an individual or a single entity) and AusLogics Labs Pty Ltd ("AusLogics" or "Company") for the software product ("Software") identified above, including any software, media, and accompanying on-line or printed documentation. By installing, copying, or otherwise using the software, you agree to be bound by all of the terms and conditions of this license agreement.
General Terms
This copy of Software may either be used by a single person who uses the software personally on one or more computers, or installed on a single workstation used nonsimultaneously by multiple people, but not both. This is not a concurrent use license. You may access this copy through a network, provided that you have obtained an individual Software license for each workstation that will access Software through the network. For instance, if 8 different workstations will access Software on the network, each workstation must have its own Software license, regardless of whether they use Software at different times or concurrently.
Limited Warranty
This software, and all accompanying files, data and materials, are distributed "AS IS" and with no warranties of any kind, whether express or implied. Good data processing procedure dictates that any program be thoroughly tested with non-critical data before relying on it. The user must assume the entire risk of using the program. This disclaimer of warranty constitutes an essential part of the agreement.
To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, AusLogics and its suppliers disclaim all other warranties and conditions, either expressed or implied, including, but not limited to, implied warranties or merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, title, and non-infringement, with regard to the software, and the provision of or failure to provide software will be error free or will operate without interruption. The entire risk arising out of the user or performance of the AusLogics Software and accompanying written materials remains with you. This limited warranty gives you specific legal rights. You may have others, which vary from state/jurisdiction to state/jurisdiction.
Limitation of Liability
To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, in no event shall AusLogics or its licensors or suppliers be liable for any special, incidental, indirect, consequential, punitive or exemplary damages whatsoever (including, without limitation, damages for loss of business profits or business interruption, goodwill, loss of business information, or any other pecuniary loss) whether based on principles of contract, tort (including negligence), duty, indemnity, contribution or otherwise, arising out of the use of or inability to use the software or the provision of or failure to provide support services, even if AusLogics has been advised of the possibility of such damages. In any case, AusLogics' entire liability under any provision of this license agreement shall be limited to the greater of the amount actually paid by you for the software product.
License Restrictions
All rights of any kind in Software which are not expressly granted in this License are entirely and exclusively reserved to and by Company. You may not rent, lease, modify, translate, reverse engineer, decompile, disassemble or create derivative works based on Software. You may not make access to Software available to others in connection with a service bureau, application service provider, or similar business. There are no third party beneficiaries of any promises, obligations or representations made by Company herein. All copyrights to are exclusively owned by the Company.