Keywords: pc cleaner, disk cleanup, junk cleaner, computer running slow, clean my pc, computer clean up, pc optimizer, boostspeed, auslogics, best pc cleaner, how to speed up computer, how to make computer faster, speed up windows 10, optimize windows 10, slow computer
Computers are 1000 times faster now than they were ten years ago. But did you ever feel that your slow computer could be a little faster? A faster processor is easily compromised by new features, more expensive graphics and numerous glitches in the operating system. Worse than that, any new computer can get really slow after only a few months. Junk files, registry errors, and fragmentation accumulate to cause the slow down as well as occasional crashes.
An Australian software company, Auslogics, has developed an effective remedy to speed up a slow Windows system - its award winning Auslogics Boost Speed. Run the program once a week and it will remove all the clutter, fix registry errors and defragment the disks and the registry. The program will also tune up the one-size-fits-all Windows settings specifically to your computer configuration, hence improving your Internet speed, reducing computer startup and shutdown time. You can tweak the settings of your Internet browser, your Microsoft Office suite and other software to their peak performance. Move your mouse over the tray icon to view the CPU and memory usage, as well as your Internet traffic, in a handy graphical display.
Here's what it can do to speed up your Internet:
- Tune up Internet settings for faster downloads - Check if your Internet speed is what your Internet provider claims it to be - Speed up Internet Explorer and Firefox browsers.
To speed up your computer, the program offers:
- Disk, registry and memory defragmentation - Quick, safe and thorough disk and registry clean up - Tweaks to speed up Windows Vista and XP - Easy to use Uninstall and Startup Managers
In conclusion, Auslogics Boost Speed is a worthy alternative to constantly having to upgrade your computer. Even if your computer is relatively new, the program will keep it running fast and error-free for a long time.
Keywords: Geschwindigkeit beschleunigen, Modem beschleunigen, schnelles Internet, DSL optimieren, flottes Internet, PC Boost, langsames Internet, langsamer Computer, PC beschleunigen
Computer sind 1000 mal schneller als vor zehn Jahren. Haben Sie das Gefühl, dass Ihr Computer ein wenig schneller sein könnte? Ein schnellerer Prozessor ist durch neue Features, teurere Grafik und Pannen im Betriebssystem beeinträchtigt. Ein neuer Computer kann schon nach wenigen Monaten richtig langsam werden. Junk-Dateien, Registry-Fehler und Fragmentierung sammeln sich an und verursachen die Verlangsamung sowie gelegentliche Abstürze.
Auslogics, eine Software-Firma, entwickelte eine Lösung, um langsame Windowssysteme zu beschleunigen - den Auslogics Boost Speed. Führen Sie das Programm einmal die Woche aus und es werden Unordnung, Registry-Fehler entfernt und Festplatten sowie Registry defragmentiert. Das Programm passt die Windows-Einstellungen an die Konfiguration Ihres Computers, die Internet-Geschwindigkeit verbessert und die Zeit, die der Computer beim Start und Herunterfahren braucht, verkürzt. Sie können die Einstellungen des Internet-Browsers, der Microsoft Office-Suite und anderer Software optimieren. Bewegen Sie die Maus über das Tray-Icon, um den Verbrauch von CPU und Speicher sowie Internet-Verkehr in einer praktischen grafischen Darstellung anzuzeigen.
Das kann es tun, um Ihr Internet zu beschleunigen:
- Passen Sie Interneteinstellungen für schnellere Downloads an - Prüfen Sie, ob Ihre Internet-Geschwindigkeit so schnell ist, wie Ihr Internetprovider angibt - Beschleunigen Sie Internet Explorer und Firefox-Browser.
Um Ihren Computer zu beschleunigen, bietet das Programm:
- Defragmentierung der Festplatte und Registry - Schnelle, sichere und gründliche Bereinigung der Festplatte und Registry - Tweaks, um Windows 10, 8, 7, Vista und XP zu beschleunigen - Einfach zu bedienende Deinstallierungs- und Startup-Manager
Zusammenfassend ist Auslogics Boost Speed eine würdige Alternative zum ständigen Aktualisieren Ihres Computers. Selbst wenn Ihr Computer relativ neu ist, wird das Programm dafür sorgen, dass er für eine lange Zeit.
Keywords: améliorer la vitesse, accélérer la connexion, internet rapide, optimiser internet, optimiser la connexion, accélérer le pc, internet lent, ordinateur lent, vitesse ordinateur
Aujourd'hui, les PC sont 1000 fois plus rapides qu'il y a dix ans. Mais votre PC ne tourne pas à vitesse optimale. Nouvelles fonctionnalités, graphiques gourmands en ressources et erreurs système compromettent ses performances. Un nouveau PC peut devenir très lent après quelques mois d'utilisation. Fichiers inutiles, erreurs de registre et fragmentation du disque s'accumulent pour provoquer un ralentissement général et des plantages occasionnels.
La société australienne Auslogics a mis au point une solution efficace pour optimiser la vitesse de votre PC Windows : son logiciel primé Auslogics BoostSpeed. Exécutez le programme une fois par semaine pour éliminer les éléments superflus, réparer les erreurs de registre et défragmenter les disques et le registre. Grâce à BoostSpeed, ajustez également les paramètres universels de Windows pour mieux les adapter à la configuration de votre ordinateur, optimiser vos réglages Internet et l'execution de Microsoft Office et de vos autres logiciels. Résultat ? Un temps d'arrêt et de démarrage réduit, des performances logicielles optimales, une connexion améliorée. En déplaçant votre souris sur l'icône de BoostSpeed dans la barre des tâches, vous avez un aperçu rapide concernant l'utilisation du processeur et de la mémoire ainsi que votre trafic Internet.
BootSpeed vous permet de :
- ajuster les paramètres Internet; - vérifier la vitesse de votre connexion par rapport à votre abonnement FAI ; - accélérer les navigateurs IE et Firefox.
Afin d'améliorer la vitesse de votre ordinateur, BootSpeed offre:
- la défragmentation du disque et du registre ; - le nettoyage rapide, sûr et complet du disque et du registre; - des ajustements pour Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8 et 10; - des gestionnaires faciles et conviviaux.
BoostSpeed vous évite la maintenance manuelle de votre PC. Même si votre PC est relativement neuf, le programme entretiendra sa rapidité d'exécution et le préservera d'erreurs pendant une longue période.
Keywords: aumento velocità, aumento prestazioni del modem, internet veloce, ottimizza dsl, internet velocissimo, aumento prestazioni del pc, internet lento, computer lento, velocizza il pc
Oggi i computer sono 1000 volte più veloci rispetto a dieci anni fa. Ma hai mai pensato che il tuo computer lento potrebbe essere un po' più veloce? Un processore più veloce è facilmente compromesso da nuove funzionalità, grafiche più costose e numerosi difetti nel sistema operativo. Peggio ancora, qualsiasi computer nuovo può diventare molto lento dopo solo pochi mesi. I file indesiderati, gli errori del registro e la frammentazione si accumulano e causano rallentamento e blocchi occasionali.
Auslogics, un'azienda di software australiana, ha sviluppato un rimedio efficace per velocizzare un sistema Windows lento: il risultato è il suo premiato Auslogics Boost Speed. Esegui il programma una volta a settimana e rimuoverà tutti gli elementi non necessari, riparerà gli errori di registro e deframmenterà i dischi e il registro di sistema. Il programma, inoltre, personalizzerà le impostazioni generiche di Windows per adattarle alla configurazione del computer, migliorando quindi la velocità di Internet e riducendo i tempi di avvio e di arresto del computer. È possibile modificare le impostazioni di browser Internet, Microsoft Office e altri software alle loro massime prestazioni.
Ecco cosa può fare per velocizzare Internet:
- Ottimizza le impostazioni di Internet per download più rapidi - Controlla se la velocità di Internet corrisponde a quanto sostenuto dal tuo fornitore di Internet - Accelera i browser Internet Explorer e Firefox.
Per velocizzare il computer, il programma offre:
- Deframmentazione del disco e del registro di sistema - Pulizia del disco e del registro di sistema veloce, sicura e accurata - Modifiche per accelerare Windows 10, 8, 7, Vista e XP - Disinstallazione e Startup Manager facili da usare
In conclusione, Boost Speed è una degna alternativa al dover eseguire costantemente l'aggiornamento del computer. Anche se il computer è relativamente nuovo, il programma ti garantirà un'esecuzione veloce e senza errori per lungo tempo.
Keywords: スピードを上げる, モデムをブースト, 高速インターネット, DSL 最適化, スピーディんsインターネット, PC ブースト, 遅いインターネット, 遅いコンピュータ, PC 高速化
Компьютеры в наше время в 1000 раз быстрее, чем они были лет 10 назад. Тем не менее, у каждого пользователя время от времени возникает чувство, что его ПК мог бы работать хоть немного быстрее. Высокоскоростной процессор могут тормозить новейшие функции, дорогая графика и многочисленные сбои в операционной системе. Что еще хуже, любой компьютер может начать замедляться уже через несколько месяцев после покупки. Файловый мусор, ошибки реестра и фрагментация накапливаются, снижая скорость и порой вызывая сбои.
Австралийская компания Auslogics разработала эффективное средство ускорения Windows - рекомендуемый экспертами инструмент Auslogics BoostSpeed. Еженедельный запуск программы позволит очистить диски от файлового мусора, исправить ошибки реестра, дефрагментировать диски и реестр, а также настроить оптимальную работу Windows. Скорость интернет-соединения улучшится, время запуска и выключения ПК уменьшится, а система будет работать именно так, как нужно вам. При помощи Auslogics BoostSpeed вы сможете оптимизировать настройки ваших интернет-браузеров, программ Microsoft Office и других основных приложений.
Для ускорения интернет-соединения программа произведет:
- Оптимизацию сетевых настроек для ускорения загрузок - Проверку на соответствие скорости вашего соединения заявленной провайдером - Ускорение браузеров Internet Explorer и Firefox
Для ускорения вашего ПК программа предлагает:
- Дефрагментацию дисков и реестра - Быструю и безопасную очистку дисков и реестра от мусора - Оптимизацию настроек для ускорения Windows 10, 8, 7, Vista и XP - Удобные инструменты удаления программ из автозапуска и с диска
Применение Auslogics Boost Speed является достойной альтернативой постоянному обновлению компьютерных систем: покупку нового ПК можно будет отложить на пару лет и более, а только что купленный ПК будет работать быстро и бесперебойно долгие годы.
Keywords: aumentar velocidad, potenciar el modem, internet rápida, optimizar dsl, internet veloz, potenciar la pc, internet lenta, ordenador lento, acelerar pc
Las computadoras son 1000 veces más rápidas que las de hace 10 años. Pero, ¿alguna vez pensó que su computadora lenta podría ser un poco más rápida? Los procesadores nuevos pueden verse comprometidos con facilidad por características nuevas, gráficos más costosos y numerosos errores del sistema operativo. Peor aún, las computadoras nuevas pueden ralentizarse después de solo un par de meses. Los archivos basura, errores del registro y la desfragmentación pueden acumularse para causar tanto ralentización como caídas ocasionales del sistema.
La compañía de software australiana, Auslogics, ha desarrollado una cura efectiva para acelerar los sistemas Windows lentos: su galardonado Auslogics Boost Speed. Ejecute el programa semanalmente para eliminar la basura, reparar el registro y desfragmentar los discos y el registro. El programa también ajustará las configuraciones "talla única" de Windows acorde a su computadora en particular, y así mejora su velocidad de Internet y reduce el tiempo de arranque y apagado del sistema. Puede ajustar la configuración de su navegador, de su paquete de Microsoft Office y demás programas a su rendimiento óptimo.
Puede hacer lo siguiente para acelerar su Internet:
- Ajusta la configuración de Internet para realizar descargas más rápido - Controla si su velocidad de Internet es realmente la que dice su proveedor - Acelera los navegadores Internet Explorer y Firefox.
El programa ofrece lo siguiente para acelerar su computadora:
- Desfragmentación del disco y del registro - Limpieza del disco y del registro rápida, segura y exhaustiva - Ajustes para acelerar Windows 10, 8, 7, Vista y XP - Gestores de desinstalación y de arranque fáciles de usar
Para concluir, Auslogics Boost Speed es una meritoria alternativa en oposición a tener que actualizar su computadora constantemente. Incluso si su computadora es relativamente nueva, el programa la hará funcionar rápido y sin errores por un largo tiempo.
- added multiple new features and made improvements to program algorithms; - improved program stability and reliability; - added new interface languages: Spanish, French, German, Japanese, Russian, Italian; - fixed all known bugs; - improved support for Windows 10 Creator Edition.
Distribution permissions: This product can be freely distributed through the Internet. To publish it on a CD, please contact
This license statement and limited warranty constitutes a legal agreement ("License Agreement") between you (either as an individual or a single entity) and AusLogics Labs Pty Ltd ("AusLogics" or "Company") for the software product ("Software") identified above, including any software, media, and accompanying on-line or printed documentation. By installing, copying, or otherwise using the software, you agree to be bound by all of the terms and conditions of this license agreement.
General Terms
This copy of Software may either be used by a single person who uses the software personally on one or more computers, or installed on a single workstation used nonsimultaneously by multiple people, but not both. This is not a concurrent use license. You may access this copy through a network, provided that you have obtained an individual Software license for each workstation that will access Software through the network. For instance, if 8 different workstations will access Software on the network, each workstation must have its own Software license, regardless of whether they use Software at different times or concurrently.
Limited Warranty
This software, and all accompanying files, data and materials, are distributed "AS IS" and with no warranties of any kind, whether express or implied. Good data processing procedure dictates that any program be thoroughly tested with non-critical data before relying on it. The user must assume the entire risk of using the program. This disclaimer of warranty constitutes an essential part of the agreement.
To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, AusLogics and its suppliers disclaim all other warranties and conditions, either expressed or implied, including, but not limited to, implied warranties or merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, title, and non-infringement, with regard to the software, and the provision of or failure to provide software will be error free or will operate without interruption. The entire risk arising out of the user or performance of the AusLogics Software and accompanying written materials remains with you. This limited warranty gives you specific legal rights. You may have others, which vary from state/jurisdiction to state/jurisdiction.
Limitation of Liability
To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, in no event shall AusLogics or its licensors or suppliers be liable for any special, incidental, indirect, consequential, punitive or exemplary damages whatsoever (including, without limitation, damages for loss of business profits or business interruption, goodwill, loss of business information, or any other pecuniary loss) whether based on principles of contract, tort (including negligence), duty, indemnity, contribution or otherwise, arising out of the use of or inability to use the software or the provision of or failure to provide support services, even if AusLogics has been advised of the possibility of such damages. In any case, AusLogics' entire liability under any provision of this license agreement shall be limited to the greater of the amount actually paid by you for the software product.
License Restrictions
All rights of any kind in Software which are not expressly granted in this License are entirely and exclusively reserved to and by Company. You may not rent, lease, modify, translate, reverse engineer, decompile, disassemble or create derivative works based on Software. You may not make access to Software available to others in connection with a service bureau, application service provider, or similar business. There are no third party beneficiaries of any promises, obligations or representations made by Company herein. All copyrights to are exclusively owned by the Company.