Auslogics Anti-Malware is an innovative security solution that helps eliminate threats your antivirus may miss and keeps your sensitive data safe from unauthorized access. Here is what you get in this tool:
- malicious items you'd never suspect existed are detected and removed; - small program size makes it light on system resources, which means it won't slow down your PC; - flexible scheduling options let you scan and constantly monitor your system for threats; - simple interface makes it easy to set up and run for users of any experience level; - no Internet connection is required to run the program; - designed not to conflict with your main antivirus program, adds another layer of protection.
Coming from an industry leader in PC maintenance and optimization, Auslogics Anti-Malware provides multi-faceted protection and gives you the peace of mind you want. The program scans all possible locations on your PC for signs of infections, checks your system for potential security holes and cleans up the toughest malware, spyware and adware threats. It also detects cookies that may be tracking your PC and online activity, analyzes suspicious registry entries and items set to auto-start on your PC, checks browser extensions and add-ons to make sure they don't pose a safety threat to your personal information.
With Auslogics Anti-Malware you don't have to worry about deleting files that may be useful, as you can send items you are not sure about to Quarantine, which lets you restore them later if needed. The three types of scan - quick scan, deep scan and custom scan - allow checking anything you need, from a single item or folder to every corner of your PC system.
Your chances of becoming an ID theft victim instantly drop once you install and activate this powerful shield.
Auslogics Anti-Malware ist eine innovative Sicherheitslösung, die Bedrohungen beseitigt, die Ihr Antivirus nicht entdeckt und schützt sensible Daten vor unbefugtem Zugriff. Hier erfahren Sie, was es beinhaltet:
- schädliche Objekte, die Sie niemals vermutet hätten, werden erkannt und entfernt; - kleine Programmgröße hält den Systemressourcenverbrauch gering, was bedeutet, dass Ihr PC sich nicht verlangsamt; - flexible Planungsoptionen ermöglichen Ihnen Ihr System ständig in Bezug auf Bedrohungen zu scannen und zu überwachen; - einfache Benutzeroberfläche erleichtert das Einrichten und Ausführen für Benutzer jeder Erfahrungsstufe; - keine Internet-Verbindung zum Ausführen des Programms erforderlich; - designt, ohne mit Ihrem Haupt-Antivirenprogramm im Konflikt zu stehen, fügt lediglich eine weitere Schutzschicht hinzu.
Als Branchenführer in PC-Wartung und Optimierung, bietet Auslogics Anti-Malware vielseitigen Schutz und gibt Ihnen die benötigte Gewissheit. Es scannt alle mögliche Orte auf dem PC auf Infektionen, überprüft Systeme auf mögliche Sicherheitslücken und bereinigt die härtesten Malware-, Spyware- und Adware-Bedrohungen. Es erkennt Cookies, die Ihren PC und Online-Aktivitäten verfolgen, analysiert verdächtige Registry-Einträge und Artikel auf Auto-Start-Funktion auf Ihrem PC, kontrolliert Browser-Erweiterungen und Add-ons, stellt sicher, dass die Sicherheit Ihrer persönlichen Daten nicht gefährdet wird.
Mit Auslogics Anti-Malware haben Sie keine Sorgen mehr mit dem Löschen von noch nützlichen Dateien, da Sie Elemente, bei denen Sie unsicher sind, in Quarantäne schicken und bei Bedarf wiederherstellen. Drei Scans - Schnellscan, Tiefenscan und Custom-Scan - ermöglichen Kontrolle über alles Benötigte, von einem Element oder einem Ordner, bis in jede Ecke Ihres PC-Systems.
Die Wahrscheinlichkeit, Opfer eines Identitätsdiebstahls zu werden, sinkt sofort erheblich, sobald Sie dieses starke Schutzschild aktivieren.
Keywords: logiciel malveillant, anti-programmes malveillants, logiciel de sécurité, analyse de virus, antimalware, antivirus
Auslogics Anti-Malware est une solution de sécurité innovante qui permet d'éliminer les menaces que votre antivirus peut omettre et protège vos données sensibles contre les accès non autorisés. Voici quelques points forts à retenir sur Anti-Malware :
- il détecte et supprime efficacement des éléments malveillants qui autrement passeraient inaperçus ; - léger et peu exigent en resources système, il ne ralentira pas votre PC ; - il propose des options de planification flexibles qui vous assurent une analyse et une surveillance permanentes contre les menaces ; - son interface simple facilite l'installation et l'utilisation, ce qui le rend convivial pour tous les utilisateurs ; - conçu pour ne pas entrer en conflit avec votre antivirus principal, il vous offre une couche supplémentaire de protection.
Auslogics Anti-Malware offre une protection multifacettes et vous apporte la tranquillité d'esprit dont vous avez besoin. Le programme effectue une analyse complète de votre PC pour détecter des signes d'infections, vérifie l'existence de failles de sécurité potentielles et élimine les menaces les plus coriaces de logiciels malveillants, espions et publicitaires. Il détecte également les cookies de suivi, analyse les entrées de registre suspectes et les programmes lancés au démarrage de Windows, et vérifie les extensions de navigateur pour protéger vos renseignements personnels.
Avec Auslogics Anti-Malware, aucun risque de supprimer des fichiers utiles : vous pouvez mettre en quarantaine les éléments en cas de doute, ce qui vous permet de les restaurer plus tard si nécessaire. Les trois types d'analyse (analyse rapide, analyse approfondie et analyse personnalisée) vous permettent de vérifier tout ce dont vous avez besoin, qu'il s'agisse d'un seul fichier ou dossier ou de n'importe quel emplacement de votre PC.
Le risque de vol d'identité est réduit considérablement dès l'installation et l'activation de ce bouclier puissant.
Keywords: malware, anti-malware, antimalware, software di protezione, scansione anti-virus, antivirus
Auslogics Anti-Malware è uno strumento di sicurezza innovativo che aiuta a eliminare le minacce che il tuo antivirus potrebbe non trovare e mantiene i tuoi dati sensibili al sicuro da accessi non autorizzati. Ecco cosa otterrai con questo strumento:
- elementi dannosi che non sospettavi esistessero vengono rilevati e rimossi; - la dimensione ridotta del programma non pesa sulle risorse di sistema, evitando così di rallentare il tuo PC; - opzioni di pianificazione flessibili consentono di analizzare e monitorare costantemente il tuo sistema contro le minacce; - progettato per non entrare in conflitto con il programma antivirus principale, aggiunge un ulteriore livello di protezione.
Creato da un leader del settore in manutenzione e ottimizzazione del PC, Auslogics Anti-Malware fornisce una protezione multi-sfaccettata e ti dà la tranquillità che desideri. Il programma analizza tutte le possibili posizioni sul tuo PC per trovare segni di infezioni, controlla il tuo sistema per scovare potenziali falle di sicurezza e pulisce le peggiori minacce malware, spyware e adware. Inoltre, rileva i cookie che possono tracciare il tuo PC e le tue attività online, analizza le voci di registro sospette e gli elementi di avvio automatico sul tuo PC, e verifica estensioni del browser e componenti aggiuntivi per assicurarsi che essi non rappresentino una minaccia di sicurezza ai tuoi dati personali.
Con Auslogics Anti-Malware non devi preoccuparti dell'eliminazione di file che possono essere utili, poiché è possibile inviare elementi di cui non sei sicuro alla Quarantena, che ne consente il ripristino in seguito, se necessario. I tre tipi di scansione (scansione rapida, scansione completa e scansione personalizzata) consentono di verificare tutto il necessario, da un singolo elemento o cartella a ogni angolo del sistema del PC.
Le probabilità di diventare vittima di furto di identità diminuiscono istantaneamente una volta installato e attivato questo potente scudo.
Keywords: malware, anti-malware, антивирус, скачать антивирус, антивредоносное ПО, антивирусное ПО, проверка на вирусы, найти вирус, удалить вирус
Auslogics Anti-Malware - инновационная программа для очистки от вредоносного ПО, которое мог пропустить ваш антивирус. Программа защищает вашу конфиденциальную информацию от незаконного доступа и дает уверенность в безопасности вашего ПК. Anti-Malware предлагает вам:
- обнаружение и удаление вредоносных элементов, о которых вы могли и не подозревать; - минимизацию нагрузки на системные ресурсы, благодаря небольшому размеру программы: ваш ПК не станет работать медленнее; - гибкие настройки автоматического запуска, позволяющие постоянно следить за безопасностью системы; - простой интерфейс, с которым легко сможет работать даже самый неопытный пользователь; - работа программы даже при отсутствии интернет-соединения; - отсутствие конфликтов с вашим основным антивирусом, работа в качестве дополнительного слоя защиты.
Являясь продуктом компании с многолетней репутацией лидера на рынке ПО для оптимизации компьютеров, Auslogics Anti-Malware предлагает многоплановую защиту от самых новых угроз. Программа сканирует все уголки вашей системы на наличие признаков вредоносного ПО или незащищенных точек и устраняет даже самые сложные угрозы. Куки-файлы, отслеживающие ваши действия на ПК или в сети интернет, подозрительные записи реестра, элементы автозапуска, расширения браузеров анализируются на предмет угрозы безопасности и при необходимости удаляются.
С программой Auslogics Anti-Malware вам не нужно беспокоиться о случайном удалении каких-то нужных файлов - если вы не уверены является ли файл нужным, вы можете отправить его в карантин, откуда его можно будет восстановить при необходимости. Три вида сканирования - быстрое, глубокое и кастомное - позволяют проверить от одного отдельного файла до каждого уголка вашей системы.
Auslogics Anti-Malware минимизирует ваши шансы стать жертвой взлома ПК или кражи личных данных.
Keywords: malware, anti-malware, antimalware, software de seguridad, análisis de virus, antivirus
Auslogics Anti-Malware es una herramienta de seguridad innovadora que ayuda a eliminar amenazas que su antivirus puede pasar por alto y mantiene sus datos confidenciales a salvo de accesos no autorizados. Esta herramienta incluye lo siguiente:
- se detectarán y eliminarán ítems maliciosos que no sospecha que existen; - programa liviano que utiliza pocos recursos del sistema por lo que no ralentizará su PC; - opciones de programación flexibles que le permiten analizar y controlar constantemente su sistema en busca de amenazas; - no se requiere conexión a Internet para ejecutar el programa; - disenado para no entrar en conflicto con su antivirus principal. Agrega otra capa de protección.
Auslogics Anti-Malware proviene de un líder de la industria en cuanto al mantenimiento y optimización de PC, provee una protección en múltiples facetas y le da la tranquilidad que desea. El programa analiza todas las ubicaciones posibles de su PC en busca de signos de infección, controla los potenciales agujeros de seguridad y elimina las infecciones más severas de malware, spyware y adware. También detecta las cookies que quizá rastrean su PC y su actividad en línea, analiza entradas del registro sospechosas y los ítems configurados para arrancar con la PC, controla las extensiones y los complementos del navegador para asegurarse de que no constituyan una amenaza a su información personal.
Con Auslogics Anti-Malware no tiene que preocuparse por eliminar archivos que puedan ser útiles, ya que podrá poner los archivos dudosos en cuarentena, lo cual le permite restaurarlos luego si lo necesita. Este programa posee tres tipos de análisis, el análisis rápido, el profundo y el personalizado, que le permiten controlar todo lo que necesita, desde un solo archivo o carpeta hasta todos los recovecos de su PC.
Las probabilidades de convertirse en víctima de robo de identidad disminuyen inmediatamente una vez que instala y activa esta fuerte protección.
- added multiple new features and made improvements to program algorithms; - improved program stability and reliability; - added new interface languages: Spanish, French, German, Japanese, Russian, Italian; - fixed all known bugs; - improved support for Windows 10 Creator Edition.
Distribution permissions: This product can be freely distributed through the Internet. To publish it on a CD, please contact
This license statement and limited warranty constitutes a legal agreement ("License Agreement") between you (either as an individual or a single entity) and AusLogics Labs Pty Ltd ("AusLogics" or "Company") for the software product ("Software") identified above, including any software, media, and accompanying on-line or printed documentation. By installing, copying, or otherwise using the software, you agree to be bound by all of the terms and conditions of this license agreement.
General Terms
This copy of Software may either be used by a single person who uses the software personally on one or more computers, or installed on a single workstation used nonsimultaneously by multiple people, but not both. This is not a concurrent use license. You may access this copy through a network, provided that you have obtained an individual Software license for each workstation that will access Software through the network. For instance, if 8 different workstations will access Software on the network, each workstation must have its own Software license, regardless of whether they use Software at different times or concurrently.
Limited Warranty
This software, and all accompanying files, data and materials, are distributed "AS IS" and with no warranties of any kind, whether express or implied. Good data processing procedure dictates that any program be thoroughly tested with non-critical data before relying on it. The user must assume the entire risk of using the program. This disclaimer of warranty constitutes an essential part of the agreement.
To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, AusLogics and its suppliers disclaim all other warranties and conditions, either expressed or implied, including, but not limited to, implied warranties or merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, title, and non-infringement, with regard to the software, and the provision of or failure to provide software will be error free or will operate without interruption. The entire risk arising out of the user or performance of the AusLogics Software and accompanying written materials remains with you. This limited warranty gives you specific legal rights. You may have others, which vary from state/jurisdiction to state/jurisdiction.
Limitation of Liability
To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, in no event shall AusLogics or its licensors or suppliers be liable for any special, incidental, indirect, consequential, punitive or exemplary damages whatsoever (including, without limitation, damages for loss of business profits or business interruption, goodwill, loss of business information, or any other pecuniary loss) whether based on principles of contract, tort (including negligence), duty, indemnity, contribution or otherwise, arising out of the use of or inability to use the software or the provision of or failure to provide support services, even if AusLogics has been advised of the possibility of such damages. In any case, AusLogics' entire liability under any provision of this license agreement shall be limited to the greater of the amount actually paid by you for the software product.
License Restrictions
All rights of any kind in Software which are not expressly granted in this License are entirely and exclusively reserved to and by Company. You may not rent, lease, modify, translate, reverse engineer, decompile, disassemble or create derivative works based on Software. You may not make access to Software available to others in connection with a service bureau, application service provider, or similar business. There are no third party beneficiaries of any promises, obligations or representations made by Company herein. All copyrights to are exclusively owned by the Company.