Programming :: Components and Libraries, Programming :: Delphi, Programming :: IDEs & Coding Utilities, Programming :: Tools and Editors, Delphi, Pascal, Components, Libraries, Development
Win2000, WinXP, Win7 x32, Win7 x64, Windows 8, Windows 10, WinServer, WinOther, WinVista, WinVista x64
System requirements:
.Net Framework 4.5.2
30 day trial
Keywords: Delphi.Net, Delphi Language, Delphi Components, Delphi VCL, .Net in Delphi, .Net Controls in Delphi, Delphi Pascal, WebService in Delphi, .Net Runtime Library, Delphi XE, Delphi 7, Delphi 10
The .Net Runtime Library for Delphi (CNClrLibrary) is the best library to work with .Net framework and .Net libraries from Delphi. It is designed to provide a way to interact with applications written in anyone of the .Net languages (such as C#, Visual Basic.Net, Delphi.Net, JScript.Net, etc) from Delphi.
CNClrLibrary allows Delphi to use .Net libraries without the need for registry entries, COM registrations, or changes to the .NET libraries. Applications built with the .Net Runtime Library for Delphi will not require any dll files when deployed.
Competitive Advantages: - No extra dll is required when deployed. - No COM registration of .Net Libraries is required when deployed. - There are tools to generate your .Net Libraries into Delphi pas files. - Allows Delphi to consume .Net libraries as if they were native code. - Full access to .Net Framework Class Library. - Easy to use.
CNClrLibrary can do so much: - Allow access to .Net Framework Class Library. - Allow access to Third Party .Net Libraries. - Allow access to your .Net Libraries. - Can host the .Net Common Language Runtime (CLR) in Delphi. - Can load and access assemblies and their types from third party .Net libraries or your own .Net libraries or executable files. - Can load and access assemblies and their types from Global Assembly Cache (GAC). - Can invoke members of the loaded assembly types which includes constructor, fields, properties, methods and events. - Can invoke static members of the loaded assembly types which includes constructor, fields, properties, methods and events. - Can create instance of .Net object from the types of the assembly loaded. - Can handle .Net exceptions. - Can handle, access and invoke .Net events. - Can host .Net controls in Delphi VCL Forms. - Contains a utility for importing .Net libraries or WSDL and generates Delphi pas files. - ...and many more.
Keywords: Delphi, Delphi-Sprache, Delphi-Komponenten, Delphi VCL, .Net in Delphi, .Net-Steuerelemente in Delphi, Delphi Pascal, WebService in Delphi, .Net-Laufzeitbibliothek, Delphi XE, Delphi 7, Delphi 10
Die .NET Runtime Library für Delphi (CNClrLibrary) ist die beste Bibliothek, um mit .Net Framework und .Net Bibliotheken von Delphi zu arbeiten. Es wurde entwickelt, um eine Möglichkeit zur Interaktion mit Anwendungen zu bieten, die in einer der .Net-Sprachen (wie C #, Visual Basic.Net, Delphi.Net, JScript.Net usw.) von Delphi geschrieben wurden.
Es ermöglicht Delphi, .Net-Bibliotheken zu verwenden, ohne dass Registrierungseinträge, COM-Registrierungen oder Änderungen an den .NET-Bibliotheken erforderlich sind.
Wettbewerbsvorteile: - Bei der Bereitstellung ist keine zusätzliche DLL erforderlich. - Bei der Bereitstellung ist keine COM-Registrierung von .Net-Bibliotheken erforderlich. - Es gibt Werkzeuge, um Ihre .Net-Bibliotheken in Delphi-Dateien zu erstellen. - Ermöglicht Delphi, .Net-Bibliotheken als nativen Code zu verwenden. - Voller Zugriff auf die .NET Framework-Klassenbibliothek.
CNClrLibrary kann so viel tun: - Erlaube den Zugriff auf .Net Framework Class Library. - Erlauben Sie den Zugriff auf .Net-Bibliotheken von Drittanbietern. - Erlaube den Zugriff auf deine .Net-Bibliotheken. - Sie können Assemblys und deren Typen von externen .Net-Bibliotheken oder eigenen .Net-Bibliotheken oder ausführbaren Dateien oder von GAC laden und darauf zugreifen. - Kann Elemente der geladenen Assembly-Typen aufrufen, die Konstruktor, Felder, Eigenschaften, Methoden und Ereignisse enthalten. - Kann statische Elemente der geladenen Assembly-Typen aufrufen, die Konstruktor, Felder, Eigenschaften, Methoden und Ereignisse enthalten. - Kann Instanz von .Net-Objekt aus den Typen der geladenen Assembly erstellen. - Kann .Net-Ausnahmen behandeln. - Kann .Net-Ereignisse verarbeiten, auf sie zugreifen und sie aufrufen. - Kann .Net-Steuerelemente in Delphi VCL-Formularen hosten. - Enthält ein Dienstprogramm zum Importieren von .Net-Bibliotheken oder WSDL und generiert Delphi-Pas-Dateien. - und viele mehr
Keywords: Delphi.Net, langage Delphi, composants Delphi, Delphi VCL, .Net dans Delphi, contrôles .Net dans Delphi, Pascal Delphi, WebService dans Delphi, bibliothèque .Net Runtime, Delphi XE, Delphi 7, Delphi 10
La bibliothèque .Net Runtime pour Delphi (CNClrLibrary) est la meilleure bibliothèque pour travailler avec .Net framework et les bibliothèques .Net de Delphi. Il est conçu pour fournir un moyen d'interagir avec des applications écrites dans n'importe lequel des langages .Net (tels que C #, Visual Basic.Net, Delphi.Net, JScript.Net, etc.) à partir de Delphi.
Il permet à Delphi d'utiliser des bibliothèques .Net sans avoir besoin d'entrées de registre, d'enregistrements COM ou de modifications des bibliothèques .NET.
Avantages concurrentiels: - Aucune DLL supplémentaire n'est requise lors du déploiement. - Aucun enregistrement COM des bibliothèques .Net n'est requis lors du déploiement. - Il existe des outils pour générer vos bibliothèques .Net dans les fichiers pas Delphi. - Permet à Delphi de consommer les bibliothèques .Net comme si elles étaient natives. - Accès complet à la bibliothèque de classes .Net Framework.
CNClrLibrary peut faire beaucoup: - Autoriser l'accès à la bibliothèque de classes .Net Framework. - Autoriser l'accès aux bibliothèques .Net tierces. - Autoriser l'accès à vos bibliothèques .Net. - Peut charger et accéder aux assemblys et à leurs types à partir de bibliothèques tierces .Net ou de vos propres bibliothèques .Net ou de fichiers exécutables ou de GAC. - Peut invoquer des membres des types d'assemblage chargés qui incluent le constructeur, les champs, les propriétés, les méthodes et les événements. - Peut invoquer des membres statiques des types d'assembly chargés qui incluent le constructeur, les champs, les propriétés, les méthodes et les événements. - Peut créer une instance d'objet .Net à partir des types de l'assembly chargé. - Peut gérer les exceptions .Net. - Peut gérer, accéder et invoquer des événements .Net. - Peut héberger les contrôles .Net dans les formulaires VCL Delphi. - Contient un utilitaire pour importer des bibliothèques .Net ou WSDL et génère des fichiers pas Delphi. - et beaucoup plus
Keywords: Delphi.Net, Delphi Language, Delphi Components, Delphi VCL, .Net i Delphi, .Net Controls i Delphi, Delphi Pascal, WebService i Delphi, .Net Runtime Library, Delphi XE, Delphi 7, Delphi 10
.Net Runtime Bibliotek for Delphi (CNClrLibrary) er det bedste bibliotek til at arbejde med .Net framework og .Net biblioteker fra Delphi. Det er designet til at give mulighed for at interagere med applikationer, der er skrevet i nogen af .Net-sprogene (f.eks. C #, Visual Basic.Net, Delphi.Net, JScript.Net osv.) Fra Delphi.
Det gør det muligt for Delphi at bruge .Net-biblioteker uden behov for registreringsposter, COM-registreringer eller ændringer til .NET-biblioteker.
Konkurrencefordele: - Der kræves ingen ekstra dll, når den implementeres. - Der kræves ingen COM-registrering af. Net-biblioteker, når de implementeres. - Der er værktøjer til at generere dine. Net-biblioteker i Delphi pas-filer. - Tillader Delphi at forbruge. Netbiblioteker som om de var native kode. - Fuld adgang til. Net Framework Class Library.
CNClrLibrary kan gøre så meget: - Tillad adgang til .Net Framework Class Library. - Tillad adgang til tredjepart. Netbiblioteker. - Tillad adgang til dine. Net biblioteker. - Kan indlæse og få adgang til samlinger og deres typer fra tredjepart. Netbiblioteker eller dine egne. Net biblioteker eller eksekverbare filer eller fra GAC. - Kan påberåbe medlemmer af de indlæste samlingstyper, der omfatter konstruktør, felter, egenskaber, metoder og arrangementer. - Kan påberåbe statiske medlemmer af de indlæste samlingstyper, som omfatter konstruktør, felter, egenskaber, metoder og arrangementer. - Kan skabe forekomst af. Net objekt fra de typer af samlingen lastet. - Kan håndtere. Net undtagelser. - Kan håndtere, få adgang til og påberåbe. Net events. - Kan være vært for .Net kontroller i Delphi VCL Forms. - Indeholder et værktøj til import af .Net biblioteker eller WSDL og genererer Delphi pas filer. - og mange flere
Keywords: Delphi.Net, Delphi Language, Delphi Components, Delphi VCL, .Net in Delphi, .Net Controls in Delphi, Delphi Pascal, WebService in Delphi, .Net Runtime Library, Delphi XE, Delphi 7, Delphi 10
De .Net Runtime-bibliotheek voor Delphi (CNClrLibrary) is de beste bibliotheek om te werken met. Net Framework en .Net-bibliotheken van Delphi. Het is ontworpen om een manier te bieden om te communiceren met applicaties die zijn geschreven in een van de .Net-talen (zoals C #, Visual Basic.Net, Delphi.Net, JScript.Net, enz.) Van Delphi.
Hiermee kan Delphi .Net-bibliotheken gebruiken zonder registervermeldingen, COM-registraties of wijzigingen in de .NET-bibliotheken.
Competitieve voordelen: - Er is geen extra DLL vereist wanneer het wordt gebruikt. - Er is geen COM-registratie van .Net-bibliotheken vereist wanneer deze wordt geïmplementeerd. - Er zijn hulpmiddelen om uw .Net-bibliotheken in Delphi pas-bestanden te genereren. - Laat Delphi .Net-bibliotheken consumeren alsof het native codes zijn. - Volledige toegang tot .Net Framework Class Library.
CNClrLibrary kan zoveel doen: - Toegang tot .Net Framework Class Library toestaan. - Toegang tot externe .Net-bibliotheken toestaan. - Geef toegang tot uw .Net-bibliotheken. - Kan assembly's en hun typen laden en openen van externe .Net-bibliotheken of uw eigen .Net-bibliotheken of uitvoerbare bestanden of van GAC. - Kan leden van de geladen assembly-typen aanroepen die constructor, velden, eigenschappen, methoden en gebeurtenissen bevatten. - Kan statische leden van de geladen assembly-typen aanroepen die constructor, velden, eigenschappen, methoden en gebeurtenissen bevatten. - Kan een instantie van .Net-object maken van de soorten geladen assembly. - Kan overweg met .Net-uitzonderingen. - Kan .Net-evenementen afhandelen, openen en oproepen. - Kan .Net-besturingselementen hosten in Delphi VCL-formulieren. - Bevat een hulpprogramma voor het importeren van .Net-bibliotheken of WSDL en genereert Delphi-pasbestanden. - en nog veel meer
Keywords: Delphi.Net, Delphi Language, Delphi Components, Delphi VCL, .Net in Delphi, .Net Controlli in Delphi, Delphi Pascal, WebService in Delphi, .Net Runtime Library, Delphi XE, Delphi 7, Delphi 10
La libreria di runtime .NET per Delphi (CNClrLibrary) è la migliore libreria per lavorare con .Net framework e librerie .Net di Delphi. È progettato per fornire un modo per interagire con le applicazioni scritte in qualsiasi linguaggio .Net (come C #, Visual Basic.Net, Delphi.Net, JScript.Net, ecc.) Di Delphi.
Permette a Delphi di utilizzare le librerie .Net senza la necessità di voci di registro, registrazioni COM o modifiche alle librerie .NET.
Vantaggi competitivi: - Nessuna dll aggiuntiva è richiesta quando dispiegata. - Nessuna registrazione COM di librerie .Net è richiesta quando implementata. - Ci sono strumenti per generare le tue librerie .Net nei file pas Delphi. - Permette a Delphi di consumare le librerie .Net come se fossero codice nativo. - Accesso completo alla libreria di classi .Net Framework.
CNClrLibrary può fare così tanto: - Consentire l'accesso alla libreria di classi .Net Framework. - Consentire l'accesso a librerie .Net di terze parti. - Permetti l'accesso alle tue librerie .Net. - Può caricare e accedere agli assembly e ai loro tipi da librerie .Net di terze parti o da librerie .Net o file eseguibili o da GAC. - Può richiamare membri dei tipi di assembly caricati che includono costruttore, campi, proprietà, metodi ed eventi. - Può richiamare membri statici dei tipi di assembly caricati che includono costruttore, campi, proprietà, metodi ed eventi. - Può creare istanza di oggetto .Net dai tipi di assembly caricati. - Può gestire le eccezioni .Net. - Può gestire, accedere e invocare eventi .Net. - Può ospitare controlli .Net in Delphi VCL Forms. - Contiene un'utility per l'importazione di librerie .Net o WSDL e genera file pas Delphi. - e molti altri
Keywords: Delphi.Net, Delphi 언어, Delphi 구성 요소, Delphi VCL, .Net in Delphi, .Net 컨트롤, Delphi, Delphi Pascal, WebService in Delphi, .Net 런타임 라이브러리, Delphi XE, Delphi 7, Delphi 10
Delphi 용 .Net Runtime Library (CNClrLibrary)는 Delphi의 .Net 프레임 워크 및 .NET 라이브러리와 함께 사용할 수있는 최고의 라이브러리입니다. Delphi의 .Net 언어 (예 : C #, Visual Basic.Net, Delphi.Net, JScript.Net 등)로 작성된 응용 프로그램과 상호 작용할 수있는 방법을 제공합니다.
CNClrLibrary는 Delphi가 레지스트리 항목, COM 등록 또는 .NET 라이브러리 변경없이 .NET 라이브러리를 사용할 수 있도록합니다. Delphi 용 .Net Runtime Library로 구축 된 응용 프로그램은 배포 할 때 dll 파일을 필요로하지 않습니다.
경쟁 우위: - 배포 할 때 추가 dll이 필요하지 않습니다. - .NET 라이브러리를 배포 할 때 COM 등록이 필요 없습니다. - .Net 라이브러리를 Delphi pas 파일로 생성하는 도구가 있습니다. - Delphi가 .Net 라이브러리를 원시 코드 인 것처럼 사용할 수있게합니다. - .Net Framework 클래스 라이브러리에 대한 전체 액세스 권한. - 사용하기 쉬운.
CNClrLibrary는 그렇게 할 수 있습니다. - .Net Framework 클래스 라이브러리에 대한 액세스를 허용합니다. - 타사 .Net 라이브러리에 대한 액세스 허용. - .Net 라이브러리에 대한 액세스를 허용합니다. - .Net CLR (Common Language Runtime)을 Delphi에서 호스팅 할 수 있습니다. - 제 3 자 .Net 라이브러리 또는 자신의 .Net 라이브러리 또는 실행 파일로부터 어셈블리 및 해당 유형을로드하고 액세스 할 수 있습니다. - GAC (Global Assembly Cache)에서 어셈블리 및 해당 유형을로드하고 액세스 할 수 있습니다. - 생성자, 필드, 속성, 메서드 및 이벤트가 포함 된로드 된 어셈블리 형식의 멤버를 호출 할 수 있습니다. - 생성자, 필드, 속성, 메서드 및 이벤트가 포함 된로드 된 어셈블리 유형의 정적 멤버를 호출 할 수 있습니다. -로드 된 어셈블리 유형에서 .Net 개체의 인스턴스를 만들 수 있습니다. - .Net 예외를 처리 할 수 있습니다. - .Net 이벤트를 처리하고, 액세스하고 호출 할 수 있습니다. - Delphi VCL Forms에서 .Net 컨트롤을 호스팅 할 수 있습니다. - .Net 라이브러리 또는 WSDL을 가져 오기위한 유틸리티가 포함되어 있으며 Delphi pas 파일을 생성합니다. - ...그리고 더 많은.
Keywords: Delphi.Net, Delphi Language, Componentes Delphi, Delphi VCL, .net em Delphi, controles .net em Delphi, Delphi Pascal, WebService em Delphi, .Net Runtime Library, Delphi XE, Delphi 7, Delphi 10
O .Net Runtime Library para Delphi (CNClrLibrary) é a melhor biblioteca para trabalhar com framework .Net e bibliotecas .Net da Delphi. Ele é projetado para fornecer uma maneira de interagir com aplicativos escritos em qualquer uma das linguagens .Net (como C #, Visual Basic.Net, Delphi.Net, JScript.Net, etc) do Delphi.
O CNClrLibrary permite que o Delphi use bibliotecas .Net sem a necessidade de entradas de registro, registros COM ou alterações nas bibliotecas .NET. Aplicativos construídos com o .Net Runtime Library para Delphi não requererão nenhum arquivo dll quando implantados.
Vantagens competitivas: - Nenhuma dll extra é necessária quando implantada. - Nenhum registro COM de Bibliotecas .Net é necessário quando implantado. - Existem ferramentas para gerar suas bibliotecas .Net em arquivos Delphi pas. - Permite que o Delphi consuma bibliotecas .Net como se fossem código nativo. - Acesso total ao .Net Framework Class Library. - Fácil de usar.
CNClrLibrary pode fazer tanto: - Permitir acesso à biblioteca de classes do .Net Framework. - Permitir acesso a bibliotecas .Net de terceiros. - Permitir acesso às suas bibliotecas .Net. - Pode hospedar o CLR (Common Language Runtime) do .Net no Delphi. - Pode carregar e acessar conjuntos e seus tipos de bibliotecas .Net de terceiros ou suas próprias bibliotecas .Net ou arquivos executáveis. - Pode carregar e acessar conjuntos e seus tipos do Cache de Montagem Global (GAC). - Pode invocar membros dos tipos de montagem carregados que incluem construtor, campos, propriedades, métodos e eventos. - Pode invocar membros estáticos dos tipos de montagem carregados, o que inclui construtor, campos, propriedades, métodos e eventos. - Pode criar uma instância do objeto .Net a partir dos tipos de montagem carregados. - Pode lidar com exceções .Net. - Pode manipular, acessar e invocar eventos .Net. - Pode hospedar controles .Net no Delphi VCL Forms.
Keywords: Delphi, Delphi, Delphi, Delphi VCL, .Net в Delphi, .Net Элементы управления в Delphi, Delphi Pascal, WebService в Delphi, .Net Runtime Library, Delphi XE, Delphi 7, Delphi 10
Библиотека времени .Net Runtime для Delphi (CNClrLibrary) - лучшая библиотека для работы с .NET-сетями и библиотеками .Net от Delphi. Он предназначен для обеспечения взаимодействия с приложениями, написанными на любом из .Net-языков (например, C #, Visual Basic.Net, Delphi.Net, JScript.Net и т. Д.) Из Delphi.
Это позволяет Delphi использовать библиотеки .Net, не требуя записей реестра, регистрации COM или изменений в библиотеках .NET.
Конкурентные преимущества: - При развертывании не требуется дополнительная dll. - При развертывании не требуется COM-регистрация .Net-библиотек. - Есть инструменты для создания ваших .Net-библиотек в файлы Delphi pas. - Позволяет Delphi потреблять библиотеки .Net, как если бы они были собственным кодом. - Полный доступ к библиотеке классов .Net Framework.
CNClrLibrary может так много сделать: - Разрешить доступ к библиотеке классов .Net Framework. - Разрешить доступ к сторонним .Net-библиотекам. - Разрешить доступ к вашим .Net-библиотекам. - Может загружать и получать доступ к сборкам и их типам из сторонних библиотек .Net или ваших собственных. Net-библиотек или исполняемых файлов или из GAC. - Может вызывать элементы загруженных типов сборок, которые включают в себя конструктор, поля, свойства, методы и события. - Может вызывать статические элементы загруженных типов сборок, которые включают в себя конструктор, поля, свойства, методы и события. - Может создавать экземпляр объекта .Net из загруженных типов сборки. - Может обрабатывать исключения .Net. - Может обрабатывать, получать доступ и вызывать .Net-события. - Может размещать .Net-элементы управления в Delphi VCL Forms. - Содержит утилиту для импорта .Net-библиотек или WSDL и создает файлы Delphi pas. - и многое другое
Keywords: Delphi.Net, Delphi Language, Delphi Components, Delphi VCL, .Net en Delphi, .Net Controls en Delphi, Delphi Pascal, WebService en Delphi, .Net Runtime Library, Delphi XE, Delphi 7, Delphi 10
La .Net Runtime Library para Delphi (CNClrLibrary) es la mejor biblioteca para trabajar con .Net framework y las bibliotecas .Net de Delphi. Está diseñado para proporcionar una forma de interactuar con aplicaciones escritas en cualquiera de los lenguajes .Net (como C #, Visual Basic.Net, Delphi.Net, JScript.Net, etc.) de Delphi.
Permite a Delphi utilizar bibliotecas .Net sin la necesidad de entradas de registro, registros COM o cambios a las bibliotecas .NET.
Ventajas competitivas: - No se requiere dll adicional cuando se implementa. - No se requiere el registro COM de las bibliotecas .Net cuando se implementa. - Hay herramientas para generar sus bibliotecas .Net en archivos Delphi pas. - Permite a Delphi consumir bibliotecas .Net como si fueran código nativo. - Acceso completo a .Net Framework Class Library.
CNClrLibrary puede hacer tanto: - Permitir el acceso a .Net Framework Class Library. - Permitir acceso a bibliotecas .Net de terceros. - Permitir el acceso a sus bibliotecas .Net. - Puede cargar y acceder a ensambles y sus tipos de bibliotecas .Net de terceros o sus propias bibliotecas .Net o archivos ejecutables o desde GAC. - Puede invocar miembros de los tipos de ensamblaje cargados que incluyen constructor, campos, propiedades, métodos y eventos. - Puede invocar miembros estáticos de los tipos de ensamblados cargados que incluyen constructor, campos, propiedades, métodos y eventos. - Puede crear una instancia de objeto .Net a partir de los tipos de ensamblaje cargados. - Puede manejar excepciones .Net. - Puede manejar, acceder e invocar eventos .Net. - Puede alojar controles .Net en formularios Delphi VCL. - Contiene una utilidad para importar bibliotecas .Net o WSDL y genera archivos Delphi pas. - y muchos más
Keywords: Delphi.Net, Delphi Dili, Delphi Bileşenleri, Delphi VCL, Delphi'de Net, Delphi'de Net Kontrolleri, Delphi Pascal, Delphi'de Web Hizmeti, Net Çalışma Zamanı Kütüphanesi, Delphi XE, Delphi 7, Delphi 10
Delphi için Net Çalışma Zamanı Kütüphanesi (CNClrLibrary), Delphi'deki .Net framework ve .Net kütüphaneleriyle çalışmak için en iyi kütüphaneydi. .Net dillerinden herhangi birinde (C #, Visual Basic.Net, Delphi.Net, JScript.Net, vb.) Delphi'den yazılmış uygulamalarla etkileşime girmenin bir yolunu sağlamak için tasarlanmıştır.
CNClrLibrary, Delphi'nin .Net kütüphanelerini, kayıt defteri girdileri, COM kayıtları veya .NET kütüphanelerinde yapılan değişikliklere ihtiyaç duymadan kullanmasını sağlar. Delphi için Net Çalışma Zamanı Kitaplığı ile oluşturulan uygulamalar, dağıtıldığında herhangi bir dll dosyası gerektirmez.
Rekabet avantajları: - Açıldığında fazladan dll gerekmez. - Konuşlandırıldığında .Net Kütüphanelerinin COM kaydı gerekli değildir. - Net kütüphanelerinizi Delphi pas dosyalarına dönüştürecek araçlar var. - Delphi'nin .Net kütüphanelerini yerel kodlarmış gibi tüketmelerini sağlar. - Net Framework Sınıf Kütüphanesi'ne tam erişim. - Kullanımı kolay.
CNClrLibrary çok şey yapabilir: - .Net Framework Sınıf Kütüphanesine erişime izin verin. - Üçüncü Parti .Net Kütüphanelerine erişim izni verin. - .Net Kütüphanelerinize erişim izni verin. - Delphi'de .Net Ortak Dil Çalışma Zamanı'nı (CLR) barındırabilir. - Montajları ve türlerini üçüncü taraf .Net kütüphanelerinden veya kendi .Net kütüphanelerinden veya yürütülebilir dosyalarından yükleyebilir ve bunlara erişebilir. - Global Assembly Cache'den (GAC) montajları ve türlerini yükleyebilir ve bunlara erişebilir. - Yapıcı, alanlar, özellikler, yöntemler ve olayları içeren yüklü montaj türlerinin üyelerini çağırabilir. - Yapıcı, alanlar, özellikler, yöntemler ve olayları içeren yüklü montaj türlerinin statik üyelerini çağırabilir. - Yüklenen derleme türlerinden .Net nesnesinin örneğini oluşturabilir. - Net istisnalar işleyebilir. - .Net olayları işleyebilir, erişebilir ve onları çağırabilir. - Delphi VCL Formlarında Net kontrolleri barındırabilir.
- Supports Delphi 10.3 Rio. - Fixed 'Could not convert variant of type (Unknown) into type (OleStr) error'. - Fixed bug in host container when hosting .Net WPF controls in Delphi. - Win64 Apps using the Runtime Library no longer requires borlndmm.dll when deploying app. - Usability improvements.
Distribution permissions: The trial version of the .Net Runtime Library for Delphi can be freely distributed over the internet in an unchanged form.
CrystalNet .Net Runtime Library for Delphi Developer License Agreement Copyright 2013-2019, CrystalNet Technologies LTD. All Rights Reserved ------------------------------------------------------------------
IMPORTANT- READ CAREFULLY: This CRYSTALNET TECHNOLOGIES LTD End-User License Agreement ('EULA') is a legal agreement between you (either an individual or a legal entity), and CRYSTALNET for software, components, source code, documentation, demos, or other materials ('SOFTWARE PRODUCT') contained in this distribution.
By purchasing installing, copying, or otherwise using the SOFTWARE PRODUCT, you agree (a) that you have read this EULA (b) that you understand it (c) that you agree to be bound by the terms of this EULA. If you do not agree to any part of the terms of this EULA, DO NOT INSTALL, COPY, USE, EVALUATE, OR REPLICATE IN ANY MANNER, ANY PART, FILE OR PORTION OF THE SOFTWARE PRODUCT. THE SOFTWARE PRODUCT IS LICENSED, NOT SOLD.
1. GRANT OF LICENSE Subject to your continuous compliance with this EULA and payment of the applicable license fees, CRYSTALNET grants you a non-exclusive and limited license to install and use the SOFTWARE PRODUCT (a) during the term of such license (“License Term”), (b) within the scope of the License Type described in Section 2, (c) on the permitted number of computers, (d) in a manner consistent with the terms of this EULA. Unless otherwise defined in this EULA or at the time of purchase, License Term shall be perpetual.
2.1 FULL LICENSE You may install, activate and use ONE (1) copy of the SOFTWARE PRODUCT on ONE (1) computer provided it is used by ONE (1) person. You may install, activate and use an additional copy of the SOFTWARE PRODUCT on a second portable device, laptop or home COMPUTER for the exclusive use of the same person only.
2.2 EVALUATION (TRIAL) USE LICENSE You may install and use ONE (1) copy of the SOFTWARE PRODUCT for evaluation purposes only, for a period of 30 calendar days from the date of installation ('Evaluation Period”). Upon expiration of the Evaluation Period the SOFTWARE PRODUCT must be uninstalled and all copies destroyed. Upon expiration of the Evaluation Period you have the following options: (a) Purchase a LICENSE to continue using SOFTWARE PRODUCT. (b) Uninstall the SOFTWARE PRODUCT from the CLIENT COMPUTER and destroy all copies. You MAY NOT CREATE commercial applications or begin software projects using the SOFTWARE PRODUCT under the terms of the EVALUATION (TRIAL) USE LICENSE.
3. TWELVE (12) MONTH SUBSCRIPTION AND UPDATES CRYSTALNET licenses the SOFTWARE PRODUCT on a SUBSCRIPTION basis. A SUBSCRIPTION lasts for a 12 month ('SUBSCRIPTION TERM') period from the date of purchase. During the SUBSCRIPTION TERM and upon payment of all applicable subscription fees, you will be eligible to receive all major and minor updates for the SOFTWARE PRODUCT during this 12 month period. Upon expiration of the SUBSCRIPTION TERM (12 months, plus 1 day after original purchase date), you can optionally renew the SOFTWARE PRODUCT SUBSCRIPTION for an additional 12 month period (and each subsequent year thereafter) in order to continue receiving major and minor updates of the SOFTWARE PRODUCT from CRYSTALNET.
4. TECHNICAL SUPPORT You may request from CRYSTALNET technical assistance with using the SOFTWARE PRODUCT over email, public forums, or other available channels. CRYSTALNET shall use its reasonable endeavours to answer queries raised, but does not guarantee that your queries or problems will be fixed or solved. If the SUBSCRIPTION of your license has expired, CRYSTALNET reserves right to decline your technical support query.
5. COPYRIGHT AND INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY OWNERSHIP All title and copyrights in and to the SOFTWARE PRODUCT (including but not limited to any copywritten images, demos, source code, intermediate files, packages, animations, video, audio and text incorporated into the SOFTWARE PRODUCT) the accompanying printed materials, and any copies of the SOFTWARE PRODUCT are the intellectual property of and are owned by CRYSTALNET. The structure, organization, and source code of the SOFTWARE PRODUCT are the valuable trade secrets and confidential information of CRYSTALNET. The SOFTWARE PRODUCT is protected by international law, including but not limited to the international copyright laws, and by international treaty provisions. This agreement does not grant you any intellectual property rights in the SOFTWARE PRODUCT. All rights not expressly granted are reserved by CRYSTALNET.
5.1 LIMITATIONS ON REVERSE ENGINEERING, DECOMPILATION, AND DISASSEMBLY. You may not reverse engineer, decompile, create derivative works or disassemble the SOFTWARE PRODUCT. If the SOFTWARE PRODUCT is purchased by you with the intent to reverse engineer, decompile, create derivative works, or the exploitation and unauthorized transfer of any CRYSTALNET intellectual property and trade secrets, to include any exposed methods or source code where provided, no licensed right of use shall exist and any products created as a result shall be judged illegal by definition. Any sale or resale of intellectual property or created derivatives so obtained will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of all local and international law.
6. REDISTRIBUTION You may NOT redistribute the SOFTWARE PRODUCT unless you are explicitly authorized by CRYSTALNET as a reseller. Authorized resellers may redistribute the SOFTWARE PRODUCT only in the form of the original distribution package.
7. RENTAL You may not rent, lease, or lend the SOFTWARE PRODUCT.
8. TRANSFER You may NOT permanently or temporarily transfer ANY of your rights under this EULA to any individual or legal entity without prior written approval from CRYSTALNET.
9. PRODUCTS DISCONTINUANCE CRYSTALNET reserves the right to discontinue the SOFTWARE PRODUCT, whether offered as a standalone product or solely as a component, at any time. However, CRYSTALNET is obligated to provide support for a period of ONE (1) year after the date of discontinuance.
11. TERMINATION Without prejudice to any other rights or remedies, CRYSTALNET will terminate this EULA upon your failure to comply with all the terms and conditions of this EULA. In such events, you must destroy all copies of the SOFTWARE PRODUCT and all of its component parts including any related documentation, and must remove ANY and ALL use of CRYSTALNET intellectual property from any applications distributed by you, whether in native, altered or compiled states.
12. CHANGE OF TERMS CrystalNet may make changes to the EULA from time to time. When these changes are made, CrystalNet will make a new copy of the EULA available at the product download page. You understand and agree that if you use the SOFTWARE PRODUCT after the date on which the EULA has been changed, CrystalNet will treat your use as acceptance of the updated EULA. You agree that CrystalNet may provide you with notices, including those regarding changes to the EULA, by email.